The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 399 The team is fighting hard and the writer is counting money

Now the eyes of Aze in the suit were fascinated by the stinky liquid, and Aze in the Tang suit seemed to be still surprised by what he said just now. It was a good time to take the initiative.

Li Huachao's instinct for seizing opportunities has always been accurate. Now is the most suitable time to attack the enemy, so he did not hesitate at all and controlled the heavy machine gun in his hand to fire at the three people in front of him.


The sound of the bone machine gun is not loud, but it sounds like a muffled bell at this time, and the bullets are like elves.

"What?" Aze in Tang suit frowned slightly. He looked at the strange-looking bone machine gun and was filled with doubts.

This machine gun doesn't look like something from this cyber dungeon at all. Isn't the use of thermal weapons prohibited in the world of ghost stories?

Why can the other side use machine guns openly?

He was a little confused, but he immediately put on a gas mask to block the odor.

Windbreaker Aze rushed towards Li Huachao, and another dagger appeared in his hand. The two daggers danced vigorously around him, looking like a spherical protective shield that was watertight, and kept the bullets from the bone machine gun fired by Li Huachao. The ground split or bounced away, but none of the bullets could break through the encirclement and hit the other two Aze behind him.

"What? What the hell!" Li Huachao was shocked. He didn't expect that this kind of stunt that only appeared in movies and TV series would appear in front of him.

What the hell, this is a machine gun. Even if it doesn't fire very fast, it can fire dozens or hundreds of rounds per minute. How can you prevent this rate of fire and bullet speed with a short knife?

Still so comfortable?

Li Huachao felt that even his Blade Storm could not do such a thing, but his Blade Storm was already caused by a bug and was almost at the limit of human power. How could this windbreaker Aze...


Blade Storm is not the limit of human strength, it is only the limit of T2 level physical warrior!

"This guy is a T1 physical warrior!" Li Huachao reacted very quickly. He instantly realized the gradient level of the enemy in front of him, and immediately loudly reminded An Buchen and Lu Baoshen behind him.

So the two people who heard this immediately became as quiet as virgins, standing motionless on the spot, not moving their feet, and not having any thoughts of approaching.

For the dwarf alliance, it is already good if they can not retreat.

T1 level physical warriors, this is not something that they, boys and girls, can handle. At least they must not get close to that guy, otherwise they will be killed in one glance.

At this moment, the corner of Fengyao Aze's mouth was slightly raised, and he had already approached Li Huachao with a few simple steps. The short knife in his hand moved towards Li Huachao up and down, trying to cut the barrel of the machine gun into three pieces. .

Naturally, Li Huachao couldn't let the machine gun he had worked so hard to get from Yu Liang be destroyed, so he immediately stuffed it back into the inventory and took out his knife to meet the enemy.

His knife came first and stabbed into the windbreaker Aze's arm without hesitation. This also made the windbreaker Aze frown slightly and said in confusion: "Huh?"

However, Aze did not hesitate and immediately chose to replace the injury with injury. First, he contracted his body and tightened his muscles to clamp Li Huachao's knife. At the same time, he swung the knife with his backhand to cut off Li Huachao's left arm entirely.

The short knife flashed with cold light, and Li Huachao's scalp was numb with a sense of crisis. He immediately let go of the clamped dinner knife and jumped back quickly.

And the windbreaker Aze's speed was a bit faster than Li Huachao's. He waved the short knife in his hand and headed towards Li Huachao with a continuous attack.

In the flash of lightning, Lu Baoshen once again used silver coins to move Li Huachao back, and at the same time typed a "trap" character at a very far distance, trying to trap Fengyi Aze in place.

The "Trapped" character is not as effective as the "Prisoner" character, but it also has a one-hour binding effect. If they can trap the body warrior Aze, they only need to rely on remote output to kill the body warrior.

The next second, a white light appeared on the windbreaker Aze's knife, and then he slashed open the "trapped" character.

Lu Baoshen and Li Huachao: "???"


What the hell is this character? Even if you can chop bullets, you can even chop this kind of virtual object?

At this time, Li Huachao also noticed at a close distance that there were still some wounds on the knife hand's body, and blood was flowing out. However, these wounds healed quickly, and some minor wounds had begun to scab.

This is……

Did the man in the trench coat just get shot?

Li Huachao only felt that it was a little magical, but it was very reasonable. After all, the two swords that danced without leaking were just a description, just a visual effect. The bullet still penetrated the defense of the two swords and hit the body of the swordsman, but The few scattered bullets were all caught by the swordsman with his body.

What a man. You were shot so many times and didn't say a word. I thought you were actually acting in a TV series.

On the other side, Tangzhuang Aze didn't know what was going on, but it was obvious that the two sides had entered a state of combat. In this case, they needed to subdue these three people first.

But what to say, first capture these three people and interrogate them carefully. If they are accidentally killed, then life or death will depend on fate.

A virtual chessboard division appeared in his eyes, and the realm of Chu, He and Han appeared in his field of vision. In just a moment, Aze's aura in Tang suit was completely different from the gentle look just now. He became decisive and killing. There is even an iron-blooded aura about the battlefield.

[Assign Chess]: You can set another friendly unit as a "chess piece", and the unit will obtain the corresponding chess piece skills (chess piece skills have a cooling time). Each friendly unit can only change its name once per day, and the number of corresponding chess pieces cannot be exceeded.

"Chess: rook." Aze in Tang suit raised his hand and whispered the words "chess" in his mouth.

At the same time, red light shrouded the body of the windbreaker Aze, and the red word "car" appeared on his head.

This means that from this moment on, Windbreaker Aze is the chariot on the field, an unstoppable chariot.

"Sink the rook on the bottom." Tangzhuang Aze held his own chess piece in his hand, stretched out his hand and suddenly moved forward, and grabbed the "rook" at the bottom line of the non-existent chessboard.

Windbreaker Aze appeared at the bottom line in response, and this was also the rear of Li Huachao, where An Buchen and Lu Baoshen were located.

Looking at the two dwarfs in front of him, the windbreaker Aze remained expressionless. He raised the short knife in his hand without hesitation and waved it down boldly.

Tangzhuang Aze squinted his eyes, which allowed him to see the chessboard in front of him more clearly.

As shown now, he is a chess player by profession and has the ability to control the chess board and chess pieces. In the world of Kaitan, he is the top team battle commander.

There are sixteen chess pieces of the same color, which means that he can "give chess pieces" to sixteen friendly units, giving them additional "chess piece abilities". At the same time, they can follow his control and appear according to the movement route of the chess pieces. in the corresponding position.

Because of this ability, he is also the absolute core of actor Aze's combat power system. The actor already has twelve clones, which means that he can assign names to twelve "Aze", and he will be unfavorable in team battles.

(The chess player is a chess player and cannot be used as a chess piece. The actor Aze can be used as a chess piece, so he is named twelve times.)

There are still four personality clones short of the full sixteen chess pieces, but this is enough to cope with most battle situations. Relying on personality clones and naming, actor Aze can reach "three" even if he meets the five T1 players in the player alliance. "Six Open", and 10% is related to luck.

In fact, normal opponents don't need to use all the Azes at all, and even only need three axes.

The first step was naturally the T1 swordsman Aze who was wearing a windbreaker.

It was a personality clone obtained from a player from last season, whom Aze met in an ancient copy.

Swordsmen were raised by the government, and they were all good at doing dirty work in exchange for rewards.

This kind of profession is the most proficient in combat in the world of Kaitan, and is especially good at fighting and slashing with cold weapons.

The initial gradient of this personality clone "Sword Hand" was only T3. Aze had high hopes and used a lot of resources to cultivate it to the T1 level, becoming one of the most outstanding "swordsmen" among the twelve personality clones.

The swordsman Aze serves as the "car", and then uses the "sinking car" move to break into the back row of the enemy camp, which often directly sounds the clarion call for victory.

This is the first step.

"I'll go!" Lu Baoshen looked at Fengyi Aze who appeared next to him and An Buchen. He was suddenly startled and hurriedly activated [Qian Shu] to escape, but Fengyi Aze's knife was obviously faster than his operation.

At the critical moment, An Buchen stopped in front of Lu Baoshen. She raised her hand and raised a piece of mithril. The mithril immediately unfolded in her hand, forming a shield in front of the two of them.

"Oh?" The moment the blade of the blade came into contact with the mithril shield, Fengyao Aze realized that the shield was very strong and he could not split it without using skills, so he changed the slashing attack into a push, using the short sword He landed lightly on the shield, and then with a sudden force, he knocked the two little ones behind the shield flying out and fell against the wall.

Since An Buchen stood in front of Lu Baoshen, Lu Baoshen suffered the greatest impact as a flesh pad. After he fell to the ground, his vision went dark and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Rook two draws five." Tangzhuang Aze's command was given again, and the "rook" on the chessboard started again, rushing towards An Buchen and Lu Baoshen at super high speed, with an unstoppable momentum.

"Go." An Buchen threw another piece of mithril on the path. The mithril quickly unfolded the moment it hit the ground, forming a simple ground thorn structure, blocking the way of windbreaker Aze.

Mithril is a special metal that Yu Liang obtained in the Moon Community. It is a fantasy metal that has the ability to fold in space. After being released, it can quickly change from its original compact appearance to its pre-folding state.

Just as An Buchen thought, the opponent's "car" would be restricted by the rules of chess. When there were obvious obstacles on the path of the "car", he would not be able to move forward as originally planned.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Feng Yi A Ze was blocked, Lu Baoshen finally recovered and moved the two of them to a safe range with a [Qian Shu], and then replaced Li Huachao in front of Feng Yi A Ze.

At this point in time, the stench released by Li Huachao had already filled the air, and Aze, the man in the suit, sprayed some special potion into his eyes in order to recover.

Just the simple combination of swordsman Aze and chess player Aze had already caused Li Huachao and the three of them to run around in the field. The ability of the suit Aze had not even been revealed at all, and the two Aze who took action were even more at ease. appearance.

"Damn it." Li Huachao appeared diagonally opposite Aze in the trench coat. He held the knife in his hands backwards and forwards. After finding a suitable angle, he activated his ultimate move "Blade Storm".

This time, he was prepared in advance. The knife was equipped with the ear whistle of a whistle beast and also had the character "burn" on it. Some of the characteristics of a skunk were revealed behind him, releasing a large amount of stinky liquid.

Screaming fire, stench, and storm of blades!

The sword storm under the triple blessing has the power to destroy the world. The sword light and sword shadow flicker, the odor spreads more quickly under the disturbance of the sword wind, and at the same time, there is fire, and there is the sharp tip of the devil in the ear. The sound of explosion made the body's movements stiffen involuntarily.

Under this terrifying continuous attack, Fengyi Aze only used his short knife to resist two confrontations before giving up the resistance. The opponent's strength was as terrifying as a bug. It was not the power that a T2 level physical warrior could display at all, and The fire, stench and screams all made him very uncomfortable, so he chose to avoid the edge for the time being.

Aze, who was prepared in Tang Dynasty, had already put on a gas mask, so he could stay in the stench without fear, but the scream still made him dizzy and his reaction was a little slower.

After realizing that it was inconvenient to resist forcefully, Tangzhuang Aze immediately wanted to turn the "car" back. He would say: "The car is nine and the car is three!"

"Go." An Buchen found the right path and dropped a few Mithril thorns, blocking Aze's way.

She also realized that this was a good opportunity, so she took out a series of talismans and connected them to form three or four talisman machine guns. She arranged them beside her and shot at the windbreaker Aze at close range.

On the other side, Li Huachang was struggling to control the direction of the sword storm, and headed towards the windbreaker Aze. He felt that his body was almost reaching the limit of the bug, but he still gritted his teeth and slammed into it, looking unyielding. appearance.

"Blast! Scatter! Burn! Continue!" Lu Baoshen was also angered. If he didn't still have some sense, he would have directly activated the "thunder" character with "twenty times" power.

Of course, it's not bad now either.

After a series of blessings, three "burning" characters flew towards the windbreaker A Ze, vowing to take him down completely.

As long as one of these "burning" characters hits, the damage will be quadrupled, which is enough to make a T1 physical warrior drink a pot.

However, at this time, the man in the suit also successfully recovered. He opened a virtual golden book and tapped the Tang suit Aze beside him.

[Confession]: Limited to three times a day, reset a skill of a character.

"Assign chess: Cannon." Aze in Tang suit changed the name for Aze in windbreaker without hesitation, and then assigned chess to Aze in suit next to him, "Assign chess: Scholar."

A black "cannon" appeared on the windbreaker Aze's body, and then fell over the long thorns to the side of the red chess piece "Shi", and lightly hit the "Shi", which was regarded as an attack.

At the same time, turn around and strike with a knife.

Cut off incoming characters.

Li Huachao stopped turning and panted as he looked at the three people on the opposite side who were intact, but their cards were almost exhausted.

Yu Liang's rescue team was plunged into a bitter battle, and at this moment Yu Liang had no idea about it——

He was watching the player draw the straw baby blind box.

The one counting the money smiled from ear to ear.

Chess player: Steamed buns, don’t you want to play chess?

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