The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 400 New characters! new ambience! Receive good talismans from all over the world!

Naturally, Yu Liang, who was seventy-eight meters away, had no idea about the 3v3 team battle taking place in the same underground area.

After Hua Niang opened the meat mountain, several players climbed on her shoulders and were carried through the Nine Vagina Field by the giant version of Hua Niang.

During this period, Hua Niang also found every opportunity to carefully shuttle among the strange creatures, paying special attention to avoiding those with the source of the strange creatures.

The current Hua Niang has a physical fitness that is comparable to the T1 level, so to a certain extent, she is not too afraid of those T1 level flesh and blood types running around. Even if they hit her, they can't knock down the Hua Niang. Plus, they can't see it yet. That is to say, I feel a little confused, but if it is the Root Kaidan, it is hard to tell. As long as he touches the flower girl's body, the well-informed Root Kaidan will most likely be aware of the existence of this invisible guy.

Fortunately, Hua Niang is a physical warrior and has almost perfect control over every inch of her body's muscles, so she arrived near Roshan smoothly.

Hua Niang looked around and couldn't find a rag that fit the size of her hand, so she could only use her hand directly and pinched the corner of the meat mountain to find a suitable point to exert force.

Since the two of them were about the same size, this was not an easy task. The playgirl groaned and took a steady step. The muscles in her body seemed to have grown in size, and the veins were even more exposed.

From the looks of it, Hua Niang's figure is not thin at all. Instead, she can compete with the female trainers who work out in the gym all the time.

Of course, this type of fitness focuses on strength, not butt.


In the eyes of those strange creatures, the mountain of meat blocking the entrance of the sewer seemed to fly out of thin air, and then fell into the group of strange creatures, making a loud noise.

The weaker flesh-type monsters were crushed to death on the spot. The few who escaped and ascended to heaven ran towards Hua Niang in a panic, and were trampled to death by Hua Niang in a very vicious manner, just like stepping on cockroaches. , one kick at a time.

Obviously, Hua Niang had recorded the way these strange creatures brutally killed humans just now in her notebook. Now if she had the chance, she wouldn't mind bullying these strange creatures.

It can be said that his three views are as upright as those of Li Huachao.

"Okay, come back quickly. Let's go in along here." Yu Liang walked along Hua Niang's shoulder, walked to Hua Niang's ear and said something.

"Oh." Hua Niang retracted her foot, then canceled the "50-50" state, and followed Yu Liang and other players into the sewer.

When other players not far away saw the mountain of meat blocking the road taking off for no reason, making way for the grocery store, they were overjoyed and rushed over at a faster pace.

In this time when ghost stories are rampant, the official trading store of the world of ghost stories is definitely the safest place.

Due to the existence of camp missions, there are not a few players near the Jiuyin Field, and due to the outbreak of the source of ghost stories, there are also a lot of players who seek refuge in grocery stores. Therefore, with the help of some force in the dark, the dojo The surviving players fled to the grocery store.

News of the grocery store also spread quickly among the player community, so the players showed their magical powers and used their treasured resources to get an opportunity to go to the grocery store.

In this life-and-death competition, many players actually broke through the defenses of strange creatures and successfully reached their destination.

No, it is not appropriate to call it a line of defense, because the gradient level of those monsters is very high, but it is not neat, but extremely scattered. Different types of monsters will fight for prey and become obstacles to each other.

In short, after nearly ten minutes of walking, Yu Liang finally saw a security door on the side of the sewer. There was a large disc-like lock installed on the security door. It was a bit like the door of Spongebob's pineapple house, probably. The door lock needs to be turned to open this anti-theft door.

The five characters "Meet the Grocery Store" are engraved on the security door, but it seems that because the lock is in the wrong position, the characters are upside down.

"You should just turn the door lock and straighten the words on it." Xiao Hei put forward his own opinion. This is not difficult to imagine. Several other players present also thought so.

This is a grocery store, not some secret room adventure. The owner of the grocery store is doing business, so naturally he doesn't want this door to block his customers.

The only test for such a door is whether the creature outside the door can read or not. As long as you are literate, you will know that you can open the door and walk in by turning 180°. It is a simple screening of the creatures entering the store. In short, those weird creatures are brainless and illiterate. It is definitely difficult to break in.

Xiao Hei turned the door and turned the words on the door to a forward position. With a "click" sound, the security door slowly opened, revealing the store inside.

"Welcome..." the masked man's voice came from the back room, and at the same time the man walked out of the store. He was still smiling when he saw Xiao Hei, but when he saw Yu Liang in the team, his tone changed again, and he seemed a little bit I don't like to answer.

Naturally, Yu Liang smiled at the masked man and didn't mind at all.

It was not just a day or two that the two became partners. The masked man's sudden change of face was a repertoire, so Yu Liang naturally didn't care.

Anyway, it was just cold on the surface. When I got the goods, I started to use practical actions to show "I want it, I want it, I want it". It can only be said to be pure verbal dissatisfaction and physical integrity.

Fortunately, she's not a woman, otherwise even in ancient Mugenliu novels, this kind of tsundere female character would have been badly written.

"Go in and talk. The quality of today's batch of goods is better than before, and the quantity is also larger." Behind the security door is a small courtyard. Inside the courtyard is the grocery store, and around the grocery store are the product shelves, and the inner room is the mask. Men's storage rooms and warehouses.

But Xiao Hei and others behind him looked at each other in shock. They blinked and couldn't believe what they saw.


Why does the animal trainer look like he knows the grocery store owner?

Is this attitude completely different from that of normal customers?

And what kind of "goods" are there?

Why does it sound similar to human trafficking?

Could it be they are the ones selling this?

Good quality and quantity?

For a moment, the three of them retreated. It is true that they had never heard of players being sold in grocery stores, but this did not necessarily mean that it was impossible, because none of the players sold by the trainer could escape alive. Leave a message……

"Where are they?" The masked man glanced at the players behind Yu Liang. He could tell that these players were brought here by Yu Liang, so he asked again.

"No rush, let's talk about their matters later." Yu Liang waved his hand and walked towards the inside of the grocery store.

Fortunately, Yu Liang and the masked man didn't care about these players, and Xiao Hei and others also breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the grocery store to see if the nearest grocery store had any new products.

After this search, they actually found the newly launched goods, but this goods seemed a little familiar to Xiao Hei and others.

A bone gun about one and a half meters long, with a body as white as jade, an air bag connected to the butt, and a soft translucent tube similar to a blood vessel at the connection.

The entire gun is not the metal welding style that humans think of, but a chiseling style. The bone-like carapace is almost perfectly stuck together, forming a weapon with a certain degree of tightness.

"This is?" The female athlete looked at the spear and had an idea in her mind.

"It's an air gun, and it seems to be made of the bones of some kind of creature." Xiao Hei's eyes fell on the trigger and magazine of the bone air gun. These two points were enough to show the purpose of the bone air gun, and he also had it in his mind. Thinking about it, "It's like a degenerate version of the gun in the hands of the trainer, so is it really true that the trainer's machine gun was purchased here?"

For a moment, their hearts were a little hot. After the Cao Ying mecha's demonstration, who could not know the power of this bone machine gun?

In the world of Kaitan, it is also an out-and-out killer weapon, a heavy weapon that can deal tons of damage at critical moments!

The most important thing is that it is legal. For example, the laser weapon that Xiao Hei stole from the high-tech company is not legal at all. There is no visa for thermal weapons in the world of ghost stories. The items found inside the dungeon can be used in that dungeon, but absolutely It cannot be taken away.

And such a heavy machine gun has a visa from the Monster World and can be taken away. How can this not make the players present tempted?

In the warehouse, Yu Liang handed the 600 grass babies he brought this time to the masked man, and then took the bill from the masked man.

After simply flipping through it, he knew how many characters he had earned during this period.

Under Yu Liang's order, the masked man launched the "Cao Ying Blind Box" special promotion for rare characters. Characters such as "disappear" and "enhanced series" have certain advantages in exchanging Cao Ying coins. After all, Yu Liang himself There is no shortage of those ordinary "destructive" characters, and they are basically endless.

In addition, Yu Liang also got some characters that he had rarely seen in the past.


"Blade" character

Note: Using "metal" cold weapons can make the weapon sharper and greatly increase the probability of breaking the defense for the next attack.


"cut" character

Note: Perform a "cutting" attack, which has a high probability of breaking through the defense.


"call" character (special category)

Note: Summon a specific creature to fight for you. During the battle, the potential of the creature will explode, and various statistics will be slightly improved. Time limit is five minutes.


"cut" character

Note: Perform a "cut" attack, which has a small probability of breaking through the defense. After breaking the defense, the target cannot temporarily restore its defense.


"engraved" character

Note: Mark the target once, and the mark will last for ten minutes. Within ten minutes, the target will be more conspicuous in your field of vision.


"Creation" character

Note: Causes a wound to the target, which has a certain power.


"thorn" character

Note: Causes a stabbing damage, with a high probability of piercing soft objects.


"sharp" character

Note: After hitting, a layer of skin or shell of the target will be peeled off, which cannot be restored in a short period of time.


"planing" character

Note: After hitting, a layer of the target's surface or shell will be shaved off.


"cut" character

Note: The creature's skin and flesh will be separated after hitting it.


"Delete" character

Note: Remove a word from the text, and cause some unspeakable impact (within a small range).


"Peel" character

Note: After using it on dead objects, the parts you need will be completely and accurately peeled off.


"hang" character

Note: When used on an object, select a location (must be off the ground), and the object will hang there within ten seconds. This time will be shortened after struggling.


"fold" character

Note: When used on objects with high strength and low toughness, the object will most likely break.


"select" character

Note: Use this character when you face a choice and you will receive favorable tips.


"Fuck" character (banned)

Note: Perform a ****.


"brand" character

Note: It will leave a mark on the skin and flesh texture, accompanied by a severe burning sensation. The mark will become a "status" after three hours and will be difficult to disappear.


"Pregnant" character (banned)

Note: After use, there is a probability that the target (regardless of gender) will enter a state of pregnancy. This state will violate biological genetic theory and common sense. After three days, an offspring will be produced. The offspring will have maternal characteristics and paternal characteristics (the father is the character of the character). Biological heritage material, such as **). If the offspring violates basic genetic laws, the probability of survival will be greatly reduced.

There were so many patterns of characters that it really dazzled Yu Liang, and he also called out the money-grubber and tapped the types and quantities of these characters one by one.

After the launch of the "Cao Ying Blind Box" promotion, just like Qin Xiaogong issued an order to recruit talents, some powerful or strange characters rushed towards Yu Liang, and he also realized how powerful his own thinking was. of barrenness.

At least in the past, he had really never seen so many characters with interesting effects. They were basically all imaginative, and some characters could be called pure birth.

For example, the "fuck" character, such as the "pregnant" character.

It’s hard to imagine the state of the author who created them. Fortunately, such characters go against the core values ​​of the Kaidan world and are currently banned.

But what makes Yu Liang a little curious is that since they are banned characters, the effects of these characters are so detailed...

Does this mean someone has tried it?

If it is a new character that has not been tried and the effect is unknown, then there should be only a bunch of question marks in the notes, right?

Or could it be said that such characters can be unlocked in specific copies of Kaitan?

Too born.

Yu Liang couldn't help but shudder. He definitely didn't want to run into this kind of copy. It was too scary.

Whether it is the "fuck" character or the "pregnant" character, the effect is against human ethics. He doesn't want to get one of the characters for no reason, and then become a wormwood or even a boy mother.

Only a crazy guy like Li Huachao would like this kind of copy, right?

In addition to the two most disgusting characters, Yu Liang also saw other useful characters. At his level, he could basically guess the synthesis process of the character after seeing the shape and effect of the character.

The materials may not be easy to find, but the synthesis route has been memorized in my mind. I can make as many as possible in the future by myself.

No, they are assigned to the character factory and assigned player workers for mass production.

That's right.

After clearing the money, Yu Liang also returned to the outside. Now there are many more players in the grocery store, a total of thirty or forty people, and the door of the grocery store has been opened continuously. Every time it is opened, Several panicked players will come in.

Everyone has the same purpose, which is to come to the grocery store for temporary refuge.

At the same time, a special item in the grocery store caught their attention.

Cao Ying blind box.

Players who were able to reach the grocery store at this time were all veterans. After some inspection, they understood the cost-effectiveness of this blind box and immediately started to redeem Cao Ying coins.

The Scrooge Ghost and the Masked Man suddenly became busy and began to trade grass babies.

Yu Liang, who was hiding aside, looked at this grand occasion and couldn't help but sigh.

Don't tell me, without Li Huachao bombing the village, there really wouldn't be so many players here to take care of business.

Dogs know how to do business.

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