Seeing himself exposed, Yu Liang also scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

Aze is a smart man, and no amount of sophistry can change Aze's guess now, so Yu Liang simply said nothing, and even had the idea of ​​turning around and leaving.

Anyway, he was not at a loss. He already had the black cloth scarf to cover up his aura, so what were he waiting for?

Will Aze go back again?

Anyway, it’s impossible for Yu Liang to return it to this guy. I believe this guy doesn’t have the face to ask for it, right?

Yu Liang stuffed the black cloth into the back pocket of his pants, then faced Aze and remained silent.

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of getting things back after giving them away." Aze waved his hand. This thing is only useful for players like him and Yu Liang, but it has no meaning for normal players.

Yu Liang on the side felt a little relieved when he heard what he said, but still kept a certain safe distance from Aze.

It should be obvious from Aze's level that he went to great lengths to travel from the future timeline to the present and change the "past", and the purpose must not only be to show off in front of these players and Cybermen.

There is only so much gain from completing the dungeon. Now that Yu Liang has been "reborn", he will gain more, and Aze should gain less.

However, Aze didn't look strange, and he was very calm. He smiled and said to Yu Liang: "Being able to go back in time and even affect the source of the strange stories, such an ability already involves rules. The ability to have complex rules is not T2 Players of the same level can have it, and the two roots beside you just now also demonstrated their abilities, and they have nothing to do with 'time', so there is a high probability that they are some extremely rare stamps or props."

He continued: "Logically speaking, this thing should be a one-time use, or the starting conditions are extremely difficult, so it would be more reasonable."

Yu Liang did not refute him, but just looked at the time again. The five-minute rest time was almost over.

At this time, Yu Liang opened his own page, selected the writer's professional skill [Micro Source], thought for a while, and entered the "villager" information to create a simulated "villager".

He wanted to create a toad-shaped god, but the origin and ability of the toad-shaped god were very mysterious, and he couldn't create [Female Source], so he had to try "villagers" first.

The villagers had fought with him, and the general appearance of his abilities was already known, so it was not difficult to complete a more accurate "analysis".

[Copy Source] After it was over, Yu Liang looked back at Li Huachao and others: "Do you have any anesthetics or anything? I plan to make a character as a backup."

According to the operation rules of this dungeon, players will recover all physical injuries after returning to reality. Judging from this, every dungeon can be saved to make "living" characters.

"Is it a 'living' character? Do you also want to cut out your tongue?" Aze's ears were very sensitive, and he immediately guessed Yu Liang's thoughts from Yu Liang's words, and then he clicked his tongue and shook his head, "That's really not the case. It hurts in general, but it’s of no use.”

Yu Liang looked at this guy. From what it sounded like, Aze must have tried it.

"Otherwise, do you still expect that each dungeon can save you a 'live' character?" Aze shrugged, "Then save a hundred or eighty, run to a certain source of ghost talk, and commit suicide. No matter what you do, you will die. No? You’re overthinking it, how can this copy be so kind?”

"So the 'live' characters created in this dungeon can only be used in this dungeon?" Yu Liang immediately thought of possible restrictions.

"That's right." Aze nodded, "It's almost time. Anyway, I'm very happy to work with you this time. I don't have to do a lot of things myself."

He smiled: "I believe we will have many opportunities to meet."

"I don't really hope to see you again." Yu Liang turned around and spoke his mind.

The meaning of Aze's words was very clear. The other party had already guessed that his method of adjusting the timeline was obtained by using the seal.

In other words, the next time they meet, Yu Liang may not have this fate-changing seal as an aid.

"There is a chance. After all, the big events at the beginning of the season haven't started yet." Aze smiled again and said the last words in this copy.

Then, he looked at the confessor beside him. Just one look made the confessor understand, and he immediately used his last ability on Aze.

[Confession]: Limited to three times a day, reset a skill of a character.

Then, Aze looked at the animal trainer not far away and "checked" the other person's script.

During the optional time, he resisted looking at the animal trainer's script countless times.

The answers to the animal tamer's professional secrets and the so-called "humanoid monsters" might all be mentioned in the animal tamer's script, but Aze held back.

Because if he used this ability at any time in the past, he would only get part of the script record of the animal trainer in the dungeon, and the script would inevitably stop when the animal tamer left the dungeon.

These contents are useful, but they are not what Aze wants to know most.

But now, when he checked the Beast Tamer's script one second before he returned to the dungeon, since the activation of the ability had a forward movement of about three seconds, the time when he officially got the dungeon was three seconds later.

After three seconds, all players will return to reality, and the script he gets is Yu Liang's real-life script!

With this script, he can get more information from it.

for example……

The Real Life of an Animal Tamer.

He can take this opportunity to find the other party!

The next second, light emerged in the east of Cyber ​​City, rushing over like a tsunami, sucking the entire Cyber ​​City into it, and sending all players present back to reality.


Yu Liang opened his eyes and saw the familiar apartment bedroom in front of him.

Returning to the absolutely safe reality, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During the entire dungeon, he hardly took any rest. The only rest he had was to take a nap for a few hours. Now he only returned to reality. The string in his mind suddenly loosened, and his whole body was like a deflated rubber ball, paralyzed. Fell on the bed.

Of course, before that, he still marked himself with two "Mu" characters, otherwise he would not be able to go to bed in such a state of being covered in sweat and dust.

After lying down for a few minutes, he looked at his universe again. With the end of the copy, all the characters he created returned to his universe, including Hua Niang.

However, the flower girl is not placed in the created character column, but in the monster creature column.


flower girl

Gradient level: T2

Ability: unknown

Note: The female character based on the hunter "Li Huachao" created by "The Undertaker" of Gengen Kaitan has the same abilities as the prototype.

Second is Li Geng. As a newly added T2 character, Li Geng's panel data is exactly the same as that of an architect. His main ability is to use characters to generate "civil engineering" units out of thin air to carry out construction projects.

As an architect with extremely strong construction abilities, Li Geng's appearance first attracted An Buchen's attention. At this moment, discussions had already begun in Yu Liang's universe.

"Your name is Li Geng, are you an architect, right?" An Buchen sent a friendly communication application, "My name is An Buchen, and my profession is Fairy Girl. Can you help me design a stable and hidden fortress?"

"Fairy aunt? This profession? Fortress or something, of course, this is my specialty." Li Geng became somewhat interested in An Buchen's profession, and he sounded more easy-going, so he immediately agreed to An Buchen's request. "As for the fairy nun... is she the kind of Taoist nun who practices Taoism? I don't have much experience in Taoist temples or anything like that, but I should be able to do the job."

"No, we don't want a Taoist temple." An Buchen immediately refused, "We want a fortress, preferably an underground fortress. Do you know the Maginot Line? It's best to be as indestructible as it."

Li Geng: "..."

Why do you feel like this little fairy is a little strange?

Why would a Taoist like the Maginot Line?

At this time, Li Huachao also shouted: "Hey, I also have a dream of building. Master, master, can you help me build one?"

"You are... hunter Li Huachao, right?" Li Geng found Li Huachao's name from the information board of the universe, and then agreed happily, "Then what do you want to build?"

"Civil Affairs Bureau." Li Huachao answered without hesitation, "It's the place where weddings are held, you know, right? It's best to have the kind of building that makes people want to get married as soon as they see it. Once they get married, they will give up their property without hesitation. Leave it to your significant other, regardless of whether the other person is a human or a ghost, and then immediately file for divorce at the Civil Affairs Bureau to divide the property."

Li Geng: "???"

What is this and what?

He is an architect. What the hell is this Civil Affairs Bureau?

The effect is even more outrageous. How can this be the function of a building?

"It's okay. This kind of building may be difficult to build. You can think about it slowly, even if it only satisfies one of the effects." Li Huachao said enthusiastically. His Tauren Wedding Company has not yet found a solution.

Now that an architect has come, wouldn't it be possible to solve the problem of the company's office space?

"Don't listen to my second brother's nonsense." At this time, Lu Baoshen was also unwilling to be outdone. "I am Lu Baoshen. I am a professional gambler. I also want to build buildings."

"Gambler? Are you building a casino? The kind in Macau?" Li Geng tried to infer from Lu Baoshen's occupation.

"Of course not. Do you think I still need to rely on the casino's turnover to make money?" Lu Baoshen coaxed, "Build me the largest bank in the world to store the money I win."

"Bank..." Li Geng repeated his words, silent for a moment.

I thought that the little fairy who liked the Maginot Line was weird, but I didn't expect that the guys behind were not weird at all, which made Li Geng feel a little puzzled.

In the memory of the original architect, the writer Yu Liang was obviously a great and upright hero, but why were all the people under him...

Something weird?

However, even though he was new here, he didn't dare to ask. He just kept echoing the slightly excessive demands of several other created characters.

Yu Liang listened for a while and found that the new architect was actually a rare normal person. He couldn't help but feel a little moved. At the same time, he stopped several other guys: "You guys, don't send any strange things randomly. For the architect Comrade Li Geng , I have high hopes.”

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Universe Yu Liang, several other people immediately felt disappointed and went back to rest by themselves.

This is a rare situation where they all go out to participate in the dungeon. After experiencing so many things in the dungeon, they are all a little tired.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, turned to look at what he had gained in this copy. The first was the scene card "Cyber ​​City".

This should be regarded as the largest scene card in the writer's universe so far. It covers an area as large as many zoos, and there are tens of thousands of surviving citizens in it.

According to Azer's planned plan, these Cybermen should have completed the transformation into ghosts and become creatures similar to players. Then after they completed the source ghost stories, these Cybermen should have returned to reality.

However, due to "it" blocking the recognition of these Cybermen, the Origin Ghost Story was unable to recognize Cyber ​​City, and the Cybermen were also unable to recognize the players. The part about the Players in the Ghost Story was in conflict and had to be rewritten. .

In such changes, the Cybermen lost their "player" characteristics and therefore remained in Cyber ​​City. At the same time, they could no longer be controlled by the terminal controller in Aze's hand.

For Yu Liang, this is a profit. After all, tens of thousands of people have been picked up for nothing, and they are still people who have mastered high-end technology. At best, they just cannot fully control it.

At least it's better than falling into Aze's hands.

The source of the ghost story, the "villagers", exists in the collective consciousness of the Cybermen, but has never appeared.

As the incarnation of "hope" for the Cybermen, the white humanoid also returned to Cyber ​​City with the Cybermen, liberating himself and also liberating the toad god.

As "Hope", He can communicate with the awakening consciousness of the "villagers" to a certain extent and contain the abnormal movements of the "villagers".

At this point, Yu Liang still needs to send the created character to communicate and see what to do.

The best thing is to gain the goodwill of the white humanoids and "villagers" and get their help.

Of course, no matter what happens, the white humanoid can be put into sleep together with the "villagers" and return Cyber ​​City to the Cybermen. The white humanoid is obviously happy to do such a thing.

If they could get the help of "Zhi", the white humanoid and the "villagers" at the same time, it would be a lot easier for Wangcheng and his party.

While Yu Liang was counting the harvest, Aze, who returned to reality, was also counting the harvest.

There was nothing unusual about his body, but the expression on the secretary next to him was a little ugly.

"Those Cybermen... have not come to reality." The secretary's face was ashen. So many of them have been working for so long, isn't it just for the tens of thousands of Cybermen and the strange stories behind them?

Now that it's all gone inexplicably, how can this not be annoying?

"Yeah." Aze just nodded slightly, not looking very concerned, "I guessed that these Cybermen may be in the hands of that 'writer', or maybe they are still in Cyber ​​City. This is probably the 'writer' Negotiating terms with the white humanoid.”

"'Writer'? Is that that person?" The secretary frowned, and the anger in his heart seemed to have a target to vent, "How about we..."

"No need." Aze pinched his knuckles, "Retaliation afterwards is meaningless. In any case, it was just a mistake on my part."

He smiled: "It's not the first time you've done something with me. Haven't I experienced too many failures and things like that?"

Aze stretched out on the sofa and threw the useless terminal controller into the trash can: "Or have you forgotten my title?"

The secretary said nothing.

In the world of Kaitan, players who are promoted to T1 are eligible to receive titles, which are used to summarize the player's experience and also provide inspiration for the player's destiny.

Aze's title is more like "shame", but he never thinks so.

Title: Loser

"Compared to those things, this is more interesting." Aze raised the script in his hand.

"His name is Yu Liang, not Ren'an; he is a writer, not an animal trainer."

Uh, I made a mistake in the scheduled update time, and I just found out now, Private Marseille (360-degree bow)

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