The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 448 The second Yu Liang! Yu Liang conquers Yu Liang!

This guy is stalling for time.

Yu Liang made a judgment in his heart.

Triangle has absorbed all the memories from the player's corpse, so it has the same "qualification" as the player. And Triangle has communicated so much with itself just now, on the one hand, it is to test his tone, and on the other hand, it is to get in as quickly as possible Complete the main quest on the player's page.

With Professor Triangle’s understanding of Flatland, completing the main mission of the first stage is naturally not a problem.

For ordinary players, they still need to travel around or consult a lot of information to get the accurate answer, but according to Professor Triangle...

It is basically equivalent to a candidate who has completed the review and walks into the examination room. He only needs to read and answer the questions to pass the exam easily.

And is the triangle in front of you now taking this opportunity to unlock professional abilities?

Yu Liang was secretly vigilant in his heart, ready to switch to the thick-skinned Zhong Chen at any time.

"Yes, I absorbed it all." Triangle moved his body, feeling the siege of the characters on the ground, "If my guess is correct, this should be the 'trapped' character in my memory, right?"

There was an unreasonable excitement in his voice: "The three-dimensional world, players, ghost story world, characters, alienated professions. These things are really interesting."

The chaotic stream of memories in his mind impacted his world view all the time. He suddenly discovered that the world could not only be composed of the simplest line segments, but could also include brilliant colors, intuitive shapes, and beautiful mountains and rivers.

Common things in the three-dimensional world are extremely tempting to this triangle. He greedily sucks the remaining memories in the player's body, repeatedly recalling scenes that are not beautiful at all.

"That's right." Yu Liang did not interrupt the other party's words. He also wanted to see what kind of work this triangle could do next.


This guy is very confident.

Triangle turned his head sharply and looked directly at Yu Liang, his tone unable to conceal the ecstasy in his heart: "That's great, I gradually understand everything!"

"Then what?" Yu Liang looked at this guy with interest. He didn't have any problem.

He raised his hand, feeling the power in his body, and said as if he was sure of victory: "There are only four players who have completed the first phase of the mission, and they all chose alienation professions, and there is no solution to it." Players who have blocked the character slot or inventory, so you are obviously not among them, right?"

Admittedly, Yu Liang's performance confused Triangle for a moment. He didn't know why at this stage there were players who could use multiple Kaitan slots, summoning Kaitan creatures and using character slots. This was obviously against the rules.

Judging from the rankings on the player progress list, there are currently only four players (except the triangle) who have completed the first phase of the mission, and all they have unlocked are the alienated career columns, and no monster columns, character columns or items have been unlocked. Column.

Then it is obvious that the player in front of him should have used other items to successfully display his ability.

Triangle searched for the information clues left by the players in his mind and quickly came to a conclusion:

The guy in front of him has definitely not completed the first stage of the mission, and the reason why he is able to use these abilities just now is most likely because he purchased special props in the pioneer camp!

[Life-saving straw]: The user will temporarily unblock the alienated profession or one of the four columns, limited to three times (exclusively available in the Pioneer Edition, does not occupy the inventory).

There are relatively few ways to obtain this kind of prop. Generally speaking, it is given as a gift after completing the dungeon, or it is available for a limited time in the store in the pioneer book, and you often need to snap up to get it.

However, the effect of this prop is powerful enough. For those players who often enter the pioneer version, this is really a "life-saving straw."

The most dangerous period in the Pioneer Edition is the early stage when nothing has been unlocked. At this time, being able to use the power of Kaitan three times is tantamount to the greatest help.

Triangle felt very satisfied with the judgment he had made in such a short period of time. The greedy begging for mercy and the large number of secrets from Flatland were all just to delay time.

As long as he reaches this moment, now that he has the ability to unblock, the situation will be reversed in an instant!

The Paper Man player should have used up all three chances to save his life!

Triangle was not reassured, so he recalled it again.

For the first time, naturally this guy followed him into the campus without being discovered, probably using some kind of invisibility prop.

The second time, these strange, shrill-voiced monsters were summoned to block the door.

The third time, use the "trapped" character to trap him and prevent him from moving easily.

For players in a pioneer notebook, the upper limit of carrying life-saving straw is "1", which means that players can only use temporary abilities up to three times in a pioneer notebook. Now this guy has used them all!

Even if you summon this weird creature with no fighting ability, what if you use the "trapped" character to temporarily trap him?

He is now a high-end player at the T2 level and has unlocked his professional abilities. How can he deal with an ordinary player who has not unlocked his abilities?

"Oh? Then how do you think I use these ghost talk abilities? There shouldn't be any special props in this flat country, right?" Upon seeing this, Yu Liang understood what this triangle relied on, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. .

If you just rely on a player's alienated profession, there is a high probability that there will not be much of a threat.

You just need to be a little more vigilant and don't get hit by any disgusting skills.

"Haha, are you trying to deceive me? You can't, right?" Triangle made a strange voice, "According to the history and legends of you three-dimensional people, this is called the Empty City Strategy? It's a pity that your I saw through the plan!"

Yu Liang: "..."

No, how did this triangle become like this after it penetrated the player's body?

Will the characters of the player's specimen still fuse after being infiltrated into them?

It seems like I gave this guy a good beating.

Hold on for a while, hold on for a while, and see if you can fake other information.

"You are using a prop called [Life-saving Straw], which is a special prop in the Pioneer Edition. It allows players to temporarily use their abilities three times. It can only be purchased in the shop in the Pioneer Edition." Triangle said with a face. Confidently recounting the props in his memory, "Okay, there's no need to pretend anymore. You can no longer use your abilities. What are you going to do with me now that I've been unblocked? I'm already a T2 level physical warrior!"


A life-saving straw?

Exclusive props for pioneering books?

Can you use three abilities?

Where can I buy the masked man?

This guy is unreasonable. He won’t even give me a thorough explanation of such a good prop?

Thinking of this, Yu Liang was still a little scared. If he hadn't reacted quickly in that classroom and asked Regiel for a portable bell in time, he might have been one of the several player specimens in the specimen room now.

If there had been such a prop called "life-saving straw" at that time, he would not have to worry at all, and it would not even be a problem to kill all those enemies.

Among the thirty or forty players at that time, there might be some who had such props. Unfortunately, Yu Liang left early and did not see any players showing off their power.

In short, the quantity of this "life-saving straw" must not be large, and it is definitely a scarce commodity, otherwise there would not be so many players dying at that time.

If you have the chance, you can also complete the "site selection" task in this copy, so that you can meet the masked man.

On the one hand, it is to see what other props are specially provided in the pioneer book, and on the other hand, it is to deliver the goods.

The last batch of grass babies is probably almost sold out, and the wealth of the money-keeper is still growing steadily.

By the way, let’s wait and see what the wealth of this dungeon of Scroogeous Ghost is like. Scroogeous Ghost has not even had time to use its new abilities.

Thoughts in Yu Liang's mind were flying. He couldn't blame him, it was because the triangle player in front of him was not very intimidating.

After reporting his family status, Yu Liang admitted that he was a little distracted.

In the world view of triangle players, T2 physical warriors are considered strong to a certain extent, with their powerful physiques and the ability to switch jobs to combat (most of the physical warriors’ other abilities are to enhance speed, strength, or other aspects). Overall, It is said that they are all strengthening their physical fitness and combat effectiveness), which can definitely intimidate an ordinary player like Yu Liang.

It's a pity that Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the T2 level physical warrior player. He was familiar with this physical warrior. There were two more in the universe. If they were considered flower ladies, they would be three. They suppressed a physical warrior who had just succeeded in seizing the body. Wouldn’t it be easy for a warrior to do so?

From the perspective of professional balance, the physical fitness bonus of the physical warrior occupies some dimensions, so the remaining skills obviously will not have too many variables.

For example, the core of Yu Liang's alienation profession is [Universe], and the other [Creation], [Original], and [Naxu] are all based on the accompanying abilities of [Universe]. Only then can a system be formed, a system with linkage ability.

Although Yu Liang has never seen an actor's professional ability, he estimates that it is similar. It is impossible for an actor to obtain a powerful personality clone based on just one ability.

In terms of this characteristic, physical warriors seem to be at a slight disadvantage. Since physical fitness takes up the strength of the professional model, it is difficult for the remaining abilities to form a strong system, so it is actually more difficult for other abilities to be linked. .

Without linkage, it basically means that this alienated profession will have fewer eye-catching changes.

Take Li Huachao as a comparison. His abilities are very comprehensive, but they are not systematic, and there is no linkage between abilities. It can make people shine, purely because of his own exploration and comparison of the "shooting speed" rule. deep.

Various versions of Blade Storm, the group combat skill Alpha Strike, the martial arts fusion skill with Hua Niang, and helicopters ascending to the sky...

The same is true for Zhong Chen, but her abilities are somewhat interconnected. When combined with Yu Liang's character background, she becomes the king of blood sellers and the number one disgusting person.

Of course, it's useless even if there are variables. Yu Liang has the character card of "Hua Niang" in the universe, ready to give this guy a fatal blow at any time.

"Is there a possibility that my alienated profession will allow me to use the monster column and character column at the same time after being unblocked?" Yu Liang asked, looking at the triangle.

"Impossible, how could there be such a perverted profession? This is simply unfair!" Regarding everything Yu Liang said, Triangle's first reaction was disbelief.

"Professional fairness?" Yu Liang laughed, "I thought you, who was born in a triangle like you, would have forgotten the word 'fair'. For you, fairness seems to have never existed, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Triangle was shocked. He felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, and he had no way to refute it.

Yes, fairness, this thing is always relative, absolute fairness cannot exist.

If professional fairness really exists, then why do humans in the three-dimensional world have to study hard since childhood?

It seems that those professions that are more difficult to obtain are likely to be so powerful!

"You, no, there is no way you can unblock it, otherwise...otherwise..." Triangle was in a state of confusion and was already a little incoherent.

"I can use this ability many times." Yu Liang chuckled and summoned other strange creatures in the universe.

What was summoned this time was the Scrooge, a dwarf with an inconspicuous appearance (two-dimensional, no height, but small in area).

"What?!" Triangle gritted his teeth and had other thoughts in his mind.

Obviously, the opponent's profession can summon multiple monsters to besiege him, and he immediately releases the "trapped" character to trap him here. What does this mean?

It shows that his close combat effectiveness is insufficient!

Maybe we can capture the thief first and capture the king first?

As long as the paper man player in front of me can be made into a specimen, wouldn't it be a huge profit?

Triangle looked at his current career page and calmed down temporarily.

Name: Triangle

Gradient level: T2

Alienated occupation: long-distance runner

Alienation Ability: Vigor, Overreach, Instant Sprint

【Instant sprint】!

[Instant Sprint]: Use your physical strength to move a long distance. After the movement is completed, you will enter a weak state for five minutes, and your overall physical strength will be reduced by 50%. The displacement distance depends on the physical strength invested.

The activation of this ability is similar to teleportation, so it ignores the constraints of the "trapped" character. The triangular figure disappears and appears next to Yu Liang. He lifts the spike in his hand and is about to stab Yu Liang.

As a two-dimensional creature, he knew very well that just piercing other creatures gently with such an acute angle would cause inevitable death.

Next, you only need to use a taxidermy method close to "painted skin" to completely obtain the profession of the player in front of you!

Thinking of this, the triangular body trembled uncontrollably, filled with excitement.

"Oh?" Yu Liang's reaction was not too slow. He switched to Li Huachao, who fought against him.

An acute angle, right?

They are all considered cold weapons. Since you attack me with cold weapons, I have to use my speed to suppress you!

Li Huachao felt jealous in his heart and raised his hand to suppress the other party.

"Eh?" He was a little stunned. Why did he feel that this guy was much less powerful than he thought?

Isn't this a T2 body warrior?

The level is not enough!

"Instant sprint!" Sanjiang was shocked when he saw that the attack was intercepted, and wanted to use the skill again to make a long-distance jump to escape.

This ability can't be used only once. As long as he can endure the weak state after each teleportation, he can use it as an uninterrupted space jump.

And unlike what was imagined, the [Leap Level] skill can also replenish lost physique and stamina, which can be regarded as a linked skill.

"Hua Niang, Hu Wei, seal him." Yu Liang moved out of Hua Niang without hesitation. This was the first time he used teleportation. He did not react, but this time he was prepared.

As long as this teleportation skill is sealed, it is not easy to control the triangle.

If you can control the triangle...

Maybe it will be an all-round enhancement to yourself.

There are so many player specimens here, and the triangle can switch player professions by changing skins...

Isn't that the second generation of Yu Liang? (End of chapter)

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