The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 372 Yu Liang from the Chaos Camp

"Da da da--"

"Bang bang bang——"

"Boom boom boom——"

Lu Baoshen's knocking on the door gradually became more violent, and the increasingly heavy sound spread far and wide in the sewers. The echoes were turbulent, making people uneasy in the silent sewer environment.

Many people hiding in the dark heard the sound of knocking on the door. They all lowered their bodies and turned their suspicious eyes to the source of the sound.

The black steel door opened instantly, and a white and tender hand stretched out from inside, grabbed Lu Baoshen's collar, quickly pulled him into the door, and then closed the door quietly.


Everything was calm in the darkness without causing any disturbance.

Jiuyin Ancestor Lu Baoshen entered the cave and his eyes immediately fell on the girl in plain white Taoist robes in front of him.

The two are similar in height. One is wearing a white Taoist robe, like a pure fairy descending from the sky, and the other is wearing a bloody Taoist robe, like an evil demon returning from hell.

The moment their eyes met, inexplicable feelings quietly arose between their eyes.

"An... An..." Lu Baoshen sniffed, and two lines of hot tears slid down from the corners of his eyes, leaving a ravine in the dried blood scab on his face.

Yes, the person who appeared in front of him at this critical moment and saved him from the sea of ​​suffering was none other than the little fairy An Buchen.

He was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions and rushed forward to give An Buchen a bear hug.

An Buchen frowned slightly and stepped aside to avoid Lu Baoshen, who was exuding a stench all over his body. His somewhat suspicious eyes fell on Lu Baoshen.

She didn't like killing, so she felt unhappy when she rushed to Lu Baoshen's Thousand Blood Clothes. But judging from the luck emanating from Lu Baoshen, it was clear that this guy was Lu Baoshen who could control luck.

If it was Lu Baoshen, then he probably didn't do the blood, and he couldn't have killed the person.

"Mu." An Buchen typed the character "Mu" twice in succession, one each on Lu Baoshen's body and clothes, making Lu Baoshen return to his normal appearance.

"Wait..." Lu Baoshen was shocked when he saw the blood shell on his body disappearing.

This is a symbol of his status as the ancestor of the Nine Vaginals. Without this shell, he will be severely punished by the great elder.

But then I thought about it, now he is hiding here with An Buchen, this is An Buchen!

Apart from the goblin Hook Claw who is under strong luck, who else can find An Buchen in the Taoist mansion?

If there is anyone in the universe who can make Lu Baoshen feel stable, it is definitely not the rich and powerful Zhong Chen, nor the money-keeping master who studies the operating rules of the economic market every day, nor is it his second brother Li Huachao, it is definitely the person in front of him and An Buchen, a little fairy who is as tall as him.

So Lu Baoshen shut his mouth tightly again, choosing to believe in An Buchen's unique ability.

But An Buchen looked at Lu Baoshen up and down before and after, and still stretched out her hand to pinch her small nose. She couldn't accept the strong odor on Lu Baoshen's body.

The pungent stench from the sewer is the top note, the stench of blood is the main note, and the rotten stench of a rotten creature is the faint and lingering tail note. Taken together, this stench is simply disgusting. .

So An Buchen typed several "Mu" characters on Lu Baoshen's body one after another. It was like seeing his cat fall into the hole of the squatting pit. After he fished it out, no matter how he washed it, he would feel a faint smell. Stink.

After some troubles, the little fairy girl gave up completely and lit up a Taoist incense with a stronger aroma, hoping to cover up the smell of Lu Baoshen.

She felt that this guy had been pickled up by that unique stench and was hopeless.

As always, An Buchen showed no sign of Lu Baoshen's request for comfort and hug.

This Lu Baoshen was contaminated with too many causes and effects, and he was the root of the troubles. An Buchen originally wanted to help him secretly, at least not to involve himself. As a result, Lu Baoshen immediately started smashing the door, causing the sewer to make a "light" sound. .

Helpless, An Buchen had no choice but to quickly open the door and recruit Lu Baoshen in.

If you just gather one person and add the shielding function of the Taoist government, there shouldn't be any problem, right?

An Buchen thought, feeling a little more at ease.

However, she remembered what Lu Baoshen said at the door just now, and immediately asked: "What 'Nine Vaginal Ancestors' did you just say? What is the situation?"

She wanted to simply judge what Lu Baoshen had provoked to end up like this.

If the thing you provoke is relatively weak, that's easy to say, but if it's too strong...

She should seriously consider strengthening the Taoist government's shielding.

"I just went to a casino." Lu Baoshen began to briefly describe everything that happened to him, "Then I won a lot of money in the casino with my excellent gambling skills and a little bit of luck."

"Casino?" An Buchen nodded silently. It didn't look like a strong force, so she should be fine.

"Well, then I stayed in a hotel, and all my money was stolen by a group of armed thugs." Lu Baoshen sighed.

"Robbers?" An Buchen didn't say anything unnecessary. This was not as good as the casino just now.

"Well, I ended up meeting a group of cult members again. They insisted on claiming that I was some kind of Taoist ancestor, and then I was brought down to this underground place by them. During this period of time, I secretly made enough preparations to fight with those cult members. Hypocrisy, just now, I found an opportunity and escaped." Lu Baoshen continued, his words were full of praise for his fearlessness in the face of danger.

"So it's the cultists who are chasing you?" An Buchen continued to speculate. This was not even a mention. After all, even Lu Baoshen could escape.

"No, he's a pervert in black tights." Lu Baoshen recounted the encounter between himself and the pervert in black, and then angrily patted An Buchen's table, "Tell me, if the ghost man is not around, he will bully me. , if the ghost man is here and he still bullies me, then isn’t my role as Taoist ancestor in vain?”

"Yes." An Buchen's response was still calm, and he finally felt relieved.

It seems that there is no possibility of incurring the source of ghost talk, so it will be easier to handle.

"There is tea here. Your voice is too hoarse. I didn't even hear your voice before, so I opened the door a little late." An Buchen's expression remained unchanged.

"That's right, no wonder." Lu Baoshen had no doubt at all. He poured himself a cup of tea and took a long sip before continuing, "After all, you entered the universe after me, so I haven't heard much about it. My original voice. My second brother Li Huachao would definitely be able to recognize me easily."

When he said these words, Lu Baoshen seemed very confident.

An Buchen just glanced at him and said nothing.

For a gambler career with strong luck, being confident is not a bad thing.

Rather, it would be easier for Lu Baoshen to show his strength and get closer to Lu Mingzhe's level. This is a kind of growth.

The level of self-confidence can be divided into five levels from low to high: Lu Baoshen level (original) - Inferiority - Self-confidence - Arrogance - Lu Mingzhe level.

When Lu Mingzhe existed, Lu Baoshen's self-confidence was always at the same level, so even though he had strong abilities and innate conditions, he was unable to exert his due strength. Now that Lu Mingzhe has disappeared, this will not be good for Lu Baoshen. Growth is a good thing.

Of course, this had nothing to do with her. She naturally walked to the platform and sat quietly on the futon.

When it's quieter outside, you can try to find Yu Liang. She's not a complete deserter. At least she has collected a character card, right?


Yu Liang's eyes penetrated the darkness nearby and fell on the light not far away.

Finally, after walking in the abandoned sewer for nearly fifteen minutes, he found the Jiuyin Sect dojo.

This is not because the sewer is really that big, but because of Xiao Hei's mission guidance.

According to the player "Xiao Hei", when he entered the sewer, he triggered a side mission - [Murder Mystery].

According to the mission description, the person who broke into the Jiuyin Sect’s underground dojo was the guy who had been committing murders and creating white ghosts in City C. The guy’s location was constantly changing, so their group of seven The team of people wandered around in the sewer for a long time.

The moment they entered the dojo, a prompt box automatically popped up on the page of the seven-person team.

[Faction Confrontation Mission: Destroy the Nine Yin Sect]

[Task introduction: The Jiuyin Sect, an illegal religious organization hidden underground in the suburbs of Area C, has secretly developed a large number of believers, including many high-ranking people. Led by the ghost maker in Area C, the government launched an operation to destroy the Jiuyin Sect. However, due to the competition between various forces, the demise of the Jiuyin Sect has not yet been determined. 】

Positive camp: a small number of official NPCs, various armed forces, and murderers

Opposing camp: All of the Nine Yin Sect

Chaotic neutral camp: official, some armed forces, unknown personnel

[Players please choose your camp to join. Players cannot view the camps of other players, but attacks from the same camp will be punished by the same amount. You will get rewards after completing the tasks in stages, and you will get a lot of rewards when the tasks are completely completed]

[If you choose the neutral camp, you will trigger various "achievement" tasks, that is, kill (rescue) key figures or targets in both camps to obtain achievements. Completing stage tasks alone will also obtain a large number of achievements. When you appear in front of both camps, you may be attacked by both sides. After the camp mission is completed, you will receive rewards based on achievement points. 】

"There is a camp mission." The high jumper said in surprise when he saw the prompt on the page.

"It feels like the positive camp is much stronger." The surgeon looked at the difference between the two camps and was a little stunned. "Isn't it going to be a crushing game?"

"No." The psychological counselor shook his head, "The last sentence of the introduction to the mission indicated that there is still a chance of improvement, and the official only sent a very small number of personnel, and most of them were civilian armed forces who came spontaneously."

He described a scenario: "If the Jiuyin Sect survives and the powerful believers inside try to whitewash it as a serious religion, the government may reconcile with them, but then others will be unlucky."

It's a very simple truth. After the Jiuyin Sect is recruited, it will definitely start to liquidate the people who participated in the destruction plan at that time.

If I can't deal with the army, I can't deal with you?

How great it is now, how miserable it will be after being hated!

"Too many players participated, and the camp mission was triggered." Xiao Hei continued. He seemed to have participated in this kind of mission, so he made a tentative click and then confirmed, "And you are thinking too complicated. This kind of camp mission actually doesn’t give you much choice.”

He smiled and said: "You are participating as civilian armed forces, so there will only be one camp to choose from. If there are not enough reasons for you to join other camps, there will be no corresponding information on your page. Options."

"Enough reason, what does that mean?" Yu Liang, who had always been silent, suddenly asked.

"For example, in the chaotic neutral camp, this means that your identity in Cyber ​​City is a 'killer', so you need to assassinate key figures on both sides at the same time to obtain rewards, or to increase your reputation." As a "player", Xiao Hei, He seemed to have a deeper understanding of the world of ghost stories, "For another example, you have been living in this sewer a long time ago. The Jiuyin Sect is your neighbor, and the conflict between the pros and cons has disturbed your dreams, so you Then he killed them all at the same time, and..."

"What else?" Yu Liang asked.

Xiao Hei replied: "Your relatives and friends are in the corresponding camp. For example, your friend is from the Chaos Neutral camp, or your mother is from the Nine Yin Sect camp, so you have enough reasons to join the corresponding camp."

After saying that, he asked Yu Liang curiously: "What? This isn't important, is it?"

"I just want to understand." Yu Liang responded casually, then closed his page and turned his questioning eyes to Zhong Chen.

Zhong Chen looked at him and seemed to understand what Yu Liang was thinking, so he shook his head.

Yu Liang understood that a created character like Zhong Chen who left the universe could not trigger camp missions. This showed that the connection between the created character and the camp had been established before.

It is shown in his mission that he can join all three camps, which is completely different from other players.

First of all, he is not a killer and does not need to rely on killing people to gain reputation.

Secondly, he doesn't live in the sewers, so no one will bother him.

Then the reason for this difference is readily apparent.

Yu Liang: "..."

Beasts, what have you done? !

My relatives and friends are not only from the enemy camp, but also from the chaotic neutral camp!

Yu Liang opened the task prompt again and began to compare them one by one.

The positive camp is its own camp and may have nothing to do with the created characters, but it is possible that Li Huachao joined an armed group.

He had just become famous as "Primitive Chief Li" in Cyber ​​City, and when the boss of the Colosseum died, he might be taken over by a big boss and become his thug.

Of course, it is also possible that he was accepted by the Jiuyin Sect. After all, the next target of the guy who killed Li Huachao's boss was Li Huachao. If the boss was kind to Li Huachao, Li Huachao might still take revenge.

Apart from this possibility, Yu Liang could not think of any other possibility of entering the Jiuyin Sect camp.

An Buchen?

Although they are all practicing Taoism, An Buchen claims to be an upright fairy girl and despises crooked ways the most. She shouldn't join the Jiuyin Sect, right?

There are too many right and wrongs in Jiuyin Sect, which is not in line with her character.

As for Lu Baoshen...

Yu Liang couldn't imagine how he could be related to this cult. If he entered the cult at Lu Baoshen's level, what good outcome could there be?

Not to mention getting into the opposition camp.

As for the chaotic neutral camp, both Xiao Xiangu and Li Huachao are possible.

Maybe she was living and practicing in this sewer and was accidentally involved.

Of course, it is impossible for her to get angry. She will only hide quietly and wait for the situation to change, or she may move immediately.

The unknown person in this camp probably refers to Little Fairy Girl.

After making his judgment, Yu Liang chose the "chaotic neutral" camp without hesitation.

Having more choices is naturally a good thing. Joining Chaos Neutral means that you can do whatever you want.

If nothing else, the players are all in the positive camp, right?

If you meet an "actor", can you take action directly?

I'm back to positive, but fortunately it's not serious.

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