The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 417 Selected pioneer book: Flat Country!

Strengthen the coupon, choose the paper man group, and strengthen.

Golden light poured into the bodies of the thirty-seven paper figures, strengthening them to the next level - T2.

Kaitan creatures of this level are the backbone of the Kaitan world and have extremely strong abilities in a certain field. At this moment, Yu Liang has 37 backbones.

[The "Paper Man" group has been promoted to the T2 level as a group. This group can no longer use enhancement coupons to strengthen the group (enhancement coupons can be used to continue to strengthen a single individual). 】

As such prompt content popped up, Yu Liang also knew that the limit of ethnic group strengthening was the T2 gradient. If he wanted to make these paper people go further, he could only use strengthening coupons for a single strengthening, such as 37 strengthening coupons to strengthen them separately. To T1 gradient…

Of course, Yu Liang would not do this, as it would be a waste of resources.

According to his vision, the Cao Ying group should be strengthened next.

Since the upper limit of group strengthening is fifty strange creatures of the same type at the same time, Yu Liang plans to carefully select fifty grass babies for strengthening. They will be the mainstay of the grass babies group in the entire universe.

Yu Liang didn't have many requirements for their combat power. For these fifty grass babies, intellectual development was the first priority.

Some of the grass babies will become leaders and teachers, leading the development of the grass babies group, educating the new grass babies, and carrying out civilized education; some of the grass babies will become scientists, studying the biotechnology left by those grass babies on the flesh and blood planet; some of the grass babies will Become a warrior and better control the ten Cao Ying mechas in Yu Liang's hands.

For Yu Liang, the most buggy thing about being a writer is the ability to strengthen the group. Other players only have two monster columns, but he has almost unlimited monsters. One strengthening will increase the entire group by half a gradient, which improves the utilization of resources. Very high.

Perhaps in terms of actual combat effectiveness, a group of T2s may not be as good as a single T1, but it is different in Yu Liang. There are not many T1 level combatants in his universe. They are not so lacking in combat effectiveness, and those who can advance technology are better.

It seems that the development path of the writer profession at this stage has changed from increasing the creation of professions to increasing technology, and from the players who killed Zuo Ci in the Three Kingdoms to the players who won the six technologies of Civilization.

As long as some technological products can be leaked into Yu Liang's hands, the Cybermen's cyber technology and the Flesh and Grass Infant's biotechnology will be of endless use.

Yu Liang looked at the paper people's panel. The paper people now have been strengthened by the final ethnic group, and all their abilities have been greatly improved again.


Character Card·Paper Man (transformed into Yin Qi)

Gradient: T2

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Greedy, timid

Abilities: Chaos, preparing edicts, extremely extravagant, unwarranted, forming cliques

[Chaos*]: Causes the target to fall into a powerful hallucination. The hallucination will cause chaos in the target's vision, hearing, touch, smell, etc. If the target breaks free forcibly, it will enter a weak and vulnerable state, and additional location information will be locked.

[Proposed Edict*]: Record the physiological characteristics of a certain strange creature, simulate the characteristics and obtain some of its abilities. It is difficult to distinguish the same type of strange creatures, and it is very easy to regard the subject as a similar creature at the T2 level; after the simulation, you will be given instructions for similar creatures The ability of simple commands, the first command will be enforced, but it cannot violate the absolute instinct of the creature (commands such as suicide cannot be executed).

[Extreme luxury*]: You can carry three small and medium-sized items (non-living things, which can be non-physical items) on your body and use them when needed. After using this item, you will enter a "withdrawal" state, and you will be unable to store any items for a certain period of time.

[Unnecessary*]: Create something out of nothing based on specific circumstances. The more paper people involved, the more specific and detailed the creation will be, making it difficult to see through. The generated objects can be physical items, non-physical items or events, crimes, etc.

[Party formation]: When ten paper figures use the same ability together, the effect of that ability will be increased to the T1 level, and they will have the right to take effect first in a confrontation of the same gradient.

"Party? There's another word 'Party for private gain'. Are these paper men really the reincarnations of the cunning eunuchs in history?" Yu Liang looked at the new skills and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Every skill of the paper people has been finally strengthened. For example, [Tao Luan] can now produce hallucinations in addition to vision, and other senses can also produce hallucinations. [Simultaneous Edict] can enable the paper people to issue mandatory orders to other strange creatures, [Extreme Luxury] ] changed to carrying three items, [Unnecessary] literally has no change, but these paper figures have become T2 gradient after all, and the actual effect must have been improved.

Finally, the skill [Party Formation] can be said to actually increase the intensity of the gang of paper people fighting. Every ten paper people join forces to upgrade their ability to the T1 gradient, and they also have the same level of initiative. .

This means that as long as they are in a group of ten paper figures, they can almost 100% apply illusions first. This is equivalent to a Pokémon in a Pokémon game that ignores speed and must be hypnotized first. It's just a laity.

Just when Yu Liang was immersed in some kind of beautiful fantasy, these T2 little paper people began to be dishonest.

Even if the monsters in T2 are not of the flesh and blood type, they still have excellent physical fitness and strength, which is far superior to ordinary people like Yu Liang.

If you really want to calculate it, it is not a problem at all for a small paper man the size of a human head to give Yu Liang a full shoulder fall.

So now the little paper people are experiencing their T2 level bodies, with pairs of eyes filled with little surprises and expectations. They look like old immortals in the Nascent Soul stage who have completed the body-taking process - "This body very nice".

However, this experience did not last long, and they soon discovered the improvement and wonderful uses of their abilities.

[Nimulated Edict] This ability can be used on the same type of paper figurine, and the first order cannot be refused...

So next, Yu Liang saw the picture of paper people ordering each other, sometimes asking this paper person to be a cow or horse for him, sometimes asking that paper person to kiss his toes, sometimes becoming another paper person's cow and horse, For him to ride...

Sure enough, any new abilities of these paper figures are always tested on their beloved relatives, friends, and brothers, and this time is no exception.

Seeing that these paper figures had learned their lesson and had no intention of destroying the apartment even if they were testing new abilities on other paper figures, Yu Liang was too lazy to stop them and instead looked at other gains.

After completing the root ghost story of "Cyber ​​Village" and becoming the first on the exploration list, in addition to the enhancement coupons, there are two props, which are in the temporary inventory, waiting for Yu Liang to extract them.


Prosthetic Eye "Glaier"

Remarks: A master of cyber technology, the highest quality materials combined with the most advanced technology, every cyberman who stands at the top will have it.

Yu Liang looked at the prosthetic eye. It looked very powerful and even had its own unique number.


With such a high number, this prosthetic eye must not be ordinary.

But it was a pity that Yu Liang compared his own eyes and felt that his natural eyes were better.

Let him dig out his own eyes to match this prosthetic eye...

Just as he tried to place the prosthetic eye on the edge of his eye socket, the prosthetic eye shone a little, then unfolded flatly, transforming itself into a pair of single-sided glasses.

"Is there such a function?" Yu Liang was surprised, and then put on his single-sided glasses.

"It should be because some upper-class Cybermen don't like to use prosthetics. They are deeply influenced by the idea that 'the body, hair, and skin are determined by nature.'" At this time, Lu Baoshen explained in a tone of understanding, " This prosthetic eye should take into account the needs of this audience group."

"You understand so well?" Yu Liang was even more surprised. When did Lu Baoshen understand this?

Lu Baoshen just smiled and said nothing.

He would not tell Yu Liang that he knew this from the mouth of the casino robber at the time, and some of it was warned to him by the great elder, because he was eager to leave the dojo at that time, and he did not hesitate to commit suicide in order to die together.

Well, he said it was self-mutilation, but in fact he just bit his finger, and he regretted it after biting it, it hurt...

Putting on the monocle, the corresponding text content immediately appeared in Yu Liang's left eye.

[Network signal detected...]

[Anonymously connected to the regional network and collecting current environmental information...]

[According to the satellite signal, the current area is Yinshi North Road, Huaguo·Haicheng·Yinshan District]

[Binding user information, please enter your name——]

At this time, the situation in Yu Liang's left eye was almost the same as reality, except that these words were added. Following the guidance of the lens in his left eye, he lowered his head and looked at his hand.

The lenses have locked onto his hands and can judge his intentions based on motion capture. He can use some gestures and perform simple operations.

"Name...writer." Yu Liang said his title without much thought.

[Okay, Mr. Writer. Next, a simple product operation introduction will be carried out. You can simply learn it or skip this process. When you encounter a problem, you can call "Claire" and Claire will answer it for you. 】

"Show me a simple instruction manual." So Yu Liang asked to see a simple instruction manual, hoping to master the basic functions of this prosthetic eye.

The instruction manual is not too long and is divided into several simple parts, and these parts include almost all the functions that Yu Liang can think of.

Such capabilities as radar, infrared scanning, environmental analysis, AI assistance, etc. Needless to say, they are all available.

It can be said that wearing this lens on Yu Liang is like carrying a super powerful computer with him, which can do almost anything that an electronic device can do.

And so many functions were actually condensed into this monocle that weighed less than 300 grams. This kind of technology could not help but surprise him.

Of course, he later discovered that this thing was made of fragrant silver as the main material. Fragrant silver is a fantasy metal in Cyber ​​City, and its source is the "villager" of the root ghost story.

The technology is very complicated, but to a certain extent, it can be said that this Xiangyin possesses the abilities of very few "villagers".

It’s not surprising if the root ghost story is involved.

Yu Liang found the relevant instructions. This prosthetic eye can also be transformed into another kind. All you need to do is find a pair of frames.

He dug out the glasses he had used, took out the lens on the left, and the plain lens on the right. Then he placed the prosthetic eye on the side of the glasses. After scanning, the prosthetic eye was combined with the frame to form a complete pair of glasses. .

After putting on the glasses, Yu Liang felt something growing in the frame of his left ear and fitting together with his ear. This was to prevent the glasses from falling off due to heavy impact. With this layer of protection, , basically hard to lose.

He took out the chess pieces, and now he put on glasses, giving him a bookish temperament.

Wait, gray hair?

Isn't this coming back?

Why is my hair still gray?

He was a little stunned, and the created characters in the universe were also surprised.

"Has your hair not recovered?"

"Where did you dye it? The world of ghost stories has not recovered?"

At this time, the figure of "Zhi" emerged from the shadow under Yu Liang's feet. She glanced at the white-haired Yu Liang, then walked to the living room without looking back and resumed her old business.

It's just that Yu Liang seemed to have heard an inaudible hum and the words "You deserve it."

It seemed that "Zhi" was still angry because Yu Liang forcibly dragged her into the water.

"Hey, wait, do you know something?" Yu Liang trotted after him, smiling and looking at "Zhi" who was already sitting on the sofa and opening the game.

But "Zhi" still didn't speak, just controlling the cuckold on the TV screen.

Yu Liang glanced at the cuckold and immediately said, "This is the second part."

There is no need to say anything else, everything is self-explanatory.

"Oh." He turned to look at Yu Liang and pointed to the white hair on his head, "Don't each copy leave some marks? This is the new mark. Your energy is because of that thing If you are damaged, you need to cultivate for at least two months. Do not participate in dungeons during this period, otherwise you will lose more energy and energy, and you will easily get sick and suffer from kidney deficiency in the future."

"Okay, I got it." When Yu Liang heard the word "kidney deficiency", he immediately nodded solemnly, saying that he would strictly follow "zhi"'s instructions.

"But there are advantages. Next time you meet this kind of creature at the top of the food chain that is superior to humans, you won't be so scared that you can't move like last time." Zhi continued, and then turned his attention back to the TV screen, "Three days I want to play within it.”

"In less than three days, I will go to the physical store to buy it for you later." Yu Liang waved his hand, quite proudly.

Aren’t physical stores just a bit more expensive?

Now that he owns Haicheng Farmhouse, he still lacks this little money?

Oh yes, adventurer...

The adventurer must be back too, right?

As long as the players in the dungeon are trapped, no matter where they are trapped, they will be automatically teleported back to reality after the source of the ghost story is completed.

If he didn't die in the back room, he must be back.

Thinking of the adventurer's rough-skinned appearance and the endless supply of life-saving props, Yu Liang still trusted the other party's ability to protect himself.

You may not be able to escape from the back room, but you should be able to survive until the end of the root ghost story.

Yu Liang turned on his phone, sent a greeting message to the adventurer, and then opened his own page.

Since I have to take good care of my body in the next two months, I naturally can't be dragged into the dungeon.

The timing of entering the dungeon is completely random. If you want to maintain absolute peace within two months, there is only one way.

Pioneer book.

There will be at least two months of rest before and after signing up for the pioneer book, which is exactly what Yu Liang needs.

He flipped through the pages, his eyes naturally resting on one of the copies.

Flat country.

In the cyber village, he obtained the stamp of [Dimension Man], so it seems that the pioneering book of Flatland must be the most suitable.

There is a high probability of getting a stamp with a two-dimensional perspective, which can be used with [Dimensional Man].

Okay, that’s it.

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