The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 460 Yu Liang, I wrongly blamed you, you are a truly good teammate QAQ

As an actor, Aze can perfectly replace other roles.

Whether in the copy or outside the copy.

Whether it is the player in the dungeon or other creatures in the dungeon, he can achieve this goal through the skill coordination between his personality clones.

The actor himself provides the script and can only obtain a one-hour script. However, after obtaining the script of a certain character many times, Aze can understand the character almost perfectly from the content of the script.

Personality, methods of dealing with things, emotions, mantras, characteristic behaviors...

Every detail will be discovered by him and easily handled.

This is the talent and ability of an "actor".

Understanding the character through the script is what actors should do.

Aze, who has just been promoted to T1, has created a whole special system for himself through his understanding of the true meaning of "actor".

Confessor, this alienated profession allows limited-time skills to be used repeatedly, and with script capabilities, more character information can be obtained.

Metaverse system designer, this alienated profession can blur the difference between the copy and reality, allowing Aze to use his various abilities in reality.

Shadow Puppeteer, this is an alienated profession captured by players last season. It has the ability to create "skin bags", but it can only control shadow puppets and needs to stuff other creatures into the skin bags for control.

This "other creature" is naturally the actor Aze himself.

Relying on the professional ability of three belts and one, Aze can play whoever he wants to play.

However, Aze, one of the top actors in the world of ghost stories, was actually cast this time.

He didn't even know why this so-called Heixu's ability was so similar to his own.

The most outrageous thing is, how could it be such a coincidence? !

He finally managed to sneak into the side of the highest officer, Elder Yuan Yuan, and he was sure that he would have absolutely no problem in the general direction.

Perhaps Elder Yuan is very familiar with the original Secretary of Trigonometrica and can detect something a little wrong with him, but most likely he won't think much about it. After all, the Trigonometrical Secretary played by Aze is very realistic.

As a result, I just saw an Octagon coming to report the situation of Heixu.

If Elder Yuan was not stupid, he would have discovered the problem just by thinking carefully.

Aze really wanted to know how things turned out like this, because he had just listened to the whole story, and coupled with the information sent back from the soldier Aze, Heixu was very similar to the "Shadow Player", so Heixu's It's most likely true.

Is this the surprise Yu Liang wants to tell himself?

Aze, who was hiding in the thirty-sided skin, looked at Elder Yuan. He had worked beside Elder Yuan for two or three days, so he naturally knew the nature of the elder.

When Elder Yuan asked such a question, no matter how he explained it, it didn't matter.

It doesn't matter whether the body of the Trisagon is occupied by black void.

There are many, many more trigonal shapes in this flat country.

Even if he is infinitely close to a circle, it is not a circle after all. As long as he is not a circle, he has no power to control his own life and death.

Even if there is only a possibility of "black void", Elder Yuan will definitely change all the graphics around him.

It can be said that the Thirty-Sagonal latent plan is over.

Total failure.

Even though Aze had experienced many failures and was used to it, he still couldn't bear to fail on such an inexplicable "surprise".

At this moment, Aze really wanted to use that Raushizi hook to hook Yu Liang over, and then grab him by the collar and question him.


Come and tell me what a surprise is!


Aze knew that there were a large number of elite guards hidden in the circular mansion, and in his current state, there was no way he could get out.

So far, only his true form and the shadow puppet master Aze exist here, which is far from his peak combat power.

Without the stamp column and character column, the actor's body is extremely weak, which is completely different from the writer who controls the Kaidan universe.

Shadow puppet master Aze...

Possessing some combat abilities, he can drive the shadow puppets to fight and cleverly confuse the enemy, but it is difficult to work here.

Shadow puppets need light, skin, and shadow. These conditions are not too harsh, but it is difficult to get all three together in this special two-dimensional world.

A semi-auxiliary profession, coupled with the actor's identity, this is all Aze's bargaining chip at the moment.

There's some trouble.

The most important thing is that the soldier Aze has been sent out of Lingcheng by "Yu Liang". They fought all the way out, so the four gates of Lingcheng are probably heavily guarded now, hoping to rescue the main body before returning to Lingcheng. It's simply impossible.

It's easy to get out, but you'll have to face thousands of troops when you get in. Only thirty or forty soldiers, coupled with the revolutionary thoughts that have not been fully catalyzed, will definitely not be able to break through the North City Gate.

After this operation, it was hard for Aze not to suspect that Yu Liang did it on purpose.

"Oh?" Elder Yuan Yuan's voice suddenly became kind again, "Enge, I thought you would defend yourself, but unexpectedly, you didn't say anything about it?"

He smiled, as if he wanted to extinguish all the hope of the 30agon: "Unfortunately, before the octagon reported it, I had already received the body on the street. At that time, I didn't know it was a black man. Virtual, but now, I completely understand.”

The round elder looked at the octagon, and his appreciation was palpable: "Obviously, what our octagon professor said is completely correct. He was the first figure to discover the truth and report it to me."

Obviously, the next high-level officials in Lingcheng need to go through some cleaning to ensure that the high-level officials are not infiltrated by Heixu.

When there is an urgent need for help, Professor Octagon is indeed a very useful guy. He took the initiative to come to the Round Mansion to tell Heixu the truth, so there is a high probability that Heixu is not pretending to be Heixu.

It's just that the number of side lengths is a little less, and his background is a little humble, but that doesn't make any difference.

"My honor." Professor Octagon saluted in time. "Forgive me for being abrupt, Elder. I am stupid enough to think that the Elder knows nothing about this matter."

"It doesn't matter." Elder Yuan turned his head and looked at Thirigogon.

" wife and children are all innocent. I beg you to let them go." Thirty-sided Aze shook his body with sadness in his voice. If outsiders came to see it, they might really be shocked by his behavior. Deceived by appearance.

"Your wife and children, well, your wife and children." Elder Yuan laughed, "If I remember correctly, you married a thirty-three-sided lady as your wife three years ago, right? With the help of As my secretary, you have indeed obtained the qualification to 'climb high', and you and your wife have indeed succeeded in giving birth to a lovely round baby."

As Elder Round spoke, Professor Octagon stood in the corner of the room, saying nothing, simply listening.

Of course, his mind was still active, and he understood the meaning of Elder Yuan's words almost instantly.

Extremely polygonal shapes already have a probability of giving birth to round babies. The better the genes of the original parents, the higher the probability that their offspring will have round babies.

If a round shape is created...

It can be said that circles are born with authority, and their IQ allows them to easily integrate into the ruling class and become leaders.

The best one among the circles will become one of the rulers of a city just like the current elders of the circle.

What an honorable position this is!

And this is also the position for which the children of Trigonagon Engel are eligible to run.

Of course, this is also true. This Engel's child will definitely not survive tonight. Elder Yuan will not tolerate an "enemy" child growing to the same size as himself.

Even if he could use the excuse "your father is controlled by Heixu" to excuse him.

The circle class has the power of life and death over other shapes, even if they are also circles.

As for me……

Octagon sighed in his heart. He didn't know what his fate would be, but thinking about it, there were only two options left.

Either join the team of Elder Yuan, use your profound knowledge to help Elder Yuan do things, and do more and better things.

In the future, he probably won't be able to be a professor anymore, and will have to live in seclusion behind the scenes of the circular elders, becoming a figure like a "staff member".

Or, die.

Octagon smiled in his heart, but both of the above situations were impossible, because he came this time to obey the order of that adult, and that adult...

I still need his help, so I will never leave him alone.

Unfortunately, there is a strict inspection process when entering the circular mansion. No sharp, dangerous objects or strange things are allowed to be brought in. Even the adult has not found a way to sneak in.

After all, the invisibility talisman did not "disappear out of thin air", so it could not pass through the surroundings and follow him into the mansion without any trace of life.

"Yes, do you still remember him? Dear elder, please let him go because he is round." Thirty-sided Aze showed his acting skills and immediately began to perform, "You can accept him As an adopted son, he can’t remember me because he doesn’t remember anything yet, so he can be your best helper.”

At the same time, Aze also realized where the only way out was.

Kill the round elder!

Since Professor Octagon brought the news about Heixu, which was too secretive, Elder Yuan screened away the guards.

At the same time, this is also because the round elder is very confident that the other two shapes present cannot kill him, because they are hexagonal and octagonal.

This kind of polygon no longer has sharp angles, and all the sharp weapons that may be on the body were removed outside the mansion. Elder Yuan was absolutely confident in his own safety, so he calmly wanted to ask the question from the mouth of the polygon. Tell the truth.

Little does he know that this kind of negligence will kill himself!

There are two figures on the scene. The round elder and the octagonal professor must be dealt with without making any sound.

This is a bit difficult, but it is the best way at the moment.

Aze let out a long breath, quietly exited the thirty-sided skin bag, and hid behind the skin bag.

Somehow, the shadow puppeteer's threads connected from other rooms and controlled the skin, so in the eyes of the round elder and the octagonal professor, there was still a thirty-sided shape here.

Very good, there are no guards near the room where the shadow puppeteer is. He can help me control the thirty-sided skin bag.

Aze thought, while silently counting "three two one" in his heart, and then suddenly launched a surprise attack and rushed towards the elder Yuan Yuan.

On the other side, the shadow puppeteer followed Aze's instructions and controlled the thirty-sided figure to rush towards the octagonal professor. His task was to temporarily stop the professor and create a favorable environment for a duel between Aze himself and the round elder.

Now in this room, only Aze, the paper man, has a weapon that can barely be considered an acute angle, so he can only be the main attacker.

Speaking of which, this is one of the rare times that Aze does it by himself. Due to his professional characteristics, his body has almost no fighting ability.

"What..." Elder Yuan Yuan also did not expect that a figure he did not recognize would appear in the room, and it was also a paper man with a sharp weapon. He was so frightened that he called for help.

However, Aze had rehearsed it three times in his mind, and naturally he would not give the Yuan Yuan elder any chance to call for help. He barely stabbed the Yuan Yuan elder's vocal area with a sharp knife, and then A Ze's body immediately pressed against it, trying his best to He blocked the vocal organ with the ground, and at the same time stabbed the circular elder's body with his knife.

One after another, until he completely killed the round elder, he quickly ran towards the octagonal professor whose body was blocked by the 30-sided skin bag, intending to kill him.

At this time, Professor Octagon just broke free from Trichogon's skin. He looked in that direction and understood what was happening here in an instant.

The trigonon killed the round elder!

No, it’s not a 30-sided figure, that’s a paper figure...

Wait, that guy doesn’t know the secret of the circular hierarchy!

The round body structure is very special. They have two sets of vocal organs. Most round animals will not actively cultivate the second vocal organ, but this does not mean that they cannot use it.

Moreover, the circular shape is unique. It has the most powerful defense among all shapes, and it is very likely that he was not completely killed!

"Uh-" A strange protrusion suddenly appeared on the other side of the round elder's body, and he let out a scream.

The octagon swooped forward, violently struck the round second vocal organ, and then clung to this organ.

"Quick, finish the kill first." Octagon turned back and whispered to Aze.

Aze was also frightened by Yuan Yuan's "resurrection from the dead". Fortunately, this octagon reacted quickly. If Yuan Yuan's voice was let out, he would really be doomed!

He stepped forward quickly and stabbed him hard several times. He didn't stop completely until Octagon said "Okay".

Indeed, just now because he wanted to kill two figures quickly, he ran to attack the octagon without fully confirming the death of the circle. This gave Elder Yuan the opportunity to fake his death.

Now that the octagon was on his side, he breathed a sigh of relief and could rest assured that he could finish the attack until the circle was completely dead.

"Elder, what happened inside?" The guard asked from the door. It sounded like the abnormal noise just now attracted attention.

"It's okay, Elder Yuan is still discussing important matters with Professor Octagon, please don't disturb." The shadow puppeteer controlled Sango's body to the door and ordered through the closed door.

On the other side, Aze looked at the octagon and immediately asked: "Why do you want to help me?"

"Because I came under the order of another player, and I saw that you are also a player, so naturally I have to assist." Octagon said with a smile.

"Another player?" Aze had some guesses in his mind.

Yu Liang.

As for the player who is still in Ling City now, he is probably the only one.

"I'm afraid, I know who you are talking about." Aze continued, "Did a guy who can summon weird creatures ask you to come here?"

"That's right." Octagon met a guy who was familiar with Yu Liang here, and he suddenly felt like meeting a fellow villager. Now he could feel a little more relaxed.

"Then how do you know that a circle has a sound-producing organ? You don't even know about the trigonagon." This is the second question that Aze is curious about.

"Yes." Octagon walked towards Yuanyuan's corpse, "I once dissected a circle, so I know their secrets."

He said with some regret: "Unfortunately, it was a juvenile round, so its skin was not used, and now, we have obtained a real round skin."

"Yes." Aze's heart ignited with excitement. He has never seen the script of Yuan Yuan, but after a few days of getting along with him, he still understands Elder Yuan Yuan quite well. If he insists on playing the role, he will not know how to play it in a short time. anything goes wrong.

In fact, "short time" is enough!

Octagon was actually sent by Yu Liang to assist him, and he really gave himself a surprise...

Yu Liang, I wrongly blamed you, you are a truly good teammate!

Tears. (End of chapter)

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