The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 415 The identity of the time traveler was discovered QAQ

As the recognition faded, the shadow quickly dissipated in Cyber ​​City, and finally returned to Yu Liang's feet.

The little raccoon's voice rang in Yu Liang's mind: "I have temporarily blocked those source rumors. No one can counter me in my rules."

"Wow, great." Yu Liang immediately followed up with a flattery. Although it was fake, he knew that "Zhi" was very fond of this trick.

But after thinking about it, he was still a little worried: "There are so many strange rumors about the origin, are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with it?"

He knew before that the rules of the Origin Ghost Story were absolutely invincible. This had nothing to do with the number, otherwise "zhi" would not be able to make Wangcheng be forgotten.

In essence, the disappearance of Forgotten City and the current disappearance of Cyber ​​City in the eyes of Root Monster are the same thing. In the face of this absolute rule, neither weak humans nor the powerful Root Monster can resist.

"It doesn't matter in a short time, but it may be discovered after a long time." The little raccoon continued, "There may be some root causes of strange stories that affect the operation of the rules on another level through the rule ability."

"The dungeon will end in five minutes, so there won't be any problems after it's over, right?" Yu Liang asked one more question to reassure him.

"The completion of the dungeon is the final word, and there will be no more variables." On this point, "Zhi" is quite confident, because she once worried that she would return to the shapeless beast state of the past and lose her body. But later I discovered that the completion of the copy is actually a binding to some extent.

After the completion of the dungeon, it will be difficult to rely on the root rules to change the past. If there is, it will be the same level of power as the dungeon, and even higher than the power of the rules of the root.

"That's good." Yu Liang felt relieved after hearing this, and turned to look at the cowboy woman who had just spit out from the shadows.

Since she was in a coma, her cowboy hat also fell aside, revealing her long and scattered hair. In the hair clusters, a beautiful face was looming.

However, Yu Liang's eyes froze and he focused on this guy's Adam's apple.

Adam's apple?

Wait, is this a man? !

He looked sideways from head to toe. After confirming the gender of this guy in his mind, he now looked like a man.

The shoulders seem to be slightly wider and the frame is larger...

But with a face like this and a figure like this, if you put on women’s clothing and claim to be a woman, some people will definitely believe it, right?

I thought that the gender ratio in the Writer's Universe would be unbalanced, but I didn't expect that it would reach balance again in this weird way.

Li Huachao, female writer, Lu Baoshen, An Buchen.

Men and women.

Zhong Chen has the body of a woman and the appearance of a man; the new architect has the body of a man and the appearance of a woman.

This doesn't correspond perfectly.

Yu Liang complained in his mind, then looked at the architect from head to toe, and thought.

Not to mention, this exaggerated outfit and long hair are really similar to Yu Liang’s stereotype of a wandering artist.

But are architects considered artists?

It's calculated, but it's not unreasonable, so it's usually not so exaggerated, right?

Look at the original architects around you. Their work style is rigorous and meticulous. These are the good architects loved by the people.

Yu Liang couldn't help but complain a few words in his heart, and then stepped forward to wake up the new architect.

This is also thanks to "Zhi" bringing over the new architect, otherwise his copy might have been created in vain.

The time schedule was too tight, and Lu Baoshen had just used the Goblin Hook Gun and needed two hours to cool down. Now he only had five minutes left, so he would definitely not be able to find the architect who created it.

Although "Zhi" can only be regarded as a matter of course, her shadow covers the entire city, and it is naturally easy to find an architect, but this still solves Yu Liang's urgent need, and it also explains one thing on one level.

Today's "of" is not that Yu Liang asks her to do something after using the seal. She will think about what kind of thing is beneficial to Yu Liang, and then do it by the way.

Yu Liangshang still didn't know what this meant, but he was still a little moved when he thought about it.

"Zhi", who is the source of Kaidan, actually knows how to think about a human being?

Who would believe it if I told it?

"Huh? Am I here? Wait..." The new architect woke up. He seemed to look around, realized something in an instant, and turned his attention to Yu Liang.

There is a special connection between creating characters and writers, and now this intuition tells him that the guy in front of him is the writer, the one who created him.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he gritted his teeth and said, "You shameless person, you actually used this method to find me..."

Yu Liang glanced at Aze who was beside him calmly, then walked to the new architect, blocking Aze's view, lightly kicked the new architect with his foot, squatted down and patted him. Patting him on the shoulder, he smiled and said, "If you have anything to do, think about it carefully, then think it through, and explain it clearly."

The new architect was stunned for a moment. He was by no means an idiot. He immediately understood what Yu Liang meant. He immediately sighed and said in a way that would not arouse any suspicion: "I built a fortress in the garbage dump of Area F. A fortress that combines artistic aesthetics and practicality is just waiting for your arrival. When you successfully conquer the fortress, I will recognize you, but! I didn’t expect you to be so cunning, you... actually summoned a source monster to arrest you. I!"

Yu Liang: "..."

When he said these words, the new architect still felt aggrieved. His magnificent building full of artistic and philosophical speculation, an indestructible fortress that takes into account the convenience of daily life, is an aesthetic work that can shock the world. .

This work was not only his test for the writer, but also his invitation to join the universe. In the end, the writer actually used this method to catch him...

Isn't this a waste of time?

Isn't this a betrayal?

Thinking of this, the new architect felt a little aggrieved inexplicably, as if he was sincerely feeding the dog.

Fortunately, he had been busy there for so long, guarding the fortress all day long and looking forward to Yu Liang's arrival.

Yu Liang hesitated to speak, because it was impossible for him to find the architect in person. If there was no accident, the architect would most likely be caught by the goblin hook, and the legendary fortress would definitely not be seen.

In addition, he had been thinking about how to counteract Aze, and for a while he really didn't think about dealing with the architect's matter.

Well, maybe he felt that the architect he created was a minor problem that could be solved with just one click from Lu Baoshen, so he ignored the architect due to the procrastination he had developed from procrastination.

Of course, saying this would definitely hurt others' hearts, so Yu Liang would naturally not tell the truth.

And judging from this, the favorability of the new architect seems to be quite high. It is said that Yu Liang needs to break through the fortress to be recognized, but this is not difficult for the current Yu Liang at all.

If nothing else, just a [Purge] stamp can go on a rampage.

Perhaps it's because everything the new architect knows about him comes from the old architect's memories?

In the memory of the original architect, what kind of character was the animal tamer?

Wu determines the universe and eliminates the tide of monsters alone; pleads for the people and reduces the survival cost of novice players; destroys dreams and stops the conspiracy of the rabbit-shaped god...

Now he is leading a plan to save tens of thousands of Cybermen, once again solving the root cause of the mystery, and bringing all surviving players out of the dungeon safely.

How can such a character be described by a simple "unparalleled hero"?

As long as he is not born with an antisocial personality, wouldn't it be normal for a newly created character to have a natural affection for Yu Liang under the influence of this memory?

"Sorry, I'm very interested in the fortress you mentioned, but I need to be responsible for the remaining players in this dungeon." Yu Liang clarified the cause of the matter in his mind, and immediately made a regretful expression. "Getting your approval and increasing my strength are selfish interests, but I can save more people in the same time. This is righteousness. I can't give up righteousness for personal gain, so I can only make this choice."

After saying these words, even Yu Liang himself admired him.

As expected, the new architect glanced to the side, then stood up from the ground: "In that case, forget it."

He looked directly into Yu Liang's eyes and stretched out his hand: "Li Geng."

"Hello." Yu Liang smiled slightly and shook hands with architect Li Geng.

The meaning between the words is naturally clear. Li Geng agrees with Yu Liang. After all, who cares about the world and is famous for his bravery and benevolence, who can not admire him?

This scene was naturally seen by Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen on the side. They shrugged in unison and turned away from each other, with the same thoughts in their hearts.

Yep, it’s so easy to fool.

After settling Li Geng's matter, Yu Liang turned to look at the content of the prompt box that had just been updated, focusing on the list rankings and rewards.

[The players on the Monster World list will be announced next]

[Root Source Ghost Story Exploration Progress List]

1. Yu (survival): 100%

2. Ginger (survival): 100%

3. Fang (survival): 80%

·The above players will receive generous rewards, and rewards for dead players will not be issued for the time being.

["I am a collector" ranking list]

Ginger (survival): 5 stamps

·The above players will receive generous rewards

【Character collection list】

Qiu (death): 12 types

·Rewards for dead players will not be distributed temporarily.

After reading the list, Yu Liang couldn't help but raise his head and look at Aze. From this exploration list, it is not difficult to judge that Aze must be the second player named "Jiang".

So is Aze's real name "Jiang Ze" or "Jiang Mouze"?

As the only two players with a 100% exploration degree, the rewards they receive in this regard should be similar, and Aze also has a stamp collection list reward.

With Aze's level, it's not unusual to rank first on both lists.

As for the third character collection list, this list looks at the number of character types newly collected by the player in the copy. Generally speaking, the higher the number, the more it proves that the player has fewer character types and experience. The more shallow.

Yu Liang is an exception. He should have been rewarded at least once on this list, but he collected many characters in real life, so he suffered a hidden disadvantage on this collection list.

Forget it, it’s just a small list reward. Compared to other gains, it’s nothing.

He still remembered that he had 50 points left to contribute to the camp mission, so he immediately redeemed them together and turned them into real rewards, which he would then bring back to reality for counting.

At this time, Aze walked up to Yu Liang's side seemingly unintentionally. He first looked at the cowboy Li Geng next to Yu Liang, and then asked with a smile: "How was it? A lot of harvest?"

"Absolutely." Yu Liangpi smiled.

At present, Aze still doesn't know what he has done, so he thinks that those tens of thousands of Cybermen still exist.

Yu Liang has no habit of showing off, so of course he will not mention this.

"So what did the toad-shaped god give you just now? I saw it, that should be the way he transmits information." Aze talked casually.

"It's the map of that city. I want to take him to find the truth." Yu Liang didn't hide much on this matter.

According to this trend, he still has to go to Wangcheng. If he can get Aze's help then...

Not bad actually.

"Is that so? It seems that the big event of this season still happened there. It always feels like there are many clues pointing to that city at the same time." Aze said, and then continued to ask, "But are you sure you want to go to that place? It’s not safe.”

"There is no other way. This is what I promised the Toad God. No matter how dangerous it is, I must go." Yu Liang showed a helpless expression at the right time.

"If possible, we can go together." Aze smiled, "To be honest, our cooperation is very efficient and strong, isn't it?"

"Go together? Yes, but I won't go for the time being." Yu Liang shook his head, "It's... too dangerous for me."

The reason he shook his head was naturally not to reject Aze's invitation, but because he couldn't go.

"Zhi" had too many sources of offence, all of which were from Wangcheng. He would not go there without being prepared.

"I probably know the reason. Since you helped me so much this time, I have some props here, all prepared for entering the Forgotten City. Do you need them?" Aze said with a smile, and he He took out a black cloth-style eye mask and said with some regret, "It can hide the 'root' aura on the body."

He explained: "For normal players, exposing the marks left by the source ghost story on themselves in front of other sources is a potential deterrent. It is actually a protection for themselves. They don't need this thing, but For some players who have offended the root monster, this is a treasure."

"Is that so? Then I really need it." Yu Liang was happy. Someone would give him a pillow just when he fell asleep. This rhythm was so comfortable.

"There is only one such thing, so cherish it." Aze shrugged, handed the black cloth strip to Yu Liang's hand, and then continued, "Can we go together now?"

"Huh? There's only one? Then you..." Yu Liang took the black cloth strip. This thing worked as Aze said, and he was immediately happy. Then he noticed Aze's second invitation and subconsciously wanted to ask a question. , then he noticed something and shut up immediately.

The thing I want to ask is very simple. If there is only one thing, what should Aze use?

The reason for shutting up is also very simple, because in this timeline, Yu Liang told Aze the secrets about Cyber ​​City, so Aze did not tell him about "taking sides".

At this moment, Yu Liang felt a little regretful. He had just gotten a good thing from Aze, and he was a little complacent.

"Then...what should I do?" Aze couldn't help laughing, and continued what Yu Liang had just interrupted, "I remember that I didn't tell you about my side. Normal players should not Do you need this?"

He shrugged, and the arranged language trap worked as he imagined: "Sure enough, I told you this in another time and space. You came back from another timeline, Mr. Traveler."

Yu Liang: "..."

No, are you sick?

Everyone is leaving the dungeon happily. Are you still thinking of cheating me?

Damn it, I really tricked you!

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