The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 451 Shadow counterattacks and seizes the body

Will players in the two-dimensional state still have shadows?

When this question came up, Yu Liang already had the answer in his heart.

Yes, there definitely is.

When he was in the Rabbit-shaped God dungeon, the mathematician in the dungeon had left a note for him, reminding him that the shadow was the two-dimensional part of the player.

Although Yu Liang didn't know whether other players were the same, he knew that he was just the three-dimensional part of "Yu Liang".

In addition, "Yu Liang" also has a two-dimensional shadow part and a newly born four-dimensional part. The combination of the three is "Yu Liang" itself.

As for the one-dimensional part…

Not for the moment.

Yu Liang really couldn't imagine the use of the one-dimensional part of a creature. According to the settings, this would be a creature that could only move forward and backward on a line segment. There was only one direction in their world, and their vision could only Capture the simplest "point" and nothing else.

The dimensionality is too low and probably useless.

Returning to the current situation, for players like Yu Liang, they were originally three-dimensional people, but now they suddenly become two-dimensional, and they are definitely three-dimensional people undergoing dimensionality reduction, rather than appearing in a "shadow" state.

When he was high in the sky, he saw that the pieces of paper and people scattered all over Flatland were not pure black, but hollow.

In other words, the current shadow and the paper man actually coexist.

What about their shadows?

Could it be that the shadow that was originally in a two-dimensional state was squeezed into one dimension?

Now Yu Liang has the answer. This question is very simple.

"Light" shines down from above Flatland, shines on the players in Flatland, and then produces projections.

Since Flatland is a two-dimensional world, there is no distinction between "up and down", and the shadow does need to be below the object. The three need to be arranged neatly, so the person and the shadow cannot be on the same plane.

Light ↓ (three-dimensional space)

People ↓ (Flatland)


In this way, the actual location of the shadow becomes under Flatland, which is the second layer area.

To sum up, what exists in the second layer area is probably the shadows of the players. They are always with the players, so they know the changes of the players best.

Once knowledge and wisdom increase and the shadows on the second layer change, the players on the first layer will naturally change accordingly.

The result is that people and shadows become rounded together.

As for the cognitive difference between the octagon and Yu Liang, it is easier to understand. The graphics of the two-dimensional world Flat Country are originally two-dimensional creatures, so they will not have another two-dimensional part (shadow).

If there is no shadow to constantly supervise them, then they will not become dull as they grow in wisdom, let alone become mellow.

This is why the Octagon believes that this social consensus is just a rumor and a lie from the upper classes.

Although such speculation is indeed a bit wild, based on the information Yu Liang learned from mathematicians in the past, it is indeed possible that there may be such a batch of "shadows" in the second layer.

The mathematician is the source of the weird talk. He integrated the four-dimensional parts together, so he must have a more thorough understanding of the four dimensions of human beings, which is by no means nonsense.

"Mr. Kirito? Mr. Kirito." On the other side, Octagon gently pushed Yu Liang's body and asked, "You seem to be deep in thought. Is there something wrong with this?"

"No, it's nothing, I just thought of something." Yu Liang was not prepared to tell Octagon, even if Octagon already knew the existence of "players".

"Okay." Octagon didn't ask further. He had always been a smart figure and would no longer be curious about things he shouldn't know.

On the other hand, the word "shadow" repeatedly lingered in Yu Liang's mind.

What comes to mind when you think of shadows?

He didn't know what others were thinking, but Yu Liang would definitely think of it.

"Zhi" is the pronoun of all things in the world, and shadow can also be regarded as the pronoun of all things, so the source of power of "Zhi" has a certain relationship with shadow.

Originally, this two-dimensional creature in Flatland had no shadow, and he was a little worried that "it" would not have room to show its strength, but now it seems that the players still have shadows, so it is not the worst plan.

When the in-depth exploration of a dungeon involves shadow, the dungeon may become very simple.

Either the ability of the root ghost talk is restrained by "it", or it is restrained by "it".

The former is naturally a good thing. Many previous copies were made this way, and Yu Liang naturally knew it.

For example, "Moon", such as "Cyber ​​City", these are all root ghost stories that are restrained by the rules of "Zhi", so it will be much easier when passing the level.

What if it’s the latter this time?

for example……

Is the root of the ghost story "light"?

What if you really control "it" to death?

Yu Liangliang had a vague premonition, but he knew it was too early to consider this now, so he should first find an opportunity to solve the main task of the second stage.

"Well, continuing the topic just now, apart from changing the graphics' perception of 'wisdom', what other problems can color cause?" Yu Liang was thinking about another thing. He was thinking about when he was Then go to the west coast to create a sea of ​​mirrors.

If you go there as early as possible, you can try to "see" the scene behind God. Maybe you can increase your understanding of the source of the ghost stories and better complete the second phase of the mission, but this will also cause him to be disconnected from other players in Flatland, especially It's Aze.

He quite wanted to know what Aze would do next.

"Well, the issues just mentioned are still relatively far away." Octagon continued following the thoughts just now, "Take the more sensitive topic now as an illustration. Color is likely to push women and those triangles to stand Let's fight together. In fact, I have already felt that there are figures behind it to push this kind of thing to happen. Young nobles like Regiel, Badia, Oriana and other young nobles in my teaching class are planning about something like this.”

"Well, it sounds like there are some minor nobles among them." Yu Liang was not surprised at all when he heard a familiar name.

With Rachel's ambition, it would be strange not to participate.

"Indeed, those small nobles will naturally stand on the side where it is easier to get benefits. In fact, they have no aristocratic face to begin with. It only takes nearly a hundred or even decades to become a noble from the merchant class. With the polygonal title, they naturally want to get more benefits from this privilege."

Octagon smiled: "It is almost impossible to obtain benefits from the triangles, so we can only hope to obtain power and benefits from the polygons, ultra-polygons and even the circular class. They are the easiest group of people to win over.”

"I probably understand." Yu Liang found the similarities between real history and he naturally understood what the octagon was saying.

Thinking of this, he also asked curiously: "In this case, with your knowledge and the research information in your hands, you can easily overturn the status quo of the entire Flat Country. I can guarantee that any ambitious guy will know Since you exist, I will get your support at all costs.”

Yu Liang admired the knowledge of the octagonal professor in front of him from the bottom of his heart. From the clues in those historical materials, he could infer that there were so many powerful materials, each of which was enough to have a great impact on the rule of the circular class, and what he said The "ambitious guy" mentioned is obviously Aze.

If the Octagon follows Aze, the pace of this revolution will be much faster, and it may directly enter the violent stage in two days.

"I'm afraid of death." Octagon's answer was both simple and profound, and Yu Liang was convinced.

Well, since he is greedy for life and afraid of death, it is very reasonable.

Then Octagon looked at Yu Liang with a somewhat complicated look and sighed, "I have only made three risky decisions in my life."

He followed up and said: "The first one, I killed an irregular figure and a triangle, because if I didn't kill them, I would be killed. I could see that they wanted to eat me; the second one In my adventure, I killed four polygons because I didn’t want to starve to death. I had to become a real polygon, and the princes and generals would rather have the guts. As for the third adventure, just now, I actually took the risk and wanted to kill you. "

Octagon shook his body: "I was indeed too stupid. If I had chosen to escape immediately at that time, I might have been able to run away."

Yu Liang didn't reply, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Can indeed run away.

Hua Niang can block skills, but he can't predict it. Who would have thought that the next step of the octagon would be teleportation?

Of course, Yu Liang was able to judge in time the second time the octagon showed such a forward swing, so Hua Niang was able to restrain him in place.

"You have lived for so many years, and you are still so afraid of death?" Yu Liang heard what Octagon had just said. He had spent fifty years just researching it. Wouldn't that mean he was already sixty or seventy years old?

When communicating, I don’t think of an old man in his 60s or 70s at all.

"I used to be afraid of death, but then I stopped being afraid, and now I'm afraid again." Octagon said calmly, but Yu Liang couldn't fully understand the meaning.

After chatting one by one, they walked to a slightly secluded location in Ling City. This was also Yu Liang's request. Out of fear of the prison, he did not want to enter any building to rest.

"Wait." Yu Liang sensed something and looked at the large area in front that was shrouded in darkness, feeling an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Xiao Liu, take out the character 'Zhuo'." Yu Liang ordered a paper man beside him.

Xiao Liu immediately followed the instructions, took out a burning character from the paper man's space, and held it with his hand. The light brought by the "burning" character immediately illuminated a small area around it, and the paper man Xiao Liu Like a lantern emitting orange light.

Of course, this was just Yu Liang's brain test. What he saw was just a glowing line segment.

"Yes...are you also a player?" A voice with a hint of vigilance came out from the darkness.

"Come here and talk." Yu Liang heard the voice in the darkness. He also remained vigilant and walked to the light on the roadside, hoping to use the brighter light to see what it was.

"Is that the 'burn' character? He already has the character column?"

"I don't know, but aren't the players who have completed the first stage unlocked alienated professions? Who has unlocked the character bar?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because the alienated profession's ability has a character part."

There was a slight sound of conversation in the darkness. In the real world, Yu Liang would definitely not be able to hear it, but this is a two-dimensional world and his hearing has been enhanced, so he can easily hear what they are saying.

After a simple communication, the three players came to see Yu Liang under the street lamp. They knew that they would not be Yu Liang's opponent, so they were too lazy to be so vigilant.

"Are you all players from ██?" Yu Liang listened to the words of several people. He could understand their words. Just when he was about to ask if they were players from China, he found that these two words were blocked by the system. .

"Have you completed the first phase? We are willing to give out three supernatural items in exchange for the answers to the first phase of the mission." The leader of the three suggested to Yu Liang, "When I unlock the inventory, I will immediately Hand over the items to you.”

"No need." Yu Liang refused, "I don't know the answer myself. It's just that my teammates completed the first stage and I happened to be unblocked."

He didn't lie to these people, it was true, but really speaking, the octagon around him also knew the answer, but he didn't want to tell these people.

A three-person team will be in a three-on-one situation after the blockade is released. Whether you can get paid depends entirely on the opponent's character. It would be good if you can not take the initiative to attack him.

"Okay, okay." The trio expressed some regrets, and then asked Yu Liang for information, "Do you know what's going on in the city now? We've been hiding in the suburbs since Flatland wanted us. Inside, I’ve basically never been out.”

"The wanted order is still there, but the intensity has become smaller. I only come out at night to check the situation. It is estimated that there will be no graphic control after a while." Yu Liang did not lie to them. After a while, Aze's struggle became more and more intense. The drama is getting more and more intense. How can Flatland still have these three air traffic controllers?

"Is that so? That's good." The three of them seemed a little happier. They were unlucky because they had been trapped here. They could only sneak into the triangular home at night to get some food. But they were also lucky, because the really unlucky ones were The player is already dead.

"Well." Yu Liang took out some round beans from his bag and handed them to the players, "Here, take some food. You can take it first."

As long as he ensures his own safety, he doesn't mind releasing some of his goodwill.

And the moment he handed over the round beans, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, and the sharp angle in the black shadow's hand pierced Yu Liang's back, piercing Feng Sheng sharply.

"Huh?" Yu Liang's reaction was not too slow. He switched to Li Huachao and summoned Hua Niang to resist.

Li Huachao pulled Hua Niang, and the two of them moved to one side while the sharp angle in his hand stabbed the black shadow.

When fighting hand to hand, Li Huachao's ability is best used. This is the rule of suppression of shot speed.

Heiying didn't want to exchange injuries with Li Huachao, so he quickly put away his knife and turned sideways, avoiding Li Huachao's attack, and launched an attack on the trio on the other side.

Since he lost his target and the opponent's next move was not aimed at him, Li Huachao couldn't use his speed advantage and could only watch the black shadow pounce on the three people.

He is not noble enough to rush forward to stop him regardless, so it is better to prioritize saving himself now.


Screams came one after another. Black Shadow's physical fitness was much higher than that of normal players (not unblocked). In an instant, he pierced the bodies of three players. He turned around and looked at Li Huachao, and typed a "burn" character in his hand. After blocking Li Huachao, a special shimmer appeared on his body again.

This is……

The next second, the black shadow completely disappeared in front of Yu Liang, leaving only three corpses.

"Damn it, [Huwei] is still cooling down." Hua Niang felt a little annoyed. If Huwei hadn't cooled down, she would definitely be able to block the opponent's skills.

"That's the skill of a long-distance runner." Yu Conscience felt uneasy, "And there's a character bar... This is definitely not a player. No one has unlocked the two abilities now, and it's such a coincidence, where are there so many T2 levels? A long-distance runner?"

Is it a shadow?

Just as he was thinking, the corpses of the three players became darker, gradually turning into black light and disappearing in place.

Yu Liang stared blankly at the place where the body disappeared, and his heart inevitably became heavy.

Will players killed by shadows directly turn into shadows?

The shadow players are completely unblocked...

"Shadow", the player's two-dimensional part begins to counterattack and seize the body. This is not a good signal.

Moreover, it was obviously directed at him.

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