The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 237 Then - start smiling ^_^

Yu Liang tidied up the scene. The immortal aunt's body naturally had to be disposed of. If it was placed in this copy, its bones would naturally need to be crushed. If it was resurrected by the moon into a believer like a kowtow corpse, there might be trouble. Son.

Judging from what Xu Cixi said, "faith" can't resurrect the dead by going back in time, so under normal circumstances there is no need to worry about the resurrection of the fairy.

This is also true from a logical perspective. If players would be resurrected by "Faith", this dungeon would have been overcrowded long ago, and players would not be able to die anyway.

After Xiangu's body was completely burned in the room, Gui Cixi reappeared beside him. She stretched out her hand and pressed on Yu Liang's limbs and torso, as if to confirm that there were no wounds on Yu Liang's body. After confirming, he stood silently behind him and disappeared.

Yu Liang felt that Mu Mu's actions were a bit funny, and he realized that Gui Cixi seemed to have disappeared when Xiangu was here just now.

That's right, it's normal for the ghost bride to be afraid of the fairy girl. What's more, for such a decent fairy girl, it's basically a situation where the sky defeats her. If the fairy girl sees her and uses the character "Thunder" to come down, Gui Cixi will probably be afraid of her soul. All destroyed.

Even if he didn't come out to help, at least he wouldn't be in danger.

Yu Liang felt that Li Huachao in the universe was a little depressed. Li Huachao seemed to have not spoken for a while, so he immediately shouted loudly: "Hey, Li Huachao! Wake up!"

"Ah?" Li Huachao's voice was full of sleepiness, but he was a conscientious thug, so he forced himself to go online again and asked, "What happened?"

"It's nothing. The adventurer seems to have fainted. Wake him up." Yu Liang pointed to the adventurer beside him.

Naturally, he did this on purpose, interrupting Gouzi's sleep, which would make Li Huachao even more sleepy later, so that Li Huachao would not be able to wake up and recuperate while he was sleeping.

very nice.

Li Huachao was so dazed that he didn't realize what Yu Liang was thinking. He just did whatever Yu Liang asked him to do, so he took over his body and came to the adventurer sleepily, trying to wake him up: "Hey, Wake up."

Soon, he realized that this kind of gentle call was of no use, so he regained his energy and put his fingers in front of the adventurer's head to gather strength, preparing to give him a hard blow when the adventurer fainted. Headache.

However, he thought about it and retracted his hand, then called softly: "Little ghost, little ghost?"

A female ghost wearing a wedding dress slowly appeared next to the adventurer. This was the ghost bride who had made a contract with the adventurer before. She had been threatened by Li Huachao before, so she did not dare to ignore Li Huachao's call now.

"Very good." Li Huachao regained his composure, put his fingers in his mouth, took a few breaths, and then gave the adventurer a hard blow.

Since the adventurer had a female biological companion next to him, the force of his brain collapse was far beyond what a normal person could bear. His forehead became visibly red, and then quickly swelled into a big bump.

At the same time, the adventurer suddenly woke up as if there was a delay, grinned and covered his forehead: "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—"

"You're awake." Li Huachao took the contents of the snakeskin bag over and said swiftly, "Come on, you can go back after dividing the stolen money."

He yawned, his sleepiness visibly spreading, "Just divide these things as you like."

The adventurer opened the snakeskin bag and divided the contents into two halves. At the same time, he asked: "Where is the fairy? Why didn't you see her? What happened just now?"

"Xiangu? Well, over there." Li Huachao pointed to the pile of things burned into ashes in the corner. In front of him, Yu Liang was constantly burning the corpse with the character "zhuo", eventually turning Xiangu's corpse into ashes, and He was also prepared to take her away later without giving her a chance to resurrect her soul.

He briefly recounted what had just happened: "Xiangu summoned a source ghost story and chased us into the parking lot. Then we were controlled. Then the moon in the sky came back and noticed the source ghost story. There was a fight between the two sides. The moon Won."

"Okay." The adventurer nodded. There were two piles of things in front of him, one belonged to Li Huachao and the other belonged to himself. He took out two identical Taoist scriptures from the snakeskin bag and flipped through them. Throw it into Li Huachao's pile, and throw one copy into your own pile.

"Same?" Li Huachao's eyes were sharp and he saw that the words on the pages were exactly the same, they were all "Volume 1".

"Oh, my ability is that when you open a treasure chest, you have a chance to get double items. For books like this, there will be exactly the same rubbings." The adventurer explained.

"Oh, that's it." Li Huachao looked at the adventurer. The more he looked, the more he felt that the adventurer seemed to want to enter the universe.

If only this guy could go directly into the universe.

Li Huachao inevitably had such thoughts in his heart, but unfortunately, he had no reason to kill his friends. What's more, even if he killed the adventurer and created another one, it would be useless. What would be created would only be an adventurer with a random personality. It may not be as interesting as today's adventurers.

"Take out all the Taoist scriptures and Taoist classics inside and leave them to the fairy girl, and then give some of the mechanical beasts and other things to the adventurers." Yu Liang said, the adventurers are absolutely equally divided, and even some books are the same. , so there will be a situation of "you roll up and I roll down".

He didn't want the little fairy to learn the first volume but not the next one. It was better to learn all these things in one go.

"Give me all the Taoist scriptures, I will use them." Li Hua said, then pointed at the three machine beasts assigned to his pile, "Take these machine beasts."

The machine beast was made by the fairy aunt, and he didn't feel sorry for it at all.

As long as the little fairy learns it, wouldn't it mean that she can do whatever she wants?


There is no need to make such an ordinary machine beast. According to the method of Kaitan World, as long as the materials are enough, a Gundam Mecha can be made.

Li Huachao instantly thought of the talisman string machine gun tower he had just seen in the room. If this thing could increase its range and be installed on the Gundam, it would become a big killer.

"Oh? Okay, okay." The adventurer pushed all the books in his pile to Li Huachao, and then took the machine beast in front of Li Huachao.

He couldn't understand the Taoist scriptures, and he couldn't learn spells. These books were originally meant to be taken to grocery stores or other places to see if they could be sold. Now that Li Huachao was willing to exchange them for these ready-made machine beasts, he naturally It’s something you can’t ask for.

Li Huachao randomly picked up one of these Taoist scriptures and flipped through it, then curled his lips and put it down again.

The text is mysterious and difficult to understand. It seems to be written by an expert, so the words are not that easy to read.

The most important thing is that there are no punctuation marks. He can recognize some of the words, but when combined together, he is completely unrecognizable.

The same is true for those books that show "collections of spells". There are almost no pictures, and they are all long and lengthy words that are difficult to understand.

"Do you understand this stuff?" Li Huachao asked other people in the universe.

Yu Liang tried to read it, but was quickly defeated: "How can a normal person understand this thing? How can the soul recognize the spirit?"

The same is true for those Taoist guidance. There are no guiding instructions throughout the mysterious text.

To put it simply, the use of each Taoist technique requires enlightenment, and there are no steps such as "one, two, three, four" marked at all.

Just like instructing a novice in the kitchen to cook, everything can be made precise, such as how many grams of salt to use, how many grams of soy sauce to use, etc. The dishes produced in this way are not to say delicious, but at least they are not unpalatable.

However, the guidance Yu Liang received now is to cook with love and emotion. Only when the emotions are full can people feel happy.

By the way, I also explored the history and evolution of this dish, and how various regions and dynasties improved this dish.

And this metaphor is also somewhat inappropriate, because even if the latter is introducing the emotions and history of cooking, it is at least words that ordinary people can easily understand. As for these sermons...

Every now and then there will be a new and unfamiliar term that I don’t understand, and the same words may refer to completely different things. Everything is mysterious and mysterious.

Just the word "Tao" appearing in different contexts was enough to make Yu Liang think for a long time. In short, he couldn't understand it at all, and his desire to learn Taoism was completely dead.

Yu Liang originally thought it was strange why Fairy Gu had so many Taoist scriptures and Taoism books but she couldn't use them, such as the "Five Ghost Transport Technique", "Invisibility Technique" and "Shrinking Earth into an Inch Technique" that often appear in some movies and TV dramas. Not used at all.

Now he understands, who can understand this kind of Taoist classics?

It's okay to say that the Taoist scriptures are understood by thousands of people and in thousands of ways, but shouldn't this Taoism teach specific operating methods?

He put away these Taoist scriptures and Taoist books, and then redistributed Xiangu's inheritance.

There are also some talismans written by fairy aunts, which can be used by just sticking them on or throwing them out.

For example, simple talismans such as "purifying heart talisman" and "talisman" can be used directly. In addition, there are some talismans used to "house control" and "ward off evil spirits" that can also be used normally.

Other seemingly powerful "Celestial Master Talisman" and "Thunder Light Talisman" are completely unusable.

When Yu Liang or an adventurer tries to use it, it will remind him that he has never had contact with the God, so Yu Liang will remember some things he has learned in the past.

Talismans are originally used to "communicate with gods and men to gain strength." The "talisman" is used for communication, and the "talisman" records the names of heavenly officials and assistants. Only with the bonus of gods can these powerful talismans show their effectiveness. .

In the world of kaidan, Xiangu is obviously unable to communicate with the heavenly officials and officials in myths and legends, so it is obvious that she gets her power from the source of kaidan in herself.

Yu Liang threw all these talismans to the adventurer. They were not garbage. There were also some useful things like "invisibility talismans" among them. However, when the adventurer became invisible, Li Huachao easily picked them out.

After all, things like smell and breath cannot be hidden.

These written talismans can be thrown directly to the adventurer, while the blank talisman papers were taken away by Yu Liang and left for the little fairy girl to use.

The adventurer didn't have any objection to this. He felt that he had made a lot of money. After all, he couldn't draw talismans. If he communicated with ghosts and gods, he would probably make the ghosts and gods think that he was a fool who only knew "Abba Abba".

To put it simply, the division of the spoils between the two was relatively balanced. Yu Liang took away a large number of blank resources, while the adventurer took away some ready-to-use things.

After doing all this, the adventurer waved goodbye to Yu Liang. He had to quickly go back to his room to take a look. His travel bag filled with various props was still in the room.

I hope the props were not blown up by Xiangu's "Thunder" character, and I hope they can still be used.

Yu Liang took away Xiangu's ashes, returned to his room on the seventh floor, and used the character "Mu" on himself.

At this time, the convenience of characters can be reflected. Just a simple "mu" character can clean the body and save the time of bathing.

He lay on the bed and waited for Li Huachao in the universe to fall asleep before him.

As he thought, Li Huachao was indeed tired from playing today, so he quickly fell asleep, and he also handed over the responsibility of taking care of his body to the brothers Lu Mingzhe.

They didn't contribute much tonight, so they were in good spirits.

By the time he wakes up, Lu Mingzhe will probably have captured the little fairy girl.

With this thought, Yu Liang went to sleep with peace of mind.


at the same time.

Fourteenth floor.

The aura of the root ghost talk "Happy Face Head" has disappeared for a long time.

The Taoist mansion left by the fairy aunt was empty, with only the small flag in the center of the room showing the ownership of this place.

The small flag still has the words "Special Offer for Adventurers", and the red female head that appeared before has naturally disappeared. After all, the Fairy Girl is no longer here at this time.

At this moment, a red devil's head suddenly appeared on the small flag, and began to flash slowly.

If the adventurer himself were here, he would naturally recognize that this represented the appearance of "weird creatures" in his territory.

But soon, the devil's head took on a new change, and little by little it turned into a man's head.

At the door of this room, the body of the monster in the ice crystal also trembled violently.

Like shedding its skin, the monster's body slowly peeled away from the ice, and then exposed the naked man's body inside.

As if he had just emerged from hibernation, it took the man a long time to revive his muscles. He slowly opened his eyes and exhaled.

If Yu Liang could stand here, he would naturally recognize that this was Qin Haijian's face.

Qin Haijian was reborn from the body of the hexagonal monster just now.

No, it would be better to say that Qin Haijian is the hexagonal monster, but he was separated from the monster shell because of Li Huachao's beating.

He stretched out his hand and looked at his body, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Finally, he was no longer the faceless man in his dream.

At this moment, he has been reborn with the help of Qin Haijian's body and has become a real man.

No, it's better than that.

Because he is no longer an ordinary person, but a...


Qin Haijian looked at his hand. A red dot appeared in his hand, with a black word "death" written in the center of the dot.

He closed his eyes and felt it. He seemed to have found something, so he opened his page.


Qin Haijian

Gradient level:?

Occupation: Explosive Engineer (Alienated)

"Successful." He murmured something, joy popping out of his lips.

At this time, he suddenly noticed a smiling face painted on the surface of the ice cube.

It seemed to be painted with blood, and the bright red color filled all his vision.

He stared blankly at the smiling face, hesitated for a moment, and then moved his face towards it.

Two downward curved arcs of blood were aimed at his arched eyebrows, and one upward curved arc was aimed at the raised corner of his mouth.

Everything corresponds just right, everything is arranged just right.

Just like the smile that appeared on his face at some point.

Hee hee^_^

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