The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 453 Aze’s Matt-killing Army

From one in the morning to five in the morning, only Yu Liang himself knew how much he had contributed to the players in Ling City.

Not to mention ovulating anywhere, just making a simple timer took up too much of his energy.

Most of Professor Octagon's teaching content is related to mysterious and mysterious techniques, so he is very familiar with the various uses and manufacturing methods of Hua Lao. He and Yu Liang taught and learned together, and he quickly mastered it.

"Drawing Prison" is a very special technique, which essentially opens up a new space through visual distortion.

It is somewhat idealistic in nature, and indeed it is.

To put it bluntly, it feels like setting up two mirrors and placing them on your left and right respectively.

At this time, no matter you look to the left or to the right, you can see countless reflections of yourself in the mirror. No matter which side of the mirror, the mirror looks so deep, as if it leads to the netherworld.

Use special materials or props to create a visual expansion of space, and then two-dimensional creatures will discover that there is indeed a conscious space here.

No, using "birth" may be more clear, because this is a space created by two-dimensional creatures.

The situation in the two-dimensional world is different from when Yu Liang understood "Drawing Prison". There are no mirrors here, so creating a new visual space is not simply about standing between two mirrors.

The key is distance.

There are only line segments and points in the vision of two-dimensional creatures. The brightness of the line segments and points represents the distance between the line segments and themselves.

Of course, the brightness of the line segment is also related to the weather conditions at the time. You need to judge the surrounding brightness to better judge the distance.

Some adventurers on the mainland often carry a dashboard with them. In the middle of the dashboard is a benchmark stone for measurement. Use the brightness of the benchmark stone as a comparison, then look at the line segment in the distance, write down the brightness of the line segment, and then find the dashboard. On the scale value of the brightness, the calculated result is the distance between itself and this line segment.

Hua Lao uses a type of reflective material to destroy this normal sense of distance, thereby creating a non-existent space in the minds of two-dimensional creatures.

Once the sense of space is truly destroyed, the painting prison that symbolizes the new space is born.

It sounds very fantasy, but Yu Liang has been in the world of ghost stories for so long and has seen things more idealistic than this, so this is nothing.

Anyway, I have understood the principle, and can actually make a drawing prison in practice. Although it is not as good as the octagon, it is definitely enough.

Semi-permanent painting cages require the use of higher-end materials and more precise placement. At the same time, this kind of painting cage is the "outlaw area" recognized by polygons and even ultra-polygons.

Yu Liang is clear about this. What happens in the semi-permanent prison is exempt from immunity. Even if there is a figure that kills the circle here, he will not be held responsible.

It's just unfortunate that circles tend to have higher IQs and stronger spatial resistance, so they are not so easily trapped by drawings. In most cases, this is just a protective umbrella for high-class crimes against low-class crimes.

Tonight, Yu Liang used more portable temporary prisons, which were woven with reflective materials. The internal space generally did not exceed a "1 standard room".

(Standard house: a quantifier used to measure a medium-sized area in the country, that is, the floor area of ​​a standard pentagonal house.)

Now he only needs to draw a prison to trap the parasitic eggs. Naturally, he does not need to build a standard house, he only needs to accommodate the parasitic eggs normally.

This temporary prison will burst after four hours, and the parasitic eggs will escape from it, harming Flatland.

Since the birth time of the parasitic scorpion beasts in the parasitic eggs is uncertain, and they will instinctively hit the painting prison, which may cause the painting prison to collapse prematurely, so someone needs to guard the temporary painting prison at all times. When the parasitic scorpion beasts escape, Kill in time.

This person who is "always on guard" is naturally the shadow.

The shadow man can enter the temporary prison and kill the parasitic eggs in advance, but that is meaningless. It just turns "trapping the parasitic eggs" into "trapping the shadow man".

Anyway, time has been delayed successfully. As long as it lasts until dawn, those shadow people will run away.

If they don't run away, it's time for Yu Liang to come find them.

When there is no light at night, these shadows are difficult to find. When there is light during the day, he will have to use the "God's Perspective" to catch the shadows. By then, none of the shadows still left in Ling City will be able to escape.

He still doesn't believe it. These shadow people can still have the long-distance teleportation ability of long-distance runners?

Anyone who can't run as fast as Tank No. 225 will be caught and killed.

On the other hand, this is a moral kidnapping of the shadow people. Yu Liang is especially good at using moral kidnapping to "turn the table to intimidate".

Whether or not the Whistle Beasts were overpopulated, it had no impact on him anyway. When the entire Flatland became a Whistle Beast Paradise, he might be able to live a more prosperous life, so he just threw the parasitic eggs into the temporary prison and left.

Open directly.

I'll leave the bomb here. You shadows can take care of it if you like. If you don't care, just wait and collect the bodies for Flatland.

However, Yu Liang didn't give up. He didn't want to see the scene of mourning in Flatland.

If no one else said it, Aze must have suffered greatly.

It's quite embarrassing when I think about it.

It is estimated that other players will not be able to deal with the Whistle Beast, and by that time, "exploring the two-dimensional world" will become "surviving the alien apocalypse"...

not too good.

Therefore, Yu Liang mainly placed this kind of parasitic eggs near the four gates of Ling City, so that they could not only contain these shadow people, but also allow them to evacuate Ling City in time when dawn came, and stay as far away from Yu Liang as possible .

Players hiding in Ling City will not stay near the gate of Ling City, so if the shadow people want to kill them, they must go deep into Ling City, which may prevent them from leaving Ling City in time at dawn.

Simple multiple choice questions.

If any of you touches the players in Lingcheng, they may not be able to leave. If you are willing to trade your life, you can give it a try.

After circling three or four times around the four city gates, Yu Liang discovered that there were shadow men guarding the temporary prisons. However, they were in the dark and Yu Liang could not catch up, so he stopped chasing them.

This verified his judgment that these shadows could indeed know what he was thinking and knew all his trump cards.

There is a high probability that his own shadow is doing the work.

Obviously, "Yu Liang's shadow" is naturally not willing to be just a shadow, not willing to hide behind Yu Liang, unable to even look directly at the sun for the rest of his life.

"He" wants true freedom.

In short, the whistle beast has restrained some of the shadow people, and the other shadow people may still be chasing the players, but this is Yu Liang's best effort.

He is not a hero, he can save a few, but if he is killed by a shadow man in a sneak attack tonight, there is nothing he can do.

Consider yourself unlucky. Who made you slow to explore the main mission? As long as the first stage is unlocked, those shadow people will not come to cause trouble.

Dawn finally arrived, and Yu Liang felt that the surrounding environment was slowly getting brighter, so he looked at the matrix around him: "Surround me and protect the formation."

"Chirp -" the mother body's ear whistle issued a command, and the twelve advanced whistle beasts in the mother body's "group" consciousness immediately changed their formations, firmly protecting the mother body and Yu Liang in the center.

Switching to Li Geng, the architect activated the [Eye of God] again. After the three-second switching animation, Yu Liang was high in the air, overlooking the entire Flatland.

Several people in the universe looked towards the four directions of Lingcheng, looking for the shadow people among them.

Just as Yu Liang had judged before, the shadow people were pure black paper people, very conspicuous in Flatland.

"There are three at the east gate."

"There are two gates on the west side."

"One to the south."

"One on the north side."

"In addition to the city gates in four directions, there are four shadow people in Ling City, near the pentagonal square in the south... They are attacking some colorful paper people! Those are players!"

Li Geng and others reported the situation to Yu Liang respectively, and Yu Liang quickly switched his perspective back to his two-dimensional body and ran towards the pentagonal square.

"I didn't expect that there are shadows that are not afraid of death. They dare to stay in the city even in the daytime." Yu Liang muttered, expressing dissatisfaction with these shadows' behavior of seeking death.

On the other hand, these shadows are quite sensible.

What is known is that there are currently eleven shadow men in and near Lingcheng. This is already a considerable force, but they actually did not encircle and suppress him.

There were eleven players in a dozen, and they were full of players. Yu Liang himself was frightened, but for some reason, these shadow people didn't come to trouble him.

Could it be that these shadow people have other information, so they dare not act rashly?

Or maybe these shadow people have flaws that he doesn't know about?

Yu Liang hid this question in his heart, and without any slowness, he got on the car in room 225 and started heading towards the Pentagon Square.

It was early in the morning, and some figures had already appeared on the street. They communicated with the figures around them in a sleepy voice, until they saw Room 225, where Yu Liang was.

"Let me go, what is this?"

"There is such a huge round car?"

"No, shouldn't a round car have irregular graphics? Why isn't there one?"

"This thing runs so fast!"

Along the way, the graphics were amazed by Room 225, while Yu Liang in the room was curious about other issues.

"Except for the players near Ling City, have you noticed how many shadow people there are in other areas of Flatland?" Yu Liang asked various characters in the universe. He was observing the scene in Ling City just now, but he didn't pay attention to the other two buildings. What is the city like?

"Shadow people have also appeared in other cities, but it is different from the imagined proliferation. The number of shadow people in other cities is less than ten." The number given by Li Geng is relatively accurate. He has paid attention to the number of shadow people in other cities. situation.

"That is to say, there are now a total of thirty shadow people." Yu Liang already had some bad feelings in his heart. He knew that this number of shadow people could already cause a qualitative change, and it was an existence that required all players to compete together.

It is best to gather all the players for an annihilation battle. You will definitely not be able to win a protracted war. Those players killed by the shadow people will become new shadow people, and they will fight with full status, which will be more difficult to deal with than imagined. .

It's like fighting against an army of the undead. The human camp will continue to reduce its effective strength, while the army of the undead will continue to grow stronger. With one going down and the other going up, success or failure is bound to happen.

After about ten minutes' journey, Yu Liang arrived near the Pentagon Square. As soon as he got close, he heard the loud shouting of killing.

Looking around, red and green colors fill the eyes. They show an extremely regular arrangement pattern, blocking the middle of the pentagonal square like a thorny city wall.

Those are……

Yu Liang squinted his eyes and patted Room 225, signaling him to stop and wait and see first.

"It is a batch of 30-degree acute-angled triangles." The octagon on the side accurately reported, "These are the most suitable triangles for soldiers. They have strong piercing power and good defensive capabilities. They are the ones that The circular class likes to raise triangular soldiers the most.”

"Oh? Then they belong to..." Yu Liang marveled at how quickly the octagon could discover the exact degrees of triangles. He knew that the degrees of triangles could be inferred from color and distance, but he did not have such a fast calculation ability. .

"I don't know. These triangles are well-trained, and they are all dyed red and green. With all due respect, none of the guards I have seen in the past have ever been dyed. I didn't know that red and green were the colors favored by that noble." Bafian Shape Tao, he couldn't help but applaud the neat red and green triangles in his heart.

This is the highest aesthetic!

When used in war, this aesthetic reaches its peak.

On the other side of the pentagonal square, the enemies of these triangles are shadow people. Yu Liang has recognized their methods. They began to use characters to fight back the approaching triangle soldiers, while constantly using their unique alienated professional abilities.

Yu Liang saw that one of the shadow men had the ability to summon spikes. Those spikes appeared out of thin air and hit the bodies of the Triangle soldiers. Some were bounced away, and some were pierced into their bodies.

However, this level of attack did not endanger the life of Triangle. Instead, it made their fighting spirit more intense. They collided with each other with their bodies, making a dull "bang" sound, while quickly approaching the shadow people from multiple angles until Surround them completely until the shadow man is surrounded and stabbed to death with a sharp angle like a spear.


Blood emerged from the shadow man's body, and this unique fishy smell made the triangles even more excited. Their war roars were loud, making the figures watching from a hundred meters away tremble in fear.

"Fuck, fuck!"

A curse came from among the triangles, and then a colorful irregular shape appeared. He walked to the shadow man's body and cursed again: "Beast, why do you force me to use my body at this time?" Kill Matt's army? I've only trained forty or fifty soldiers!"

"Huh?" Yu Liang heard this voice and immediately felt a familiar feeling in his heart, and immediately called out, "Aze?"

"Huh?" The triangular formation suddenly opened, revealing the paper man inside.

Aze looked in the direction of Yu Liang and thought for a while before he suddenly realized: "Yu Liang? It's you!"

Then he looked around again and called Yu Liang quickly: "Hurry, follow me. My hidden soldiers have been exposed by these cows and horses, and I will be beaten by an iron fist next. Damn it, these things are probably carrying this It’s for the purpose!”

Hidden privately...

Kill Matt's army?

To a certain extent, Yu Liang suddenly understood why those shadow people did not come against him.

I was riding home today and just finished writing~

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