The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 358 The Meaning of Actors

"Next, go to Area F first. I will try my best to help you complete the basic tasks first, and then you will work with me to find the origin of the ghost people. If there is still some time left after everything is completed..." The architect paused, "I I want to try to save all those colleagues."

There was an awe-inspiring look on his face, and he looked at Yu Liang with expectant eyes: "You should still be willing to do this kind of thing within your ability, right?"

"Let's solve the basic tasks first." Yu Liang naturally knew the reason why the architect said this.

It's very simple. He still remembers the persona he set up in "Rabbit Game", which is a proper savior image. He generously donates money to sell cheap straw babies, saves players from fire and water, and directs architects to explode. Lost the dream of the rabbit-shaped god, and destroyed the den of the source of ghost stories.

There is simply no better player in the world than Tamer.

"Okay, in that case -" the look of anticipation in the architect's eyes became more obvious, "you have chosen to join me, right?"

"Within our ability." Yu Liang replied.

On the one hand, the character cannot be destroyed, and more importantly, Yu Liang has his eyes on the Huangpo Group.

Recently, the Huangpo Group currently controls more than one hundred players, which is equivalent to a character creation list of more than one hundred people.

Not only can you create one in this dungeon, but you can also save two more into the "waiting list", which you can eat and take.

Anyway, now that the architect has been tested, as long as the tongues of the surviving players are taken out first and the corresponding "living" characters are synthesized, there is no need to worry about killing innocent people indiscriminately. These players even have to be grateful to Yu Liang.

Well, if you still have some movie-watching time left.

Besides, after saving so many players, I can just promote the "Grass Baby Coin" I issued, but I don't know where the masked man in this copy is hiding. This Cyber ​​City is a bit big...

No, could it be like that time in Rabbit Game, where the masked man's shop is actually in "reality"?

for example……

Cyber ​​village?

As for the future, Yu Liang feels that this group is quite critical. There may be some important internal information, which may be related to the origin of this dungeon.

He had heard from passers-by at the sales fair for ghosts that the Huangpo Group had done similar things in the past and was not clean to begin with.

"Okay, as long as you say this." The architect smiled.

And at the same moment when the architect asked the question "You chose to join me, right?", another man asked Li Huachao a similar question——

"Join me, I think highly of you."


Fifteen minutes ago.

There was an air of laziness in the dim room. The office was large, but also very empty, with only a few scattered facilities.

There is an extra long desk, a recliner, several large and small screens embedded on the desk, and three or two paper folders placed on it.

On the other side of the office is a leather couch, with a shimmering light on the glass screen facing the sofa.

The air is filled with a low-key and luxurious fragrance, which is refreshing.

This is the office building of Arasaka Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Arasaka Group, and this is the office on the top floor, but it is actually the private area of ​​the chairman, and ordinary people have no authority to enter here.

But now an uninvited guest came into this office.

To be precise, two.

The man leaning back on the sofa in front of him is also not the owner of this office, at least not the original owner.

Li Huachao knew this clearly, so he became somewhat interested in this man.

He is very young, wearing dark red silk pajamas. He looks a bit tall and thin, but not too skinny, and has nothing to do with "bamboo pole".

Judging only from the wrists and forearms exposed in his pajamas, this man should be the type that "looks thin when dressed, but looks fat when undressed".

At this moment, the young CEO was looking at Li Huachao with a lazy look. He yawned and seemed not to be worried about the stranger appearing in his office. He continued: "Someone actually found this place."

"Someone asked me to kill you." Li Huachao threw up the knife in his hand and caught it again. He leaned on the glass screen in front of the sofa and looked at the man in pajamas in front of him.

"I'm not the one you want to kill. That guy is in the bathroom. He stayed there a few days ago." The man in pajamas raised a finger and pointed at a small room in the corner of the office. There seemed to be something placed in the bathroom. Something, "This guy has installed an 'automatic energy supply life support device' on himself. It is impossible to starve him to death."

"That is to say...are you supporting the operation of this company these days?" Li Huachao blinked, but still raised the knife, "From the looks of it, the person they want me to kill may still be you. After all, you are the only one." He’s the culprit who caused everything.”

He was invited, but not given much credit.

The boss behind the Colosseum just claimed that the company's upper management had done something they didn't want to see recently, so it needed to be dealt with in some special way.

In any case, as long as Li Huachao can successfully sneak into the office building here and cause some trouble, because such things have already expressed their attitude, the leaders of Arasaka Technology should be able to understand their dissatisfaction.

However, Li Huachao really did it. He is now standing in the CEO's top-floor office, facing the person who gave orders during this period.

"Maybe." The young man shrugged, "Anyway, I have done a lot recently."

A somewhat arrogant smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hands high, reaching towards the ceiling on both sides: "This is a major change that has not been seen in a century!"

Li Huachao: "..."

Did this guy hit something?

I heard that psychotropic drugs are in a state of abuse in this city. If the CEO is so young, is he also an addict?


That would be boring.

Thinking of this, Li Huachao's interest in the president suddenly disappeared, replaced by a murderous intention.

This is a very strange state, but it is just right for Li Huachao.

If someone has no interest in him and happens to be the target of the mission, then he should be killed.

Kill to save trouble.

"Hey - it's a bit strange." The man in pajamas keenly felt the murderous aura on Li Huachao, and immediately realized that this guy was different from the people he had met before, so he supported his head with his hands and looked at him with interest. Tell the truth, "I need these players to be useful."

"Player? Are you a player too?" Li Huachao pointed the blade of the table knife in his hand, and he was interested in this young guy again.

"Of course." The man in pajamas smiled slightly, and a burning character "热" appeared on his fingertips, like a burning oil lamp, illuminating his face, and then he was breathed out by the other party. Blow out.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed his face to relax his facial muscles. At the same time, he revealed his true identity: "You can call me 'Aze', or you can call me my alienated profession. I am an actor." ."

Li Huachao clapped his hands and suddenly said: "Aze is born as an actor!"

Aze: "..."

You are a bit rude.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, was more interested in the T1 actor in front of him. The Players Alliance had introduced "Aze" as an unscrupulous person who had fun.

To be honest, this is quite to his liking, so the current Li Huachao will naturally not take the initiative.

Of course, interest is one reason, and another reason is that Li Huachao feels an inexplicable threat.

This lazy man in pajamas doesn't have a strong aura, but the gradient is real.

If it is really T1 strength, Azebi is only stronger than Xiangu, and Li Huachao's current record is better than the restrained T1 Linxiangu.

Facing a complete T1, Li Huachao felt unsure.

"So what are you going to do? It's not easy to collect such a large number of players, right?" Li Huachao put the knife into the wide pocket of his coat, then secretly took out two ear whistles and put them on silently.

If a fight really breaks out, the whistling sound produced by this ear whistle may come in handy at the critical moment.

"Of course it's to do something big." Aze smiled again, "Can you understand? I personally have a strong desire to 'do something big'. After completing a feat, I want to welcome everyone's shock. Then it disappeared in front of everyone lightly, leaving only an indelible myth."

Li Huachao nodded silently, but he kept echoing in his heart.


Of course I can understand!

This is what I'm going to do!

"If you put it this way, you may still not be able to understand my mood." Aze narrowed his eyes slightly and said in calm words, "So I want to tell a story."

He pondered for a while, and then said softly: "There is a person who is not good-looking. But it is not that he has been bad-looking since he was a child. It was probably a fire when he was fifteen or sixteen years old. The flames burned half of his face. Unsightly and horrific scars."

"Since he was very young, he has been a guy with outstanding looks. He was the cutest when he was a child. When he grew up, he gradually changed from handsome to handsome, so his dream has always been to become a great actor. If it hadn't been for that fire If so, everyone is willing to believe that he can officially embark on the path of an actor, but it is a pity that the fire has swallowed up his dream. Sometimes he will even regret that God gave him a perfect appearance, but when he needed it most It’s time to take back this gift.”

Aze raised the corner of his mouth, and his eyes seemed to be full of memories, but the curve of the raised corner of his mouth was a bit sarcastic: "He even thought that it would be fine if he looked ugly from the beginning, because he is not good-looking. Maybe you can still become an actor, or even a movie star, but not someone who looks disgusting."

"Those flame scars really made his face look disgusting. It was covered with earthworm-like meat strips and some kind of particles." He sighed, "And he has wanted to play the role of the invincible since he was very young. Lu Bu, the First Emperor of the Eternal Emperor, or the spy dancing on the tip of a knife, the Immortal King who stands proudly in the world."

"His life is very ordinary, so he wants to experience that extraordinary life as an actor, even if it's just acting."

"But this is unrealistic. A disgusting-looking person is not worthy of starring in these handsome images. Even... he is not worthy of being an actor."

"Countless people laughed at him and ridiculed him. The jealousy accumulated in the past broke out all at once after the fire and engulfed him in an instant."

"And it seems that he can only be an actor. Even if no one needs him to act, he can hide in the room alone and act. Although he may suffer more blank looks and incomprehension, what's the problem with that? Woolen cloth?"

"His own life has been ruined, so he can only put on other people's skin, experience other people's lives, and act out other people's lives in his mind, so that it won't hurt so much."

"Otherwise, he can't find a reason to live with that face."

"The boy who suffered a fire but still had unrealistic ideas was like a clown on the stage. The overwhelming laughter kept stabbing his heart. And only when he was acting, could this clown look at him coldly? All the tragic experiences that happened to me became an audience off the stage."

"Finally one day, an accident happened."

"He figured it out after experiencing the monsters."

"The boy who is already a young man decided to be a different clown. He will stand in the center of the stage and laugh at others."

"Everyone else...everyone."

At this point, Aze stopped. He was still smiling, but his smile was somewhat bleak.

Li Huachao listened very seriously, but after listening, he pursed his lips again: "It sounds like a story about revenge against society. Is this your whole purpose? Arrest those players...just because you hate world?"

"Of course not." Aze shrugged and pointed at his face, "I mean, a handsome person like me can do whatever he wants."

After saying this, his smile became brighter, and he looked like a face that could be described as "beautiful".

When your appearance reaches a certain level, you will have some beauty of the opposite sex. Just like some female celebrities will have some male features, some handsome guys will also have some feminine features.

Li Huachao: "..."

What a mess.

He also tried to explore the emotional motivations of the actors doing these things from this story, but after a long detour, you tell me——

Does being handsome mean you can do whatever you want?

"Okay, I think my meaning is clear enough." Aze noticed Li Huachao's speechlessness, so he pointed out the core idea of ​​what he just said, "Of course I can do whatever I want, I think It’s fun, so I do it.”

He smiled: "I only have one life, but as long as I am willing to try, I will live a different life. I can be a hero who saves the world, I can be a clown whose eyes are blinded by hatred, or my life can hang on a thread. A special agent, or even a geisha who will conquer the country."

Having said this, actor Aze winked at Li Huachao and smiled charmingly at the same time. His charming interpretation was much more skillful than some beauties.

Li Huachao couldn't help but swallowed. He didn't know why, but that smile just now really touched his heartstrings.

What the hell!

He is staunchly heterosexual.

Is this what an actor is capable of?

How terrible.

"This is the meaning of an actor's existence." Aze raised a finger and continued to smile, "It is the 'meaning' that needs to be pursued after T1. And you are very lucky. The character I drew in this copy is-"

"The hero who saves the world."

"Huh?" Li Huachao was stunned.

"Haha, if that's actually funny."

Aze added immediately.

Taking time off...make up happy^_^

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