The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 384 The upper limit of the character’s IQ is the upper limit of the writer’s IQ

The head in the pool emphasizes the concept of "ideal world". This is a somewhat abrupt information point. The only thing that can be clearly connected with it is the seemingly irrelevant content that appeared previously, which is what is written in the note. "The heart-stealing monster that appears outside the house at night."

Yu Liang also noticed that the sky was gloomy when they arrived in the village, but they could tell that it was daytime, but after entering the paper house, they quickly entered the night. This was obviously a deliberate setting.

After the player enters the house, he quickly enters the night state, and a mind-stealing monster appears on the street. Then the player will find a note saying "There is a mind-stealing monster in the night."

Normally, these players would definitely want to stay in the flat house until dawn. During this time, strange incidents are likely to continue to occur, which will make the players who break into them exhausted and eventually destroyed.

For example, right now, the architect is very likely to have some problems, and this is just the beginning.

At the end of everything, some players who find clues may discover that they can actually get rid of the ghost story of the flat house by walking out of the house at night and letting those heart-stealing monsters steal the "heart".

What the mind-stealing monster steals is the concept of "heart", and only those without "heart" can get rid of the strange stories related to this idealistic world and successfully escape.

It has to be said that if it is true as Yu Liang imagines, then the whole strange story is full of bad taste. It is not so much a test of the player's thinking as it is a test of the player's courage.

Just like now, Yu Liang felt that this idea had a certain possibility, but it was impossible for him to really try it. He had no idea at all.

This idea is too bold. At the moment when there is insufficient information, it is more like a whim and is no different from gambling on life.

Once you make a wrong bet, you will have to pay the price with your life.

If the heart-stealing monster meant stealing hearts in a literal sense, wouldn't he just die immediately?

He died very stupidly, because he died of self-righteousness, because the note had told him the danger signal, but he took the initiative to go to danger because of his own imagination. What is the difference between this and suicide?


Let others try it first?

Yu Liang's eyes involuntarily shifted to several other players, but now is not the time. If he does not accept the risk, others will not accept it either.

If a complete heart is stolen, the "living" character cannot be resurrected, because the body has already been damaged, and even if it is resurrected, it will be useless. Can a person live without a heart?

Do you really think you are Bi Gan?

If this kind of suggestion is made now, I am afraid that this team will directly fight among themselves. Infighting at this time is not a good thing.

Or let "Zhi", who is limited to one shot per round of dungeons, take action?

Yu Liang refused without much thought. Now that he couldn't even see the source of the ghost talk, how could he summon "it" to fight?

And when he thought of summoning "Zhi" in such a place, Yu Liang had a vague premonition.

The biggest thing that Forget City and the village have in common is that they are both inhabited by a number of source monsters, and "zhi" can offend so many source monsters, so it may not be impossible here.

In the past, there was only one ghost story at the root of the dungeon, and it didn't matter if it offended him. He could handle it by himself, but now it's completely different. It might be a siege situation.

Moreover, there is no "quality life death" in this copy, so "Zhi" is still unable to take action.

The surgeon did die, but his death was too hasty and lacked any sense of quality.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang couldn't help but feel a little regretful, and the surgeon's death would not be counted on him, so he could not take this opportunity to create.

No, don’t blame me, I didn’t mean to offend you.

Yu Liang looked at the surgeon with the woman's head next to him and felt a little sorry.

From the looks of it, how can he be a writer? Is he a ghoul in the world of ghost stories?

"How's it going? Do you have any other questions?" Johnny's eyes fell on Yu Liang, and when he saw him starting to think deeply, he didn't urge him, but the old god squinted his eyes on the ground, as if he expected these human beings to He couldn't come up with any new tricks, so he could only bring delicious humans to their mouths.

Player Xiao Hei first asked Yu Liang: "Do you have any questions?"

"No more for now, just ask." Yu Liang shook his head and motioned for Xiao Hei to come first, because he still wanted to think about the possibility of the "idealistic world" conjecture.

Yu Liang knew that his status among these players was already very high, so he did not intend to tell them this conjecture.

Under the preconceptions and attachment to the strong, these players may quickly agree with his conjecture, thinking that this risky approach is the answer to the problem, and then they will be obsessed with testing the candidates for this plan.

Yu Liang clearly knows what human nature in this situation will drive them to do, and this will limit the thinking of other players and hinder their way of thinking.

"Let each ask one question first. Anyway, there is no limit on the number of questions for these two people." Xiao Hei whispered to the other players, and this proposal was also approved by them.

Xiao Hei came first. He walked in front of the pool man and thought briefly before continuing to ask: "I want to know the story about your friend."

"Friend?" Johnny and Heisan looked at each other and said in unison, "My only friend is him."

"No, no, no, I am referring to the person who left words in this house." Xiao Hei shook his head. The answer from the pool man was not the answer he wanted, "The person who used to be your friend."

"Oh, you're talking about Ge Ao..." Heisan said subconsciously, while Johnny beside him quickly blushed and yelled, "Don't mention that betrayal, that selfish person in front of me Damn it, that deserter!

Johnny glanced at all the players present with a sinister look and said nothing.

"Okay, this is a topic that cannot be touched, next." Hei San glanced at Johnny. He didn't expect that Johnny still had such a big reaction after so long.

"No, I can tell you." Johnny continued uncharacteristically, his expression looking eerie, "After we complete the transaction, you can leave this place. Outside, no matter where you are, as long as You bring that guy named 'Ge Ao' here, and I will give you unimaginable rewards."

"What reward?" Xiao Hei then asked. He knew that at this time, he couldn't trust other people's paintings too much, so it was better to ask clearly.

Although he knows that there is a high probability that he will not be able to find that guy, and even if he finds that guy, he is unlikely to come back to see this guy again, but what if?

It's better to ask clearly.

Besides, what good things can these two strange creatures have?

It's not that he looks down on them, it's just that this special scene is too hellish. These two guys with the "instant death rule" are really nothing, so what good things can they have in their hands?

Don't draw water from a bamboo basket until all is lost.

"Us." Johnny raised his head and looked at Xiao Hei, his eyes filled with the flames of revenge.

Although the players cannot see Johnny's anger, you can read the opponent's determination and persistence from his words, which makes it even more shocking.


He said they were the reward!

The two-headed man in the pool!

The gradient level of the two-headed man may not be high, but his ability is absolutely incredible. The instant death rule within the range is useless to anyone.

Coupled with a prop or stamp that can teleport, wouldn't it mean killing anyone in sight?

Maybe this instant death rule is not effective for monsters with high gradient levels, but it is effective for players with high gradients.

By seizing the props and characters from high-gradient players, anyone can rise at an extremely fast speed!

Thinking of this, almost all the players present felt their hearts heat up, and even their breathing became rapid.

The instant death rule is an extremely powerful rule!

When placed on a Kaitan creature, the pool man cannot change positions at will, so it may not be strong, but when placed in the hands of the player, it can release unlimited possibilities.

This simple sentence of "we" even made Yu Liang a little emotional. He was a writer. After killing a player, he could create the other player's profession. With such a strange creature, wouldn't it be even more powerful?

The ghoul from the Kaitan world paired with the two-headed pool man is an almost invincible combination.

However, is it really possible for players to obtain this level of strange creatures?

Yu Liang murmured in his heart, the difference was equivalent to military use and civilian use.

The strange creatures he has obtained so far are all civilian grade. Even T1 does not have the absolutely powerful "rule ability". The pool man in front of him is not high grade, but it is definitely military grade.

Under normal circumstances, can players really obtain this level of strange creatures?

Perhaps it was because Yu Liang had many powerful monsters in his body, so he did not act as enthusiastically as several other players, and could still restrain his desires easily.

The two-headed pool man is stronger, but if he was asked to choose, he would definitely choose the mother body or the human snake. These two are more practical than the two-headed pool man and can better cope with most combat situations.

The players were obviously moved, but at the same time the female athletes were leaning towards Yu Liang, as if they wanted to seek help from Yu Liang.

"Think about other things after you survive." Yu Liang reminded other players, "At least these two people in the pool have made it clear that someone can really escape from this place."

"Yes, that's right." Xiao Hei let out a long breath and suppressed the desire in his heart.

Johnny was not going to give them any more time to think. He continued: "Okay, please make your choice. If you want to accept the wanted order I just made, you also need to offer up delicious humans first to get rid of it." It only takes a chance to talk about weird things.”

The temptation became more obvious, which made Yu Liang once again convinced that Qiao Ni and Hei San were not as slow as they appeared.

That's right, they didn't even talk much when they were in the pool. They were so angry that they screamed when they said "Waijila", and then suddenly started talking about transactions with the players, and they could understand the players' words naturally. Agree to the player's request and start answering the player's questions.

According to normal thinking, these players will definitely ask about Johnny and Heisan's friends, because this is the core plot, and when it comes to friends, the pool man can naturally express his hatred for betrayal, and even sell himself for revenge. Further increase the desire in the hearts of players.

All this is just to get two players, female athletes and Zhong Chen?

not necessarily.

Yu Liang still doesn't know exactly what they want to obtain, but he is sure that Qiao Ni and Hei San really want to see internal strife among the player group, and internal strife will greatly increase their probability of success.

"No, if I want to leave, you can't stop me." The female athlete walked away from the crowd and spoke to the other players alertly.

She couldn't see the reactions of the players, and the lack of vision made her feel even more unsure.

"Don't worry, we have a better solution." Yu Liang waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "And it is absolutely impossible for me to hand over my bodyguards to them."

At this time, Jonny seemed to have heard Yu Liang's words, and added: "Then it's okay if you don't want the man."

Hei San immediately shouted angrily: "No, no."

"Shut up." Johnny hit him hard with his head.

"We don't consider betraying our teammates." The architect stood up and said, "We can also know from the words of the two pool people just now that at least Ge Ao really escaped, and they are sure to have a way to escape."

"Yes, that's right." The female athlete immediately followed.

"Think about it, Ge Ao can still find a way to escape when his two friends have become pool people. What method will it be?" the architect said seductively, "The whole house is not big, so we should find a way to escape." We have searched everywhere, and Ge Ao must have been in the same situation at that time, or even worse, because at that time he didn't even have the bargaining chips to trade with the furniture man, but he could find a way to get out."

It's a very simple truth. From Ge Ao's perspective, there isn't much that can be tried. A human being is trapped in an idealistic flat house. How else can he save himself?

"Will the answer be simpler than we imagined?" Under this guidance, Xiao Hei gradually came up with a bold idea. His imagination has never been small.

He said with some excitement: "The door is right there. It gets dark as soon as we come in. Does this want to trap us directly? Could this be just a psychological suggestion? In fact, all we need to do is open the door and go out."

"What about the mind-stealing monster?" The psychological counselor frowned.

"Heart-stealing monsters..." Xiao Hei vaguely grasped the same point as Yu Liang, "Could it not exist? How did Ge Ao know that they existed? Unless he opened the door, but he was safe after opening the door Does returning mean that things outside are not that dangerous?"

He talked eloquently and continued to think: "And how did he know that the heart-stealing monster could steal hearts? Maybe his heart had been stolen, but he didn't die. Instead, he hid back in this house. In the end, Only then did I find a way to escape.”

"This is an idealistic world. Two-dimensional eyes can only see two-dimensional pictures. After the heart is stolen by the heart-stealing monster, the picture that appears in front of you may change further, and then the real answer will appear." Psychological counselors also have their own ideas.

"Idealism, idealism! If the concept of 'heart' is stolen by the heart-stealing monster, won't it turn back into materialism?" Xiao Hei suddenly had an idea and told Yu Liangliang the answer completely.

After some discussion, their ideas gradually converged, and there was only one final result.

Ask Yu Liang's strange creature to open the door and go out to see the situation.

Are these people's thinking the same as mine?

Yu Liang was surprised when he heard what they said, but he had no reason to reject their proposal.

Looking at the remaining viewing time on the page, a simple calculation shows that there are still fifteen minutes left before the half hour just calculated.

In the end, everyone came up with the same solution to the problem, which made Yu Liang instinctively feel that there was a flaw in it.

Idealistic world.

Could these four words mean that all of this happened only within the scope of his cognition?

Because no other solution can be thought of, other people's problem-solving ideas are all inexplicably the same.

The whole world was born because of his heart and his thoughts, and the route and laws of its development were completely consistent with his cognition.

To give an inappropriate example, the upper limit of the IQ of a writer's character is actually the upper limit of the writer's own IQ, which happens to be the case now.

Open the door, go out, and steal the heart to complete the ghost story. This is the only way Yu Liang can think of.

So it became the correct method on the surface.

Is this really correct?

In other words, this world is still fake.

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