The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 404 The hero who saves the world!

Is this a female architect?

Why are you dressed like a Western cowboy, and what the hell is that wooden gun?

Can an architect's ability be so refined?

No, a newborn architect has no character. How did she do this?

For a moment, Yu Liang's heart was filled with questions. He was obviously not the first character to be created, but why could every character surprise him?

Wouldn't it be nice to be an honest fort mage like this architect now?

And as if the female architect could see him, she turned around and fired at him. However, probably due to the rules, even if the female architect turned around, Yu Liang still couldn't see what she looked like, and her face was blurred. wrapped in mist.

Forget it, don’t think about it so much anymore.

If we can find Lu Baoshen, the problem will be solved directly. After strong luck, we can use the goblin hook to catch the female architect.

Apart from anything else, the current Yu Liang is no longer the rookie that he was when he first met Li Huachao. No matter how good an architect is, he is only T2 after all. Yu Liang now has many T1 monsters in his body, and they can bully a T2 level person. There must be nothing wrong with the architect.

Regarding this, Yu Liang was relatively relieved, not to mention that he still had Zhong Chen's protection, so he would definitely have nothing to worry about.

Yu Liang came back to his senses, looked at the architect beside him, pointed at the door of the grocery store and said, "Let's go, we should be able to sneak out successfully while there are many people going out now."

There are basically only two types of players present. One is the good players who have completed the basic tasks and were not frightened by the ghost stories just now, so they decided to continue exploring in the dungeon to see what the situation is and leave at any time if the situation is not right. The other type is those who have not been able to complete the basic ghost mission, and now they can only stay and continue to complete the mission.

Therefore, the composition of the players present is very simple. They are either confident masters or relatively novices. There are also guys with extremely bad luck, such as the architects around Yu Liang.

Not long after entering the dungeon, he was captured by a cyber company controlled by an actor. The mission did not move at all until he was rescued by Yu Liang, and then he was involved in the camp mission. After that, he entered the village to explore and became the first A guy possessed by a mind-stealing monster...

The key is that the repeated disasters failed to kill him, but they were a small gain.

After this operation, the architect felt a little dumbfounded and couldn't tell whether it was good luck or bad luck.

In a normal dungeon, he would finish the basic tasks before leaving, trying to minimize the danger, but this dungeon was deliberately making things difficult for him and not letting him have an easy time.

Helpless, the best choice now is to hug the animal trainer's lap. He believes that he must be a reliable teammate.

His unique construction ability is second to none in the world of Kaidan, and there are almost no similar professions, so with his manufacturing ability alone, he can have the words "Although I need protection from others, I am really useful" engraved on his forehead , and was favored by many powerful people.

The two followed the crowd out of the grocery store. They were not the first players to walk out of the grocery store, and none of the players who had walked out of the grocery store before had escaped. This showed that it was most likely safe outside.

As for whether something blocked the door and killed all the players, so no one escaped back...

This kind of existence can only be caused by ghost stories, so consider yourself unlucky.

Yu Liang, the architect, Hua Niang and Zhong Chen walked out of the grocery store. The entire sewer space was still quiet, except for the rustling voices of players somewhere buzzing in their ears.

"Tell me the whole process, from when you left me that night to when you met me again in the village." Yu Liang noticed Hua Niang and asked directly.

Hua Niang should be an existence that shares memories with Li Huachao, so if you ask her, you might be able to complete the ghost mission.

"This... this..." Hua Niang's eyes glanced to the side, and she became visibly hesitant, and finally she said righteously as if she had found a suitable reason, "No, you have He taught me that I should be loyal to others when entrusted by others, and I cannot do such treacherous things."

Yu Liang: "..."

When did I teach you this?

"So you still want to hide it from me?" Yu Liang raised his eyebrows.

"This is a well-intentioned concealment. You know, people living in this world have to keep some secrets. This is human nature." Hua Niang started to talk nonsense.

"Okay, actually I have something to hide from you." Yu Liang made a pityful expression after hearing this, and then continued, "Actually, I have been hesitant to tell you, but now you also think that this is a human thing. It’s common sense, so I won’t say anything.”

So Yu Liang remained silent and looked at Hua Niang quietly.

Hua Niang opened her mouth, as if she didn't expect that this trick could be used on her, and she immediately felt uneasy.


What is Yu Liang hiding from her?

Could it be said that Yu Liang already knew?

Now just waiting for her to turn herself in?

With Yu Liang's sinister character...

It's very possible.

However, it is still impossible for her, Li Huachao, to surrender just because of this speculation. The details of her, Li Huachao, have not been so easily deceived.

So what exactly is that?

Looking at the Hua Niang scratching her ears and cheeks, Yu Liang felt funny in his heart. The Hua Niang's demeanor and movements were exactly the same as Li Huachao's, but he quickly returned to his normal expression and coughed dryly: "Let's go first."

"Wait a minute." Hua Niang continued, as if she had made some major concession, "How about this, I say half of it and you say half of it?"

The flower girl's big eyes flickered, trying to use cuteness to gain Yu Liang's approval: "Tell me first, what do you think?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Well, Hua Niang is still a little different from Li Huachao. At least he can't imagine what kind of evil Li Huachao did when he made such a cute expression. It would be much cuter if Hua Niang did it.

"Okay, I'll tell you first." Yu Liang nodded, then thought for a moment and decided to tell Hua Niang the actual situation.

Anyway, Li Huachao is not here now, so there is no need to hide it from Hua Niang anymore.

Maybe Hua Niang was just a boring prank of some root monster, but no matter what, she couldn't live in a lie forever.

"Actually, all the people who have been with me are the male Li Huachao." Yu Liang said, "And the female you are actually the product of a certain source of ghost stories."

"Huh?" Hua Niang was stunned for a moment, then blinked, "What are you talking about?"

"I say, the male Li Huachao is the real one. You may be regarded as his clone." Yu Liang said, and then quickly added, "But don't worry, in my heart you two are the same."

"Am I a clone?" Hua Niang scratched her head, then laughed as if she had realized something, "Yu Liang, you kid, you can't fool me with this trick."

Smiling, she noticed that there was no joking in Yu Liang's expression, but a seriousness that could be called serious. She immediately became a little panicked: ", how could it be? I clearly remember..."

"In the world of ghost stories, other people are the measure of memory, and your memory cannot be taken seriously." Yu Liang said another classic saying, then he sighed and patted Hua Niang on the shoulder, "It's okay, you guys They are both pretty much the same. It’s good to raise one, and it’s good to raise two. One male and one female can be companions, which is good.”

In fact, he still had some hidden worries in his heart, because he was not sure whether Hua Niang could return to reality.

The cloned hamster girl has indeed returned to reality, but as for the flower girl...

Does she have the same origin as Hamster Girl?

Yu Liang only felt a little dizzy. He even wondered if this weird world was poisonous. How come there are always such weird ghosts that like to create humans?

Is it because the birth rate is too low?

Or should he say that this kind of thing happens to him every time.

Just outrageous.

"Wait, let me sort it out." Hua Niang frowned. She still felt that this thing was a bit magical, as if someone who looked exactly like you suddenly appeared in your house one day, and everyone around said He is the real you. You are actually just a clone that just came out of the laboratory culture chamber.

This is hard to accept no matter how you think about it, right?

"Could it be a parallel universe?" Hua Niang raised the same idea as Li Huachao, and a fire of hope immediately appeared in her heart.

Perhaps this is a reminder that she needs to return to her own parallel universe.

"Stop, there is no parallel universe." Yu Liang stopped immediately. Li Huachao, the last one who excelled in the parallel universe, had already blown up the village. If you are still going this way, what do you want to do?

Blow up Cyber ​​City too.

"But you still said that I..." Hua Niang was still a little confused.

"I suddenly wanted to deceive Li Huachao, and the effect was really good. He was almost driven crazy." Yu Liang felt a little funny when he thought of Li Huachao's hysterical look, but he couldn't laugh anymore when he thought of the village being bombed. .

"So you've been hiding it from me for so long? Aren't we brothers? Brothers can't hide from each other!" Hua Niang finally came to her senses and immediately looked at Yu Liang pretending to be annoyed.

"..." Yu Liang was silent for a while, and then Youyou said, "It's human nature."

This time it was Hua Niang's turn to be silent, but she didn't remain silent for long before she realized something: "So I didn't do anything in Cyber ​​City? Did that Hua Man do it?"

"Yes." Yu Liang thought for a while, and he could indeed say that.

"Okay, then I have to tell you carefully what bad things this guy has done." Hua Niang was gearing up, looking like she was eager to sell herself for glory.

"Say it." Yu Liang listened attentively.

Up to now, Hua Niang's reaction was normal, but Yu Liang knew that she was still confused in her heart, and now she was just acting normal.

So next, Yu Liang listened to everything Li Huachao did in the entire Cyber ​​City with Hua Niang's jealousy. To a certain extent, it was definitely considered a lot of evil.

Even the architect who was listening was secretly frightened. From the time when Yu Liang and the Cyber ​​City killer were familiar with each other, he felt something was wrong. He didn't expect that there were so many stories in it.

Not to mention that the prototype of the big hooked wolf-faced monkey turned out to be an animal trainer.

The architect couldn't help but move his eyes to Yu Liang's pants, and then felt that this was not polite, so he quickly looked away.

Unexpectedly, this animal trainer is also a talented guy in real life.

Compared with the bastard things Li Huachao did, Yu Liang was more concerned about his deal with actor Aze. Although he didn't know why the cooperation suddenly broke down, it was obvious that Aze had big intentions.

He actually wanted to subdue a source ghost story, but now it seems that it is a bit of a dream, because the source ghost talk of the entire village has been released, and the original source "villagers" of Cyber ​​City have also awakened.

Trying to conquer the villagers at this time is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Although he was reluctant, Yu Liang still had to admit that without the information brought by Hua Niang, he might still not know the specific situation of the entire Cyber ​​City.

Now I can at least infer the rule abilities of "villagers". It feels somewhat similar to "Doubt". Both can use the rule abilities to create some "fantasy creatures".

These fantasy creatures are the permission keys to use the abilities of "villagers", and all Cybermen are the existence logic of "villagers". They are a kind of root mystery based on the existence of Cybermen.

According to Azer's plan, all Cybermen will be evolved into players and brought out of the dungeon, which is equivalent to bringing this root out of the dungeon.

The source of ghost stories will also be controlled by Aze, because cybermen, as a kind of "player" ghost people, will also be controlled by Aze. There is something similar to a controller in the brains of these cybermen.

This is a genius plan, and there is no problem in describing it as crazy.

After success, Cyber ​​City will become a paradise for those origin monsters and monster creatures, but there will be no humans, because all humans have been brought to reality, and they will create a new Cyber ​​City in the real world.

As for where exactly it was created…

Yu Liang already had the answer in his mind, and he believed that Aze had also thought of the answer.

Forget the city.

Forgotten City is the most suitable place to accommodate these tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Cybermen. Since they have become "player ghosts" and are also the basis for the existence of a source of ghost stories, their arrival may cause chaos in Forgotten City. .

So many source monsters have already divided their territories, so how can these player ghosts and "villagers" be allowed to appear?

Yu Liang frowned slightly. As he thought deeply, he felt as if he had grasped a key inspiration. That was what Aze really wanted to do.

Chaos, turmoil.

Forget the city.

If you want to stop the chaos, you need to have a trump card against the root ghost talk, just like the nuclear bomb in the human world, just like the Cyber ​​City in the past.

So how did Cyber ​​City calm down in the past?


Let the "villager" sleep, then evolve the "villager's" dream into a village, and finally put all the wandering source monsters and monster creatures into it.

Forget the city?

Cyber ​​City?


Yu Liang's eyes suddenly widened.

If this is really the case, I am afraid that Aze will really do what he said——

Become a hero who saves the world.

Okay, four hundred chapters, I will finish this volume this month^_^

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