The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 427: Dinner Party: Killing the New Year Pig

Aze's sudden appearance exceeded the expectations of the three people present, and his familiar look made Xu Cixi extremely wary.

"You..." Xu Cixi, one of the six founding members, had seen Aze's face from a photo, so she instantly reacted. Golden light appeared in her eyes, and there were surging gray shadows on her body. He looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

And Aze looked at Xu Cixi, still smiling, and did not show any hostility towards Xu Cixi.

The player alliance in Haicheng has a deep misunderstanding of him. He has seen too many sudden attack intentions like this and has long turned a blind eye.

Of course, the most important thing is Ms. Silver Fox in front of me...

It's really a bit weak, so it doesn't make him interested in fighting.

If it were Yu Liang who was next to him, it might be a bit interesting. After all, he only brought a few Aze with him this time, and he might suffer a rare defeat at the hands of the writer Yu Liang.

Hehe, losing a battle is also fun.

"You want to join our team?" Yu Liang walked to the table, packed up the Wangcheng map and put it aside. Then he took out the packaging boxes that Aze had packed from the takeout bag and placed them one by one on the table.

Six dishes and one soup, including meat and vegetables, still retain their attractive color even after being packed in the take-out box for such a long time. The alluring aroma spurts out with the action of opening the box, filling the living room.

"Hey, I remember this store was quite expensive. I didn't even dare to order it myself." Yu Liang glanced at the brand logo on the takeout bag and said with a smile.

"Of course, you are my best friend." Aze also greeted him with a smile, but no one present believed this.

"Do you know Aze?" Xu Cixi looked at Yu Liang, a little surprised. Yu Liang obviously asked her about Aze when they last met, but now they know him?

What a terrifying efficiency in making friends.

"Well, in addition to Ren'an, there was also this guy in the last dungeon." Yu Liang opened one of the lunch boxes, picked up the meat slices and green peppers with chopsticks, turned around and put them into "Zhi"'s mouth, "Here, the first bite Dedicated to our respected Lord Zhi."

"Huh?" She originally didn't want to eat these human foods, but now in front of these outsiders, Yu Liang gave her enough face, so she couldn't help but open her mouth and accepted Yu Liang's feeding. .

"How is it? Is the human food okay?" Yu Liang handed the lunch box and chopsticks to "Zhi" and said with a smile, "As a 'human' living in groups, it is necessary to eat with your companions. Not only can you establish a close connection , and can also promote harmony.”

"It's okay." Hearing this, he took the lunch box and chose to listen to Yu Liang's words, feeling like he was doing as the Romans do.

Becoming a "human" became her obsession at a certain moment when she was trapped in the past. She really didn't care about these things, but she did want to try out what it was like to experience these common things to a "human".

And Yu Liang felt relieved when he saw "Zhi" chewing and swallowing the food gently.

Very good, I have tried the poison with the root ghost talk, and it seems to be no problem.

"This guy..." Xu Cixi's attention was still on Aze, but when she saw Yu Liang feeding "Zhi", she subconsciously stared directly at Yu Liang, and then looked back after a moment. Come to your senses.

It is not difficult to tell from Yu Liang's tone that he and Aze do not seem to be enemies, so there is no need to confront each other with swords.

Thinking of this, Xu Cixi took back her ghost story ability and gave up the idea of ​​becoming an enhanced hamster.

"Well, judging from the results, Aze is quite nice and keeps giving me things." Yu Liang chuckled, picked up a salted egg yolk chicken wing and put it in his bowl, "Yes, Aze."

"Of course, we are in the same camp, and we all have to fight against each other..." Aze didn't care about the innuendo in Yu Liang's words. He extended the last two words and then continued, "The origin of the ghost story is not ?"

"That's right." Yu Liang took another chopstick, then looked at the two people who were still staying in the same place, handed over the lunch box and chopsticks, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Eat. If you have anything to do, just eat and talk. .”

The adventurer and Xu Cixi looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but Yu Liang said so, and Aze had no intention of starting a conflict, so they both found a seat to sit down.

Xu Cixi and the adventurer were sitting next to Yu Liang, while Aze was sitting opposite the three people, and "Zhi" was sitting on the side of the two groups.

The atmosphere among the few people was a bit strange, but there was no resistance to eating. It was already lunch time. After the initial restraint, the adventurer ate without hesitation. He alone drove the others to speed up. The rhythm of eating was interrupted, and the scene was difficult to control for a while.

"By the way, you can really think about what I just said." Aze ate slowly, "As far as I know, the current Haicheng Alliance should be divided into multiple factions, right?"

He continued: "Although the concept you uphold has always been a loose alliance, as the founding chairman, it is impossible for you not to know that this is simply unrealistic."

Yu Liang saw the right opportunity and grabbed the last salted egg yolk chicken wing. Just as he was about to put it in his lunch box, he saw the sinister look from "Zhi" looking at it, so he could only curl his lips and put the chicken wing back.

On the other side, Xu Cixi looked at Aze: "The concept needs to be implemented. At least from the perspective of the founding chairs like us, the current Players Alliance does not violate the concept too much."

"Okay." Aze shrugged, his eyes fell on the box of egg yolk chicken wings. After just a few words, the vegetable box was already empty. Looking at the other people, there were four people in front of "Zhi" in black skirt. There were three pairs of adventurers, two pairs of Yu Liang, and one pair of Xu Cixi, but there was nothing in front of him.

Aze sighed: "When the external environment is relatively dangerous, the essence of human beings is to gather together to resist, so your concept is wrong from the beginning. If you are right, there has been a connection within the alliance. A tight little clique, right?”

"Well, so what? We have always advocated friendly exchanges between players." Xu Cixi actually knew about some subtle changes that had occurred in the alliance, but at this time, in front of an outsider like Aze, she had to deny the facts.

She was very clear about the thoughts of the other founders. They all had loose personalities, so the Haicheng Alliance founded under their influence was very loose. It only formulated a few rules to restrict players from abusing the power given by the Kaitan World.

I don’t know whether the number of players in Haicheng has increased significantly in recent years, or whether the alliance’s influence has expanded. In short, the Haicheng Alliance has now become an organization that cannot be ignored, and players from other cities have even joined enthusiastically.

All in all, the development speed has completely exceeded the expectations of the five founders. Fortunately, their strength has always been at the forefront, so other players in the alliance will not have any thoughts of "seizing power" at all.

"Okay, anyway, you know what I mean." Aze didn't intend to get entangled with Xu Cixi on this issue, "I know that you two founding chairs have a very good relationship, but for some special reasons, there are still people around you. There will be crowds of people, and the lawyer has been secretly gathering strength, so your alliance actually has about four factions."

As a player in Haicheng, Aze has not joined the alliance, but he is also familiar with the major and minor matters in the alliance: "The largest faction is the lawyer-led faction, with the player lawyer who has just been promoted to T1 as the core, and the backbone is very strong. Strong, but lack of top-end combat power; the second is the beekeepers. Their faction is very interesting. Due to their natural class characteristics, most of the people they accept are various workers and farmers. Due to their work characteristics, they rarely participate in player meetings. Basically, beekeepers participate on their behalf. Even you, the founding member, may not know that the hidden strength of this faction is far beyond your imagination."

"The Armed Alliance of Workers and Peasants?" The adventurer put down his chopsticks and called out a name in shock. He couldn't help but take a few breaths of cold air. "That is indeed a terrifying strength."

"Beekeeper..." Xu Cixi frowned slightly. Among the founders, this was one she was relatively unfamiliar with. She only knew that he rarely appeared and spent most of his time managing his own bee garden. , no one can be found.

If what Aze said is correct, then the beekeepers have secretly cultivated a very powerful force, which seems to run counter to the philosophy of their alliance.

"There are also programmers." Aze continued, speaking with familiarity, "You should know what she said. She has a special computer technology group. There are not many people in it, but they are definitely the elite among the elite, and their occupations are generally the same. They are relatively similar. The moderation is extremely high. If they fight, the combat power they can unleash is beyond ordinary people's imagination."

Xu Cixi thought of the computer team. Before that, she had always thought that this team was only responsible for the website maintenance and related affairs of the Haicheng Alliance. She did not expect that these people were also so powerful in combat.

"As for the last one, it's the clergy led by the priest." Aze said, "Haicheng is a city near the sea. Historical reasons have led to the relatively developed church organization here, and the priest is one of the few clergy T1s with a wide reputation. There are clergy players coming from other cities all the time and settling in Haicheng."

Xu Cixi nodded silently. She knew this. The Haicheng Alliance required registration to recruit players from outside cities. In the registration form, the proportion of clergy players actually reached 15%. This is an extremely terrifying situation. numerical value.

In the past, she only thought that this would help strengthen the power of the Haicheng Alliance. After all, these clergy did not preach indiscriminately. Instead, they used practical actions to practice the concept of God's love for the world, and were active on the front line of fighting against strange rumors. In the alliance, The reputation is very good.

But if you think about it carefully, nearly two out of every ten foreign players are clergy, and it is impossible for them to give up their jobs. This means that the number of clergy in Haicheng has increased dramatically.

The number of churches is limited, but the number of clergy is increasing year by year. There are no problems in this expansion process. This in itself is a problem that cannot be ignored.

It can only be said that the priest has outstanding abilities and easily solved all the problems with a wave of his hand, without even attracting the attention of any other founding chair.

As for the other two founding seats, Magic has always been a solitary man, while the coach is the most conscientious founding seat in the league, but he has also never developed any power.

"Finally, there are some players who are willing to follow the founder of Silver Fox to serve you." Aze looked at Xu Cixi and directly expressed the psychology of these people, "It's just that they are not very strong, they are not programmers, and they are not programmers." We belong to the elite class, not to mention workers, peasants or clergy. We naturally want to stick together but are ostracized, so we came under your command."

He couldn't help laughing: "The other four large groups all have powerful T1s in charge. They use this as a sign to attract players to gather. I feel very sorry for this. You obviously have strong management capabilities and Building capacity... Of course, now you have T1 on your team as well."

Aze stood up, and the swordsman Aze outside the door came in and stood beside Aze. The real Aze smiled and said: "And there is far more than just one T1."

There was a kind of confidence in his voice, which was due to his absolute strength.

No Haicheng player can ignore his existence. Maybe he can't resist the cooperation of the founders, but similarly, even if the founders join forces, they can't catch him.

Well, except for the grappling hook.

Aze sighed silently in his heart.

The hook from the writer is simply the most outrageous thing in the world. A problem that even the five founding seats couldn't solve was easily solved by a T2 writer.

To a certain extent, this was one of the reasons why he came to the door.

You must try to divide the Haicheng Alliance and allow yourself to join it through normal means, otherwise if the writer joins forces with the five founding seats...

Who the hell can stand it if he hooks up and beats her up every once in a while?

Before that, we must establish a good cooperative relationship with Yu Liang!

This is the current top priority of the Aze Alliance.

At the same time, the adventurer raised his eyes and looked at the other people present. Xu Cixi and Yu Liang's attention was on Aze. Aze was a certain distance away from the table, while "Zhi" didn't care about these things. .

So he silently took Aze's lunch box over, used chopsticks to cut half of Aze's rice, then put the uneaten half into his own bowl, and continued to eat.

This lunch box is still a bit small for him, and one box for one person is really not enough.

"You are right, but..." Xu Cixi glanced at Yu Liang and calmed down, "But you made a mistake. My founding seat has been transferred to Yu Liang. You need to discuss this matter with him. Talk, not me.”

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi in surprise. He remembered that Xu Cixi had said before that if he couldn't come back from the trip to Haicheng, he would transfer the founding seat. Now he will transfer it when he comes back?

"Okay, then, writer, can I join your team?" Aze's question was still elegant. He didn't care who made the decision, because he knew that there was always only one person making the decision.

"Of course, as long as you pay your membership fees in time." Yu Liang's answer was equally elegant, "Oh, by the way, our membership fees have always been paid according to gradient proportions. If you are T1..."

He clicked his tongue and said, "Maybe it's not a small amount."

Aze kept his smile unchanged, and the words slowly leaked out from between his teeth: "You want some face."

During his trip to Cyber ​​City, his layout and planning were not without losses. The loss of props and seals on his body made him feel painful. In the end, he made a wedding dress for Yu Liang. Now Yu Liang still wants any membership fees.

What about killing the New Year pig?

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