The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 437 The oracle brought by the divine messenger Yu Liang

In his past life, Yu Liang was not a rule-abiding person. He was the type who would skip classes in games. This trait was not reflected much in the past copies because Li Huachao in the team was more bohemian than him. In comparison, It seems that he is more honest.

It's like a golden retriever sitting in the same car with a group of howling huskies, but it seems that the golden retriever is dull and silent by nature.

But this is not his nature.

Who would refuse to use unconventional methods to effectively solve current problems?

Compared with other players in this copy, he has an advantage that cannot be ignored.

Stamp [Dimension People]!

This is a passive skill or a locking skill. As long as he can obtain three-dimensional vision, he can transform at the same time and transform back into a three-dimensional creature.

Facing these two-dimensional creatures, wouldn't he kill them randomly when he returns to the three-dimensional state?

What does he have to fear from a group of creatures that can only move on a flat surface? These two-dimensional creatures can't attack him in three dimensions, right?

Not to mention attacking, I'm afraid you can't even see his existence. After all, in a higher dimension, you can really do whatever you want.

At this moment, Leijier's words also inspired Yu Liang. He suddenly realized that he did not have to master Hua Lao, and then explored the possibility of three-dimensional vision from the characteristics of Hua Lao.

He also has an alienated profession!

Just complete the two stages of the main mission and open the alienation profession and stamp slot respectively.

Yu Liang clearly remembered that the architect Li Geng's ability [God's Eye] is to observe the world from a bird's-eye perspective, so naturally it can be regarded as a three-dimensional perspective.

So the method to obtain the three-dimensional state is actually very simple. Unlock Li Geng and the seal [Dimensional Man], and they can be easily activated by linking them.

So at this moment, Yu Liang's first task is to complete the two stages of the main mission. As long as he successfully obtains the three-dimensional state, this copy will most likely be unimpeded.

The circular shape of the ruling class and Aze lurking in the dark have little ability to resist in the face of real three-dimensional people.

At this time, Regiel asked with some confusion: "Drawing from a higher dimension? What does that mean?"

"It's... above." Yu Liang wanted to describe and summarize this concept, but for a two-dimensional creature, his statement may not be accurate.

"Above?" Rachel shook her body, feeling very confused, "Are you referring to the south or the north?"

"No, no, no." Yu Liang put his hand on the bolt at the back of the round car. He planned to try to chat with Rachel about the three-dimensional world and test the other person's tone, but at the same time, he was ready to untie the bolt and escape at any time. preparation.

If in this flat country, all thoughts about three dimensions are evil thoughts, and the citizens are firm fanatical believers in the two-dimensional worldview, then he will run away in time.

This kind of words may be like Bruno's public promotion of heliocentric theory, which will be punished by death in ignorant areas.

"I had a dream. There was a special voice in the dream. He asked me some questions. I couldn't answer them with my own knowledge, so I wanted to ask you." Yu Liang immediately put this theory Pushing it to your own dream, this way you still have a way out and an excuse, so that you won't be regarded as a madman.

"Okay, when I was a child, before my world view was well formed, I would also have these weird dreams." Rachel replied with a smile. Judging from her tone, she seemed to think that she was Yu. A good and caring big sister.

"You should know about dimensions, right? What two dimensions does this world consist of?" Yu Liang asked.

"Of course, our world is composed of two dimensions: length and height." Rachel answered without thinking.

"Height?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, this is a strict statement, because it is used to distinguish length. North is the positive direction and south is the negative direction." Regiel explained the concept of "height" to Yu Liang, "A long time ago, height It is also called width, but since the definitions of length and width are always confusing, we changed it to 'height'."

"Okay, then have you ever thought that there might be another dimension in this world? For example, up and down?" Yu Liang tried to show her up and down with gestures, but it was of no use because he didn't have the concept of "up and down" now.

"Up and down? Sorry, if you are not talking about north and south, I'm afraid I can't understand what you are talking about." Regiel's body swayed as the round car moved forward.

"That's...the third direction." Yu Liang said in another way, "For example, the number 2 represents a line segment with a length of 2; then 2 represents a line segment with a length of 2 in both directions. Square, right?”

"That's right." Rachel could easily understand this.

"So what does 2 mean? Does it represent a shape of 2 in three directions?" Yu Liang further explained,

"The movement of one point can produce a line segment with two endpoints."

"The movement of a line segment produces a square with four endpoints."

"So does a square moving in the third direction produce a figure with eight endpoints?"

Yu Liang thought that he had completely reached the limit of his mathematical ability: "This is the increment of geometric numbers, 1, 2, 4, what will be the next number?"

"8." Rachel answered quickly, because Yu Liang's explanation was completely in line with the mathematical logic she had learned.

"This..." She immediately became confused.

Regiel couldn't answer this question. She could understand every word Yu Liang said, but she couldn't understand what the so-called third direction was.

"The third direction... no, that doesn't exist." She just murmured such words, but could not give Yu Liang a definite answer.

"Does it really not exist?" Yu Liang's answer was equally vague, because he knew how much impact his words would have on a figure living in a two-dimensional world.

This is by no means something that can be digested in a short time.

Seeing Regiel's reaction, Yu Liang inevitably felt a sense of superiority in his heart. The root of this sense of superiority was that he belonged to the three-dimensional world.

Even though he can only control the two-dimensional part now, his knowledge still comes from the three-dimensional world, which is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow from another angle to the natives of Flatland.

Now, since I can convince Regiel in front of me, maybe I can use this as the core to impact the local worldview of this world?

Yu Liang knew that what he said was the truth to the world, so could he use this new knowledge to launch a new revolution?

The existence of the third direction means that there are serious loopholes in the polygons' original knowledge system, and their wisdom may not be real wisdom.

In other words, Yu Liang can make the triangles realize one thing.

If the polygons are wrong, then the intelligence assigned by God to the graphics may not be unequal. The compensatory mechanism of nature may have errors at the root.

As for whether there was a mistake, Yu Liang would not say it clearly. He only needed the Triangles to believe that there was a mistake, so that he could gain their support and launch a revolution.

Yes, revolution.

Aze can do it, why can’t I?

The origin of Flatland's aristocratic system lies in this compensation system. The higher IQ than other graphics is the essence of these polygons and circles that can rule other graphics with peace of mind. As long as he can overturn this essence, the aristocratic system will be destroyed.

The trend of graphic equality will quickly sweep across the entire country. After all, in this country, the majority of triangles are the ones who really control the force.

In the past, polygons could easily win over the rebel leaders, but Yu Liang would not be so stupid. The methods of these polygons were not too advanced, at least he could still see some clues.

During the revolution, he will definitely be able to obtain a large amount of resources and information. As long as he can take advantage of the opportunity to complete the two stages of the main mission, then he can return to the three-dimensional state and become truly invincible.

All of Polygon's methods are based on the two-dimensional world, and he will definitely not be afraid of these things.

Maybe it can really happen.

Yu Liang felt a little hot in his heart. Compared to Aze, he really couldn't "act" as an advanced figure to fish in troubled waters, but he also had his own trump card, which was the three-dimensional state.

"This dream of yours is really strange." Regiel shook his body, looking a little helpless, "It should be because of my short knowledge, but I can ask my teacher for you. He is an octagon, and he uses Xuefuwuqi To describe his intelligence is an underestimation."

"Well, okay." Yu Liang also wanted to see how the "wise men" in this world would answer this question, "And I have a very crucial question."

"What's the question?" At this time, Rachel was already a little afraid that Yu Liang would continue to ask questions, because she vaguely felt that something was wrong with him.

Is this really a nightmare?

Why can Mr. Kirito ask questions so calmly?

It's just like……

Are you questioning the origin of this world?

Those who possess such knowledge are all great philosophers and great mathematicians who have left their names in history, but Mr. Kirito clearly knew nothing about her Flatland just yesterday.

With such a calm temperament, he raised such profound questions without being happy or sad...

Just like those great sages from the epic stories of the Far North.

The graphics I inadvertently upgraded are definitely extraordinary.

At this moment, a kind of reverence emerged in Regiel's heart, but also followed by a kind of fear, because she did not understand Mr. Kirito's words.

Those words revealed too many unknowns, which made her both scared and vaguely curious, as well as a sense of accomplishment.

as if……

It's like being a witness to something big.

"Light." Yu Liang's voice was calm, and his tone was like an angel carrying an oracle.

In fact, his question is really relevant, and it would be a fatal blow to the two-dimensional worldview of this Flatland.

This problem is probably inexplicable in the world view of the two-dimensional world. It can only be understood by jumping out of his thinking system.

"If there is no third direction, then where does the light come from?" Yu Liang slowly asked this question that could really kill the game.

He continued: "You know, if light comes from any of the dimensions you mentioned, then it will be blocked, such as houses and other buildings, then light will change with distance. Long and attenuated. It’s like when we look at each other, the longer the distance, the darker the brightness of the lines on our bodies.”

"Where does the light come from?" Rachel exclaimed. This question is the problem of the century, and it is a question that has no solution at all.

This is a dead question that has killed countless philosophers and adventurers!

"If my guess is correct, you can't find the source of light in the flat country." Yu Liang smiled slightly. There is no doubt about this. "Whether it is in the direction of height or length, you can't find the source of light." Source. Logically speaking, light will attenuate, so you only need to compare the brightness in the four directions of the flat country to know which direction the light source is, and then keep moving in that direction to find the light source."

"This..." Regiel's body suddenly became soaked with sweat, because she knew that what Mr. Kirito said was true.

This is what is recorded in Flatland history textbooks.

Adventurers, philosophers, and mathematicians discussed the issue of "light source". They constantly compared the brightness of light on the national border of Flatland, trying to find even a slight difference.

If the light in the north is brighter than the light in the south at the same time, it means that the light source is in the north to some extent. Based on the ratio of attenuation, the exact location of the light source may be inferred.

Known as the "Great Discovery of Light Sources" in history.

However, this exploration, which used a lot of national power of the Flat Country, ended in failure. They innovated several methods to measure the brightness of various places and compared them. The final conclusion was that they were completely consistent.

From the most accurate detection methods, it is known that the brightness of each area of ​​Flatland is consistent.

It can be inferred that the light source is not in any one direction, and it is full of unknowns.

And this has also become the theoretical basis for the spread of theology:

Light and God are one, they merge with each other and are everywhere.

In this regard, countless adventurers in later generations wanted to explore the outside world and try to find the location of the light source, thus leaving their name in history.

It's a pity that no adventurer has ever done it, and they died in an unknown area. This problem eventually drove several great philosophers crazy and became a real unsolved mystery.

And now Mr. Kirito in front of me, this upgraded Mr. Kirito...

He actually said he knew the answer to this question?

Does light come from a third direction?

The third direction? !

2=8? !

Where is the third side of the square with the value "2"?


Out of sight.

"Can't see, why can't we see?" Regiel shook his body in pain, looking a little confused, "If your dream is right, then how can we see this third direction?"

"No, no, no, my dream may not be right." Yu Liang knew that his words had had an effect, so he shook his head again, "These are just some questions I have. If possible, you can take them and ask for advice. Teacher, I eagerly want to be baptized with new knowledge, which can make me smarter. You know, our desire for knowledge is buried in our bones..."

"Okay." Rachel agreed.

When the round car stopped, Regier untied the bolt, calmed down his mood, and then said to Yu Liang: "Let's go, the school is right in front."

"Ah? Okay." Yu Liang looked in one direction and was stunned for a moment, and then answered when he saw Regiel calling.

This is the entrance of the school, so there are a lot of figures coming and going, and the sound of the bell is endless, but what surprises Yu Liang is...

Why are the graphics here so wrong?

They were almost always in pairs, and after getting off the round car, they started walking towards school.

One figure has a bell, the other doesn't, and that's almost always the case.

The line segments on the figures without the bell show that their endpoints are not like regular figures. In comparison, they are more like irregular figures...


It’s not an irregular shape, it’s a paper man!

Almost every regular shape has a paper man next to it!

Today's lesson is "Upgrade".

Students must bring their homework to the teacher for correction.

Wait, don't tell me that all the students who were upgraded yesterday were paper people, and those paper people...

They are all players who participated in the pioneering book! (End of chapter)

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