The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 438: Being clever but being misled by cleverness

These graphics present include a large number of pioneer players!

After making this judgment, Yu Liang felt subconsciously happy. If other players were here, wouldn't it be possible for him to find his teammates here?

Xu Cixi and Ren'an may both be here.

As players, their landing place may not be completely random, because today the schools in this area have to explain the "upgrade" phenomenon, so yesterday's homework was to complete an "upgrade", and they, the players in the pioneer version, are in various schools. It happened during the household's upgrade experiment.

If they arrive like this, they can be considered to be on the same starting line, and it is very fair, just like the last time the players in the pioneer book descended on each freak nursery.

"Eh?" Regiel's eyes were attracted by the graphics around her. She got off the car here every day, so she was already familiar with the same scenes around her, but there seemed to be something different today.

When did these shapes start going to school in pairs?

Moreover, each pair of figures is composed of a regular figure and an irregular figure. The regular figures should visually look like regular pentagons or regular hexagons.

Regiel knew clearly that under normal circumstances it was impossible for these noble pentagons or hexagons to be paired with irregular shapes like this.

Unless they are not simple irregular shapes, not lowly creatures like the coachman, but paper figures with the same high intelligence as Mr. Kirito next to him...

Paper man?

Such a large number of paper figures?

Even Regiel herself was frightened by this bold idea. Although the city she was in was one of the largest cities in Flatland, the probability of seeing a paper man from the far north was extremely small. , now I actually see so many paper figures at the entrance of the small school...

How can this be?

But if she wants to believe that these noble polygons in front of her are walking in pairs with the deformed irregular figures, then she would rather believe that the irregular figures here are all paper figures.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang asked immediately as he sensed Regiel's confusion.

"They are all... Why are there so many paper people from the Far North like you here? There shouldn't be." Regiel was still confused by this, "Could it be that these are all upgraded from homework? product?"

"It's possible." Yu Liang responded, and then said based on his identity, "Maybe I can get clues about my origin from them, and I may communicate with them later."

"No problem, but we may have to wait until free activities between classes." Rachel didn't feel anything was wrong, but just reminded him, and then led Yu Liang towards the school.

She thought for a while and then warned: "You'd better not talk casually in front of other polygons. There are some old-fashioned guys among us who have a very strong sense of hierarchy. All non-standard graphics are inferior." I don’t deserve to talk to them. This kind of thinking is not progressive or free at all. Of course I don’t agree with it, but I don’t want to conflict with their stubborn guys.”

"Okay." Yu Liang didn't refuse. So far, Rachel had helped him a little, so he didn't want to cause trouble to the other party for no reason.

Along the way, Rachel met many familiar figures. She came up to say hello one by one and performed simple touching etiquette.

Yu Liang was also observing. These little nobles basically relied on the sound of their bells to recognize each other, and then came forward to talk and touch.

There have also been cases where two graphics and ring music are very similar, which makes it easy to misidentify the graphics, just like bumping into faces in reality.

Of course, the hearing of these graphics is extremely keen, and it is generally difficult to recognize them.

In the process of greeting each other, these graphics inevitably refer to the paper people accompanying each other.

After some exchanges, these polygon students all realized that their promotion assignments seemed to lead to the same result with a small probability.

Paper people.

"Did your upgrade assignment also replace the paper figures from the Far North?" Regiel had already expected this, but she was still extremely surprised to get an accurate answer from her classmates.

"That's right, is it too?" Rachel's classmate's name is Terry. His observations are not as sharp as Rachel's, so he noticed this at this time.

"Yes." Regiel felt a sense of surprise in her heart, "I always feel that something extraordinary has happened."

"What an incredible thing? What is that? Rachel, what you say is always so strange." Terry still didn't understand what it meant.

"I mean, this time we may become famous. There will be many reporters coming to our school to interview and report on this matter. Just wait." Regiel was very confident about this, because she knew that once The appearance of so many paper figures is a small probability event among small probability events, and it will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

As those who witnessed this incident, perhaps this discovery will be named after them.

Regiel's thinking was much quicker than Terry's, and she immediately realized that this might be a great opportunity. She had always had a dream of becoming a political commissar, and if she wanted to become a political commissar, she first needed to have a lot of exposure and Reputation.

If this thing is done properly, it may bring her a lot of popularity. If she can use this opportunity to promote a breakthrough in diplomatic relations between Flatland and the Far North, then she can take this opportunity to obtain initial political resources. .

She will graduate next year. Now that something like this happens, isn't this a revelation?

"Is this so? It seems like our school will become very noisy." Terry sighed, "I don't like a noisy environment, are you right? Taylor."

"Yes." The paper man next to Terry responded angrily.

Yu Liang looked at the paper man. He guessed that the other person should be a player like him, but now he could not verify this guess, so he could only keep silent.

"You really don't understand anything." Reggie had no choice but to take Yu Liang into the school.

After being inspected by the school gate guards, the two figures quickly arrived at the first building of the school. Before entering the teaching area, they needed to walk through a long corridor.

"Look, this is the standard specimen display gallery." Lei Jier motioned Yu Liang to look at the graphics hanging on the walls on both sides. "Their angles have been accurately modified and are absolutely correct. There are countless graphics touches every day. them, feel them, and know to remember the precise angle.”

Just as he was talking, Rachel led Yu Liang to press his body against the wall, letting him feel the triangle locked on the hollow wall.

"This is an acute isosceles triangle with a vertex angle of 1 degree. Remember this degree. It is an extremely dangerous degree and has very strong lethality." Rachel explained, and then walked over, "Then there are 2 degrees. , 3 degrees, 4 degrees and so on, until 179 degrees. There are nearly 180 specimens placed here. You can almost feel all the triangle degrees here, and at the same time, all the triangles you can see in daily life. degree."

"This set of absolutely accurate specimens is of extremely high value. It is a masterpiece of mathematical measurement technology in Flatland. There are only a dozen sets in the entire country, which is very rare." She said proudly, "It is because of these accurate specimens that Our touch etiquette can achieve this same precision and elegance without making the slightest mistake.”

"Yeah." Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh in his heart as he felt these cold specimens.

These specimens can be called the pinnacle of Flatland craftsmanship, which is based on a lot of killing. To put it more accurately, the touch skills of the entire Flatland upper class are trained with the blood of their companions, and this But it was regarded as a "symbol of civilization."

After briefly taking Yu Liang to touch the specimen gallery, Rachel quickly took Yu Liang to the classroom.

Since Flatland does not have the concept of "up and down", there will naturally be no multi-story teaching buildings. According to this setting, this school should be very big, but Yu Liang once again misjudged this Flatland. Technology.

Draw prison.

Each classroom is a prison fixed with special technology, arranged like a honeycomb. They only need to pass through a corridor with a large entrance and a small exit, and their bodies will shrink accordingly, allowing them to slip into the small classroom.

If I had to say something, Yu Liang felt that this corridor was somewhat similar to Doraemon's shrinking tunnel that he had seen when he was a child.

In short, this fixed drawing cell technology greatly saves the school's space, and also allows their classrooms to expand or shrink to accommodate graphics that could not otherwise be accommodated.

For example, there are only twenty shapes in the normal classroom, but now almost every shape has a paper figure, so there are nearly forty shapes in the classroom, and they contain a large number of irregular shapes, but they are not Seems crowded.

You know, in Flatland, the meaning of the word "crowding" is more terrifying than any kind of natural disaster.

The sharp angles on some graphics will become a big killer to steal the fate of companions when crowded, especially when panic occurs. Such stupid sharp-angled triangular creatures are most easily infected by the panic atmosphere and will often follow without hesitation. The companion rushes in one direction. At that time, it will be a major disaster endangering public safety.

In this classroom, Regiel once again confirmed his judgment.

Sure enough, in last night's promotion homework, most of the students got a paper man. A small number of graphics imprisoned the paper man in the drawing prison, and a smaller number of graphics were drawn according to the teacher's instructions during class. According to the instructions, they killed the paper man and made it into a specimen and brought it to class.

After receiving this news, Yu's conscience couldn't help but mourn for these players.

In a sense, some people stand at the end of their destiny as soon as they are born.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and escaped disaster last night.

However, the environment in the classroom now makes him feel uneasy. There are a lot of players gathered here, so naturally there are not a few players who understand the "three-dimensional world view".

So wouldn't the revolutionary plan he just thought of go so smoothly?

No, not even bad.

"Regier, when you meet your teacher later, please don't talk about nightmares yet." He looked at Regier and solemnly asked.

"Aren't you going to tell me? Aren't you very curious about this question?" Regiel was a little confused.

"Don't tell me." Yu Liang shook his head and refused, "Those are just some random assumptions that I just came to this country. Don't take it seriously."

"Okay... okay." Regiel didn't think much and just agreed.

At this moment, the other paper people in the classroom are also at a loss. They know that the other paper people are probably players similar to themselves, and they are eager to find their own team mates, but it seems impossible in this environment. Too likely.

They simply cannot recognize their companions by sight alone. If they want to recognize them, they may have to go through touch and verbal communication, and such behavior does not seem appropriate. At least the polygons around them are relatively quiet. So the players can only wait silently for the opportunity.

As the class bell rang, the classroom was completely quiet for a short period of time. Each polygon put the bell away to prevent it from making any noise, and then today's professor was welcomed into the classroom.

"There seem to be a lot of graphics in our classroom today." Professor Octagon smiled, "I have learned the general situation from the guard. In yesterday's upgrading assignment, most of your graphics seemed to have been upgraded. Paper people from the far north?”


"That's right."

The polygons in the audience responded sparsely.

"Well, this is indeed a very rare phenomenon." Professor Octagon said, "Even in the past decades of teaching, I have almost never seen such a thing."

He continued to explain: "We all know that upgrading is a special change derived from graphics. As long as we use some low-intelligence graphics as materials in the drawing prison and conduct experiments according to rigorous steps, we can obtain some through substitution. Special materials, items, and even living figures.”

"In the past, there were very few cases of being upgraded to 'Paper People', but this time there are so many Paper People..." At this point, Professor Octagon coughed dryly, turned around and walked to the door. , “Before I came to class, some students asked me some questions, which were very interesting. What’s more interesting is that almost every student asked me similar questions.”

Yu Liang looked at Professor Octagon who was blocking the door. The uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. He vaguely guessed the reason for this, so he suddenly felt helpless.

These players who entered the pioneer version are not ordinary players. They eagerly want to use their wisdom to take the lead, but now their cleverness is mistaken for their cleverness!

"Yes, the questions they asked me are different, but the common direction is the same." Professor Octagon coughed twice again, without any emotion in his voice, "Why are there only two dimensions in this world?" ? Why can’t there be a third dimension? Since there is no third dimension, what does 2 to the third power mean? There are even graphics that propose a concept, that is, the cube, which is a three-dimensional shape composed of six squares Graphics, he is above all our graphics.”

Suddenly, Professor Octagon roared and slapped the wall hard. His absolute academic authority gave him enough confidence to question:

"What is the third dimension!?"

"What on earth do you know?"

"You actually want to use this to confuse the students of Flatland's second-highest college. What's your intention?"

"Dimension represents direction and measurability. It means long and short, more and less..."

"Since you said the third dimension exists, that's fine."


"Measure it to me!"

"If I can't do it, then I have to ask..."

"What is the purpose of you paper people coming here?!"

After saying this, Professor Octagon sneered again: "I have contacted the Empire's special security department. If you can't explain it clearly, I'm afraid you will have to explain it to the security department's graphic explanation." (End of this chapter)

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