The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 371 Li Huachao’s anti-player ghost

The ancestor of Jiuyin turned over and fell into the middle of the Netherworld Ghost Man, then quickly got up and stood up again.

This is his territory.

Although he is essentially a hostage of the Jiuyin Sect, he is also the most noble hostage in the entire sect, and he is a hostage that must not cause any trouble!

How can I, the dignified ancestor of the Nine Vaginals, be bullied by a foreign invader like you? !

That's right, now Lu Baoshen has realized that this guy in black tights is not a special soldier of the Jiuyin Sect at all, but is here to kill him!



Lu Baoshen was confused for a moment, thinking about the departure of the great elder before, but then he shook his head. The words of mere pagans did not have such great power. After all, their Jiuyin Sect was the strongest in the entire C area. Among the large underground sects, who without foresight would dare to provoke them?

Could it be the officers and soldiers?

Some inexplicable feelings arose in his heart. Logically speaking, if the officers and soldiers came over, he would be rescued as a hostage. Unfortunately, no one would believe that he, as the ancestor of the Nine Vagina, was really so innocent.

Just like the killer man in black who was chasing him just now, the killer doesn't think too much about being a "weapon". He is here to kill him and I'm afraid he won't listen to his explanation.

No, just stay in the Jiuyin Sect's camp for the time being. At least these ghosts will protect themselves instead of directly killing them.

Thinking like this, Lu Baoshen stood directly behind these Jiuyin Sect ghost men, then pointed at the small hole he had just drilled and said loudly: "There is a killer in that hole! Quick, go kill him!"

Those Jiuyin Sect ghosts looked at each other, and no one moved a step: "Taozu, that one is so small, how can he hide from people?"

"I saw this with my heavenly eyes, don't doubt it, just attack directly!" Lu Baoshen shouted hoarsely.

Seeing Dao Ancestor's request, the Netherworld ghosts also came forward one after another, dispersed in twos and threes, and surrounded the small cave.

Li Huachao in the cave couldn't fool these ghosts outside, so he could only type three or four "broken" characters into the cave, kicked open the broken stone wall, and jumped out of the cave.

This guy's teleportation was actually able to escape through this small hole, but it was more difficult than he thought.

However, Li Huachao, who appeared in the corridor, did not hesitate at all. He put it on Jiuyin Zu again like a piece of dog skin plaster. This was an opportunity that was right in front of him, and he would not give up easily!

"Do you really think these guys can stop me?" Li Huachao snorted coldly, broke the long knife in his hand on the wall, and turned it into a broken blade only half a meter long, and then brazenly activated Alpha Strike.

The advantage of shooting speed will only be triggered when he is holding a short weapon. Although the long knife he just arrived is not as good as a long weapon like a spear, it will still affect the determination of [Weapon Proficiency].

"What?!" Lu Baoshen was shocked when he saw the opponent holding a broken blade and "swishing" back and forth among the ghost men, constantly causing damage to the ghost men's robes.

Is it possible that so many ghosts can't stop each other?

How could this killer be so fast?

Lu Bao felt surprised in his mind and body, but when he carefully observed the killer's movements, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he couldn't distinguish it carefully for a while.

"Hurry up and block him, don't let him come over!" He pushed the ghosts in front of him crazily, kicked them all forward, then picked up the blood robe, turned around and ran away.

His brain structure is also very simple, so he can only think about one thing at the same time. The more important thing now is obviously to escape.

After a while, go back and type "sleepy".

Lu Baoshen suddenly had such an idea in his mind, and then he looked back, only to see a dark group of ghosts. There seemed to be something surrounding the ghosts, but he couldn't see it.

Each ghost ghost is more than two meters tall. They are like a human wall blocking the black-clothed killer. They also block Lu Baoshen's sight, making him unable to determine the specific location of the black-clothed killer. Therefore, There is no time to play dirty tricks.

"Otherwise, see if they stop you!" Lu Baoshen chuckled, and quickly left here with a sarcastic remark.

Forget it, let’s run away first.

There are probably many grottoes like the one just now, and maybe we can find another hiding place for him.

[depending on each other]?

Yes, they are dependent on each other!

The fortune points accumulated today have not been taken away by the great elder. Once he starts to increase his fortune, he will have the opportunity to find a suitable place to hide.

As for the next step, it depends on the situation.

Lu Baoshen nodded silently, and his escape speed increased again, running rampant in this underground maze.

Because of the bloody robe on his body, all the fanatics and ghost cultists he met on the road bowed down, and he was ordered by Daozu to stop the black-clad killer who could catch up at any time.

However, at this time, the black-clothed killer did not put his mind on Daozu.

"As T2 level ghost creatures, you are stronger than I thought." Li Huachao snorted coldly and stabbed the ghost man in front of him with the broken blade in his hand.

As T2-level ghost creatures, these ghosts have the ability to create black holes and absorb some non-physical items, such as light and characters.

This is a natural restraint for some character professions.

However, this is only a T2-level ghost after all. After having an absolute advantage at one level, it will be weakened in another direction, otherwise it will be too supermodel.

These T2 Netherworld ghosts look tall, but only compared to those ordinary people, and they are still not enough in front of physical warriors like Li Huachao.

However, what makes Li Huachao a little curious is that the design of these ghost ghosts is a bit strange. They are very restrained from using character-based professions, but they have no countermeasures against physical warriors under normal circumstances.

Is this normal?

Who are the guys who designed this kind of ghostly man to be guarding against?

That guy seems to know that there are players who can use characters in this cyber city, but even so, shouldn't he design a ghost who is more restrained against "physical warriors"?

Restraining physical warriors means restraining normal physical means. Some Cybermen who use prosthetic transformation as a means of combat will also be restrained. Logically speaking, these are the more reasonable ghosts.

Now this kind of ghost ghost seems to be deliberately restraining certain players.

Li Huachao had some thoughts, but his thinking stopped there and he could not continue.

As for these ghosts...

He focused his attention on the defeated ghosts in front of him, and after a moment's thought, he took out a large amount of fragrant silver from the inventory.

Let's turn them into ghosts first.

As soon as he said it, Li Huachao immediately began to convert these ghosts and ghosts. They were all the best raw materials.

These are T2 level ghosts. After being transformed into Sese ghosts, they will also maintain the T2 level. They are very humane and very suitable to become a lootable resource.

However, this transformation is not without cost. It not only requires a large amount of fragrant silver, but also requires the recognition of the ghosts as a direct defeat of these ghosts.

Only those with the recognition of ghosts can use fragrant silver to transform these ghosts.

So what needs to be transformed?

The transformability of T2-level ghosts is much better than the T4T3 trash ghosts he originally played.

Li Huachao was always good at planning ahead, so he had already designed several models of Sese Ghost Man before.

Well, actually I didn’t understand what kind of model a T4-level ghost should be used at that time. As a result, the designed ghost was too supermodel and had reached the level of T2, so I had to discard it.

Now, it just comes in handy.

At that time, Li Huachao basically designed the Ghost Man according to the classification of players, because in comparison, his understanding of Cyberman mechas was only about the brute force of mechanical arms and laser weapons, so he had no knowledge of it at all. How to rely on defense against Cybermen.

If you want to be on guard against Cybermen...

With Aze here, he doesn't need to worry too much.

Li Huachao did countless things to Aze. There should be more than one Aze, and the one who met him was just one of them.

That guy may have secretly replaced some of the top executives in Cyber ​​City, and has the ability to decide life and death in a short period of time, so there is no need to target the Cybermen too much. The real threat to their plans is most likely to be players. .

Several types of ghosts for players are also very easy to design, and T2-level ghosts can generate corresponding characteristics.

For example, the first one is an anti-Zhong Chen ghost.

This is a soft and slimy plasticine-like ghost that is good at wrapping and assimilating. The entire process of destroying enemies is very slow, but very reliable.

Just like the ground locking technique in unrestricted fighting, it does not work quickly. Once it enters the one-on-one rhythm of the slime ghost, it is a bit dangerous.

Li Huachao tried it on himself. With the physical fitness of a normal T2 physical warrior player, there is a high probability that he will not be able to break away. Not to mention that after the ooze comes into contact with the player's body, it will use its small, fluffy tongue to lick the flesh and secrete secretions at the same time. A special chemical substance is produced, which will make players feel a sincere feeling of pleasure. It is the original ghost created by Uncle Hua Chao...

Well, it’s not considered original. This thing was actually seen in the original version.

It feels pretty good, so I just used it. It's quite astringent anyway, which is completely in line with the theme.

Zhong Chen represents players who are physical warriors and can be restrained by the slime ghosts.

The second is the anti-land protection type ghost. This type of player mainly uses characters to fight, so they only need to terminate the opponent's character methods.

The black hole created by the Netherworld Ghost Man is an idea, but it is not enough.

In Li Huachao's plan and structure, the black hole ghost can completely ignore the physical strength, but must ensure the strength of the black hole.

Not only can it absorb things like light and characters, but it can also sit on the ground and absorb soil, sucking in a certain amount of physical objects.

After absorbing it, the Black Hole Ghost can spray out the absorbed contents like a tidal wave, splashing the enemy in the face.

Even the "light" is the same. The anti-land protection-type Sesekijin who can release flash can be said to be an absolute restraint against character-type players.

Most character-based professional players rely on vision to confirm the target position and guide the release. Sudden flashes of light will have a certain impact on their attacks.

Of course, this kind of countermeasure is not uncommon, so some professional players who use characters as their main means of attack will prepare countermeasures.

Light can be absorbed and sprayed back, but characters cannot. After the characters are absorbed, they will automatically dissipate due to losing the target, so they cannot be used to fight back.

If possible, this anti-land body-protecting ghost-man is probably a T1-level monster.

In addition to these two types of players, there is also a type of signet-style players.

This kind of player...

There were too few, and Mr. Hua Chao didn't bother to take action.

The last type is the summoning player, who will summon a lot of summons out of thin air to assist in the battle, just like Yu Liang did.

Therefore, Li Huachao named this kind of ghost person the anti-Yu Liang type ghost person.

The anti-Yu Liang type ghost looks similar to a monkey, but is much larger. It also has a canine face similar to a dog or a wolf, and is rich in color.

Of course, this is definitely not because Li Huachao has any secret intentions, it is just because this form is more suitable for fighting.

He named the anti-Yu Liang ghost man "Mandrill" because Li Huachao vaguely remembered that this creature had a strong desire for primates of the opposite sex.

In short, it also fits the theme.

The mandrill ghost possesses the ability to split and can transform itself into more individuals, but the energy consumed will increase significantly, and the individuals that can be split will not exceed its own gradient level.

You are a summoner. If you summon monsters, I will also summon them.

This is Mandrill's idea, but the restraint against the summoner does not end there. Mandrill also has

A certain illusion ability, using "desire" as a factor, can disrupt the thinking of those who are not determined.

And this ability will have a certain impact on the brain of the enemy target, making it easier to become confused.

This is where the restraint lies for summoning professional players.

Summoner-type players always need to control multiple units at the same time, so their brains are often working at full capacity, just like a computer's CPU with too many programs mounted on it. At this time, Mandrill's ability is just the right stimulus. This computer crashed directly.

To put it simply, the more you use your brain during combat, the higher your efficiency will be and the easier it will be to get hit. Once you get hit, your brain will be overloaded and cause downtime.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for the mandrill ghosts to deal with those physical warriors who are good at single combat, but it is more comfortable to fight with the summoning style of Yu Liang.

Dragging these ghosts into the newly opened grotto, Li Huachao quickly left after placing the fragrant silver.

It takes a certain amount of time to transform ghosts. Once they are transformed, they will naturally find corresponding targets to infect. He will not stay here forever.


Li Huachao kept twitching his nose, distinguishing the unique smell of blood from the air.

He did not use the hunting mark, because that would also expose his position. If he exposed his position in the local lair, he would really change from "hunter" to "prey".

Of course you can't do this.

The Jiuyin Ancestor had only been running away for a minute. With that kind of physical fitness, he probably couldn't run very far, so he could still distinguish the opponent's escape route with the hunter's excellent sense of smell.

The premise is that the opponent will just run around the map in a panic.

At the same time, Lu Baoshen also ushered in his first wave of luck after becoming the ancestor of Jiuyin.

After stepping on a stone slab and falling into an abandoned sewer, Lu Baoshen, who had been wandering all the way, finally landed ashore.

He used the last of his strength to crawl towards a secret place, wanting to hide first and then check the situation.

Unexpectedly, there was a small stone cave in this secret place, so he immediately hid in it.

Unexpectedly, there is a thick steel door on the inside of the cave, which looks like someone has just sealed it.

Knocking on the steel door, there was obviously an echo inside.

Lu Baoshen constructed the inside of this cave in his head, and he could probably guess that there was a cave inside the steel door.

I heard from the great elder that there are some old guys who practice in seclusion deep in the Nine Vagina Field. They no longer pay attention to daily things, they only care about whether their cultivation can be improved and whether their sins can be completely eliminated.

These people have such an outstanding status that they don't even need to come in person to "eliminate the sins". They only need to ask the great elder to bring their blood and pour it on Dao Ancestor.

Lu Baoshen has met several of these old guys. As ghosts, they are indeed scary, but they are certainly not as scary as the black-clothed killer behind him who wants to kill him, because the killer wants to kill him, but the old guys are just I just want to use him to complete the cult ritual.

So he knocked gently on the door again:

"Hello, I am the ancestor of Jiuyin. I am in urgent need now..."

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