The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 426 Why are you looking at me? eat!

[I'm stuck with a rabbit. 】


【happy? Dear bunny head. 】


Yu Liang still clearly remembers the two letters. One was sent by the World of Ghost Stories, which led him to enter the copy of Rabbit Game, and the other was picked up from the mailbox in the dreamland office area of ​​the underground mall. of.

At that time, Yu Liang completed the Daily Rabbit Game, became an advanced player, and turned into a "rabbit head" at the same time. This was pointed out at the beginning of the second letter, and this letter was clearly written at a time far away from him. Written.

Based on logic and tone, it can be inferred that the person who wrote that letter was not a pioneer player, or even a player. He was a human being who existed as far back as the infancy of Forgotten City Ghost Story.

He is from Wangcheng.

In other words, the Wangcheng man who wrote this letter foresaw many things that would happen later. He knew that this underground shopping mall would be occupied by a "rabbit-shaped god" with origin ghost stories when he returned. He also knew that the underground shopping mall would be pulled into The dreamland of the "Rabbit-shaped God" becomes a place where the "Rabbit-shaped God" uses players to harvest "fear".

And those best players are called "rabbit heads".

As early as more than ten years or even decades ago, the letter writer had already "seen" the future.

Intuition told Yu Liang that this guy was definitely related to the ancestor of the weird "human beings" mentioned so far.

At that time, he could vaguely tell that the two letters were written by the same person, but he didn't understand what the other party wanted to do. Now it is not difficult to see the terror of the other party from all the details.

First of all, this is not the first time that this Forgotten City man has appeared. He also appeared in a story even longer ago.

"Zhi" once said that when she could not control her cognitive rules well, a human spread the concept of "Zhi" in Quanwang City. This was the direct cause of Wangcheng becoming Wangcheng.

This city has its own name, but even if the name is spoken by "Zhi", it will be automatically coded and turned into "██", which is why everyone uses Wangcheng instead.

At this stage, it can be seen that this Wangcheng man is still firmly on the side of the human camp. He knows that he cannot let the strange rumors about the origin of Wangcheng continue like this, so he can only cut off his wrist, "sacrifice" Wangcheng, and protect the entire world.

After that, he used letters to remind future "Rabbit Head" players to tell them about dreams, which was also a reminder to stand in the human camp.

However, some details can still be seen in this appearance, that is, this Wangcheng man knows how to use some items to put players into the world of ghost stories.

He has discovered some of the secrets of the Kaidan world, and even understands the Kaidan world better than some of the root Kaidan.

Yu Liang did not think that the world of ghost stories gave this letter the power to "enter the copy" because the person who wrote this letter was not haunted by ghost stories or "rabbits" at all.

From this we can conclude that the people in Wangcheng wrote this letter on purpose.

However, this letter only substitutes a spiritual polluter and outlines an absurd and weird situation. What is the reason for the Forgotten City Man to write the letter?

For fun?

Impossible. It can be seen in the first stage that Wangcheng people have a lot to do. He has just solved the Wangcheng incident. It is a tense moment when he can save more Wangcheng people. At this time, the whole job is the same. Write this letter?

The only possibility is that the Wangcheng people knew that writing letters like this would allow the people who read the letters to enter the copy world, just like Yu Liang who read this letter.

From this perspective, the Forgotten City people had discovered some of the secrets of the Kaidan World decades ago, and used the Kaitan World to conduct experiments to verify something.

The third time he heard news about this person was now. Yu Liang learned from Xu Cixi that the other party wanted to kill the "Ghost Story World".

Although there is no evidence that the same Wangcheng person did these things, Yu Liang's faint intuition told him that even if it was not done by the same person, it was done by the same group of people.

Ever since the ghost stories came to Wangcheng, there has been an organization hidden in the darkness in Wangcheng, shouldering the will of mankind and resisting the source of the ghost stories.

Killing the "Kaitan World" is such a weird topic for players like Yu Liang. It is like discovering that there are humans who want to kill the main god space in the infinite flow novel.

Is this humanly possible?

Yu Liang didn't know clearly, but he knew that if a human being had to do this, then this person would not be a player like them, but could only be the group of Forget City people.

As players, all their abilities come from the Kaidan World. They are humans who grew up under the Kaidan World system. They are given the responsibility to fight against the Kaidan World. Even though they have far more power than ordinary people, they cannot resist the Kaidan World.

Only the native Wangcheng people, the Wangcheng people who have mastered part of the power of ghost stories, and the Wangcheng people who have explored the secrets of the ghost story world can do this.

But what Yu Liang couldn't figure out was why this person would do this?

In the early stages, he was obviously on the human side. So far, the human side’s main weapon against Kaidan is Kaitan World, but he wants to kill Kaidan World...

Because he failed in the end?

He has fallen into the hands of the source monsters in Forgotten City, his spirit has been polluted, and he has been used by some source monsters to do other things.

Eliminate the tyranny of the Kaitan world and restore the glory of Kaitan power?

"From the mouths of several other founders, I learned about a setting of the Kaitan World." Xu Cixi did not give them time to digest, but continued, "Every hundred years is a season of the Kaitan World. Some basics The setting will change, but generally it will not change. There will be a total of four crisis events at the beginning, middle, and end of each season."

"I seem to have heard of this." The adventurer said thoughtfully. He seemed to remember something and turned to look at Yu Liang. "Yes, he and I also met an old player from last season."

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded in response and looked back at Xu Cixi, "You mean, this Wangcheng incident is likely to be a major event at the beginning of the season?"

"That's right." Xu Cixi said, "I also learned from their mouths that the big event at the end of last season was the 'Ghost Stories Coming' to Wangcheng. A number of strange stories appeared in a medium-sized city in a very short period of time. It can be called a terrifying source of ghost stories. These root ghost stories are entrenched everywhere, expanding and destroying without restraint."

"Is the Wangcheng incident a big event at the end of last season?" Yu Liang suddenly realized that this was right.

"Yes." Xu Cixi continued, explaining, "Generally speaking, major events can affect the whole world, but the source of the ghost story in Forget City was stopped when it was still in a chaotic state of demons dancing. The entire incident The storm disappeared quickly and stopped before it had time to affect the whole world."

When he said this, Yu Liang couldn't help but glance at the lady in black dress on the sofa, and "Zhi" seemed to feel this impolite gaze, so he quickly turned to look at Yu Liang.

The two people's eyes converged in mid-air, and finally ended with a glare. Yu Liang quickly looked away, pretending as if he had never done anything.

Yu Liang himself didn't realize that Xu Cixi's attention had been on him and "Zhi" at this stage, but when Yu Liang turned around and came back, Xu Cixi also quickly lowered his head, pretending to be something else. Didn't even see it.

"Forget the city, this means that the big event at the end of the last season was just a trick. Won't the consequences befall our group of players?" The adventurer found nothing. He just I lament that the players of my generation are really ill-fated.

It was clear that they had to deal with the disaster left by the players last season, and it would not be enough if they did not deal with it. They lived in Haicheng. If the strange story about the origin of Wangcheng came out, they, the people of Haicheng, would be the first to bear the brunt of the misfortune.

"Well, so after a while, we will enter Wangcheng again. This time we will go deep into Wangcheng and reach the real core area of ​​the inner circle." Xu Cixi's face was serious, and she had obviously made up her mind long ago. .

"By the way, I remember you said that there might be news about your brother in Wangcheng..." Yu Liang thought of Xue Wubin, whose life or death was uncertain, so he asked.

"There is no news." Xu Cixi became visibly depressed, but this did not have any impact on her. "Maybe it's just that the area we are exploring is too small."

"Then why don't you ask the omnipotent bookmaker?" The adventurer blinked and thought of the bookmaker for a moment.

Xu Cixi's reaction was a little hesitant: "I have thought about this question, but it is not a good question, especially in front of the bookmaker. He claims to be the 'God of Omniscience', and the question he wants to answer is Knowledge-based questions like this..."

"It's okay. There is still a large area in Wangcheng that can be explored. Since there is news about your brother in Wangcheng, there is hope." Yu Liang looked at the map on the side, thought about it, and took out a pencil. Then he started scribbling on the big map Xu Cixi brought.

The toad-shaped god once had a detailed map of Forgotten City entered into his mind, so he was extremely familiar with the former Forgotten City. Now that he had such a foggy map, he could naturally make it complete.

"Huh?" Xu Cixi looked at the landmarks and notes that Yu Liang added, and her mind suddenly moved. She found that Yu Liang had added more details to the areas they had explored, and some details even impressed her. , so he looked at Yu Liang in surprise, "How do you know..."

"In the last copy, I reached a cooperation with a source who once lived in Forgotten City. He gave me a detailed map of Forgotten City, and I need to do a few things for him." Yu Liang raised his head, He smiled at Xu Cixi and said, "It's okay. The source ghost story has no obvious malice towards humans and is a type that can be cooperated with."

"Okay." Xu Cixi looked at the map again. The current map was much more detailed than before. This was undoubtedly a great help to their exploration of Forgotten City.

"But this map is from before Wangcheng disappeared. After so many years, many places may have become different, so it still needs to be carefully identified." Yu Liang continued, while he was adding to the map, his eyes Be attracted by an area described in the pen.

Before, this map only existed in his mind in the form of memory, and he had not noticed this yet. Now that it was presented in an intuitive form, he suddenly discovered a very key element.


Haicheng's wharf and port are at this location, about ten kilometers to the southwest...

It's a zoo!

Changhong Zoo!

The dock is near Changhong Zoo, and he still remembers that the news about Xue Wubin was obtained from a drifting wooden barrel, which means that the starting point of this barrel is likely to be the dock in Wangcheng.

Moreover, "Zhi" once said that the group of little paper figures were chased near the zoo by a group of wooden barrels, and then they escaped and took refuge.

The orientation is also completely consistent.

Speaking of which, there is likely to be news about Xue Wubin near Wangcheng Pier!

Yu Liang immediately told Xu Cixi his guess. These clues had been connected in series. Although they were not so close, he felt that they must be right.

"Really?" Xu Cixi's eyes widened and her gaze stayed on Haicheng Pier. "Hope" seemed to be rekindled in her heart.

After so many years, she knew that the possibility of retrieving Xue Wubin was slim. Whether it was the Forgotten City or the Monster World, death was a common thing, but she had an obsession, an obsession to find Xue Wubin.

At that time, Xue Wubin obtained the alienation profession early and founded the Haicheng Alliance with the five founders. As the most talented ghost player among the six founders, he disappeared from the game in the early stages of development, which in itself was a pity.

Now the other five have become powerful T1 players, so Xu Cixi has always had a vague expectation in her heart.


Xue Wubin is not dead, but he will not be able to come back for the time being.

Maybe by the time they meet, Xue Wubin has become a more powerful T1 player than the other five founders.

"Maybe, but the dock is a bit far away, and you may have to pass through a lot of territories with strange origins on the way." Yu Liang compared the routes and found that it would take dozens of kilometers to get from the bookmaker's territory to the dock, but the good news is that whether it is Neither the bookmaker's territory nor the dock are considered the inner circle of Forgotten City, and are not the core area.

His eyes stayed on the zoo area and continued: "When is the next time you go to Haicheng?"

"Three months later, the scale this time will be larger." Xu Cixi said, "This time 15 people went, and the players who were able to come back have gained a lot of benefits. Forget City is a land of strange stories that needs to be developed. , the amount of high-quality monster creatures and supernatural items in it is terrifying, so there should be many players heading to Forgotten City next time.”

"Well, count me in." Yu Liang said.

In three months, he should have returned from a new round of pioneering work, and it was time to go to Forget City.

Anyway, with the blindfold provided by Aze for free, he doesn't have to worry about the strange stories about Wangcheng's origins.

"Is that so? Count me in!" the adventurer said immediately. He absolutely believed in Lu Mingzhe's strength.

"Okay." Xu Cixi agreed. As the founder, she should have brought more following players into the exploration.

"Yes, yes, there is me, count me in too."

"Okay... hmm?" Xu Cixi agreed subconsciously, but suddenly reacted after agreeing.

There are only three players present, how come there are so many voices?

The three of them looked at the source of the sound at the same time, and then saw a face with a bright smile.

"Hi, good afternoon everyone. If I'm not mistaken, you haven't eaten yet? I brought you takeout!"

Aze, who was wearing a yellow delivery boy's uniform, carried two big bags to the table with familiarity. He first glanced at the map of Wangcheng on the table and made a sound of "Ouch" on his lips, "You are quite well prepared."

Then he put the takeout on the table, looked at the three people in front of him who were either surprised, helpless or nervous, shrugged and said:

"What are you looking at me for? Eating."

Then he seemed to remember something and looked at Xu Cixi with a smile:

"By the way, dear Ms. Silver Fox, did you just promise me? Now I am also a member of the Haicheng Exploration Team! If you remember correctly, among all the factions in the alliance, your team does not have T1, but now there is Yes, are you happy?"

"Come on, cheers!"

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