The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 385 Open your eyes and see who has the final say now

Idealistic world.

Yu Liang chewed these four words slowly in his heart, trying to find the true meaning.

Everything here is my imagination, or my own thinking can cause the future in this room to change.

If it's the former, then the most correct thing for you to do now is to open the door of that house, because this world is your own imagination, and this is the most possible way to get out of trouble.

If it's the latter, your thinking has affected other players in reality, and they "thought" of this solution under the control of some mysterious power.

No matter what the situation is, they all lead to a common ending, which is to open the door to find the heart-stealing monster.

Of course, if he really wanted to leave this room, Yu Liang would definitely choose to let the little paper people leave the house first to find out whether the mind-stealing monsters in the world outside existed.

"I think we can let these paper figures go out and have a look." The architect reminded, "They don't have a 'heart'. If they don't do anything, it means that the heart-stealing monster steals the heart of the entity. If they have changed, it means that the mind-stealing monster steals the concept of the heart, and it is very likely that we can get rid of this idealistic fantasy."

He thought for a while and added: "The paper people are so thin that you don't even need to open the door, just push them through the crack of the door."

What the architect said was very reasonable, and even Yu Liang couldn't find any fault with it.

The only ones who can find fault are probably the little paper people.

They like to seek death, but that doesn't mean they like to seek death passively.

However, Yu Liang didn't seem to care. After all, these little paper people had the ability to avoid magic.

If heart-stealing monsters really exist, they are probably a race, which means that the ability of [Nimetic Edict] can be used, and they can completely disguise themselves as heart-stealing monsters.

Not only is there no danger, there is even a chance that the mind-stealing monster will recognize him as his boss and order the mind-stealing monster.

After Yu Liang's explanation, the few little paper figures suddenly lost their resistance to the investigative adventure and were all in high spirits, ready to go out immediately to look for those mind-stealing monsters.

Several other players were silently paying attention to what was happening on Yu Liang's side. They gathered at the door and tried to send Yu Liang's little paper people out.

To everyone's expectation, this flat house had no door crack at all, or in other words, the door crack was extremely narrow, and even the unfolded paper man could not get out.

This also made the players present a little regretful. Now they need to take the risk of opening the door.

However, this did not stop their desire to explore outside, so they all supported the opening of the door.

This important task was naturally what Yu Liang had to shoulder. He stood in front of the door, slowly opened the door, just opened a small opening, quickly sent the seven paper figures out of the flat room, and then quickly closed the door.

"The next step is to wait for the news." Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, deeply envious of the monster trainer Yu Liang's strange creatures. The gradient level of these little paper figures does not seem to be high, but they are really good to use. use.

Apart from anything else, this pathfinding ability alone is very practical and a good way to protect yourself.

"Indeed, wait slowly." The psychological counselor responded. He knew that people speak lightly, and he only asked that when someone needs to sacrifice, it is not him.

"You! Come back! What are you doing! We have clearly agreed on a deal, but you are betraying your trust!" Johnny seemed to have just understood what was happening now, his face turned red and he wanted to stop these humans, but he He couldn't leave the area around the pool, he could only slap the pool loudly.

There is no doubt that no player here paid attention to Johnny and Heisan. They were all waiting quietly.

Xiao Hei clasped his fingers mechanically, probably calculating something; the psychological counselor followed Xiao Hei. The two of them have always had a good relationship, and now the only thing they can rely on is their good relationship; the female athlete stood with her arms folded. In one corner, the direction of her toes indicated that she didn't believe everyone present.

Yu Liang was leaning against the door of the flat house with his eyes closed and concentrating. Zhong Chen was waiting for him, while the architect was standing on the far side. He had been paying attention to the situation on the player's side.

Time passed by, and the fifteen-minute limit finally came.

It's almost time.

When Yu Liang opened his eyes, there was a faint knock on the door of the flat house.

For a moment, all the players present held their breath and looked in the direction of the door. Although they could not see it, this action had become their instinct.

Yu Liang slowly opened the door, put the five paper figures back, then quickly closed it and asked in a low voice what the harvest of these paper figures was.

At this moment, "Jie Jie Jie" laughter suddenly came from the group of players, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The little paper man hasn't spoken yet, but an ominous premonition is already lingering in the hearts of Xiao Hei and others.

"I've been fooled, I'm still fooled." A twisted and perverted smile appeared on the architect's face. He stared at the players in front of him, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

At the same time, Johnny and Heisan, who were in the direction of the pool, bumped their heads against each other, making cheerful sounds. They entangled each other's necks like twists and turns, and then kept shouting: "You've been fooled, you've been fooled!"

A crazy atmosphere began to spread in the flat room, and Xiao Hei's heart suddenly became excited, and he thought of an extremely terrifying thing.

Is there a possibility that all of this is induced by these strange creatures?

What can really kill them is nothing else but opening the door!

Opening the door is the beginning of the danger, and they've been inducing it all along.

Not only Johnny and Heisan, but also the architect who has been hidden among them all this time!

Recalling what the architect said before, he did not explicitly say that he wanted to open the door, but he used words to induce them to believe that the mind-stealing monster was the key to solving the problem.

In any case, other players will definitely be curious about the mind-stealing monster, and at this time, there is an excellent way, which is to let the beast tamer's monster creature go out to explore the way.

It seems safe, but in fact everyone is put in danger the moment the door is opened.

Speaking of which, it was also the architect who asked them to close their eyes and experience the flat house. This is equivalent to depriving them of their vision, causing them to only rely on hearing and touch to experience the world.

"Why...why?!" Xiao Hei looked in the direction of the architect, confused.

But he didn't want to ask why the architect betrayed them. The current architect was obviously controlled by a strange creature. What he wanted to ask was why now.

The door had already been opened once before when the paper man was released. Why now?

Is there anything else he doesn't know about this whole weird story?

"Why?" the architect sneered, and the expression on his face became even more arrogant, "What are you asking? Is it my identity? I have followed you since you opened the door and entered this room. Every time you open the door, it will be released. A heart-stealing monster comes in. In other words, there are three heart-stealing monsters in this room now, which is already half of your number."

At this point, his eyes became even more sinister: "We win, if you can't hold the door, I will merge with Johnny, and you will all die!"

As he said this, both Johnny and Heisan burst out laughing wildly, bumping their heads triumphantly to celebrate this moment.

"Come on, come on, let the other two mind stealers stop them, and together we can eat them all!" Johnny shouted in the direction of the architect, his excitement was indescribable.

Every time you open the door, a mind-stealing monster will come in. The mind-stealing monster can possess humans and control their bodies.

When these humans entered the flat house for the first time, a mind-stealing monster came in and possessed the architect. However, the architect could not be exposed at this time because there were still six humans on the floor. With his power, Not enough to fight so many people.

Fortunately, one of them (the surgeon) died himself, so the pressure on the heart-stealing monster was lessened.

Humans controlled by the mind-stealing monster can merge with the two-headed monster in the pool. In this state, they will not be restricted by the range and can rely on the "instant death rule" to bite humans to death.

However, just a mind-stealing monster is not safe enough. These players present are too special. Just relying on the architect and the "instant death" rule is not enough. More "open doors" are needed.

Originally, it was just a matter of asking these players to close their eyes and experience the world, thus depriving them of their vision and opening the door secretly. Unexpectedly, one of these players could summon other kinds of monsters, and those monsters could see what he did. Therefore, the heart-stealing monster can only continue to endure.

The next step is to use various inducements to continuously guide these people's thinking in the direction of the "idealistic world" and "mind-stealing monsters" until they actually open the door.

The method you think of is the most trustworthy. In this mode of thinking, these guys will be less vigilant.

Now, the mind-stealing monsters have accounted for half of the people present, so this power is enough.

Two mind-stealing monsters can temporarily entangle other players, while the remaining one can join forces with Johnny and the Black Triad. In a 3 vs. 3 situation, they also have the blessing of the "instant death" rule, so how can they lose?

The most important thing is that the two mind-stealing monsters haven't been revealed yet. Even the mind-stealing monster on the architect doesn't know which one is the same kind.

But obviously, this is more interesting. After all, if these humans are wary of each other, they will be even less able to fight back.

Thinking of this, the heart-stealing monster laughed "Jie Jie Jie" again, and the laughter echoed in the flat house, exacerbating the panic in the hearts of the other players.

Xiao Hei took out his weapon immediately and jumped to the wall in the corner. Only leaning against the wall could give him some sense of security.

The only thing to be thankful for is that he was not directly possessed by the mind-stealing monster. Even if it is 3v3, there is still a chance. If the beast tamer is not possessed, everything will be fine!

If it doesn't work, you can only open the door and escape outside. There is no other way.

Xiao Hei gradually felt despair in his heart. What he was most worried about had happened. Because he didn't understand the whole story of the strange story, something would suddenly change.

For example, like now, they have completely fallen for the tricks of the strange creatures!

A group of veteran players were deceived by a group of strange creatures using poor information!

In this weird world, what players can rely on has never been their strength, but their IQ. Now they can't even maintain their IQ advantage. This is the most desperate thing.

The architect's forbearance and the two-headed man in the pool pretending to be crazy and stupid now seem to be a mockery of players like them.

At this time, the animal trainer, who had been silent all this time, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh?" The architect turned to look in the direction of the animal tamer with blood-red eyes, doubtful, but then turned into a serious look, "Yes, and you, you have caused us a lot of trouble. , but no matter how strong you are, you can't resist the power of 'death', you will die without any chance of resurrection."

"Actually, I guessed that 'opening the door' is the key for you, but what makes me curious is why you didn't jump out when the paper man left. This even made me doubt whether my judgment was correct, so I didn't I haven't done anything yet. The architect and I are quite familiar. If I kill the wrong person, I will definitely regret it for a long time." Yu Liang looked at the time and smiled again, "It's been a full fifteen minutes, until now you are fifteen minutes later. Still talking, so that your identity can be confirmed."

The real architect worked with "living" characters, so his tongue was custom-made by a meat machine and had to be replaced every three hours.

Now that three hours have passed, the mind-stealing monster is still able to speak, which is enough to show that there is something wrong with the architect.

"Kill the wrong person? Do you think you can still kill me now?" The heart-stealing monster opened its mouth wide, revealing its fangs. Looking down his throat, you can even see a heart that has turned completely black. The surface of the heart is covered with scales and is beating strongly.

The esophagus leads directly to the heart?

Or is the heart actually in the stomach?

Yu Liang was curious, but he was no longer interested in listening to the mind-stealing monster's nonsense. He just clapped his hands.

"Papa -"

After two crisp sounds, the two little paper figures simultaneously released their hands covering the heart-stealing monster. Only then did the heart-stealing monster realize that he had closed his eyes the whole time, and the two paper men had been instilling in him Hallucination!


paper man?

When did you cover my eyes?

The heart-stealing monster panicked for a moment, and the sudden change also made him a little overwhelmed.

"Open your eyes and see who has the final say now."

The two paper figures said slowly in a feminine voice, then smiled ghostly, unfolded their two-dimensional state and floated back to Yu Liang.

! ! !

The heart-stealing monster instantly opened his eyes and scanned the five people in front of him, but there was no change in these five people.

In fact, nothing would have changed since the paper man only created the illusion of the door opening.

Except for Yu Liang himself, who is acting, everyone else is acting in their true colors, because they have no vision and can only rely on hearing and touch to perceive the surrounding things, so they always thought that Yu Liang really opened the door, and the reaction must be the best reality.

As for the people in the pool further away, they could only see Yu Liang's back and vaguely felt that he seemed to have opened the door. In addition, the mind-stealing monster was nearby, so they naturally thought that Yu Liang had opened the door.

Every player present had a paper man on his body, and the mind-stealing monster did not show anything unnatural. Johnny and Heisan did not take it upon themselves to ask the mind-stealing monster about the paper man on their face, because they Don't want players to find out that they are familiar with "The Architect".

After a series of operations, the two-headed pool man and the mind-stealing monster were both trapped. Their trump cards were exposed but no results were achieved. There was only one mind-stealing monster in the entire flat room, and he could not fight one against five.

The current paper man is also a T2.5 level monster creature. It is most suitable to bully this kind of monster creature with regular abilities but low level. Each of the two paper men is responsible for one eye. Once [Tao Chao] is turned on, then It was really like waking up from a dream and realizing that the situation was over.

"Okay, I almost understand the operating rules of the entire ghost story, but that's not what I want to know." Yu Liang walked up to the heart-stealing monster and said condescendingly, "I want to know things about the village and the villagers."

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