The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 423 Existing before birth

After replaying the final animation, Yu Liang let go of the hanging heart in his heart. He then disposed of the background building that Li Geng had just created on the scene and restored the back hill of the farmhouse to its original state.

And "Zhi" removed the shield on this area and walked to Yu Liang's side, with curiosity about him in his eyes.

To be precise, this is curiosity about Li Geng.

"His ability is very interesting." Zhi said, "It reminds me of..."

She frowned slightly, as if she was remembering something.

"What do you remember? A certain source of ghost talk in Wangcheng has similar abilities?" Yu Liang suddenly thought of something and asked.

"No, I thought of a game that is somewhat similar to this one, but I can't play it on the game console you gave me." Zhi continued, his eyes locked on Yu Liang, and his tone was as firm as his attitude, "Buy it for me, I want to play it."

Yu Liang: "..."

I was waiting to hear a story about Wangcheng Mixin, but you told me that you wanted to buy a game. It was a blessing to have such a mysterious story about your origins.

But in this case, he said in his heart, after all, a game only costs a few dollars, and as long as he doesn't play any online games that cost money, there is no problem at all.

"What game is Fortnite that Li Geng mentioned just now?" Yu Liang asked doubtfully, but he remembered that this game seemed to be playable on the console.

"I want to play this too." An expression on Zhi's face showed, "Oh, so there is this game." Then he continued, "It seems to be called 'Minecraft'."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded. This game can actually be played on a console, but in that case it would be completely soulless.

Zhi had been playing with his broken game console for such a long time, and he just made some money, so he could buy a batch of game equipment for "Zhi".

It can be said that letting Miss "Zhi" stay at home and play games is the best choice. After all, Yu Liang is too lazy to take "Zhi" around the world. That would be too tiring.

Next, Yu Liang returned to the farmhouse to wait for the arrival of Xu Cixi and the adventurers. At the same time, at An Buchen's request, he put her and Li Geng into the cyber city.

"There are still two root ghost stories in Cyber ​​City. Although they are asleep, you'd better be careful." Yu Liang ordered, and then he felt that he didn't need to say these things at all.

Among the created characters this time, there is a little fairy girl, so what danger is there to worry about?

There may be little gain, but there is definitely no danger. This is the confidence that "Legend of the Immortal An Buchen" gave him.

"Yes." An Buchen nodded silently, and then mentally planned three things for his trip to Cyber ​​City.

First, confirm the status of the two root monsters and the current situation in Cyber ​​City.

Secondly, obtain as much cyber technology as possible to enhance the strength of Tank No. 225.

Focus on improving the power plant and transmission system of No. 225, and find a way to take off.

In the past, An Buchen combined Daofu No. 225 with the "Shi Rui" reactor and meat machine to give it biological movement capabilities, but when faced with the problem of flight, he understood that this was far from enough.

The flesh and blood are weak and the machine soars!

It is almost impossible to take the Taoist government into flight in the biological state. The efficiency of energy conversion is too low, but it may be possible if it is replaced by machinery and technology. This will be the general direction of her research.

"On Taoist Weapon Refining, Cyber ​​Technology and Flesh Punk"

Finally, there is one thing that has always been hidden deep in An Buchen's heart.

She wanted to try to find the female monk who was chasing her in Cyber ​​City.

If she hadn't died, she would have wanted to get more information from the female monk, because she had been vaguely concerned about one thing.

The entire Cyber ​​City copy does not seem to be as simple as imagined. Is the "theory of consciousness" really just a spread of ghost stories?

Then why is this copy the model of a movie, and the name of the movie is called "Knowing God"?

This is an issue that even Yu Liang has ignored. If "Theory of Knowledge of God" is just a kind of ghost talk, then it will never become the title of the film. The title of the film should be something that can better summarize the entire film.

It shouldn’t be about knowing God, yes, it shouldn’t be about knowing God.

And An Buchen still remembers that Yu Liang gave two options when he triggered the mission of the root ghost talk. One was to kill the guy who might wake up the root, and the other was to kill the sleeping root without waking up the root. Unbelievable.

Obviously, the "villagers" still woke up, but Yu Liang's mission did not fail, and finally completed the source of the ghost story by putting the villagers to sleep again.

At least An Buchen always felt something was strange.

She didn't even tell Yu Liang the following speculations, because when she told Yu Liang in the dungeon, she was worried that Yu Liang would not be able to think about it for a while and was ready to explore it thoroughly before leaving the dungeon.

In order for everyone to return to a safe reality as soon as possible, she sewed her mouth tightly.

Is there a possibility that the "villager" and the "white humanoid" are one and the same?

Are they the "consciousness" and "primordial spirit" of something?

An Buchen still doesn't know which root ghost story is the "consciousness spirit" and which one is the "primordial spirit", but he guesses that the white humanoid form is the acquired consciousness spirit, while the villagers are the innate spirits.

If the guess is true, what will happen if the "consciousness of the spirit" is extracted according to the cultivation rules of "Tao Fa" and then the "primordial spirit" returns?

If human beings can do this, they will cultivate their moral character. If there is divine help, their ability to judge all things will be improved, and they may even acquire some abilities beyond ordinary people's understanding.

What will happen if the source ghost story does this?

An Buchen guessed that "villagers" and "white humanoids" could also do the same, because the former was defined as one person and the latter was defined as everyone. There was essentially no difference.

The "villagers" and the "white humanoid" are most likely the collective spirit and consciousness of the Cybermen.

Many bold ideas appeared in An Buchen's mind, but she immediately realized that her curiosity seemed to be a little excessive, so she immediately felt vigilant in her heart.

Too strong a desire to explore may kill her. The cost of understanding some things is too high, so it is better to forget them completely.

At this moment, Yu Liang was naturally unaware of An Buchen's numerous speculations about the Cyber ​​City dungeon. In his opinion, he had completely completed the dungeon, and this chapter was naturally turned over.

After An Buchen and Li Geng entered the dungeon, Yu Liang had nothing to do. He was waiting for someone here anyway, so he turned on his God's perspective and tried to observe what the two men were going to do.

However, it didn't take long for Yu Liang to give up, because the first thing An Buchen and his two men did when they entered Cyber ​​City was to build a fortress.

The second thing is to strengthen the fortress, and it takes most of the day to strengthen it...

I can only say that it fits the character very well.

The location of the Taoist mansion was set up near the Jiuyin Sect's dojo. After the final ghost spread war, the place became completely in ruins.

Hidden in those complicated tunnels are some special ghosts who have lost their minds. They are the abandoned children of the times, lost in the abandoned sewer areas, waiting for opportunities to attack humans who inadvertently intrude into the territory.

Due to the arrival of ancient gods and strange invasions in the later stages of the dungeon, the population of Cyber ​​City has dropped sharply. Now the Cybermen are mainly concentrated in the original central area, which is Area A. Suburban areas like Jiuyin Field have now almost become In this no-man's land, only a very small number of alienated ghosts, remnants of cultists and criminals will hide in it.

Of course, there are still some speculators who will explore the Jiuyin Field. Even if it has been raided by official forces, who knows if there will be some treasures left in the secret passage?

An Buchen and Li Geng were obsessed with building the most powerful and solid fortress. One was for safety, the other was for the sense of accomplishment after the construction was completed. The two hit it off and used the entire underground space to transform it into a maze. Like a city.

And Yu Liang looked at the gradually expanding dungeon from a God's perspective, and then looked at the two guys who were getting more and more excited the more they built, he could only shake his head helplessly, too lazy to care anymore.

I always feel that these two people will never come back on this road. I hope they still remember what they entered the dungeon for.

After exiting the writer's universe, Yu Liang looked at his phone. The adventurer's message showed that he was nearby, so he stood up and walked out of the room, just in time to see the adventurer walking towards him.

"Good morning." The adventurer, wearing simple casual clothes, greeted with a smile.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded, "Come in."

"Have you had lunch? Do you want to order a takeaway?" The adventurer followed Yu Liang into the house. The two sat on the sofa, and the adventurer released his two grass babies the next moment.

Yu Liang had seen these two grass baby lolita before, a cold octopus girl and a loyal dog-like man-eating flower girl, so he was not surprised by their existence.

"Stop, stop, stop." The adventurer waved his hands at the man-eating flower girl who was about to pounce on him and bite him, stopping the opponent's collision.

The piranha girl could only look aggrievedly at the octopus girl next to her, then at the adventurer, and kept making high-pitched "um" sounds from the bottom of her throat.

"Alas." The adventurer was helpless and could only point to his head, signaling to be gentler.

"Hmm!" The piranha girl jumped up immediately, bit the upper part of the adventurer's head, and then began to chew slowly.

Regarding all this happening, Octopus Girl just shook her head helplessly, turned around and sat on the sofa on the other side, looking at Yu Liang and the adventurer obediently.

"Okay, let's talk if you have anything to say." The adventurer leaned on the sofa, while the cannibal flower girl lay on the back of the sofa, holding his head in her mouth, showing her comfortable squinting eyes.

"Is it okay for you to do this?" Yu Liang pointed at the adventurer's head, feeling somewhat unexpected.

"It doesn't matter. It's quite comfortable when she bites like this. It's almost like a scalp massage. It also secretes a cooling substance that has a beneficial effect." The adventurer said clearly, "It clears the mind, slows down muscle fatigue, and can also eliminate Hidden wounds in the body.”

"6." Yu Liang suddenly felt that this scene was reasonable. After all, if the adventurer really hated them, he would not let them go.

Taking a closer look at the two grass infants, Yu Liang immediately found that their appearance had changed again, and their aura was slightly stronger than before. It was probably because they had been fed a lot of natural materials and treasures.

It's scary, these two grass babies eat much better than him.

"Well, what did you encounter in the back room? You seem to have been trapped for a long time?" Yu Liang changed the topic to the right track.

"That place... is simply endless." The adventurer recalled the scene in the back room, with a look of fear on his face. "After the first level, there will be the second level. After the second level, there will be the third level. Keep going inside the levels. The scene is infinitely extended, and even its existence itself is infinitely extended.”

He added: "And there, you would never imagine how many kinds of weird traps and ghosts there are. Repeated scenes make you tired, but the hidden crises require you to stay focused at all times..."

"I remember you said that you were sent out after meeting a ghost from the human camp?" Yu Liang remembered what the adventurer said at that time.

"That's right." The adventurer nodded, "It's a white mist, but it's in human form."

"White humanoid?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, "That's a source of ghost stories."

"The source of the ghost story?" The adventurer's expression was a bit astonished and thoughtful, "It is true that he is not strong, but it seems to be true."

Yu Liang frowned on the side. If what the adventurer encountered was really a white humanoid, then this would be a bit interesting.

Before the destruction of the village, the white humanoid had been sleeping, but after the destruction of the village, the white humanoid woke up. He thought that the white humanoid at that time had been saving mankind in the Jiuyin Sect, but didn't expect that he also went to the back room?

What exactly is in that back room?


Are the white figures more concerned about the villagers' awakening?

"Besides that? What else did you see? Especially the details related to the source of the ghost story." Yu Liang asked.

"Yes, that's what I want to say." The adventurer frowned in a rare way, "The white humanoid figure you mentioned did not avoid my presence. He led me through the back room, and then He said this was His first time here and He would try to get me out of here."

"I asked Him, do you know where this place is?"

"He stopped and looked at me for a long time."

"He said—"

"This is the cocoon, what's inside the cocoon is the soul, what's outside the cocoon is the consciousness, and he is the consciousness."

"He said—"

"The cocoon binds the soul, and the consciousness handles all affairs outside the cocoon. This is the concept of a 'normal person'."

"At a certain moment, the soul in the cocoon separated from the consciousness, and the 'human' returned to its original 'human appearance', but this was not a 'normal person', but a person who completely returned to his nature, so Cyber ​​City There have been countless disasters, and they have even wandered away from 'people'."

"I have heard the female monk's theory of consciousness, so I understood it at this time. What he means is that he is the consciousness, and the other existence is the soul. They are collectively called 'human consciousness', or in other words It’s the consciousness of something.”

"I asked him what he meant by 'human'. Is it some kind of weird creature, or even a source of weird things?"

"He shook his head. 'Human' is 'human'. It is the human being in my concept. It is not a proxy. And where the Yuanshen and Consciousness God are, people will be there."

"This means that they were once the soul and consciousness of a person, so I want to know who this person is, whose body and consciousness they were in in the past."

"He said He didn't know either because the man didn't exist in the past."

"I ask, if they didn't exist in the past, why do they exist?"

"He bowed his head and said, maybe this person exists in the future, because time has no meaning to him or to them."

"'Existence' may precede 'birth'."

"Finally, He had a request. He wanted to know who this 'person' was, so He told me so many things in the cocoon."

"The answer is difficult to come by and may only require guesswork because there is almost only one way to judge it."

"Wherever Cyber ​​City is, this person is there. But this person is not part of Cyber ​​City. On the contrary, Cyber ​​City is part of him."

The adventurer raised his head and looked at Yu Liang, and finished recounting all the encounters in the back room.

Opposite him, Yu Liang stood up silently, turned around and walked towards the yard, because the horror in his heart could no longer be controlled on his face.

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