As the ability [Creation] was activated, the familiar white light appeared in front of Yu Liang's eyes again, and he immediately watched the scene with full concentration.

The entrance animation of the created character can help him initially understand the general profile of the created character, not only the body shape and gender, but also the character's personality, so that he can make further judgments later.

As before, the created character was shrouded in a layer of white light, and he could not see the character's face clearly.

By comparing the height with the turnstile, he could probably guess that the character was about 1.4 meters tall.

One meter four?

Isn't it about the same height as Lu Baoshen and Lu Mingzhe?

However, she looks much thinner and has shorter hair, but it is not the short hair style of boys, but the common short hair style of girls, somewhat similar to the heroine in "This Killer Isn't Too Cold".

Yu Liang thought about it for a while, and realized that this hairstyle was designed to meet the knowledge points that he was not good at.

Probably called...

French bob?

He wasn't sure of his answer, but it still felt a little strange.

As a fairy, do you have such a trendy hairstyle?

Shouldn't it be a more ancient style of hair?

Yu Liang complained in his heart.

Well, similar to what Cao Ying said, this little fairy girl is indeed quite a contrast.

He carefully observed the figure of this guy. He was similar to Lu Baoshen. They both looked thin, but there were still slight differences in the proportions of boys and girls.

Yu Liang couldn't tell what the specific difference was, but he could tell at a glance that this guy was a woman.

Fortunately it's a woman.

Male fairy or something...

Still can't accept it.

Yu Liang felt a chill in his heart.

As long as this created little fairy can be included in the universe, there will be female characters in the universe.

I just don’t know if there will be any strange chemical reactions in the public chat screen of the universe because of this new woman.

Yu Liang thought about Li Huachao's character, and then thought about Lu Baoshen and Lu Mingzhe.

A Erha, a Goose and a King.

There seems to be no normal person, I hope you don't lead this new little fairy into trouble.

The little fairy looks to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, and the world of ghost stories has established a basic character for her, but her outlook is not necessarily sound, and there is still room for development.

After watching the video of Xiangu's life, the world view of this created character may be somewhat affected.

Maybe he would become indifferent or cold-blooded, but Yu Liang didn't dislike such a character. He only needed to make an agreement with the little fairy for three chapters.

Whether to kill or not to kill, she does not need to have basic moral values, she only needs to abide by the rules he set.

Rather, it would be better to say that such a "tool" character would be easier to use, at least better than having another Erha in the universe.

Of course, Yu Liang didn't think Erha was bad. After all, Erha had achieved a lot of results so far and often brought him surprises.

So far, a total of four characters have been created, and the gender ratio is still one to one. But in fact, there are three male characters in the universe, one is Li Huachao and the other is Lu Baoshen. Lu Mingzhe was given as a top-up, but the female writer has not been included in the universe. This This leads to a very imbalanced ratio of yin and yang.

Yu Liang put away his thoughts. He noticed the little fairy at the entrance of the turnstile standing still thinking about something, and then began to explore the pure white space.

She would carefully test every two steps, as if there was some monster in the light.

Soon, the little fairy girl figured out how big this space was.

And a spherical camera with a flashing red dot on the turnstile kept rotating along with her footsteps, as if to see what this guy was up to.

The little fairy opened her hand, and a small plaque appeared in her hand, and then she hung the plaque on the turnstile at the entrance.

"What is she doing?" Li Huachao was confused.

Lu Mingzhe guessed: "Declaring sovereignty over the territory?"

Yu Liang looked carefully and saw the words on the plaque clearly.

"Tao Mansion".

"Tao Mansion?" Yu Liang was stunned when he recognized these two words, and then understood the intention of the little fairy.

This guy wants to use this space near the turnstile as his Taoist mansion?


Quite imaginative.

Yu Liang felt vaguely uncomfortable. This abnormal operation gave him a sense of familiarity.

This time the turnstile also reacted, it trembled violently, threw away the plaque hanging on itself, and then opened the door automatically, sucking the little fairy into a white light.

"Get out, get out, get out, get out!" the gate shouted angrily, and then muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why is there no normal person coming in at this entrance?"

Li Huachao: "???"

Lu Mingzhe: "???"

Lu Baoshen: "...?"

"I have an idea." Li Huachao said something in the universe, "I'll try it in the next copy."

This sentence also attracted Lu Mingzhe's echo: "I think it's okay."

"What can you do?" Yu Liang didn't understand. He suddenly discovered that Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe had established an inexplicable tacit understanding.

Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe responded in unison: "It's nothing."

Yu Liang shrugged and turned his attention to the fairy in front of him.

For him, creating a fairy is the first priority, so the second priority is naturally to see what good things the fairy has.

The first is the characters. There are quite a few characters in the Xiangu character column, and they basically appear in sets.

The characters gained after killing the fairy this time are not locked. According to the system prompts, these players from last season are not protected.

For example, there are more than twenty sets of characters in the enhanced series, and most of the remaining characters are powerful characters with extremely high cost performance, such as the "Thunder" character and the "annihilation" character.

The "Thunder" character is Xiangu's remote output method. Xiangu has a total of seventy-eight; while the "elimination" character also has dozens.

There are similar numbers of characters for "Hai". Just as Yu Liang guessed at the time, Xiangu also has a similar character for "Sword Qi".


"Ha" character

Name: split

Texture: Knife

Note: After hitting the target, it will cause a slashing damage to the target. The damage is always the full blow of a T3 flesh-type monster.

It's just that unlike the "Chopping" character that Yu Liang made before, the damage of this "Chopping" character is constant and does not depend on the user's attack power like the "Chopping" character.

Obviously, the "split" character is more suitable for Lu Mingzhe, while the "cut" character is more suitable for Li Huachao.

The character "cleave" is equivalent to a full blow from a T3-level flesh-and-blood monster. The damage of this heavy blow is not low. It can already cause obvious damage to a T2-level flesh-and-blood monster. If it hits a person, it will be even more serious. .

In addition to the "split" character, Yu Liang also saw characters belonging to the enhanced series ③: "guang" character, "continuation" character, "violent" character, "lian" character and "scatter" character.


"Guang" character

Note: Within five minutes, your character's spell casting range will be expanded to 3 to 7 times the original.


"continuation" character

Note: After you type a character, using the "continue" character is regarded as using the character again.


"violent" characters

Note: Increase the damage of your next destructive character to 200% of the character's current effect.


"Hyphen" character

Note: After use, the target will obtain the following effect - "If you reuse a character with the same name, the effect will increase by 40% of the original effect each time it is repeated." The effect lasts for half an hour and can be repeated up to seven times.


"Scatter" characters

Note: Your next character can select up to three targets.

·Only one enhanced series of characters with the same name can be effective at the same time. For example, you cannot use multiple "violent" characters in a row to stack damage.

"Enhanced series three...Are all the characters in this series related to enhanced characters?" Yu Liang silently wrote this down in his mind.

The characters of the strengthening series ① are "strength", "speed", "control" and "endurance", which are all related to the player's own physical fitness. If a normal player uses them all once, it is basically equivalent to strengthening them all over again.

The characters of the enhanced series ② are "sensitivity", "fu" and "jing", which respectively correspond to the enhancement of the three aspects of "flexibility", "injury recovery" and "mental focus".

The current enhancement series ③ is related to the enhancement of characters, but there are still some characters that have no effect on him.

The "Wide" character increases the casting range of the character, and Lu Mingzhe's [Thousand Skills] comes with an increase in the casting range, but it cannot go in a straight line, and needs to use a zigzag movement trajectory to achieve targets with a longer range.

The "continuation" character is equivalent to using the character again, and the effect is similar to the universal character he obtained before.

The universal characters are from "0" to "1", and the "continuation" characters are from "1" to "2". The difference is both "1", but they are essentially different.

Similarly, its effect is somewhat similar to that of "violent" characters, except that the former does not have a limited character type, while the latter is limited to destructive characters.

If both use destructive characters, the results seem to be the same, one is a double hit, and the other is a single attack with double damage, but the actual results are very different.

In high-level battles, it is already very difficult to hit once with a character, let alone two consecutive hits?

Therefore, this "continuation" character can really play its role when used instead of strengthening or recovery characters. In this case, there is no need to consider the hit rate issue.

The "hyphen" character is similar to the "Metronome" prop in the Pokémon game. Even the description is similar. Each consecutive attack can increase the character's original power by 40%. In the extreme state, the power of one character can be reduced. Stacked to 280% of the original, and coupled with the "violent" character, it becomes 560%.

Under this premise, if the "Scatter" character is used again, the same destructive character can select three targets, and the "Thunder" character has a very large effective range. As long as the target positions selected by the three "Thunder" characters are close to Together, in this case, the ranges of the three "Thunder" characters will naturally overlap, so the middle area will receive three times the damage.

If it is tripled, it is 1680%, and the damage of a "Thunder" character will reach a terrifying 16.8 times.

If there are other enhanced seals or professional skills, the power can be doubled, twenty or thirty times is no longer a dream.

Yu Liang could suddenly experience the thrill of stacking data and fighting in certain games.

Such a thunder character is thrown out...

Yu Liang thought of the fairy girl from before. It seemed that she blew up a room of the adventurer with one shot of the "Thunder" character. So the power of nearly seventeen times the "Thunder" character is almost destructive, right?

This kind of "thunder" character can be used directly to deal with T1 level flesh and blood monsters. It's okay if you can dodge it. If you can't avoid it, even the Gluttonous Sea of ​​Flesh or the Hundred-Eyed Princess will be struck dumb by lightning.

That being said, under the control of Lu Mingzhe's [Thousand Skills], the hit rate of each character is nearly 100%, and there is basically no possibility of failure.

Unless the monster was too fast, Lu Mingzhe's dynamic vision couldn't keep up at all. He was killed by the monster while the "Thunder" character was still switching targets, so naturally there was nothing to say.

So Lu Mingzhe's next enhancement direction has been roughly found. The most important enhancement points are dynamic vision and character locking ability, and then search for some props or stamps that stack character damage...

The game is to shoot one into the soul. This "thunder" character not only has a large range, but also has a hundred times the damage. What can others do with it?

Under these enhanced series characters, Yu Liang also noticed another note.

[Enhanced series of characters are all issued by Kaidan World. Players can split the series of characters to synthesize new characters, but they cannot synthesize the series of characters. 】

"In other words, Kaitan World has a monopoly on the characters of the enhanced series, and players cannot synthesize them." Yu Liang simply translated it, and he looked at the previous characters.

Indeed, characters such as the "force" character are not impossible to synthesize. This time, the "continuation" character can be synthesized with things like "scripts" and "calf", but this rule also limits the players' abilities. Wrong thinking.

Yu Liang stretched out his hand, collected the characters on Xiangu's body, and then assigned them to Lu Mingzhe and Li Huachao in the universe. Lu Baoshen also got a few, but not many.

Children should not play with adult toys, as they can easily lead to accidents.

Of course Lu Baoshen didn't care about this, he didn't even have the slightest complaint, because he and Shou Gui were brothers, and Shou Gui controlled all the extra characters in Yu Liang's hands...

So as a member of the Dwarf Alliance, does he still need to be afraid that he has no characters to use?

It's okay to squander casually. Yu Liang doesn't keep accounts anyway. If they really find out, he will, he will...

What did the Scrooge say before?

It seems that everything will be fine if you light a fire when checking accounts.

Yes, set fire.

Lu Baoshen kept the teachings of the Scrooge in his mind, and at the same time he became curious about the new characters that were about to join the universe.

He seems to be about 1.4 meters tall, so he can definitely join their dwarf alliance.

I hope it will be easier to get along with.

After checking these characters, Yu Liang turned to look at the items on Xiangu's body.

There are a total of fifteen slots in Xiangu's inventory, but the items in them are all gadgets that he is not very familiar with. He only knows that they are probably some Taoist magic weapons or props.

The raw materials such as pens and cinnabar for writing talismans, and some small square tables and yellow cloth stoves for setting up formations. Yu Liang could feel from the golden light emitted by these things that they were all extraordinary, but unfortunately he was not a fairy, so he could not see them at all. You know, using "view" you can only see that they are materials for writing talismans and forming arrays, and there are no instructions for use.

So now we can only wait until we catch the little fairy.

"Just wait until the cooldown of the Goblin Hook Gun ends and just capture the little fairy." At this time, Lu Mingzhe also said, "About three hours will be enough."

"That's right." Yu Liang nodded, and then he felt sleepy.

Looking at Li Huachao again, Gouzi was also very busy that night and was already drowsy in the universe.

Take care of these chores and go back to rest.

The dog is very tired today, so he probably won't be able to do anything.

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