The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 450 The player’s “two-dimensional part” shadow

"Okay, Mr. Kirito." Professor Octagon responded to Yu Liang's instructions and turned around to walk towards the specimens.

"How are you going to place so many specimens? Hide them or take them away?" Yu Liang just said casually, but he didn't expect that the octagon actually didn't refuse.

"I can use a drawing prison, Mr. Kirito." Professor Octagon explained, "If I use a drawing prison, these specimens can be packed up and taken away."

He further said: "If it is a portable painting prison, you need to prepare some other materials, and the internal space of the portable painting prison will be much smaller, often only the size of a room."

"In this case, no need, just move these specimens outside the specimen room." Yu Liang felt a little wary in his heart.

As for his understanding of the secrets of Flatland, he was far inferior to the octagon in front of him. If the other party was doing something secretly, he might not be able to react.

In this copy, drawing prison is something that few Yu Liang cannot understand, and he will definitely not give Octagon the opportunity to use these secret techniques.

If you set a trap for yourself and cause yourself to enter the painting prison and be trapped, it will be all over.

"Okay... okay." Professor Octagon just kept responding without any extra words. He didn't know whether he didn't have these thoughts in the first place, or whether these thoughts were stopped by Yu Liang in time.

Next, Yu Liang asked several of his paper figurines to follow Professor Octagon and keep an eye on the guy's process of collecting the player's specimens. He opened the details of the Scrooge's ability and checked the Scrooge's current wealth value.

The fortune-keeper's ability [Billions of Wealth] is based on the average wealth of the players in the current dungeon to trigger the corresponding ability. In the extreme state, he can even bribe the "source ghost story" of this dungeon to do something for himself. It is called a god. Skills.

[Current wealth value: 221]

[Team increase has been triggered: own camp’s ability value +10%, fighting spirit +10%]

[Come on, fight to protect my wealth! 】

Three prompt boxes in a row gave Yu Liang a deep understanding of the current situation.

The wealth value has reached "221" and has passed the passing line of "100", so the initial increase in ability can be triggered.

And this number also means that Yu Liang's current wealth is equivalent to more than two hundred players.

"How should I put it? Why does it feel a little lacking? Have you embezzled public funds?" Yu Liang looked at the money-grubber next to him with a suspicious look on his face.

With a lot of calculations, this grass baby market can be considered to be profitable for more than half a year, right?

How can I accumulate the wealth of more than two hundred players? It always feels a little bit small.

Logically speaking, it would be normal for the light to be as tight as four or five hundred, right?

"No, no, no, my lord, I really don't have it." The Scrooge shook his body quickly, "My wealth can only be placed in my piggy storage jar. You know this, put it somewhere else." I don’t know at all.”

Then, the Scrooge thought for a while and explained the reason: "Could it be because the players who entered this pioneering book are relatively wealthy? After all, most of them are T2 level players, and they should have some wealth. "

"It makes sense." Yu Liang thought about it and thought so.

The difficulty of this pioneering book is not low, and the players who enter the pioneering book are definitely not weak either, and they must have a lot of characters and other wealth.

As time goes by, the average value becomes higher, so will the value of the wealth of the mischievous ghost decrease?

Moreover, there are two guys, Aze and Adventurer, among the players. Although Yu Liang doesn't know the specific number, the wealth value of these two guys is at least over 20, 30 or even 40 to 50.

It's definitely the two of them that greatly increased the average wealth of the players.

Yu Conscience knew what was going on, and luckily for the adventurer, Aze's wealth gave him the idea of ​​"exploding gold coins."

It's a pity that this guy is hiding somewhere.

As for now, Yu Liang is planning to throw all these specimens into the No. 225 Tank Road Mansion for later use.

Whether it is used as an alienated career experience card or directly unlocks the character bar to explode gold coins to increase wealth value, it can be regarded as an important batch of wealth.

At this point in time, Yu Liang doesn't want Octagon to enter the player's specimens to explode gold coins. With Octagon's IQ, he can definitely guess that these specimens are the capital for his survival. Once the specimens are gone, he will have nothing. of any value.

Anyway, I will definitely die when the specimens are used up, so I might as well find a suitable alienated professional ability to counterattack before death.

Octagon would definitely think so, which would cause some trouble for Yu Liang.

It's still useful to keep Octagon for the time being. It's good to bring the specimen with him like this. After all, Octagon's identity will be needed to accomplish many other things.

The next step will be easier once we find Xu Cixi. After all, Xu Cixi already has an alienated profession.

Although she is only T4, don’t underestimate her!

You're a great hypnotist, can you mentally control a small octagon?

This octagon is not some weird creature. It doesn't even have gradient levels. The abilities of normal alienated professions are all crushing advantages.

Yu Liang thought so, and then two paper figures escorted the octagon and a large number of player specimens into room 225.

"What room is this? Why was a room created out of thin air here?" Octagon came outside and looked at the huge Room 225, and couldn't help but wonder.

Of course, this doubt is mainly due to the faint fear in my heart.

Because such a room is too much like a prison. What if he can't get out after walking in?

"You don't have to worry about it. You just need to put the player's specimen in." Yu Liang just said coldly, "Or you can put it there and let me do it myself."

Octagon swallowed secretly and did not respond. He just walked into Room 225 carrying a large number of player specimens.

He knew very well that this was not a multiple-choice question.

If he can't even do such a small thing well, what else does Mr. Kirito want from him?

I'm afraid he could be killed directly.

If you think about it carefully, it's okay even if you are in prison. After all, he stays with these precious player specimens. If you want to harm him, there is no need to put him with these precious player specimens.

So what is this room that suddenly appears now?

Octagon thought of the magical creatures summoned by Mr. Kirito before, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Could it be that this is another form...

Weird creatures?

Just when Octagon was thinking, he suddenly heard a high-pitched female voice coming from beside him.

"Ah~" This groan-like cry resounded through the campus, and then gradually became deeper. It felt as if he was aware of his gaffe and then deliberately suppressed it.

The more suppressed it is, the more prominent the idea of ​​wanting to gasp loudly and scream regardless is as if it will completely tear apart the sanity in the next second.

In the extremely quiet environment of the campus late at night, the sudden groaning sound made people unconsciously think about it.

"This?" Professor Octagon looked confused and froze on the spot, not knowing what this meant.

He had just suspected that the room in front of him was some kind of special strange creature, but this guy didn't want to scream so loudly, right?

What kind of words would spread out this late at night?

You know, the guard knew he was here.

Professor Octagon was a little anxious instinctively. As a Professor Polygon, his character was as great as his knowledge. How could he be corrupted in a place like this?

But after thinking about it, he felt relieved. It was better to save his life first. As long as he could save his life, he would use the "Skin Painting Technique" to make a new polygonal skin bag.

This time it can even be a polygon, because he is already familiar with and proficient in the way of speaking and thinking habits of a polygon, but he can try transforming into a more advanced appearance.

On the other side, Yu Liang was speechless listening to the roars in Room 225.

Damn it, I actually forgot about this.

Room No. 225 has been greatly changed after a lot of modifications by the little fairy An Buchen, but the nature of "afraid of death" has not changed at all, and she is still the same sensitive little girl as before.

"Be patient, I remember you have been promoted to the gradient level, don't scream like a child when touched." Yu Liang patted the wall of Room 225 and said, "Be patient a little longer and feel aggrieved."

"Yes." Room 225 made a small sound of agreement, which was regarded as Yu Liang's consent.

So during the subsequent process of carrying the player specimens in the octagon, humming sounds continued to appear in Room 225, but in the end they were much quieter, as if they were afraid to speak again due to Yu Liang's order.

In the end, a total of thirty-seven player specimens were put into the body of Room 225. Yu Liang originally thought that it might not be able to fit in. After all, the current Room 225 is two-dimensional and the capacity is not very large. After all, it cannot Stacking consumes “area” rather than “space”.

However, the performance of room 225 was beyond Yu Liang's expectations. She seemed to have the ability to expand, and she could expand as much as she came in until it was fully accommodated.

Unfortunately, this kind of expansion is also limited. The current room 225 can only expand one-third to one-half of the body at most, and it cannot be expanded for a long time. After a while, the player specimens will be taken out. relax for a moment.

After the rectification was completed, Yu Liang followed the Octagon and left the school. Under the cover of the Octagon, the security guard did not have any doubts about them, but was just a little curious.

Didn’t the octagon professor just come up with a shape?

Why did we become two people when we came out, carrying such a huge one...

Round car?

One person, one figure, and one strange creature were walking on the street late at night. Since the school was near the central area and the surrounding areas were populated by nobles, the lights were brightly lit even late at night, but it was not noisy. Instead, it was unusually quiet.

Only occasionally can you hear the murmuring of the irregular shapes tied up in the courtyards of these nobles. They may be dreaming of something good.

"Mr. Kirito, where are we going so late?" Octagon asked while leading the way to Room 225 behind him.

"Go find...forget it, just find a place to settle down." Yu Liang originally wanted to go find Rachel, but gave up mid-sentence. It was late at night after all, and it would not be possible to bring Professor Octagon to visit. Great.

"In this house is actually quite big, and it can accommodate Mr. Kirito and" Octagon suggested immediately.

"No need." This proposal was naturally rejected by Yu Liang. He was reluctant to enter any closed space now. He always felt that there was a risk of falling into the trap of painting.

It's good like this, the free air is much sweeter.

"By the way, you should know the colors that have appeared recently, right? What do you think?" Yu Liang thought of the colors that Aze created, and was a little curious about what the senior intellectuals in Flatland would think.

"That is the greatest invention of this century. Although we don't know the name of the inventor, we will always praise his achievements in our hearts." Octagon answered without hesitation.

"Tell the truth." Yu Liang interrupted Octagon's words without hesitation. He knew that this was definitely not the truth.

Quite simply, the octagon himself did not dye it, which shows that he is skeptical about this thing.

"Okay, Mr. Kirito, your powers of observation are really sharp." Octagon shook his body and simply said four words, "The source of unrest."

"Explain." Yu Liang became interested. He knew clearly that the octagon in front of him was once a triangle, and now it is a high-level intellectual.

It can be said that he is one of the few figures in this country who has a deep understanding of both the upper and lower classes. Coupled with the rich knowledge, his views are the future direction to a certain extent.

Only by grasping the direction of the future can we keep up with Aze's footsteps.

"Color is indeed very good. Its beauty has completely exceeded the imagination limit of two-dimensional creatures. If I had not seen the more beautiful three-dimensional world from the memories of players, maybe I would surrender without hesitation. At the feet of the color, thus ignoring all the crises behind it." Professor Octagon marveled, "However, it is indeed the source of trouble. Combined with the situation of my students in the past few days and the rumors in Ling City, the color will be from a deeper level. The labeling of national figures distracts from the unified spirit of the nation and turns them into separate groups."

"The touch skills that used to symbolize elegance and nobility no longer seem to be meaningful, and there is a faster and easier way to identify angles." Octagon said, summarizing in more concise words, "The 'wisdom' of polygons has become It’s useless, and it’s hard for me to imagine how I will communicate with my child one day in the future, and how I will tell him the connection between the art of touch and wisdom.”

He continued: "The emergence of color seems to have smoothed the intellectual gap between polygons and triangles."

"Oh? Does the intelligence gap between triangles and polygons only rely on touch skills?" This was beyond Yu Liang's expectation. He thought triangles were really stupid.

In fact, he did think so when traveling around Flatland.

In comparison, triangles are indeed more crude and stupid.

"If this is the case, my disguise should have been seen through long ago. I am a triangle, but I have been a professor for fifty years." Octagon said happily, "The reason why 'touch skills' are used to distinguish intelligence The difference is because those triangles will never learn, their sharp corners will hurt other shapes, and only the 'touching skills' cannot touch the 'other shore of wisdom'."

"No, then why does it really become rounder and the angles become wider after increasing knowledge?" Yu Liang touched himself and immediately felt his round belly.

Sure enough, he became more and more mellow.

"Huh? Really? I thought this was just a social consensus." Octagon was a little surprised. "According to my research, this kind of situation is very rare, and it takes more than half a lifetime of knowledge accumulation to really trigger it, but maybe this It’s just the wind that’s been blowing for decades.”

"No, no, I became mellow overnight." Yu Liang reached out and patted his stomach, making a crisp sound.

"No, no, no, how could you gain so much wisdom overnight?" Octagon still felt that Yu Liang was joking, but as he spoke, he realized that Yu Liang was serious, so he was a little stunned. Continued, "Could it be...that something quietly modified your shape in the middle of the night?"

Yu Liang: "..."

It may not be possible in the middle of the night, but it is definitely possible to be silent. There are two situations where he really cannot detect it.

First, the "painter" personally modified his shape, but Yu Liang felt that it was unreliable, because even the root ghost story could not find that his "knowledge" was increasing at any time.

How can there be such idle talk about the root cause, monitoring all players at all times?

Then the second scenario is more likely.

Second layer.

There is something in the second layer, something that every player has, but the native graphics do not, so only the players will become round, but the graphics will not.


The shadow is the "two-dimensional part" of the player!

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