The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 434 The social structure of Flatland

Paper man?


Coupled with "Mr. Kirito" who didn't hear much at first, Yu Liang finally understood what the hexagon in front of him was saying.

Does the second dimension really exist?

A relatively familiar two-dimensional anime character appeared in Yu Liang's mind, and he suddenly became interested.

He watched a lot of anime when he was in junior high and high school. Although he didn't have a particular obsession with anime characters, it would be interesting to see them in the so-called Far North.

Well, not to mention that the meeting etiquette in this Flatland copy is "touching", so wouldn't he be able to touch it all over?

Yu Liang shook his head and thought from the perspective of a three-dimensional person. This was indeed a bit wretched. It might have been influenced by Li Huachao.

"The Far North? What is that? I seem to be familiar with it." Yu Liang pretended to have lost his memory and started talking. He really wanted to know more information about the Far North.

Compared with these abstract graphics, it may be easier to get in touch with those familiar paper figures.

However, at present, this copy of Flatland is larger than imagined. It not only has this kind of graphic civilization, but also the kind of paper man civilization.

Judging from this setting, there should be many other types of two-dimensional creatures here.

The side mission called [Specimen] requires that so many types of two-dimensional creatures be made into specimens before the mission can be submitted.

It seems quite difficult.

"When you are in Flatland, any living thing can feel one and only gravity. It seems to be pushing you in a fixed direction." Regiel explained, "That direction is called north. And the Far North is the farthest north we can explore.”

"Well, I can feel it." Yu Liang thought of everything he had just felt in the triangular village. He thought that the forward gravity was exclusive to the painting prison, but it didn't seem to be the case. This gravity seemed to exist in the prison. Each corner indicates the direction for the creatures of Flatland.


The only kind of gravity?

Yu Liang subconsciously felt that there was still gravity here, because he was standing on the ground at the moment. He seemed to be able to feel that there was indeed downward gravity before, but if he thought about it carefully, there was no "up and down", so how could there be gravity?

Maybe what these graphics say is right. There is only one kind of gravity in this world, and that is "north gravity".

"There are some irregular chaotic figures living in the Far North. They are called 'Paper People'. Their texture is softer than ours. There are wars and turmoil all year round, and countless creatures have also been born. An epic story that can be sung and cried, your current name Kirito is taken from the name of a hero." Regiel continued to explain, "That is the name of a hero I like very much."

"Is that so?" After Yu Liang knew that he had heard correctly and that this was really Kirito, he felt a little strange in his heart. However, due to the current scene, he could not pursue the question firmly and persistently.

Forget it, he is Regiel's favorite epic hero anyway. Since he takes this beloved character as his name, he shouldn't push him into the fire pit, right?

After answering Yu Liang's doubts, Rachel naturally invited Yu Liang to touch her: "Now you can touch me and feel what kind of shape I am."

"Okay." Yu Liang did not refuse such an invitation and stepped forward to touch Rachel's body. The other person's body was softer than he imagined.

Is it because female figures have softer bodies?


Yu Liang thought of the dead figures in the triangular village. There must be women among them, but their bodies were hard.

Not because of the stiffness of death, but because they are stiff themselves.

Then Rachel's body...

Maybe it's because there are differences between hexagons and triangles, or maybe it's some kind of special tool that makes the body softer and easier to touch between shapes.

Just like some humans put on makeup and perfume before a date, the two may have the same purpose.

"Mr. Kirito, can you guess what kind of figure I am?" Regiel's voice contained a smile, "Relax, you can touch it for a while longer. The first touch is very magical. It doesn’t matter if you say it wrong, there is no need to feel any psychological pressure.”

"Yes." Yu Liang agreed and asked, "You are a regular hexagon, right?"

"Regular hexagon? Ah, yes, that's right." Rachel was so satisfied with Yu Liang's touch that there was obvious excitement in her voice, "You actually knew what I looked like the first time you touched me. , just like mom said, you are really smart."

In fact, she has two angles that are one degree apart to be considered a regular hexagon, but for some advanced graphics with superb touch skills, this seems to be easy to find, but in most cases, this is not important.

Only the annual physical examination at the academy would reveal that she was not a regular hexagon, and that she was one degree behind.

Of course, after entering the society, she can change her body shape through micro plastic surgery and become a real regular hexagon. This will not be discovered by her husband, because as long as she finds a regular hexagonal or heptagonal husband , their children will definitely be heptagonal, or even octagonal, completing a further jump in class.

"Thank you." Yu Liang responded politely.

"Then now, you touch my mother again." Leijier excitedly pushed Yu Liang to his mother, "Quick, touch my mother as much as you like."

"I'll go, Yu Liang, you kid..." Li Huachao started to yell after hearing the words, but before he could finish speaking, Yu Liang quickly stopped him in his mind and used a speech-suppression technique that he had not used in a long time.

"Shut up."

"Uh huh?!"

Yu Liang touched Regiel's mother's body in the same way and made the same judgment: "Your mother should be a regular pentagon."

"That's right, that's right." Rachel was even more satisfied, and proudly showed off to her mother, "Mom, I actually upgraded a group of simple triangles into a smart irregular shape. He even has Maybe it’s the Paper Man!”

"Regil, you are awesome." Her mother praised Rachel and praised her achievements. "You are indeed a good daughter of your mother."

"And you, Mr. Kirito, you are indeed very smart, completely different from those triangles." Regiel then praised Yu Liang, "Please come with me, I will tell you some things to pay attention to in our country. , your appearance in class tomorrow will surely surprise everyone, including my well-informed teacher, who probably has never seen a living paper man."

Yu Liang didn't answer. He didn't know what to say at this time. After all, he definitely didn't want to go to the so-called classroom and be observed and studied by the so-called teachers and classmates. This made him feel like he was locked up by a monkey in a human zoo. the illusion.

"Regil, you know, we have classes tomorrow, so don't play too long at night, okay?" Mom ordered behind Rachel.

"Okay mom, we will turn off the lights and go to bed very early." Rachel responded, and then took Yu Liang back to her room. She still had many things she wanted to ask.

As an excellent creature of the upgrading experiment, Yu Liang became more and more satisfied as she looked at it, and she couldn't help but touch it again.

Of course, in her eyes, Yu Liang at this moment is just a line segment with no obvious endpoints, which is not beautiful at all.

In Flatland, symmetry and justice are absolute beauty. Similarly, the more sides, the more noble the figure is.

Soon, Yu Liang followed her to the room. The girl's boudoir was filled with a pleasant fragrance, and relatively brisk music was playing.

Following this music, new pictures automatically appeared in his mind.

In the large green forest, there is a "Yu Liang" wearing a floral skirt and carrying a small basket. He seems to have an innocent smile on his face, jumping on the road, squatting down from time to time, and walking on the road. Pick up a small mushroom from under the tree next to it.

Yu Liang: "..."

Now it can be basically confirmed that there is really a problem with this kind of music, and it has a big problem.

"Does the music I have here sound good? You should have seen something, right?" There was a little show off in Regiel's tone, "That may be something you have never seen in your life. I don't know what it is yet." What is it called, but the teacher said that it is not a line segment, but something with color, and it is the power of music."

"Huh? What is that?" Yu Liangliang was extremely surprised. He thought that this kind of music could only make people associate with it, but he didn't expect that it could actually make pictures appear out of thin air in the figure's mind.

There is a big difference between the two. For example, the brisk music made him see "Xiao Yuliang picking mushrooms". This is because he has seen similar pictures, so he can make associations, and these flat figures have only seen line segments and points in his life. , they can also think of colorful flat paintings that are not line segments?

No, if that's the case, it's not an association caused by music. It's okay to say it's a strong hallucination.

"This is called 'synesthesia.'" Rachel told Yu Liang what she learned in class. "It is the power of music. It can make every figure who listens quietly see the music."

"Letu?" Yu Liang heard a new term again. As for that kind of synaesthesia, it coincided with his previous guess.

"Yes, it's hard to describe in words what kind of picture it is. It's strange, dreamy, and like a miracle. Music is a gift given to us by God." There was an expression of admiration and yearning in Regiel's voice, but there was no Say what exactly she can see.

This is related to the flaws of these graphics themselves. They have only seen line segments, so they cannot recognize images from a three-dimensional perspective. This is completely beyond their thinking.

I only know that it is strange, I only know that it is a dream, and I worship the art of music.

"Is the picture seen by each figure through Letu similar?" Yu Liang asked this question, and this was what he was most curious about at the moment.

"Yes, of course." Regiel nodded, "The pictures on the music tapes can be similar, but due to the texture and the skill of the performer, these tapes are almost all different. Some high-quality tapes with beautiful illusions can cause crazy. Luxury goods to grab.”

"So in your country, musicians are a very respected profession?" Yu Liang continued to ask. It was not difficult to come to such a judgment, and it also paved the way for his next question.

"That's right, only shapes with a heptagonal shape and above are eligible for music education." Regiel said proudly. She was indeed a hexagonal shape, but according to genetics, as long as her husband was a hexagonal shape, the child they conceived would be The heir is at least a heptagon and has the possibility of becoming a musician.

"Well, so can I know the social structure of this country? The heptagon...should be a very great level, right?" Yu Liang asked along.

"Well." Rachel did not hide it from Yu Liang, but continued to explain, "The more sides, the more noble the figure, and the more noble the figure, the higher the wisdom. If the polygon is a regular polygon, then it will be more noble. It is noble and beautiful, which means that the sides of his body are the same length and the angle is the same, reaching the ultimate in the art of symmetry."

"The ones standing at the top are undoubtedly the circle, the perfect circle. There will only be twelve perfect circles in each generation. They have all the power in this country." Lei Geer recounted to Yu Liang the politics class. "Then there are a large number of polygons, such as icosagons, octagons, etc. Some of them are senior government officials, academicians of the Presbytery, or highly respected clergy of the church, and then there are the heptagons." Shape to decagon, they tend to be musicians, teachers, lawyers and other professions.”

Regiel moved her body again: "Of course, these figures are too far away from us. Pentagons and hexagons like ours are already small nobles. Most of the quadrilaterals are businessmen. As for triangles..."

When he said this, Regiel paused.

"Triangle? What happened to them?" Yu Liang thought of the massacred village, and immediately asked with a faint sense of crisis.

"Triangles tend to have very low IQs and are easily angered. They often have sharp horns as weapons and are very dangerous lower-class people." Regier explained, "So they are soldiers, responsible for protecting their homes and countries; It is the painter who is responsible for making our food in the farmland, just like the food in your hands."

Yu Liang tugged at his bag and realized that he had been carrying the oval bag of food.

At this point, she smiled again: "Of course, even the lowest-level triangles, the equilateral triangles are somewhat intelligent. They are basically equivalent to normal shapes and have a certain social status. So those slaves If an equilateral triangle happens to be born, that is something worth celebrating. Government officials will come and take them away. From then on, they will say goodbye to their slave parents forever and live the beautiful life imagined by their slave parents."

"Does an equilateral triangle have the ability to create a quadrilateral?" Yu Liang seemed to understand the operating rules of this society.

"That's right." Rachel replied.

"Then those triangles we just drew in the prison..." Yu Liang continued to ask tentatively.

"It's nothing, they just died, but they got you in exchange." Regiel's tone was nonchalant. She thought about the wording, as if she wanted to dispel the possible fear in Kirito's heart, "In our country, stupid triangles can only They are from the lower class, and they are of no great use. It will not be a problem to catch one or two and make them into specimens for the young nobles to use in their studies."

"Specimens..." Yu Liang thought of the side mission. He also needed to make two-dimensional creatures into specimens.

"Yes, you know, nobles can't just rely on sight, a meaningless way to recognize other shapes. That way the error rate is extremely high, and it's easy to make fools. Only triangles like this." Regiel explained with a smile, "We Touching skills are very important and need to be practiced continuously using specimens.”

Yu Liang let out a long breath, it was similar to his guess.

In this flat country, low-level graphics are just tools for upper-level graphics to connect with social etiquette.

Those slave-like triangles gave birth to an equilateral triangle, and then regarded it as the pride of this life, for which they could permanently give up the opportunity to raise children.

These equilateral triangles have the ability to create high-level shapes, but this is not necessarily a good thing.

The rise in class achieved through "birth" is just a lie to the underlying graphics.

If the status of the equilateral triangles really made a qualitative leap, then they would not be locked up in Regiel's prison and executed at will as props for promotion.

It's cruel and realistic.

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