The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 424 The strange story about having the ability to reproduce

May exist in the future!

Existed before birth!

Time is meaningless to him and to them!

Wherever Cyber ​​City is, that person is there!

He is not part of Cyber ​​City, Cyber ​​City is part of him!

Yu Liang walked into the yard, looked at the green trees on the back hill, and sighed silently in his heart.

What this says...

Isn't it him?

The "villager" is his soul, and the "white humanoid" is his consciousness. Both of them are origins of ghost stories!

Originally, he was worried that there would be some bad consequences if there were two ghost stories hidden in his universe, but now it seems that may not be the case!

These two source ghost stories are my soul and consciousness respectively, which is equivalent to...

Is his current combat power equivalent to three root monsters?

Yu Liang suddenly felt that his head was a little hot, and he quickly typed a "mu" character on himself, borrowing the coolness of the water character to wake up.

No, there is not only one "Yu Liang" in this world!

He immediately thought of another possibility, that these two source ghost stories might belong to his fourth-dimensional part.

The four-dimensional part of Yu Liang also meets these conditions.

"He" was born in the future, time is meaningless to a four-dimensional creature like Him, and "He" has been a source of weird stories since his birth, so his soul and consciousness are also alternative sources, which sounds more consistent. Common sense.

No, one condition is not met, the most critical one is not met!

At this moment, Cyber ​​City is on his body, not on the four-dimensional part. Maybe they are both "Yu Liang", but in fact there are differences.

So this person really refers to him?

Yu Liang frowned slightly. After the initial excitement, he immediately realized that this was not necessarily a good thing.

Very simple.

If that person is really him, the white human form is the Consciousness God, and the villagers are the Yuan Shen, then what is he?

He still remembered that the female monk once said that consciousness is the manifestation of a person's personality, including a person's memory, personality, habits, etc., which can be broadly understood as the person's "soul".

If the consciousness and the soul are not in the body, such a person should become a vegetative person, but there is nothing wrong with him. This is obviously illogical.

Wait a minute, vegetable?

Could it be that I am actually a time traveler through soul travel?

Yu Liang was amused by the bold idea that suddenly popped up in his mind, and then shook his head. He had all the memories of his childhood, and it didn't just appear suddenly. How could it be soul piercing?

Then the answer to this question goes in two directions.

1. The white human form and the consciousness are actually the Yuan Shen and the Consciousness of the four-dimensional Yu Liang. It is precisely because they left the body of the four-dimensional Yu Liang that the three-dimensional Yu Liang clearly created them when he used [The Man Who Deceived Time]. The fourth-dimensional part did not receive any response.

The current Si-D Yu Liang is actually in a "vegetative" state.

Second, the white humanoid and the consciousness are the Yuan Shen and the consciousness of the three-dimensional Yuliang, but they exist in the "past" or "future", so they are not consistent with the white humanoid and the villagers.

Maybe they are the same thing, but the passage of time has made them different.

This point still needs to be asked in person by the white humanoid, otherwise Yu Liang can only guess.

According to the information obtained from the first version of the information, the white humanoid should be the "hope" of the Cybermen, and now it has become the consciousness of "Yu Liang", which is a bit...

"Alas." Yu Liang sighed, feeling that one head was as big as two. The most important thing is that these two statements were both said by the "white humanoid" himself. How to tell which one is true and which one is false?

Could it be said that both statements are correct?

At least judging from the sequence, the Yuanshen "villagers" were born before the consciousness gods "white humanoids", which seems to be consistent with the consciousness theory.

"Do you know what's going on?" Yu Liang turned to look at "Zhi" who had appeared beside him at some point, and threw the problem to her.

Although "Zhi" has relatively little experience, it is still a strange story, and he may know the answer.

"It wasn't before, but now I can only say that it is not certain." He gave an ambiguous answer.

"What do you mean?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, but he knew that he was not the kind of mysterious old man who walked around, so he continued to ask.

If she knew, "Zhi" would definitely pretend to be incomprehensible, and then tell her what she knew. If she didn't know, she would emphasize that there is no need to exist or discuss this kind of mentally retarded problem.

"Destiny is not static." Zhi said calmly.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded silently, as if he was listening to Master Zhi's teachings.

Exactly like the "Zhi" he knew, "Zhi" didn't like to get answers directly, but followed the instructions and was good at teaching others. Perhaps this could show how much she knew.

"The root ghost story is a very strange thing. It can be a life form, the rule itself, or even the incarnation of an abstract concept." Zhi continued, "Among these various roots, a considerable number of the root ghost story are only Be present in this moment.”

"Only exists at this moment?" Yu Liang blinked, not understanding the meaning of "zhi".

"Simply put, they have no past and no future. The part you see may be all of them. Of course, as a human being, there are very few parts you can see, and part of them is beyond your knowledge. ." He said slowly.

At this time, the adventurer also walked out of the house. As soon as he came out, he saw "Zhi" in the black dress. He immediately stopped and didn't know whether he should continue walking.

"It doesn't matter." Zhi glanced at him, "We are not talking about any secrets."

"Okay." The adventurer walked to Yu Liang's side in a few steps and became an auditor.

He knows that there is a root ghost story in the writer, and now he can listen to the root ghost story being told to the writer. No matter what the content is, if he is allowed to listen, he will definitely listen.

Who can say no?

"It's like a god dropped a few darts in the long river of time." She opened her hand, and the shadow in her hand stretched into a long black line on the land in front of the two people, and several black darts came from her The hand flew out and stood in the middle of the black line, "These darts are the source of ghost stories."

After such a demonstration, Yu Liang felt much clearer. This meant that these origin ghost stories appeared suddenly and may disappear suddenly, because they did not exist in the past timeline, nor did they exist in the future. timeline.

Of course, for humans like Yu Liang, they seem to have a "past", because before Yu Liang came to Cyber ​​City, "villagers" and "white humanoids" already existed, but this is only because Human cognition is limited.

To explain it in terms of "of", it is probably from the perspective of the long river of time. These two root causes of ghost stories do not exist, but humans do not observe from this perspective.

Human beings may be in the position where the tip of the dart is pierced, but they are an extremely tiny point. The tip of the dart is almost infinite to them, so from the perspective of humans, there is both the past and the future. .

The adventurer only listened to this paragraph, but it was not difficult to understand, so he nodded thoughtfully.

And he continued to explain: "Before you did what you did, their origins and births were not necessarily because of this incident, but you incorporated Cyber ​​City, so they have a past and a future at the same time. "

Yu Liang seemed to understand: "But before storing it, the adventurer already knew about this from the white humanoid..."

"The order on the timeline is meaningless." Zhi shook his head, "Don't try to use human understanding to understand the concept of time and space, especially the source ghost story."

She gave the simplest example: "For example, there are three things, one, two, and three. After doing them in order, the result of 'four' will be achieved. But for some root ghost stories, as long as one, two, and three exist, no matter it is three Two one or one three two, the result 'four' will happen."

"I seem to understand." Yu Liang thought of the seal [The Man Who Cheats Time], and it seemed that this seal was the perfect interpretation of this concept of time and space.

One, two, three, and then reach the final animation.

After modification, 1113223, the final animation was finally achieved. Such changes were not discovered by "Time and Space", which shows that they are reasonable modifications that conform to the concept of time and space.

"In other words, if you hadn't done that in the later stage of the copy, then the current 'white humanoid' and 'villagers' might have been born in another form and become part of that guy." Zhi smiled, as if Thought of something interesting.

"I understand. What you mean is that they have the present first and then the past." Yu Liang understood this problem. It felt a bit like quantum mechanics to him. It was like opening a blind box. In the blind box Before opening, the origin and development of the internal existence may not be determined.

Of course, this is quantum mechanics in the eyes of a scumbag.

If you need to apply it to the writer's process of writing a story, it will be even simpler.

Since the story needs to be dramatic, it only focuses on the "present", while their past may be a state of uncertainty.

The plot requires that which character did what, and the reason why he did it may be because he has such a past. The writing process may be from the present to the past, and then the future.

This may be the case with this special origin story.

after all--

"Village" is a weird story in the fantasy genre, and its derivatives are endless "ghost fantasies".

"In other words, they are indeed closely related to me?" Yu Liang understood the meaning of "zhi" and felt happy.

This went around and around, but the result was pretty good.

"This is indeed true." He did not deny it, "But it is not so simple to understand them. Your existence only laid the foundation for their origins. There are still many blanks about the 'future', at least for you It's like a black eye."

She sneered: "They are indeed your soul and consciousness now, but what's the reason? Why did they break away from you in the past? What is their attitude towards you? These are all mysteries to be determined. If you don't manage the future, they will kill you in the past."

"Uh." Yu Liang felt a little disappointed.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world.

"Zhi" is already considered the most popular source of ghost talk, and can barely be used.

"Toad God" is just a cooperative relationship.

The words "white humanoid" and "villager" are to be determined.

In any case, this is a good start. If you operate it properly later, it is very likely to receive their help.

Now that you've got it, don't worry too much about potential crises. After all, a poor actor doesn't even have a chance to worry.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang's mood suddenly improved a lot, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You are all here." Xu Cixi pushed away from the yard and smiled at Yu Liang and the adventurers in the yard, but when she saw "Zhi" behind Yu Liang, her smile became more reserved.

She didn't know why, but when she saw "Zhi", she always had the illusion that she was meeting her parents, and felt a little inexplicable nervousness.

"Well, let's go in and talk." Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi and gestured to come inside and say something.

Compared to what he just discussed, what happened in Forgotten City concerned him more.

A moment later, Xu Cixi at the dining table made the most basic summary of the Forget City operation: "This operation... is not considered a success."

"A total of fifteen players entered the Forgotten City, and there were players from various factions. Among them, 'Lawyer' had the most followers, with six T2-level players going there. However, he participated in a pioneer game, so he did not follow. "Xu Cixi said in a deep voice, "We have explored the outer areas of Wangcheng and marked the control areas of the six root ghost stories."

She took out a copy of the map from the small bag. Only a small part of the map was clearly marked, and most of the areas were blank.

This small area is the result of the exploration of the Haicheng Players Alliance. Six smaller areas are marked with different colors.

Yu Liang took a glance and saw the "rabbit-shaped god" area painted in "red".

This is an old friend. If you have the chance to enter Forget City, you must go around it.

The other five root ghost stories are summarized in a more general way, which seems to be the names chosen by the players based on the characteristics of the ghost stories.






"The attitude of the six of them towards human beings is not absolutely malicious. Most of them are neutral or slightly disgusted, but even so, half of our people are dead." Xu Cixi's face was not good-looking, she did not She likes people to die beside her, but this kind of sacrifice is out of her control.

She sighed: "But fortunately, we got some of the information we wanted."

"There are still a group of humans living in Wangcheng now, and the number is no longer small. According to accurate information, the number of this group of humans is between 30,000 and 50,000, and nearly 10,000 of them were born after Wangcheng disappeared. of."

"Huh? The birth rate is so high?" Yu Liang was surprised. This was completely beyond his expectation. This birth rate...

They are all higher than in China.

Why are there so many humans born in a dangerous Forgotten City?

No, what’s even weirder is that they actually grew up successfully?

If you look at it this way, the birth rate is terrifying!

On average, it would take one human being to give birth to 20 births in order for an additional population of 10,000 to appear in this city full of death and terror, right?

"Yes, this is not normal, and these humans are also abnormal. No, they may not be called humans. Although they call themselves new humans."

"They are ghost stories, very special ghost stories, they are..."

"The strange story of having the ability to reproduce."

"It's not a monster, it's a monster."

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