The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 414 The prince is forcing the palace

I feel……

In this copy, I seem to have been living in his shadow.

Aze looked at the animal trainer standing in front of all the players and couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

He originally suspected that the other party was also an actor, but after the first meeting, the other party dispelled his suspicions with a large number of tamed strange creatures. He first proposed cooperation, and after the cooperation began, he dominated with a posture that was close to omniscience and omnipotence and an unpredictable prophet. The whole plan.

Of course, since it was cooperation, he couldn't fall out over inexplicable trivial matters like "who gets the limelight." As long as it was a measure conducive to the implementation of the plan, he would agree.

After all, the terminal controller that controls the Cybermen is still in his hand. As long as this thing is there, the current process is just making a wedding dress for him.

These tens of thousands of Cybermen and Origin Monster "villagers" will eventually fall into his hands. In this case, what is there to worry about?

That's what he should have thought, but Aze still felt worried because he knew that the animal trainer was not a fool and would not make wedding clothes for others with such initiative.

Moreover, Aze had a strange feeling in his heart. This beast tamer seemed to have known all of his plans for a long time, and took the lead in the entire plan, filling in all the loopholes in the plan, making him a vassal.

This feeling was so wrong that Aze even wondered if he was hypnotized. He has been thinking about this issue until now.

It seems that the actor's professional ability can be used to assist thinking. He is an actor and can open a parallel universe. When he completes everything in the parallel universe, the player as the person being played may feel like this.

At this moment, the animal trainer is like the male protagonist of the rebirth novel. He sees the next three steps without taking a single step, and gains the upper hand step by step...

Or is there really some kind of profession or seal ability that's just like this?

Aze began to speculate in his heart and silently made a note of when he planned to test the animal trainer.

But it is only for testing, because this ability to reset the timeline should have nothing to do with the trainer's professional ability. It is most likely a stamp or prop, or even a special character.

Interfering with the timeline and affecting the source of ghost stories everywhere on the timeline is no small feat. If any profession gained this ability in the T2 stage, then he would really call the police.

Aze retracted his thoughts and silently took out the supernatural props in the inventory. A group of purple tumors covered his hands, and slowly corrupted his body, and soon his hands turned into Similar to the state of tentacles, a smart eye opened in the tumor and began to move left and right, observing the surrounding scene.

This is a one-time item and is not active yet.

Just by taking it out, it will corrode the human body all the time. After it is officially activated, it can exert its power enough to affect the source of ghost stories.

Yu Liang, who was at the front of the team, faced the evil wind blowing from nowhere. He stood in front of the toad-shaped god and looked directly at the toad-shaped god: "Next, all the ancient gods will be forced to leave Cyber ​​City. Cybermen The unification of ghosts and humans will become a general trend. I want to make a deal with you. You will not wander in the endless void like other ancient gods. You can attach your conscious eyes to my body, and then I will bring you You get out of here.”

After hearing Yu Liang's words, the countless eyes on the toad-shaped god instantly gathered and came to the side facing Yu Liang. For a time, there were hundreds of thousands of eyes of different sizes and shapes looking directly at Yu Liang, among which The deep gaze seemed to be able to swallow Yu Liang's soul.

Under such direct gaze, Yu Liang lowered his head instinctively. Mortals could not look at such beings. After just looking at each other for a second, he felt a splitting headache. Countless memories suddenly emerged, and it was as if he was just watching the flowers in front of him. chaotic scene.

As the scene unfolded, a picture of himself flipping through a dictionary emerged in his mind. When he looked carefully, he found that the dictionary was not normal words and sentences, but extremely brief information.

"You have five seconds."

Do I have five seconds?

What is He saying?

The threat in the words made Yu Liang's hair stand up instinctively, and an unprecedented sense of terror descended on his body.

The toad-shaped god is not afraid of sleeping?

Does He have the power to capture my consciousness before falling asleep?

No, with "it", it's definitely not that easy.

These five seconds are the deadline for Him to change his mind?

Still not right, it’s because He doesn’t care!

Yu Liang suddenly discovered that he had made a serious mistake. He mistakenly believed that these root ghost stories would be absolutely rational existences and would objectively analyze the pros and cons of right and wrong.

But only people do this!

These ancient gods are immortal. They do not need to refer to any gains or losses in their actions, and interests are meaningless to them.

At least the toad-shaped god in front of him didn't care about these things at all. He acted purely out of interest.

"I can take your consciousness out of here and go to the world you came from, that wider world. If you have doubts about the secrets of that world's past, I can also take you to explore the truth. This is my bargaining chip. .”

Yu Liang thought of something and quickly finished the bargaining chips he could provide in these five seconds.

According to Azer's words in the previous timeline, these foreign "ancient gods" in Cyber ​​City fled from reality because a human deceived them and forged a disaster against the ancient gods.

Most of the ancient gods did not notice the clues. Only the toad-shaped god noticed it, so he planned the destruction of the village together with the stone tablet.

If he wants to explore the truth, the Toad God must leave Cyber ​​City and go to reality, so that it is possible to verify his guess.

The curse of the toad-shaped god in the previous timeline probably had this purpose. His body was sleeping in Cyber ​​City, but his clone replaced his eyes and could follow his footsteps to observe the real world.

It is not difficult to judge from this fact that the toad-shaped god has a paranoia about things that have happened in reality. This paranoia makes him unwilling to settle for the status quo and must find out the truth.

This is where His interest lies, and if you want to impress Him, you must give in to Him.

At this moment, the toad-shaped god had been driven by the hook to the vicinity of Lu Baoshen. He stretched out a black hand and tapped Yu Liang's body lightly.

In just an instant, countless more information appeared in Yu Liang's brain, and the information flashed in his mind in the form of images.

Libraries, ports, schools, zoos...

Several landmark buildings appeared in his memory, and he immediately became familiar with the entire city, as if he had lived in this city since birth.

This city?

Yu Liang searched his memory and quickly got the answer.

Forget the city.

The toad-shaped god integrated the map of Forgotten City into his brain, so to speak...

Did the other party agree?

He looked up at the Toad God again, and then noticed that the two eyes moved down from the Toad God's body, spread to his body along the skin they just touched, moved along his torso, and finally stopped on the back of his hands. on, becoming something akin to a static tattoo.

The eyes of the toad-shaped god were vivid, but they seemed a little tired, half-squinting, looking at the outside world dejectedly.

At the same time, the words from the toad-shaped god also rang in his mind.

“Cut your hands over your eyes and they will wake up.”

Cover your eyes?

Is this how to activate the eyes of the two toad-shaped gods on the back of your hand?

"When the time is right, go there and I will give you hints." The Toad God continued, "Okay, let me fall into a deep sleep according to your wishes."

For some reason, Yu Liang always felt a touch of ridicule when he heard the last sentence he said.


This kind of sleep means nothing to Him, but it is the most "terrifying" trick that humans can come up with, and it is a bit ridiculous that humans want to threaten Him with such terrifying means.

"Wait, there is one more thing, I hope you can agree." Yu Liang said quickly, he pointed at the flower lady beside him, "I want to keep her, is that okay?"

"It's just an illusion. After you cover your eyes, the illusion will appear again." The toad-shaped god said lightly, and then those eyes turned towards the white humanoid, and those eyes narrowed slightly, as if to express a smile.

Yu Liang nodded slightly, and the white human figure understood. The white light on his body emerged, and he fell into a deep sleep together with the toad-shaped god, and disappeared on this land.

At the same moment, the flower girl next to Yu Liang stared wide-eyed as her body slowly dissipated, disappearing without even having time to say goodbye to everyone.

"Hua Niang?" Li Huachao waved to the place where Hua Niang once existed, but he could not touch her again. Fortunately, he also heard the last question asked by Yu Liang and knew that Hua Niang would not necessarily disappear, so Putting his hands in his pockets, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After the toad-shaped god actually fell asleep, Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. According to the original plan, the toad-shaped god had to leave temporarily, otherwise he would not be relieved.

Now this is the best result. The flower girl has disappeared, meeting the conditions for "Zhi" to appear, and she can reappear when she returns to reality.

To a certain extent, this satisfied Yu Liang's idea of ​​negotiating with "Zhi" at that time - "prostitution for free".

"Okay, the last Cyberman is down there. The transformation of the Jiuyin Sect members has been completed, and this time the source of the ghost story has been solved." Yu Liang turned back to look at Aze, his tone seemed much more relaxed.

Not only did you get two eyes of the toad-shaped god, you no longer have to worry about the final scene not being realistic, you also got a map of Forgotten City, which can lay a certain foundation for entering Forget City in the future.

As for agreeing to the Toad-shaped God, he had originally planned to enter the Forgotten City, but not now, but after his strength reached a certain level.

You must at least be able to hide the aura of "zhi", otherwise you may be seeking revenge as soon as you enter Wangcheng.

As the ghosts and Sese ghosts of the "Knowledge Shinri Sect" poured into the underground together, a new round of battle started again, but this time it was completely different from the last time line. There was no Jiuyin Sect to help from the root ghost talk. They are retreating steadily, and will soon be completely destroyed by the joint efforts of the ghost army.

At this time, both Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen seemed a little anxious.

"Yu Liang, I want to go down there, get some treasures or something, and join the battle." Li Huachao said straightforwardly. Of course, his main purpose was definitely not this.

He wants to find the great elder and bring him to justice!

I didn’t win last time, so I might not be able to win this time.

And he didn't want to mention the history of being beaten by the Great Elder in front of others, so he consciously erased the true purpose of this period.

"I also want to go down. I have good luck and I will definitely be able to catch the treasure." Lu Baoshen also acted very eagerly, as if he was "for the collective benefit."

Of course, his main purpose is not this. He wants to find the great elder and then turn the great elder into a ghost.

Leaving aside the kidnapping, the Great Elder was actually quite good to him. It goes without saying that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. However, she can survive by turning her into a player ghost. Lu Baoshen feels that one more person can survive. This is also Good.

And naturally he couldn't tell the truth, this...

not too good.

Only An Buchen raised his eyes to look at these two guys, then turned his head silently, not wanting to say anything, but just moved away from them.

"No." Yu Liang shook his head and whispered, "That Aze gang didn't go down either. You both went down. What will happen if something happens later?"

He is still a little weak in a real fight, so he must not let these two living treasures leave his side at this critical moment.

"Okay." Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen said in unison, then looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, feeling regret in their hearts.

As the underground fighting and ghost-human transformation progressed to a certain extent, another mutation occurred in Cyber ​​City.

The sky turned gloomy instantly, and dark clouds enveloped the area. Yu Liang and Aze looked up at the sky at the same time, realizing something.

"The 'villagers' finally realized something." Aze looked at Yu Liang and chuckled, "Since you chose to let that guy sleep with the 'undertaker', you must have a way to deal with the 'villagers', right?"

"Of course." Yu Liang smiled confidently and activated the stamp [Assault] on the page.

He has seen the future timeline and knows that the current "villagers" cannot deal with "it", so he has absolute confidence.

All conditions have been met, and now the result is naturally a matter of course.

The shadows under his feet spread infinitely, and the aura of terror was most intuitively reflected in this area.

"He's out?" Feeling this shuddering breath, Aze looked at Yu Liang beside him in surprise.

"Well, just wait, the ghost-human transformation below is almost over." Yu Liang nodded and looked up at the sky.

The sky was still gloomy and covered with dark clouds, and it didn't seem to be any different from just now.

As a human, he couldn't see the battle between the root monsters. To him, it felt exactly the same.

There was nothing he could do except wait. Yu Liang could only focus on the dozen Azes opposite him, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

On the other side, Aze was fiddling with the small compass in his hand and staring intently at the pointer on the compass. When the pointer stopped, a smile appeared on his face: "It looks like we won."

As his words came out, the sky cleared unexpectedly, and then large shadows fell like a downpour, gathering again at Yu Liang's feet.

At this time, a woman dressed in cowboy clothes emerged from Yu Liang's shadow, and the little raccoon's somewhat showy voice sounded in Yu Liang's mind: "This time my opponent is not very good, and he is getting weaker and weaker. Then I...she I happened to notice this guy and brought him over to you."

Then the little raccoon's voice became a little strange: "But something feels wrong. If you have done so many things... who in this dungeon can solve the origin of the ghost story? Who owns this dungeon?"

As if to echo "Zhi"'s words, new content came out of the prompt box.

[The source of the ghost story has been eliminated, and the "cyber village" in the ghost story world will collapse in 5 minutes]

[You will return to reality in 5 minutes. Please organize the items you currently hold properly. You can carry at most "12" items and "10" kinds of characters. Thank you]

[The player "Yu" has completed the source of the ghost story. After 5 minutes, all players will leave the cyberspace. Please keep your belongings properly]

"Huh? Didn't I tell you not to let you solve it!" the little raccoon's urgent voice suddenly came out. It seemed that "Zhi" was a little confused and only now noticed that Yu Liang's contribution seemed to be a little bit more than a hundred million.

In this way, the entire Cyber ​​City will enter the universe!

How could she tolerate so many strange stories about the root cause! ?

And Yu Liang is equally anxious. Now is the absolutely critical moment: "Yes, right now, hurry up and cover up the knowledge of Cyber ​​City, including all the Cybermen, so that those strange stories about the origins will not be aware of Cyber ​​City." With the existence of Bo City, they can't follow them into the universe!"

"You've been ready for a long time, right?!" The little raccoon's voice was furious, "Damn it, do you know this is very laborious!"

"I don't want to either. This system will judge me as having high contribution." Yu Liang responded cautiously. As the prince who was forced to marry him, he felt a little embarrassed.

However, now the arrow has to be fired, and only by following the method mentioned by Yu Liang can all worries be successfully solved.

Let the shadow of "it" cover the entire city, thereby temporarily erasing the knowledge of the entire city from those origin ghost stories. After this period of time has passed, Cyber ​​City becomes a scene card and enters the universe, and naturally everything will be fine.

And these strange stories that cannot recognize the roots of Cyber ​​City are probably just like what he once said, wandering in the void again, looking for the next copy as a foothold.

"Zhi" no longer hesitated, and the shadow quickly spread from Yu Liang's feet, covering the entire city in an instant.

The rule means that it cannot be surpassed, and "it" cannot compete with such a number of root ghost stories, but after the rules are activated, no amount of root ghost stories can stop her.

This is the power of root rules.

The main plot is basically completed, and the follow-up is the return part.

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