The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 459 Aze: Yu Liang, thank you so much for the surprise!

[Player-Nanu completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】

[Player-Miyamoto completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】


Under Li Huachao's strong suppression, no one present raised any objections. They just acquiesced that other players had unblocked the first phase of the main mission.

During the exchange of answers, all the players present had a basic understanding of this flat country and a clearer understanding of the current dilemma before the players.

There are three big cities in Flatland, and they have only temporarily solved the shadow problem in the first city.

Judging from the direction of the shadows at dawn, they should be heading towards the other two cities to develop their power in those places.

Every time they think about this, the players present will feel a layer of gloom in their hearts, because now they can't stop the shadows there from killing players, and they can't stop them from growing stronger.

According to this trend, players in the hexagonal city and circular city will suffer a lot, especially since they have not yet unlocked their abilities.

Thinking of this, some of the players present felt a little lucky. Fortunately, there was such a helpful person like the Beast Tamer in their Ling City.

Although this is because the players share a common destiny, if you look at the few players who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make money, you will know that even powerful enemies still have such small thoughts.

In comparison, it is not an exaggeration to describe this animal trainer as "saving all sentient beings".

It's a pity that they don't know that Li Huachao just doesn't like this small amount of money, so why should he follow him? He started exploiting her as soon as they met. Should the future cooperation continue?

Can one person increase his wealth by just collecting a few characters or supernatural items?

"You are all here already, much faster than I thought." Soldier Aze walked out of the dark alley to the east and entered the circular building, followed by thirty or forty red men. Green and white triangle.

The triangles didn't say anything, they just faintly pointed their sharp weapons at the players present. They carried an unspeakable chilling aura, and the atmosphere in the circular building also dropped to freezing point in an instant. The players looked at each other in confusion. Looking at this familiar player, they didn't know what their attitude should be.

"Well, you're here." Li Huachao looked at the soldiers Aze and the elite soldiers behind him, and felt a little dissatisfied.

Damn it, a large group of monsters like me can just intimidate these players who live here, but you can scare them all by yourself with these broken triangles?

Damn it, why do you feel like you are better than me?

Li Huachao, who was pretending to be a tiger and a tiger but relying on the power of others, felt a little unhappy, but he still asked: "Will the property be transferred next? Will these players be brought to the mining area?"

"That's about it. Let's go and seek refuge with Aze first. A relatively hard wall has been built in the mining area, which can provide some resistance to foreign enemies." Soldier Aze said, "But before that, we may need to go to the other two A city, rescue the surviving players there, and take away as many as you can."

"Yes, it's pretty much what I thought." Li Huachao immediately said with approval.

"Mining area? Where is that place?" The players heard the conversation between Li Huachao and the soldier Aze and asked immediately.

"In the wilderness in the southeast." Soldier Aze replied, "There are not many official forces from the Flat Country there, so it is relatively safe."

He thought for a while and continued: "But now, there are many quadrilateral merchants there, and they want to obtain the colored ore from the mining area for transportation and sales."

"The mining area...did the colors actually come from there?" Exclaims came from the players. They naturally knew about this new color that appeared in Ling City. It can be said that this is the most important change in Ling City.

"That's right." Soldier Aze seemed to want to say something more, but was immediately interrupted by Li Huachao, "Okay, okay, take them and leave Lingcheng first. If it's too late, you won't be able to leave."

Due to the previous sacrifices of the four shadows, Aze's army of killing Matt has been exposed in Lingcheng. Once the superiors investigate and strengthen the city gate guards, they will not be able to leave.

"What about you?" Soldier Aze was stunned. Li Huachao didn't go with them, which was really unexpected.

"Me? Of course I still need to stay here for a while." Li Huachao smiled mysteriously, "I remember that you can directly contact other Azes, right? Tell Aze's body that I have a surprise for him!"

The surprise he was talking about was of course "Black Void". This was a way to instantly cause chaos in Flatland. Not only would it completely attract the attention of the upper echelons of Flatland, allowing them to flawlessly take care of the soldier Aze's private elite soldiers, it would also be able to significantly Promote the progress of the revolution and let the grand scene that Aze longs for come quickly.

Well, this is not only the grand scene that Aze yearns for, but also the grand scene that Li Huachao longs for.

A man is born in the world to do great things.

One general can achieve great success, and make good use of all available resources to achieve hegemony.

When Aze really overthrows the circular class rule of the Flat Country and can control a terrifying triangular army, won't this shadow be self-defeating?

No matter how helpless the player is facing the soldiers of Flatland, those shadows are no more helpless. Even if all abilities are unlocked, it only increases the chance of escape.

Is it possible that dozens of shadows can really compete with hundreds of triangles?

In this plane rule, once it is pierced by an acute angle, death is not far away.

Very scary!

"Surprise?" Soldier Aze didn't quite understand what Li Huachao meant, but since it was his request, Soldier Aze didn't refuse and passed the message through the team's voice.

Anyway, this writer Yu Liang is very strong and there is really no need to follow them.

For such an elite, it would probably be more efficient to do their own thing.

On the other side, Aze was a little confused about the information from the soldiers. He was very happy to learn about Yu Liang's existence, but he was not so happy to learn that Yu Liang was going to give him a surprise.

According to his understanding of Yu Liang, Yu Liang is not a guy who takes the initiative to claim credit, not to mention that he has not succeeded yet.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, the big plan is about to come true. Even if Yu Liang wants to sabotage it, it won't be that easy, and the other party has no reason to sabotage it.

Players have a community of destiny, this is no joke.

If you accidentally lose everything, you will be killed by the shadow army.

Next, under the leadership of the soldier Aze, the players and Triangle attacked the North City Gate together. The guards at the North City Gate were all killed off guard, unable to stop the attack of the players and the elite Triangle. Then they left Lingxiang. city ​​and enter the surrounding villages.

There were already players waiting in the village who had received the news in advance. They had just seen the prompt boxes popping up one after another for players to unlock abilities. Therefore, under the explanation of the soldier Aze, they trusted the players who escaped from Ling City without hesitation. , and joined the team.

At present, the shadow enemy is strong, and normal players are still more taboo about acting alone. Since there are so many people and elite triangles as guards, it is of course safer to act together.

For players participating in any copy, survival is always the most important thing.

As for the main mission...

Don't worry, there will always be strong players who will take care of it. When the time comes, even if one person can ascend to heaven, they can go back smoothly, so there is no need to put themselves in danger for some clues.

On the other hand, Li Huachao has not yet caught up with the player team, because he needs to deal with the player specimens in Room 225 first, and then use the octagon to warn Flatland that a large number of "black voids" have appeared here.

First, he put on the player's specimen from the octagon, unlocked the character column, and then gave all the characters to Li Huachao to store them first, and then slowly and leisurely walked to the street with the largest graphic traffic near the city hall.

"Uh... uh." The paper man was walking on Government Street, acting strangely and making inexplicable noises.

The paper man wanted by the government appeared in broad daylight. Why didn't the surrounding figures feel surprised?

"You! Are you the paper man?!"

"It's the wanted paper man."

"There are already figures to find the thorny rhombus at the nearby security office."

"Let's take a look at the situation. Something seems wrong with him."

Since this is Government Street, the people passing by on the street are basically polygons. They are not like those stupid triangles that go up to capture the paper people.

What if you get injured and die?

Just watching like this is enough.

" don't understand." The paper man roared on the street, and then screamed in pain, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the skin on his body burst open inch by inch, making a sound that made the figure feel horrified, and he was still shouting an incomprehensible declaration.

"This world will belong to Heixu!"

"This country will be in the hands of Heixu!"

"The glory of Black Void will last forever!"

"Light and darkness, darkness reappears!"

After the completion of the four sentences, the paper man completely collapsed to the ground. Some black things emerged from his half-sloughed skin, and then quickly grew into another black shape. From the perspective of the intelligent polygons present, …

This black shape is exactly the same as the paper man just now!

Immediately afterwards, an attack shot out from the darkness or from the group of figures, killing the black figure on the spot.

"Be careful, there's something!" A scream rang out from the group of figures, instantly attracting the attention of other figures. At the moment when attention was diverted, the corpse of the paper man in the middle of the street suddenly disappeared, leaving only that one. Black paper man corpse.

"It's a spirit! It's a ghost! Run! Everyone, run!"

Afterwards, the group of figures began to become chaotic. It was unknown who led them, and they began to flee one after another, as far away from the center of the street as possible.

In the chaos, the octagon with the invisibility charm stood beside Li Huachao, quietly waiting for the group of figures to disperse.

Oh, no, the current octagon is actually a triangle. He did not replace it with his own octagon, otherwise it would be very likely to be exposed when he sheds his skin.

"Let's wait here first, wait for the graphics to disperse before leaving, otherwise we will be easily hit by the graphics in our invisible state." Li Huachao said, the two of them were standing next to the corpse of the shadow player on the ground, the only one nearby The graphics pass by, so they don't have to worry about being hit by the graphics.

If the polygon is fine, if the triangle hits...

Then something big will happen.

"Well, next, I, the Octagon, will report the situation to the upper management. I believe that those circles will definitely pay great attention to the reappearance of the black void." Octagon continued, this scene was almost perfect.

Although there are still some doubts that are not consistent with Heixu's specific situation, such as the presence of multiple corpses at the scene and then sudden disappearance, etc., he believes that the rumors of the figures will gradually make this scene perfect.

When the time comes, everything will be said, and naturally no graphics will pay attention to these doubts. They will only obey their inner fears and spread them without restriction.

Just as the Octagon expected, rumors about this special paper person spread everywhere, and weird and terrifying stories spread rapidly, making every figure who heard about it fearful. They began to go to the church, hoping to get some protection. An instrument blessed by the gods to keep you and your family safe.

At such a critical moment, Octagon appeared in front of a circular mansion and asked to meet with the highest leader in Ling City.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" The two doormen are five-pointed stars, which are decagons with five sharp angles. They often hold important positions in the military, and now it is their lifelong honor to become round guards. Resume.

Since Octagon has a relatively perfect body, the guards still treat him with respect.

"No, but I have something important to discuss with the leader. Regarding the paper man massacre that occurred in front of the city hall this afternoon, I am a professor at the Second High School of Flatland." Octagon said quickly, "I found out from ancient books Some clues, this is very important information, related to the survival of Flatland, please be sure to report it!"

With the natural blessing of being a professor, the five-pointed star guard did not dare to neglect and went to the mansion in person to report the matter to Yuan Yuan's secretary.

Fifteen minutes later, Octagon met Elder Yuan as he wished. He looked at Secretary Thirty-Gagon next to the leader and hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, he is the Thirty-Side and my most trustworthy secretary." The elder Yuan pointed to the Octagon and said directly, without worrying about the presence of the secretary.

"Yes, elder." Octagon took two steps back and told Heixu all the information.

The 30-gonal shape is infinitely close to a circle, and it is the most trusted secretary of the round elders. It is natural to listen to this kind of thing.

"You mean...those black voids have appeared again?" Elder Yuan Yuan asked in a deep voice, and his mind instantly thought of what he had seen in the secret history.

Could it be that the twenty-year-long Heixu turmoil is about to happen again here?

After Octagon's narration, he had completely recalled the description of Heixu in the secretary.

They are all pitch black and feel even darker than ordinary figures, as if they have absorbed more light.

They are the incarnations of some figures after their death. Such figures often hold important positions and play a decisive role. They possess the memories of the figures during their lifetime, and are extremely good at hiding, secretly plotting, secretly contacting other black voids, and wanting to subvert the entire Flat Country.

No, more accurately, steal the entire Flatland.

"Yes, I'm afraid disaster... is not far away from us!" Octagon followed Li Huachao's teachings and made the matter as serious as possible.

"Perhaps..." Elder Yuan Yuan whispered slowly, "When the first black void appears in public view, there may already be countless black voids in the dark."

He carefully reviewed the actions of the figures around him in the past few days, and suddenly discovered some clues.

Heixu has perfect imitation ability and can replace the original graphics, but the details may still be surprising.

He may not be able to sense other shapes, but this is his secretary who has been with him for more than ten years...

"Enge, you have been with me for ten years. To say that you are familiar with me, maybe your wife is not as familiar with you as I am." Elder Yuan slowly turned around and looked at the secretary in the corner, his voice gradually becoming colder, " I thought you had been feeling unwell recently, which was why you acted strangely, but I didn’t expect you to hide it so deeply.”

He said coldly: "Perhaps I should call you...'Heixu'?"

The figure known as "Engel" suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Aze in the thirty-sided leather case simply wanted to curse.

What is this all about?

He is really not Heixu!

He's just a Ze wearing a triangular leather suit and mastering a lot of scripts!

He finally managed to lurk next to Elder Yuan Yuan. What kind of inexplicable sudden situation is this Heixu?

Wait, did Yu Liang say he wanted to give me a surprise? !

A Ze in the leather case was like falling into an ice cellar. He suddenly woke up and understood.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. If something unplanned happens, it is right to blame Yu Liang.


Yu Liang, I thank you for being my ancestor for eight generations! (End of chapter)

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