The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 447 Professor Triangle’s Statement

A simple acute-angled triangle emerged from Professor Octagon's body, and then this triangle got into a player specimen...

After saying "player" from this triangle, Yu Liang knew that he must not let this professor escape today.

The figures of various generals in the universe flashed through his mind, and he selected the character that best suited the current situation.

Little paper man.

As soon as he raised his hand, dozens of paper figures appeared behind Yu Liang. They blocked the door of the classroom. Several of them carrying the character "trap" raised their feet and rushed towards the one possessing the player. Special triangle.

Papermen use the skill [Extreme Extravagance] to incorporate characters into the special space they carry. After upgrading, each paperman can even carry multiple characters. These characters will not be affected by the character bar lock.

Strictly speaking, what does the character used by the paper man have to do with Yu Liang?

The locking of the character bar in Kaitan World will not affect the paper man, right?

"What is it?" The triangle possessing the player heard the movement behind him and immediately looked back.

The door area of ​​the classroom had been blocked by unknown lines, which made one realize that there was something in that location.

Because Triangle was very confident in his hearing, he did not choose to close the door after entering the classroom. Closing the door would block the sound, making him unable to hear the movement outside the door.

However, the sudden appearance of the creatures at this time still shocked him. His body instinctively wanted to retreat, and a thought flashed through his mind like lightning.

Yes, I heard such a sound before when I was at the school gate. These things may have followed me at that time!

"Trapped!" The little paper man quickly trapped the triangle before it could move, and then angrily yelled at the triangle, "Waijila, Waijila!"

Cursing and cursing, the paper people even used [Unnecessary] to conjure a spike and stab it at the triangular body.

"Wait, wait!" Feeling the threat of the spikes in his body, Triangle suddenly became more honest and begged for mercy loudly, "Don't kill me, don't kill me! You can do whatever you want!"

"Oh? Really?" Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the character " sleepy " hit. He walked out of nothingness and stood in front of the triangle, "Tell me, what is going on? .”

A triangle was covered with octagonal skin. It seemed that he had been doing this a long time ago, which made Yu Liang full of doubts.

According to the laws of nature that we have learned in the past, this is almost impossible, isn't it?

Even if this kind of covering rule really exists, can a triangle become an octagon by covering it with an octagon?

His intelligence is far inferior to that of Octagon, and his voice is also different from Octagon. Were these details not discovered by those students?

And logically speaking, since a triangle can play the role of an octagon in daily life, it means that his wisdom is equivalent to that of an octagon. How can he still maintain the appearance of this acute-angled triangle?

"You... are the paper man? No, you should be the 'player'!" Triangle reacted quickly, and immediately realized Yu Liang's true identity, and inevitably felt a little shocked in his heart, "The memory in this specimen turned out to be real?"

"Ahem." Yu Liang coughed twice, pulling Triangle out of his shock. "Now, I'll ask you another question."

"Yes, respected 'player'." Triangle's voice became more respectful and seemed more polite than before.

He continued: "If you want to ask about the 'skin possession' technique I just demonstrated, then I can tell you that this is a long-standing traditional secret technique and a real secret technique hidden among the high-ranking aristocracy. secret."

"Oh? Does that mean you are not the only one who knows this thing?" Yu Liang was a little surprised. He thought it was just some kind of magic trick done by the triangle in front of him.

Now it seems that the origin may be much deeper.

"Of course not, this is a secret technique that has existed since a long time ago." Triangle replied, "A long time ago, probably in the ancient barbaric era, only triangles and other irregular shapes like beasts existed on this continent. At that time, the Triangles had not yet invented the art of painting seeds, so they could only carry out the most primitive hunting activities to obtain food.”


Yu Liang's thought came to him, which was quite unexpected.

He had traveled all over Flatland, but at that time he had not seen many so-called beasts in the wild.

"At this stage, these triangles also discovered the compensatory mechanism of nature. They realized that triangles whose shape is biased toward equilateral triangles have lower force value, but at the same time they will be smarter." At this point, the triangle looked at Yu Liang's direction, confirming that the other party has not silenced his thoughts for the time being.

"Compensation mechanism? Does it mean that the larger the angle, the smarter the graphics are?" Yu Liang asked subconsciously.

"Well... that's not accurate." Triangle paused and continued to explain, "From the perspective of the macro graphics world, there is nothing wrong with this statement, but for a single graphic, the more symmetrical and fair it is, the more fair it is. intelligent."

He further gave an example: "For example, the degrees of a triangle are 1 degree, 1 degree and 178 degrees respectively. It has almost the largest obtuse angle, but it cannot be considered too smart."

Triangle concluded: "The bigger the angle, the smarter it is. In fact, the comparison is the angle with the smallest degree in a triangle. Compare the angle with the smallest degree with the smallest angles of other triangles. Whoever has the larger degree is smarter."

Yu Liang thought about it and suddenly realized that his past understanding was biased.

Indeed, there would be a logical contradiction according to the previous statement.

If a triangle is stupid, its angles are sharp, but at the same time, the sum of the interior angles of the triangle is 180 degrees, so the other angles should be larger. A larger angle means smarter...

So the dumber a triangle is, the smarter it is.

Uh, what a messy conclusion.

The comparison should be the degree of the smallest angle.

For example, the minimum angle of the triangle just mentioned is 1 degree, and the minimum angle of the equilateral triangle is 60 degrees, then the former is stupider than the latter, and this compensation mechanism is established.

"Well, so the actual comparison is the degree of the minimum angle, but only for similar figures." Yu Liang made a judgment.

For example, the wisdom of an equilateral triangle reaches the top of the triangle, but it is still incomparable to any quadrilateral, perhaps because the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral must be greater than the sum of the interior angles of a triangle.

"Yes, your understanding is at least at the level of Decagon." There was some surprise in Triangle's tone, and he flattered him a little.

"Continue." Yu Liang did not show the joy that Triangle expected. It was impossible for him to be happy about this kind of thing.

Would you be happy because an orangutan praised you as more beautiful than the most beautiful female in the orangutan group?

"One day, a triangle that has not left any information in the history of Flatland discovered a secret. The parts on the bodies of those beasts (irregular shapes) can be cut off and can be made into perfect skins through adhesives. ." The triangle narrates that past event. In fact, these secret histories are not detailed, and are only briefly mentioned in some unofficial histories or family biographies, so he also relied on his own ability to piece together these materials.

He continued, with a kind of high respect in his voice, which is the worship of knowledge and skills: "This kind of skill is called 'painting skin'."

Painted skin.

Yu Liang silently thought about this skill in his heart, and had some guesses in his mind.

"The 'Painting Skin' skill can create a complete skin of wisdom, and those triangles only need to enter this skin to inherit the skin's wisdom, memory and everything." There was a little fanaticism in the voice of the triangle, "Invent this kind of The graphics of the craft must be the smartest graphics ever created!”

"According to this...actually, there are no shapes other than triangles in Flatland?" Yu Liang followed his meaning and was surprised by the truth in his heart.

I thought it was the natural physical differences between polygons and triangles that caused class antagonism, but I didn't expect that the actual situation behind it was actually like this.

Those quadrilaterals, pentagons, and even polygons were once triangles, but their good background gave them a good skin.

Armed with this layer of skin, even their wisdom can crush ordinary graphics, which makes people unable to help but admire them.

"No, no, no, this is not a simple scam." Sanjiang realized that Yu Lianghui had made a mistake, so he denied his guess, "This is a great fusion of life levels, and you may not be able to understand it deeply. It means, but as long as I tell you a result, you will understand."


"After trapping the octagon, I found a regular heptagon as my wife, and the child she gave birth to was neither a triangle nor a heptagon. She gave birth to a nonagon!" Triangle explained, "That's it, yes."

He continued: "The first batch of triangles that completed painting and cladding transformed into polygons. Through this explosive growth of wisdom, they quickly took over the leadership position, and the offspring they gave birth to became even better. Born as a polygon, it is born to be smarter than those triangles."

At this point, Triangle seemed to have thought of something, and there was a slight embarrassment in his tone: "Of course, just from the 'intellectual level', they are indeed better than other Triangles, but the force value is not necessarily the same."

"Is that so? What you mean is... In fact, the polygons in this era are not the result of 'painted skin'. They are the product of natural inheritance. Their parents were like this, so they are naturally so wise." Yu Liang suddenly realized, and He felt that this development trend was more in line with science and more in line with everything he saw.

Yes, this is how wisdom is inherited, so it is stable.

If every triangle needed to be painted to become an intelligent polygon, wouldn't Flatland have been in chaos long ago?

Painted skin, a nouveau riche-like approach, will definitely gradually disappear in the long river of history. Otherwise, how can we maintain the social stability of Flatland?

"Yes, there are only very, very few figures who have mastered this skin-painting technique, but even if they master it, it is of little use, because as early as a long time ago, the second and third batches of graphics that became polygons through skin-painting were roughly Driving those beasts into the sea forced them to evolve organs suitable for long-term survival in the ocean."

"It is recorded in our biology books that those beasts were found in the ocean, and there was almost no land. Later, after archaeological research, it was discovered that the creatures originated on the land and gradually migrated to the ocean. This is called 'The great discovery of the theory of biological evolution'..." Triangle talks eloquently, probably because of his status as a "professor", so he has the quality of being a teacher.

Probably because these secret histories cannot be taught to students in class, and they are the research results of this triangle's search for ancient books, so it feels like "walking in brocade at night".

These research results make him proud, but he cannot tell others. Now Yu Liang has become the best outlet.

"That's too far away." Seeing that Yu Liang didn't reply, Triangle smiled and explained his details, "I also found the method of making 'Painted Skin' in an ancient book, and then went to the deep sea to obtain the materials, and finally put it together. I turned into an octagon filled with wisdom.”

"Really? The deep sea? Then you should know something about that ocean?" Yu Liang continued, "That's right. I need to go to that ocean next, and you can lead the way."


This time he was silent for a long time, and finally hesitantly confessed again: "Well, those beasts in the deep sea have evolved to a level that I can't understand. I can't get materials from them with my strength alone. I I tried twice and almost died in the ocean.”

"Oh? What about your materials?" This sudden confession made Yu Liang feel funny. Maybe this was something that the triangle in front of him deliberately concealed. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet himself who wanted to go to the ocean. He saw that he could no longer hide it. frank.

"It's other graphics. I disassembled a lot of graphics, including a lot of triangles and some polygons." The triangle's voice seemed a bit dull, and he didn't hide it anymore, because he knew that the paper man opposite was not stupid and must have guessed came out, but he still subconsciously defended himself, "If I want to become an octagon, this is the only way I can do it!"

There was a bit of anger in his voice: "I don't want to either. If you want to gain wisdom, do you have to draw round beans in the fields every day? If you save a lifetime of money, you can only go to a plastic surgery hospital to correct the angle. What’s the use? It’s just a drop in the bucket.”

Triangle gasped and gave a definition for his behavior, at least a definition that made him feel better:

"In such an era, if you want to gain more wisdom, you must have the courage to kill other graphics. Every surge of wisdom is extracted from the corpses of other graphics."

He looked at Yu Liang and asked, "Isn't this the same as yours?"

"It seems that you have completely absorbed the player's memory." Yu Liang was not surprised, and then he saw a new prompt box on the page, which surprised him.

[Player-Triangle completes the first stage of the main mission and unlocks professional abilities. 】


triangle? !

"Yes, completely absorbed."

Triangle replied, meaning unclear.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, made an instant judgment that this guy was stalling for time!

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