The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 454 I can only understand it through ‘faith’

"Form up, disperse the entire army, leave as a small team, and hide according to Route C!"

Aze shouted loudly at his army of killers, full of anger.

When giving orders, he seemed like a different person, with a special leadership temperament.

Not a pot-bellied leader, but the kind of leader in the military.

These red and green triangles immediately spread out and quickly ran into the streets and alleys under Yu Liang's eyes. They disappeared completely in an instant and were hidden somewhere.

"As for you, you'd better come with me." Aze glanced at Yu Liang beside him, and then at the rather sturdy building. Without saying anything else, he walked directly to the front to lead the way.

This small detail made Yu Liang realize that the guy in front of him was definitely not Aze's true body, but rather a clone of Aze's personality, and a clone with unknown abilities.

Otherwise, the talkative Aze would definitely not be so silent.

Leaving this guy to train elite soldiers shows that Aze's alienated profession is probably related to it.

Could it be an old squad leader in the army?

Yu Liang had some speculations in his mind. If Aze's alienated profession was a grassroots officer, then he would need to be more vigilant.

The profession in the military system is still a grassroots officer, obviously a role in a powerful battle sequence.

On the one hand, he has superior combat skills and physical fitness, and on the other hand, he also has certain leadership abilities.

Reflected in alienated professions, that is team growth.

"Are these soldiers the fruits of your time?" Yu Liang led several room 225, octagon and whistle beasts to keep up with Aze's pace.

"Almost." Aze looked back and responded directly, "You may not be familiar with me yet. I am one of Aze's clones, a professional soldier."

"Okay, I feel at ease as long as you are here." Yu Liang immediately laughed, his words were sincere, and the Aze in front of him was very sincere, and he took the initiative to tell the details without asking.

In the words of a professional soldier...

It shows that the origin of the profession should not be a simple conscript, but at least a junior sergeant.

"Then where is he now?" Yu Liang continued to ask.

"He went to the mines in the southeast." Soldier Aze still answered all questions, and his tone was gentle, which reminded Yu Liang of the kind old squad leader in the army.

"Is Xu Cixi also with him?" Yu Liang asked seemingly unintentionally. He was really satisfied with the attitude of the soldier Aze.

The most important thing is that the soldier Aze is so sincere that he didn't send other Aze to watch him. Aren't you afraid of being lied to by others?

Is it because there is not enough manpower at Aze's place, or is it because under normal circumstances it is not the soldier Aze's turn to show up?

"Yes, we are together for the time being, and there are a few other players there." The soldier Aze replied, "He is going there to lead the new revolution, which is to cultivate the flame of the revolution. It is expected that the situation will be opened next week. , and my mission is to train one hundred and fifty elite soldiers before that."

"One hundred and fifty?" Octagon was a little surprised when he heard this. Seeing the soldier Aze turn to look at him, he replied in a low voice, "This is already a very huge number. For Flat Country For me, this kind of elite is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon. When it is in the hands of an individual, I... really admire it."

"It's a small matter, just master the characteristics of these graphics and train according to the actual situation." The soldier Aze didn't care about the flattery of the octagon. For him, such things are not difficult.

To be honest, it may be that the training methods in Flat Kingdom are too primitive. The soldiers trained normally are far from being able to follow orders and prohibitions. They are more like barbarians who fight with wildness.

Of course, he guessed that there might be a reason for this, because the upper echelons of Flatland did not rely on the soldiers to protect their homes and the country, but were worried that they would take this opportunity to cultivate "wisdom."

That is the real disaster that brings disaster to the country and the people.

Training and other things just consume the energy of the triangles. Anyway, the soldier class is the lowest class. Even the painters have more wisdom in assessing the situation than they do.

"What's the result? It's very likely that you have been exposed to the officials of Flatland now, right?" Yu Liang thought of this and immediately felt a little regretful.

Originally, Aze had the opportunity to recharge his batteries and wait for the opportunity to fight. However, due to the interference of these four shadows, he no longer had the opportunity to conduct large-scale training.

It would be good if we could keep the thirty or forty triangular soldiers we have now.

"Yes, so after packing up our things in a while, we will leave the city, take the paint and money and go to find Aze near the mining area." The soldier Aze told everything that Aze had confessed to him.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it." Yu Liang was helpless. He now knew why those shadow people didn't come to fight him.

On the eve of dawn, the shadow people had gathered eleven people. This was a terrifying number. Even if they were all novices in the alienation profession, Yu Liang would be in trouble.

It is bound to be a fierce battle.

However, the shadow people did not come to target him. Instead, they used the lives of four shadow people to force out the Matt-killing Army left behind by Aze.

Yu Liang didn't know why the four shadow people were willing to sacrifice themselves, but their sacrifices were definitely valuable.

In this dungeon, the most powerful force has never been Yu Liang or other players. What worries the shadow people the most is Flatland.

To be precise, it is this state machine.

In the eyes of the shadow people, Aze's elite soldiers are far more threatening than Yu Liang, and Aze who has successfully rebelled is unbeatable.

The strategic landscape is completely different!

The Shadow People know that they can get rid of most of the weak players and greatly enhance their own strength, but the development speed in this case is still not the same level.

Killing players enhances the strength of the shadow side. This development speed is far lower than Aze's successful completion of the revolution.

The best situation at that time is for hundreds of shadow players to fight against Azer's super triangle-killing army.

This is not a level opponent at all.

On the other hand, attacking Yu Liang in advance may also attract the soldier Aze who is still in Ling City. By then, none of the eleven shadows will be able to escape.

To sum up, Shadow's strategic arrangement is extremely reasonable.

"Do you know the origins of those guys just now? They are just like players, but they have unlocked all their abilities, which is a bit difficult to deal with." The soldier Aze took Yu Liang to a remote alley and stood there. Asked Yu Liang in front of a door.

"You still don't know their origins?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, but then it became clear. Aze is indeed very strong, but he may not be able to think of the connection between the paper people and the shadows.

"I don't know." Soldier Aze's answer was more straightforward.

"Those things are shadows. Each player has a corresponding shadow. When the player dies, he will be controlled by these shadows. When they appear, they will be in full status and can use all the abilities of the original player." Yu Liang summarized as concisely as possible Regarding the characteristics of shadows, "By the way, these shadows can communicate with each other and can communicate with the shadows of surviving players, so in theory they can know the exact location and thoughts of each player."

"It's so difficult?" Soldier Aze was surprised. He originally thought that the four paper man players were confused by some strange creature and came to attack his soldiers, but it turned out that it was premeditated?

"Yes, this is a disaster for all players, and it may also be the first large-scale ghost story event in this dungeon." Yu Liang unceremoniously defined the shadows. Of course, the more serious the better, Aze must be prepared to prepare.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss if he was the only one running for this?

"I know, I will inform Aze." The soldier Aze realized the seriousness of this matter and suddenly became serious, "It seems that you have done a lot for the players in this dungeon, thank you."

"You're welcome." Yu Liang accepted the soldier Aze's thanks without ceremony.

Lu Baoshen in the universe thought carefully: "What did Yu Liang do for the players in this copy?"

"Oh, it's simple." Li Huachao said immediately like he was counting treasures from his family.

"First, I sold my teammates in the school and witnessed thirty or forty players die."

"Then I wandered around for another week to see the great rivers and mountains of Flatland, and I also had a chance to unlock the ability."

"Immediately afterwards, I met the Octagon, collected all the player specimens to use as supplies, and accidentally released a 'shadow of a long-distance runner' that poses the greatest threat to players."

"By the way, if it weren't for the magnanimous help of the shadows without regard for past grudges, I guess all the players in Flatland would have turned into new forms of whistle beasts by now, right?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Shut up.

Although this is true, is he really not that malicious to the players? !

I clearly gave food to three players living on the street yesterday!

But it didn’t work out later. All three of them were killed by the shadow of the long-distance runner...

"Anyway, can you help gather the current players in Lingcheng? I want to enhance my own strength." Yu Liang banned Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen from talking in the universe, and then asked the soldier Aze.

"You can try it. There should be some players left in Ling City now, but there shouldn't be many." Soldier Aze said helplessly, "There were too many players who died in the school at that time. Thinking about it, those players have become If you become a shadow, it will indeed be very difficult to deal with."

Soldier Aze sighed. If he had known this, he should have asked Aze to think of any way to save these players.

But this is just a thought. After all, Aze had not completed the first phase of the mission at that time and his abilities were very limited.

"Are you talking about the group of players who were in Lingcheng at that time?" Yu Liang's mood was a bit complicated.

"Yes." Soldier Aze nodded.

"They... are actually here too." Yu Liang opened the door of room 225, revealing thirty or forty player specimens inside.

The soldier Aze didn't understand what was on display in Room 225 at first. When he judged it through touching it, he became silent.

It can be seen that soldier Aze's mood is as complicated as Yu Liang's at this time.

"Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me, and players can accompany us who are still alive in this's actually quite good." Yu Liang looked at the soldier Aze and quickly explained, "At least they are not in this state. Being possessed by a shadow means that thirty or forty potential shadow threats have been eliminated."

Combined with the "Yu Liang's crime" that Li Huachao just complained about in the universe, Yu Liang inexplicably felt that he had really committed a heinous crime and was indifferent to human affairs.

Should we hand over control of the body to Li Huachao for a while, so that people who are familiar with him will think that it was Li Huachao who did it? This seems to be a good idea?

Li Huachao: "Huh? Hmm!"

"In this case, let my subordinates hide in the painting prison for a while. First, gather the players in this city and give priority to protection." Soldier Aze continued.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not have such free time, but now every time he protects a player, he is equivalent to destroying a powerful enemy. This kind of decision is still easy.

"Well, I'm going to give them the first phase of the mission prompts, so that they can unlock the most basic abilities, so that they can protect themselves." Yu Liang further said, "Also, I can distinguish between Those paper figures are shadows, and the shadows also know this, so they have left Lingcheng, and there is no need to worry about their safety for the time being."

"That's good. Aze has previously collected traces of the remaining players in this city, and it just comes in handy now. I'll gather them." Soldier Aze said, and at the same time opened the door in the alley, "Here It is a secret passage that can lead to four directions. They are the 'Five-Star Square', 'City Library', 'School' and 'Government Hall'. If you encounter danger, you can enter the secret passage to avoid pursuit."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded and turned to look at the octagon. "I want to publish a radio report. Which direction is best for me to go in?"

"The city library is also the broadcasting center for the whole city." Octagon said immediately, "After listening to it for so long, I feel that the shadow monsters you are talking about are somewhat familiar. They seem to have appeared in Flatland before. They are not without their weaknesses. , but I need to consult some information and ancient books to judge."

"Oh?" Yu Liang was a little surprised by Octagon's sudden opening.

Doesn't this guy have ulterior motives?

Why did you suddenly want to help him?

Thinking about it carefully, Octagon seems to have been very peaceful since last night. Not only did he help him dutifully, but now he also took the initiative to make suggestions.

Is it modified or has some other agenda?

Yu Liang thought about it and felt that the possibility of the latter was somewhat low.

Octagon's means of countering him are nothing more than player specimens and painted prisons. Now that his understanding of painted prisons is at a higher level, he is less likely to be trapped, and all the player specimens are with him.

The disparity in strength between the two sides is too great, and if you are smart, the Octagon should settle down.

"Well, don't be surprised." Octagon said, "This is cooperation. I will do my best to help you. On the other hand...if possible, I want to see the three-dimensional world with my own eyes."

"Huh?" Soldier Aze was a little stunned. He looked at Yu Liang and then at Octagon. He was very surprised that Octagon could say the word "three-dimensional world" in his mouth.

No figure in this country believes in the existence of a three-dimensional world, let alone an octagon with sufficient intelligence.

How did Yu Liang convince the octagon?

"The three-dimensional world? You might die because of this. If you keep helping me like you are now, wouldn't it be better to continue to be your octagonal professor after I leave?" Yu Liang asked curiously.

If this trend continues, when he completes the task and all the players return, it won't hurt to leave the octagon, since they won't see each other again anyway.

The gap between three-dimensional creatures and two-dimensional creatures is like a chasm, making it difficult for them to meet.

"No, how do you make a two-dimensional creature who has seen three dimensions calm down?" Octagon smiled, "From now on, these three-dimensional memories cannot be told to any graphics. Otherwise, in their eyes, I am an absolute lunatic, a psychopath who is obsessed with studying occult arts."

He said calmly, telling the cruelest thing to a "scholar" in a calm tone:

"In my confused memory, I seem to have arrived in your 'space kingdom' and was fortunate enough to have seen the concept of 'height'. However, until now, I cannot understand 'height'. Not only can I not feel it visually, I can even reason about it. No existence can do it.”

"I can only understand a specious and vague thing through 'faith'."

"This is not the answer I want."

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