The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 435 Begins to turn into a circle at the same time

The number of sides of a figure is an intuitive symbol of identity and status. This is somewhat similar to the caste system in India, but the difference is that the "lower caste" has the ability to produce "higher caste" figures.

However, this is of no use, because the children born in this situation may not be able to meet their original parents for the rest of their lives, and it is unknown where they have gone.

Just like now, the pentagonal family of a small noble could use drawings to imprison so many equilateral triangles just to complete homework and conduct sparse and ordinary upgrade experiments.

The life of the entire lower class can be imagined.

But what makes Yu Liang a little strange is that, according to Rachel, the triangles in Flatland have extremely aggressive sharp corners, which are deadly weapons for the graphic creatures in Flatland.

This is also related to the graphic structure. The more sides there are, the more corners there are, so the angle of each corner will be relatively larger and less aggressive.

Of course, this is only a relative term, because an octagon can also have extremely sharp angles, but it is not necessarily a regular octagon anyway.

Yu Liang guessed that the identity of this high-level figure would be a general or marshal, the superior leader of those soldiers, but he might not be loved.

Commanders in the army do not rely on merit, but on origin and appearance. This may not be convincing to the public, so the prestige of this polygonal general in the army may not be too high.

Under this kind of oppression, the triangles, who were born soldiers, were already stupid and violent, and they also had powerful offensive weapons. So why didn't they resist this brutal rule?

Yu Liang inevitably felt doubts in his heart. The setting of this figure seemed very reasonable. Figures with fewer sides were more likely to obtain sharp offensive weapons and were natural soldiers, while figures with more sides were more likely to be used. Wisdom, as the ruler of the country, Yuan Yuan possesses higher wisdom, and it is normal for him to assume the responsibilities of management and planning.

Probably, God's original intention was to hand over intelligence and force to different figures, hoping that they could jointly create a brilliant civilization, but the result was completely different from what God imagined.

The ideal situation of wisdom first leading to wisdom later did not appear.

The problem probably occurred at some step.

Yu Liang did not think about the answer, because he was thinking about another question in Flatland at this time.

There are social injustices and the basis of class struggle. Under these conditions, if there is a good enough leader, can a revolution in Flatland be easily launched?

If you want to maximize resources in a dungeon, relying on conventional means is definitely not enough. Starting a revolution like actor Aze's usual routine is obviously the most efficient method, because revolution represents social reshuffle and Flatland's reorganization. Distributing the means of production, as a leader, has the primary control over wealth.

If he is a revolutionary who cares about the world, it will naturally be a good thing for society, but the motivation of people like Yu Liang to start a revolution is not simple. He is just changing a "king", and his purpose is naturally to leave the dungeon. Time can bring more resources.



Thinking along this line of thought, Yu Liang suddenly realized a very critical issue.

When talking about revolution, the actor Aze will definitely come to mind. His ability is naturally suitable for playing other roles. If that guy were in Flatland, he would definitely change the situation without hesitation.

What if?

No, it doesn’t seem to be what if.

When suspicion arose, it had become an established fact. The more Yu Liang thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He carefully recalled the hour in the night two months ago.

It was the hour when Azer first stole his script.

In that hour, he seemed to have read the catalog of pioneer books on the page!

I saw others participating in the pioneering book, so I also wanted to participate. Most people would never be so bored, but Aze was different.

If he really knows that Yu Liang wants to enter Flatland, there is a 99% chance that he will follow him. This guy is definitely that boring.

Thinking about it more carefully, Aze agreed with them to meet in Yuwangcheng a few months later, but he never asked what he would do if he happened to be in a dungeon at that time.

what to do?

Of course there is no problem, because this guy has also sneaked into this copy, and the time is completely right.

Yu Liang let out a long sigh, truly feeling the difficulty of this copy.

With a character like Aze around, it is estimated that Flatland will be in chaos soon. His ability is simply a natural troublemaker. It is not an exaggeration to call him a "disaster for the country and the people".

"What's wrong? You sound a little nervous." Regiel keenly felt the changes in Kirito beside him.

The citizens of Flatland do not have outstanding vision, but their ability to detect other people's emotions is not weak at all.

"Well, I just suddenly saw something not very good." Yu Liang said solemnly.

"What?" Regel immediately took the bait and asked.

Kirito's sudden appearance is inherently mysterious, just like a time traveler or reincarnation in those epic stories, so it is not surprising that he has some abilities that are difficult to understand.

"I saw...violence and turmoil came to this country again." Yu Liang deliberately said in a confused tone, and then shook his body, "But that's not necessarily true. Maybe it's just that my memory is confused."

"Violence and turmoil?" Rachel didn't feel too scared when she heard such words. She just asked curiously, "Can you know what type of turmoil it is?"

"Probably... it was a commotion caused by some unexpected graphics. I don't know the details." Yu Liang immediately began to answer vaguely. It doesn't matter if he is wrong. If he is right, he can still Give him the title of prophet.

With this kind of experience, maybe future explorations will be a little smoother.

"Unexpected shapes?" Rachel expressed her confusion, which she had guessed, "Are they those irregular shapes?"

Then she shook her body and said: "It's still a little difficult for those guys, right? After all, even those triangular rebellions are difficult to have an effect."

At this point, she couldn't help but giggle and recited what she had memorized in history class: "Faced with the rabble at an acute angle who have been completely robbed of all hope, our great ruling class has sufficient means to deal with them. ."

"The advantages of the triangles in numbers and aggression are indeed difficult for our leaders to deal with, but the laws of nature in this world are always fair and wise. When the wisdom and character of the working class improve, their perspective will also change. The increase makes them change towards the nobler equilateral triangle, as is the case with any figure. This is the greatest and reasonable law of compensation in nature, and at the same time verifies the natural legitimacy of our ancient aristocratic system.”

In other words, sharp points represent brutality, while non-lethal obtuse angles or even arcs are symbols of wisdom?

Yu Liang made a judgment in his mind and had a deeper understanding of this flat country, but Regier still did not answer his doubts, because he felt that wisdom alone could not easily solve the rebellion, unless these figures mastered higher-end of some kind of weapon.

In fact, until the side representing civilization develops thermal weapons, the level of science and technology of civilization cannot lead them to victory in every battle.

Of course, even if barbarism defeats civilization, it will often assimilate quickly. From another perspective, it is still civilization that defeats barbarism.

"So how did you deal with the rebellion of the Triangles?" Yu Liang followed this topic and asked. He needed to know how far Flat Country's technology had developed.

At present, this social structure looks more like the Middle Ages, not like having high-tech weapons.

The only possibility is some kind of unique dimensional weapon, such as a painted prison.

"In most rebellions, the polygons and circles can easily solve it by simply using the 'desires' and 'hopes' in the hearts of the triangles, nip the rebellion in the cradle, and only need to make simple policy changes to pacify them. They will then make up for it on the other hand." Regiel showed an innocent and lovely nature, but when describing these somewhat gloomy politics and history, there was no scruple or pity at all, as if those triangles were not of the same kind or flat. nationals of the country.

She paused, and she remembered these paragraphs very clearly because she had always had a dream of becoming a political commissar. Unfortunately, there had never been a female form holding this position before.

However, the past has been like this, and the future is still unknown. After all, there are more nagayos entering the upper class now, and the idea of ​​"liberation" has spread from the nagayos of some noble families.

"The leaders elected in every rebellion are more intelligent beings, otherwise the rebellion will not be able to sustain for a long time. It only needs to absorb these more intelligent leaders, led by the best pentagonal doctors in Flatland. By surgically patching and stretching them, they can become noble equilateral triangles, entering the privileged classes in poor areas - because rebellion always occurs in poor areas - and only in poor areas."

"Also, this kind of favor is limited, and will only be given to those triangles with larger angles, because this represents their wisdom. Well, this needs to be elected by themselves. Finally, the benevolent polygons will also Give these triangles some high-end food. This is not ordinary low-quality food made by triangle painters, but food that can improve the angles of their offspring. There are even triangles that suddenly gave birth to rectangles with this kind of food. It is simply the perfect food given by God. .”

"Under this premise, the triangles in the rebellion will often compare their angles crazily and exaggerate about their family's genetic history in order to prove their wisdom and have the opportunity to get more high-end food, and even It’s about having surgery and turning it into a true equilateral triangle.”

"Haha." At this point, Rachel couldn't help but sneered.

"You know, those stupid triangles often have no self-awareness, and their touch skills are not superb. They can't even distinguish a full three-degree error, so this comparison process often leads to fights, triggers violence, and even forces... Internal friction. Don't forget that they often have sharp angles, so if they touch with a slightly larger movement, they will hurt each other. Under the control of some spies with ulterior motives, gossip will make them doubt each other whether this 'touch' is the other person's. murder plea."

"By the way, for the sake of future generations, the triangles will quickly grab those high-end foods. As I just said, the sharper corners represent stronger force. The triangles that can grab these things are often sharper. They are rude and savage. Even after eating these high-end foods, it is impossible to turn into an equilateral triangle, let alone give birth to an equilateral triangle."

"Aside from causing gratuitous killing, the only purpose of this food is waste."

"In the end, rebellions often disappear in suspicion and violence. The triangles die without incident, or die from internal fighting, or die at the hands of the sharp triangles fed by the circle. Only a few good leaders can carry it out. Plastic surgery.”

"Of course, those who cannot become an equilateral triangle after surgery will be quickly transferred to the hospital and spend the rest of their lives in Sora and Shiro's prison without music and art. This is their own choice."

Regiel summarized the history of the rebellions, and she could easily find countless commonalities in the history.

It is a pity that those soldiers and painters cannot listen to history at all, let alone learn and analyze the pros and cons.

Yu Liang was horrified when he heard this. He did not expect that Flat Country's "civilization" did not need to use so-called technology when fighting against "barbarism". It could resolve all rebellions by just combining kindness and power.

What is ridiculous is that the privileged classes in poor areas are often former rebels. They spare no effort in suppressing rebellions and can quickly nip the slightest signs of rebellion.

What's even more ridiculous is that this batch of reshaped equilateral triangles is completely worthless to a small noble like Regier. Beings of the same level can only use it to complete homework.

However, judging from Regiel's tone, these ruling classes are very accustomed to and superstitious about this method, which is not necessarily a good thing.

If the leader of the triangle is Aze, how should you respond?

After just two months of getting along, Yu Liang clearly realized that if Aze launched a rebellion, his methods would definitely shock the polygons and circles, because that was not a two-dimensional thinking method at all.

From the looks of it, Yu Liang actually had some vague expectations. Perhaps Aze could fully satisfy his curiosity.

If he is really in this copy, then again, this time Aze will take the lead.

As he said, he would wait for the opportunity to make a move, and if he really couldn't do it, he could just lie down and win.

"Okay, it's already very late now. I have to take you to class tomorrow." Rachel yawned, "Thank you for helping me review the history class again. It seems that I won't be able to take the test in class tomorrow." There’s something wrong.”

"This is what I should do, Ms. Regiel." Yu Liang just smiled, but he had other plans in mind.

As the light in the room disappeared completely, Yu Liang followed Regiel and leaned against the wall to rest.

Everything fell silent.

And suddenly at a certain moment, Yu Liang opened his eyes. He felt something strange, so he quickly touched his whole body, and his face became a little ugly.

As a paper figure, the angles in some areas have become wider, while some straight lines have become arcs.

He learned the knowledge of Flatland and gained wisdom.

At the same time it starts to turn into a round shape.

We went out to eat today, haha, and had to play some more, as the last chapter of this month

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