The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 359 The root of the mystery? Either die or become a dog for me

"The hero who saved the world..." Li Huachao repeated the words from Aze's mouth, and then touched his chin.

He can't understand this guy now.

He started talking about a lot of random things, including fire, actors, and clowns. The key was that none of these words seemed to have any meaning, which made Li Huachao's brain even more confused.

Li Huachao's thinking was like a straight punch. He always thought of where he wanted to go, but in A Ze's case, it was like a straight punch hitting cotton, making his thinking incoherent.

Of course, this was also because Li Huachao was wary of this guy and did not dare to take action at will.

This was an actor from T1, which made the five founders of the Players Alliance feel troubled. But if Fan was just a T2, Li Huachao would go up and choke him, and then ask him what he was going to do.


Let me bear with you for a moment.

Li Huachao can still figure out the meaning of an actor if he thinks about it carefully. It's like Lao Du took the initiative to hunt a lion when he was promoted to Hunter T2, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the meaning of a hunter.

If you put it this way, if this T1 actor wants to complete a higher-level promotion, he needs to continue to do a lot of work and use more difficult role interpretations to complete the transition to a higher level in his alienated career.


Why does this guy's promotion method sound so interesting?

Li Huachao was envious of the real-name system.

But at the same time, he began to speculate in his mind about this guy's alienated professional ability.

Subduing the real president of this company and using his strength to capture such a large number of players shows that Aze must have the ability to disguise himself and be able to play other roles without being discovered.

When Li Huachao heard the coach talk about actors in the past, he thought he could only "play" and "replace" players. But now it seems that this is not the case. Even the natives in the dungeon can easily perform.

This is a bit scary.

The NPCs in some dungeons are insignificant, and there are even no human NPCs, such as Zoo and Smiling Moon. However, the NPCs in some dungeons not only hold important positions but are also weak, such as the current dungeon.

As the head of a technology company, the president has resources at his disposal that players cannot imagine, and as a human being, he is relatively weak without precautions.

Maybe he is not weak, maybe the president has some black technology in his body, but if he wants to compare with T1's Aze, it is still not good enough, otherwise he wouldn't be locked in the toilet for so many days.

Such an alienated profession gives actors a strong ability to "take advantage of situations" and has a unique advantage in getting things done.

Taking advantage of the situation...

Just like what Yu Liang experienced in the last pioneer book, he is also the father of the Whistle Beast and the ancestor of Cao Ying. Those tasks are not too easy.

And the actor in front of me seems to know this well.

"So how do you want to save the world?" Li Huachao asked. At this time, he was still very willing to have a good communication with the other party.

Because I can't beat it.

"You should know the salable ghosts." Aze changed from leaning on the sofa to sitting, then tapped the table in front of him with his fingers, and then a picture appeared on the glass screen against which Li Huachao was leaning.

Li Huachao turned around and immediately saw the real scene of the trade fair from multiple angles. In the center of each trade fair was a robot with a modified person demonstrating something. If he looked carefully, he could see the characters in the hands of these modified people. .

He nodded: "These are the players you captured. Aren't you going to save the world? If they are controlled by you, they will not be able to actively explore. They will die when the time is up. What do you call saving the world?"

"As long as the source of the ghost story is solved, can't we all leave?" Aze just smiled slightly, as if he was already confident.

"This..." Li Huachao opened his mouth, and this was true.

The dungeon of kaidan has always been about one person achieving the goal of ascending to heaven. As long as someone completes the source of kaidan, all players can exit safely.

But then he thought about it and felt something was wrong: "What should I do if I don't have enough time?"

Some people don't have enough time to watch the movie, and Aze's plan obviously takes some time, which means that some players may not survive until the day when the root of the ghost story is solved.

"I just acted as a hero, I'm not a real hero." Aze shrugged, looking indifferent. Then he glanced at Li Huachao and saw Li Huachao's sullen face, so he suddenly burst out laughing, "I'm just kidding you, the rest I can’t stand it if the viewing time is too short, so I’ll just let them fend for themselves.”

Aze's laughter suddenly disappeared and turned into his usual smile.

Of course, the latter sentence is just deception.

The player's viewing time cannot be viewed by others, so he does not know how many people will die as a result.

But this world is like this. Those who are unlucky and have no strength will not be able to complete the most basic tasks even if they are given nine days.

Just like what he said in the first sentence, he just acted as a hero, not a real hero.

After all, he is just an actor.

"You still haven't said what you want to do." Li Huachao still frowned, but actually he was more concerned about this.

"Do you know what a ghost is?" Aze did not answer Li Huachao's question directly, but asked another question.

"It's a strange creature derived from this city. The cause is a mystery and has not yet been determined." Li Huachao said very generally.

The causes he knew were evil spirits, changing professions, and the theory of spiritual consciousness. Li Huachao was not sure which one was true, so he only dared to say this.

"Well, you know less than I thought." Aze glanced at him, feeling inexplicably curious.

This guy doesn't know anything?

Then why did he find it here?

I thought I had found a like-minded partner.

However, Aze did not end the conversation. He thought for a while and explained to Li Huachao from a different angle: "The ghost is a fantasy creature, so it is amorphous and there can be countless types."

"Hiss—" Li Huachao said thoughtfully, "Your guess is quite fresh."

Aze: "..."

I'm not just guessing. Any player with a higher level can explore this step, okay?

What were you doing while watching movies before this? How come you didn’t even know this?

Was it hunting in the mountains?

"In short, their appearance is actually related to human thinking itself." A Ze was magnanimous, so he didn't pay much attention to Li Huachao's words.

He is a professional actor, and he is currently playing the role of a unique hero, so he cannot be led astray by this guy, otherwise the performance will be ruined.

"If we insist on talking about this city, it is like a computer without a firewall. Anyone can operate, modify the data, and rob the resources." Aze explained to Li Huachao, "And the ghost man is among them. One of the procedures.”

"So, the ghost man was actually 'programmed' by some people?" Li Huachao was not stupid. Thinking of Aze's previous words, he immediately understood the connotation of Aze's words.

"Almost." Aze smiled with squinted eyes. He finally felt the understanding in the other person.

Then, he continued this topic: "These programs, or viruses. They can occupy and rob the memory in this computer, and memory is the most critical resource in this computer."



Li Huachao had no idea about this thing in his mind, but this word reminded him of the "theory of consciousness" that the female monk had mentioned.

What did you say at that time?

The instructions given by the soul in the human body are the memory, and the consciousness is the memory set...

His memory in this area was not very good, so he couldn't react at the moment, but he felt that the "theory of consciousness" was very likely related to what Aze was talking about now.

"Then what are these 'resources'...memory used for?" Li Huachao continued to ask.

"The more resources you possess, the more permissions you can obtain." Aze continued, "I don't know much about this kind of program now, but this is probably the idea - we want to create strange stories."

Hearing this, Li Huachao's eyes lit up. This setting sounded interesting.

"Create strange stories about ghosts, design a kind of ghost, and then spread them over a large area, occupying memory resources. They are like viruses, which will continue to infect other normal people using themselves as templates, turning them into Similar products." Aze talked about it, "It's just that the new ghost viruses will be very fragile and need to be artificially supported. Only when their number reaches a certain level will they truly release their power."

He smiled: "At this stage, controlling these ghosts is controlling the entire city itself. When they use their abilities, they will use the city's own ghost power as energy."

Following Aze's gesture, a miniature three-dimensional view of the entire Cyber ​​City immediately appeared on the glass screen next to Li Huachao.

There are countless light spots of different colors throughout the city, most of which are white light spots, and there are other light spots of various colors.

Above the map, text labels provide meaning to these points of light.

The white light spots represent ordinary people, who are also uninfected, while the colored light spots represent different groups of ghosts. They are entrenched in different areas, scattered in the shadow corners of the city, or gathered together.

Among them, the underground area of ​​Area B has a large number of light spots of different colors, and they are all gathered together.

Contacting the city's regional planning and corporate system, Li Huachao thought of a possibility.

These high-tech companies are studying the ghost virus, and they are trying every means to spread it in the city, using the ghost to control the secret power of the city.

"That's why you gathered those players, and they are the 'ghosts' under your control?" Li Huachao felt that he understood part of Aze's plan.

Ghost stories are equivalent to programmed programs, which can also be called viruses.

"It looks like you are quite smart." Aze smiled again. He changed his sitting position and became lying on the sofa, with his feet propped up on the glass coffee table in front of the sofa. "For us, Say, these are players; but to the power of ghost stories in this city, they are 'ghosts for sale'."

Because it is a ghost story, the "facts" are not important. What is important is the content description of the ghost story itself.

According to this principle, these "saleable ghosts" are a combination of players and ghosts, possessing both characteristics.

Just like rumors, in the content description of the ghost story, these players are ghosts, so as long as they spread in this city, these players will be recognized by normal residents as ghosts, and they are a kind of sellable and easily controlled The ghost!


Can be mass produced.

"Ghosts are imaginary creatures, creatures created based on 'people's' fantasies." Aze leisurely described his understanding of the city and imparted it to Li Huachao without reservation, just like a generous landlord. "The public's cognition is the cognition of Cyber ​​City, the cognition of Cyber ​​City is the cognition of Root Monster, and the cognition of Root Monster... is the fact itself."

Li Huachao frowned slightly, repeating the last sentence of the actor Aze in his heart, and some inspiration seemed to be about to burst out of his mind.

Is this the unique power of this city’s strange roots?

It feels a bit similar to the "doubt" side in "Smiling Moon", the doubtful part will become a reality!

if it is like this……

if it is like this……

What else is Aze going to do?

Think carefully, think carefully!

The answer seems to lie in what Aze just said.

Li Huachao knocked on his head, and two words suddenly popped out of the barren soil in his head.


The infection by the ghost virus will copy ordinary residents into ghosts in the corresponding ghost story!

That is to say...

The urban residents of Cyber ​​City can become "sellable ghosts" - players!

Li Huachao suddenly realized the key part of the entire plan. The ghost virus would infect normal people and turn them into creatures like himself.

The ghosts transformed by these city residents will get a "nine days" of viewing time.

And you can use characters, obtain alienated professions, and have four columns...


Back to reality.

As long as they complete the root ghost story, they can return to reality as players!

"The public's cognition is Cyber ​​City's cognition, Cyber ​​City's cognition is the cognition of Root Monster, and the cognition of Root Monster is the fact itself."

The power of the rules of this root ghost story is limited by this logic. When all the residents of this city are infected as "sellable ghosts" and become substantial players, they will also enjoy the benefits of players. Treatment in the world of ghost stories.

This is the impact of the root ghost story rules.

There are two most critical rules in players’ cognition:

1. The viewing time is over and the player dies.

2. Solve the root cause of the ghost story and all players can leave the dungeon safely.

According to Aze, the existence logic of the root ghost story is the cognition of Cyber ​​City, so when the viewing time is over, all players will die.

The source of the ghost story loses its logic of existence and the consequences are unknown.

The second result is that the root ghost story is "solved" and all players leave the dungeon, and the root ghost story exists in their cognition, so the logic of existence is still retained, but the location of the existence will be transferred from the dungeon to reality. .

"I think you probably understand." Actor Aze smiled, showing his white teeth. I don't know whether he was born like this or received a special prosthetic transformation. He has more canine teeth than ordinary people, and they all show their sharpness. ——

"I don't know what the root ghost story is, but I'm forcing him to make a choice."

"Or, die together."

"Or, escape from the copy together."

"But if we escape to reality..."

"All the salable ghosts are under my control, including himself."

"Shh - you may have to say this in a lower voice." At this point, Aze stood up, walked to Li Huachao, who was still in shock, and whispered into Li Huachao's ear -

"Even if it's a ghost story about the origin, it's the same. Either we die together or you become my dog."

I got stuck and rewrote it, so it’s even later, so I’m sorry.

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