The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 403 The fifth created character, the new architect

Chapter 403 The fifth created character—the new architect

[Faction confrontation mission (destroying the Nine Yin Sect) failed]

[Mission briefing: After a day and night of siege, the Jiuyin Sect finally survived in a way that was incredible to Cyber ​​City, and gained terrifying development potential. Nearly half of the civil forces that encircled and suppressed the Jiuyin Sect were wiped out. After the survivors hurriedly left the underground, they would usher in a more terrifying world above ground. 】

[The following rewards will be given to players in each camp based on specific contributions]

[Faction positive reward -50%, issue stamps: Birds and Beasts Powder, and issue 10 basic contribution points (individual task contribution rewards are issued separately). 】

[Reward for opposing camp +100%, issue stamps: watch from the sidelines, and issue 40 basic contribution points (individual task contribution rewards are issued separately). 】

[The party rewards in the camp remain unchanged, the stamp: Pandora is distributed, and the basic contribution point is 20 points (individual task contribution rewards are distributed separately). 】

[Contribution points can be exchanged for prizes in the camp mall, and the time limit is 72 hours. 】

When the "Meet" Grass Baby Blind Box event in the grocery store reached the fifth hour, everyone present received a reminder that the camp mission was over, which meant that the turmoil within the entire Jiuyin Field had been calmed down.

Looking at the rewards distributed, it can be said that all the players present were in a state of blood loss. They were inexplicably hunted down by strange creatures that suddenly appeared. Even the encirclement and suppression mission that was supposed to be completed failed completely, wasting a lot of time. The income is extremely low.

For a moment, the joy of surviving the disaster turned into helplessness about the outcome of the camp's mission. Fortunately, they all got their favorite grass babies in this grocery store, so they could comfort themselves.

Yu Liang, who was in the grocery store, looked at the mission reward stamp for a long time and fell into thinking for a while.

Each camp has a corresponding stamp. The name of the stamp is very meaningful and seems to summarize the status of the players in each camp.

For example, the positive player's "Bird Beast San" should be taken from the idiom "Ru Bird Beast San", which was used to describe the situation when players were chased by strange creatures and fled for their lives. Yu Liang also quietly obtained this stamp from other players. An overview of the effects.

[Birds and Beasts Scatter]: When the friendly team begins to flee, each friendly player unit can provide you with an additional 5% movement speed bonus.

This stamp can be said to be useless, but it is not necessarily completely useless. After all, it can provide a lot of acceleration effects during a big rout.

The only awkward thing is that almost every player has such a stamp, so when there is another big rout, every player can run very fast. No one will run faster than others because of this stamp. They should not run. The strange creatures still can't escape.

After thinking along this line of thinking, Yu Liang faintly felt that something was wrong.

The opposing side's seal is called "Wangshangguan", which is probably taken from the idiom "zuobishangguan", which means "hanging high on things that don't concern you".

This is used to describe the player on the opposite side of the camp.

Obviously, a player who is normally on the opposite side will definitely not choose to sit on the sidelines, because he needs to contribute to his own mission, otherwise even if the opposition camp wins, there will not be too many rewards, just like now.

Moreover, this stamp is used to summarize all the opposing players. It is very difficult to make all the opposing camp players stand aside.


There is only one player joining the opposing camp.

Yu Liang had three choices when choosing a camp before. He could enter no matter which camp he was in. This shows that this player in the opposing camp...

Most likely a created character in his universe.

So who would be a character associated with Taoism who would stand by while his camp is under siege...

The answer is self-evident.

Little fairy.

An Buchen must be in this Jiuyin Sect.

However, An Buchen has always disliked trouble. It was definitely not her initiative to join. Maybe she exposed her understanding of "Tao" in some way, which was greatly appreciated by a senior person in the Jiuyin Sect, especially Recruited to be a master.

This kind of speculation is also very common sense. At least the more Yu Liang thinks about it, the more likely it is. As for the player in the neutral camp, he already knows the answer.

Li Huachao.

There were only two people in the neutral camp, he and Li Huachao, who worked together to blow up the village and released so many monsters and ghosts. There was no problem in naming them "Pandora".

An Buchen is within the Jiuyin Sect, and Li Huachao is ignoring it for the time being. The only one who doesn't know the exact movement now is Lu Baoshen.

Although this guy has luck protection, what is the current situation on the surface?

It's not an exaggeration to say that a group of demons are dancing wildly. At this time, Lu Baoshen's passive skill [Do Not Believe in Evil] is completely a sinkhole skill.

Yu Liang continued to look down, first looking at his newly acquired stamp. Judging from the way it promoted the plot, this Pandora should be pretty good.

[Pandora]: Use half of the current physical strength to make a "Pandora's Box (the size and shape of the box are up to you)" and throw it out. The first living body that comes into contact with the box will open the box and be affected by it. A curse, the effect of the curse depends on the physical strength. The order in which each curse is triggered is "Greed", "Disease", "Hunger", "Pain" and "Hate".

"Half the physical strength." Yu Liang thought about his physical strength level and couldn't help but clicked his tongue twice.

It's a pity that half of his physical strength may not be as much as one-fifth of the physical strength of T2 level warriors like Li Huachao and Zhong Chen. Putting this stamp on him is a bit of a waste.

The stamp can be triggered multiple times. There is no limit. As long as Yu Liang is willing, he can even create five boxes in a row, causing a person to suffer "greed", "disease", "hungry", "pain" and "hate" at the same time. A curse effect.

Coupled with the continuous "recover" character to restore physical strength, it can be considered a good debuff stamp.

As for whether he can hit it, isn't it up to him to decide the size and shape of the box?

So it makes sense for me to design a Pandora's Box that looks like a cannonball, right?

It's reasonable to just use Tank No. 225 to attack directly, right?

Pandora's box and cannonballs combined, which of course fits the setting exceptionally well.

In addition to the stamp [Pandora], Yu Liang also received a full 200 points of contribution reward. It seems that even the Kaitan World itself recognizes his outstanding contribution in the camp mission, which can be regarded as a direct reversal of the entire The situation of the camp mission.

As a player who is originally a neutral party or a chaotic camp player, this is definitely a very outstanding contribution.

With the additional reward of two hundred points plus the camp's natural contribution of twenty points, Yu Liang now has two hundred and twenty contribution points, and in the contribution redemption interface temporarily provided by the world of ghost talk, Yu Liang saw a lot of things that could make him Something that satisfies oneself.

Most of the items are technological products from Cyber ​​City, including laser guns, laser swords, close combat suits and other high-tech products. However, most of the thermal weapons will be marked with a "temporary use" text. After this copy, these weapons will be automatically destroyed.

So Yu Liang basically didn't pay much attention to these hot weapons. After all, they were not as useful as his cold weapons.

Secondly, there are things similar to battle armor, such as nano-biochemical suits and exoskeleton armors. Nano-biochemical suits have strong damage and shock absorption capabilities, which can provide protection on the basis of improving the user's athletic ability, and compared to combat It is relatively thin and can be worn under outerwear in daily life.

Exoskeleton armor provides almost no armor protection. It just uses some mechanical exoskeletons to stick to the human body, giving people more strength and speed, but with reduced flexibility.

Each set of armor has 100 contribution points and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only disadvantage is that it needs to be charged, otherwise it will not be able to last for a long time.

In addition, there are some relatively easy-to-use lightweight equipment, such as glasses, helmets, etc. with a large number of auxiliary functions. These are good things that cannot be seen in external copies, and they are not very expensive.

"Hiss—there are still those ghost eyes in the exchange mall!" Suddenly, a player in the grocery store screamed, "But with so many contributions, who can afford it?"

"Isn't that ghost eye something from that ophthalmologist?" someone wondered.

"Ha, have you seen him here? He must be dead. His belongings were recycled by the World of Ghost Stories and put into the exchange mall." Someone replied with a sneer.

This also reminded Yu Liang. He turned to the back of the exchange mall and saw a lot of items from dead players.

Such as characters, supernatural objects, etc.

No wonder so many players died in the dojo but no characters or supernatural items were revealed. It turned out that they had been recycled by Kaitan World.

Also, players killed by monsters will not explode characters, only corpses will be left behind.

And behind the exchange mall, Yu Liang did see something of interest.

He originally thought that he would not have any desire to redeem any character, but he was still a little moved after seeing this character.

"Shattered" characters.

Redemption: 50 contribution points

I didn't expect to see the "broken" character here, and it seems that the price is not low.

It can be said that the starting point of Yu Liang's fortune was this "broken" character. Unfortunately, he never saw this character again. The "broken" character can almost only be synthesized with the "pawn" in chess. Or find an emerald.

Yu Liang never found chess again, but he did see Jade. If you regard jade as "emerald", you can replace "feather" with "stone". However, the power of such "broken" characters is equivalent to that of "broken" characters. It's not as good as the "broken" characters composed of chess pieces distributed by Kaitan World. I don't know why.

Could it be that the "broken" characters also need to have special energy to activate the full effect?

It's like Lao Du's "elimination" character was sacrificed to Xiao Zhize to gain the ability to erase the root handwriting, and the normal "elimination" character is only equivalent to an "invulnerability".

Now, Yu Liang once again saw the "broken" character that matched his understanding. He checked the notes of the "broken" character again and again, and then confirmed the exchange.

This kind of character with the ability to kill with one hit is definitely a good thing. Coupled with Lu Baoshen's [Thousand Skills], it almost has the ability to hit.

After redeeming this "broken" character, Yu Liang still had 170 contribution points left. At this time, some people also noticed that the mall here can even directly redeem the completion of basic tasks.

Fifty contribution points can be exchanged for 50% of the task completion, and 100 contribution points can directly pass the basic task to get the opportunity to leave this copy.

Yu Liang glanced at the progress of his basic mission. The ghost story he triggered was Sese Ghost Story. He basically guessed that the person behind this Sese Ghost Story was Li Huachao.

Except for not catching Li Huachao on the spot, he basically completed this task perfectly, so the progress has reached about 50, and he can directly complete this task with only 50 contribution points (the excess will not be counted).

This reward is not urgent. Yu Liang still has many days to watch the movie. As long as he meets Li Huachao again and forces him to tell the truth about the ghost story, he will be able to complete the basic ghost story and get the chance to go home directly.

However, the 50 contribution points must be reserved in advance. If something unexpected happens, he can just change the task progress and make up for it.

Naturally, any mission to find the source of ghost stories is not as important as his own life. The situation in Cyber ​​City is no longer something he can meddle in at will.

In this case, he still had 120 contribution points left to redeem, so he looked at it and finally redeemed it for the nano-biochemical suit, and at the same time exchanged 20 contribution points for a more useful cyber product.


"The Soul Possessor"

Note: A small robot with a certain learning ability, equivalent to a ten-year-old child, can be modified multiple times, and has a solar charging mode.

This is a robot, slightly shorter than Yu Liang by a head, with flexible movements, a certain learning ability, and the ability to install multiple components. It is a relatively practical prototype.

There aren't many things with a 20 contribution degree. This one is Yu Liang's favorite. There is a master craftsman living in his universe. An Buchen should be able to transform it into a more powerful auxiliary character.

It can usually be placed in an adventurer's...

No, it was placed in his farmhouse to take care of those grass babies. It served multiple purposes.

Compared with strange creatures, the advantage of this thing is that it can appear in front of ordinary people, and can move far away from Yu Liang, not just fixed near him.

After doing all this, Yu Liang came back to his senses and found that half of the players present were missing. They were all players who had completed the basic ghost mission and returned to reality.

Some of them had completed the Ghost Man mission long ago and just saw a camp mission and wanted to make a profit before going home. Others had just completed the basic mission by purchasing mission progress with their contribution points.

They all know that Cyber ​​City will only become more dangerous in the future, so they will leave here completely without hesitation.

For these players, this is the best option.

Xiao Hei, the female athletes, and the psychological counselor left after a simple goodbye, leaving only the architect accompanying Yu Liang.

This guy didn't finish the story about ghosts and monsters, and his contribution wasn't enough, so he was forced to stay.

"Let's go." The architect sighed and pointed outside the door, "Got out."

Following his finger, you can see that some players have already set off. Their time to watch the movie is running out and they must fight hard.

"Wait, just half a minute." Yu Liang replied, and then confirmed the "created role" of this copy - the architect.

If we don’t create it again, I’m afraid we will “miss it out”.

Among other things, each copy must create a character. This is the bottom line, otherwise it will be a huge loss.

A bright white light appeared in front of Yu Liang again, and he saw the back of the character he created this time.

Wearing a big cowboy hat and a lot of chains on her pants, the bells jingled as she walked, and she walked through the turnstile at the entrance while humming a leisurely song.

Suddenly, she stopped, turned her head and looked in the direction of Yu Liang, made a gesture to pull out a gun with her hand on her waist, and then quickly built a pistol made of wood in her hand. The mouth is facing forward.

"Piu—" she imitated a gunshot, then blew on the non-existent white smoke from the gun's muzzle.

Then she pulled up the big brim of her hat again, turned around and walked into the turnstile.

Yu Liang: "..."


What the hell character?

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