The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 203 Tauren Wedding Company

"Hmph." Li Huachao just snorted, approving of the Lucky Cat's timely surrender.

He looked at the hand in his inventory.


Lucky hand


Texture: None

Note: It has the function of "recruiting wealth". Whenever it is waved, ill-gotten wealth will appear on its own initiative. It can only be truly effective when the user is a human being, but due to the long-term lingering ghost energy, the user will lose energy and blood and affect his spirit.

After reading the introduction above, Li Huachao had an idea in his mind.

To a certain extent, this is a small prop that exchanges Qi and blood for wealth.

However, the amazing thing is that this lucky cat cannot exert the effect of "lucky" by itself, and must be given to humans to be used.

As for the effect, it's something ripped from a T2-level Kaitan creature, so it won't be very weak or very strong.

"Hey, do you still have your hands?" Li Huachao glanced at the lucky cat.

"No more, no more." The Lucky Cat shook his head decisively and kept silent.

"Oh." Li Huachao nodded. He naturally understood the Lucky Cat's thoughts, so he continued, "I need more lucky hands now. You can arrange it for me, or take me to a place where there are such hands. , know."

"Okay, okay." The lucky cat nodded rapidly, "I know there are many people who like to have a lucky cat like me. They are all the same as me. I can guide you."

"Very good." Li Huachao was very satisfied with the way it turned out, so he just said it casually.

Since there really is such a lucky cat group, then he has to go and catch the monsters.

Lucky cats don't really matter, the main thing is the lucky hands on them, which is a good thing.

No matter how you put it, this is an item that can be used to "attract wealth" and can be regarded as the youth version of Lu Mingzhe's abilities.

If you want to use it for something...

Li Huachao has already begun to think about whether to open another company in the future.

Well, it is a subsidiary within the Yu Group.

It's called "Pie in the Sky" Co., Ltd., and it hires a group of social animals to help him attract wealth. He doesn't have to do anything every day, just wave his hands to attract wealth and watch short videos.

From this point of view, the essence of the two is actually similar. They both do some repetitive and meaningless work, and then exchange physical and mental health for money.

Li Huachao can strictly implement the 9 to 5 schedule on weekends, never work overtime, and never delay wages, so I don’t believe that no one will come.

He looked at the statue of the God of Wealth next to the Lucky Cat, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

The statue of the God of Wealth did not speak, and the red light in its eyes was automatically extinguished, making it look like it was offline.

"As expected of these weird creatures that are related to money, all of them are very sensible." Li Huachao was even more satisfied. He glanced at the lucky cat again and said softly, "Lead the way."

And the Lucky Cat naturally has his own little thoughts.

It is only at T2 level and is suppressed in all directions by the T1 Ghost Bride. This is true, but the gap between T1 and T2 is not that terrifying. At least it can be made up by the difference in quantity.

So we only need to bring this man back to their clan's territory. With so many T2s, it should be enough for this man to eat a pot.

By the time……

Taking advantage of the chaos, he pulled a hand off another Lucky Cat and then slipped away.

The idea of ​​Lucky Cat is very realistic and down-to-earth.

It doesn't want to frame and murder this human being. That's not necessary at all. It just wants to get back a human hand that can attract wealth.

Lu Baoshen asked in the universe: "So are we going to find other lucky cats now?"

Li Huachao's move to take over his body also made him feel relieved.

Practically speaking, he doesn't really want to go out and show off, after all, the outside world is too dangerous.

It would be more interesting to hide in the universe and chat.

"Almost, let's go have some fun." Li Huachao responded.

Naturally, he is not afraid of these Lucky Cats, but don't forget, he also has a [Doll Killer] seal, which he got from killing three doll monsters in the zoo. He is a special attack against these statue-like creatures.

Lu Mingzhe was a little confused: "Aren't you going to find the owner of the grocery store?"

"That's true." Li Huachao frowned slightly.

Although he did things with a thought in mind, he was already near the grocery store, so he didn't feel sick...

It doesn’t make sense if you don’t pay a visit to the masked man, right?

"Okay, let's go to the grocery store first and then go find the Lucky Cats later. We'll have to wait a little bit for the subsidiary business." Li Huachao made up his mind.

Lu Mingzhe: "???"

What subsidiary?

What do you want to do?

Li Huachao picked up the lucky cat at the front desk and walked towards the depths of the supermarket on the first floor.

Following the instructions from the advertisement on his mobile phone, Li Huachao quickly found the only place with lights on at this time.

"Meet" the grocery store.

Li Huachao opened the door.

"Welcome light..." The masked man lying on the chair heard the sound of the door being opened and said instinctively. However, when he raised his eyes to look at the uninvited guest, his voice stopped abruptly.

"It's you." The masked man's voice calmed down.

It's like a newly lit fire to sell a product is extinguished by a basin of water.

"Hey, I treat you differently. Why did your voice change after you saw me?" Li Huachao protested without hesitation.

"Most of the time, I treat everyone equally, but for you..." The masked man glanced at Li Huachao from head to toe. He could now judge "Yu Liang's" status from Li Huachao's posture and words.

Unfortunately, the deep well ice version appears now.

"You have been to my store so many times and only purchased a few items in total?" His face was full of snobbish disdain.

Of course, this was a pretense of the masked man, and he was only targeting Li Huachao.

"Why don't you buy it? I'll buy it now." Li Huachao was easily aroused. "Come here, show me the interesting things you have here. I want them that I haven't seen last time."

The masked man thought for a moment and pointed to the northeast corner, "There are new products there, the price is fair, the effect is powerful, and you are innocent."

"Okay." Li Huachao walked over confidently and rummaged through the items on the shelves.

Most of the goods purchased this time are special coupons.

For example, the classic enhancement coupon sells for seven stamps.

There are also some individually listed enhancement coupons, such as stamp enhancement coupons, character enhancement coupons, item enchantment coupons, etc.

These are also divided into three levels, and the price starts from a stamp and goes up, which is quite expensive.

As for the reward Yu Liang received last time - unlimited coupons, the price was even more shocking to Li Huachao.

Ten stamps.

Just exchange ten stamps for some fun?

This is so fucking outrageous.

Li Huachao shrank his neck. He was very satisfied with the combination of seals on his body and had no need to exchange items.

After all, he is now "a Minotaur Spider-Man whose farts stink and cause blindness."

One of the items also made Li Huachao's eyes brighten.


Stamp collection book

Name: Book

Texture: None


·Used to store stamps, a total of eight stamps can be stored.

·When eight stamps that are related to each other are placed into the album, the album will be "named" based on the connections between the eight stamps, producing a powerful gain effect.

·After the "naming" is completed, unrelated stamps cannot be added to the album. For example, animal stamps cannot be added to the ghost-named album.

·"Named" albums can be traded between players.

"This thing..." Li Huachao understood the power of this thing after thinking for a while, and wanted it immediately.

His seals are all animal-like, maybe they can be combined into one for him...

Bear power!

Eagle's eyes!

Leopard speed!

Wolf ears!

This combination enhances the effect.

It's just that this thing actually requires two stamps to buy, which makes Li Huachao feel a little distressed.

Minotaur Spider-Man, these stamps, no matter which one he loses, he will be unhappy.

"Alas." Li Huachao could only sigh.

It seems that I will only buy this album next time.

This time...

You can't buy nothing, and you can't be looked down upon by that damn masked man.

Li Huachao then set his sights on the cheapest coupon.


Low-level stamp enhancement coupon

Name: Coupon

Texture: Knife

Note: slightly enhanced stamp

The price is one stamp.

It just so happened that Li Huachao didn't need a doll killer. It was good to buy enhancement coupons to enhance some of his own seals.

So he took this enhanced coupon to the counter and paid the bill arrogantly.

"This is your product, thank you for your patronage." The masked man handed the enhancement coupon to Li Huachao with both hands.

After getting the things, Li Huachao looked at his palms and previewed the effects of small enhancements one by one.

[Spider Man]: Consumes a certain amount of physical strength and spits out tough spider silk from his wrist. The spider silk is highly sticky and cannot be burned by fire, increasing its strength.

[Tauren]: Transform into a bull head, endurance +3. When attacking a female creature with a male companion or a male creature with a female companion, the damage is increased by 40%.

[Skunk]: Only once every two hours, uses special glands to spray foul-smelling liquid at enemies within five steps. If the liquid enters the enemy's eyes, it will cause blindness for 15 minutes. The odor of the liquid will be transmitted thousands of meters away and will persist for a long time.

[Tiger Power]: Actively consume one's own physical strength to increase the sense of oppression, increase the consumption of physical strength and energy of the enemy target, and reduce the frequency of using abilities. The enemy target will be more likely to make mistakes when forcibly using abilities.

Spider Man has increased the properties of spider silk that cannot be burned by fire, and increased the strength of some spider silk.

The original tauren only had a special attack on female creatures, but now they also have a special attack on males. Both men and women can kill them, as long as they have a partner, and the damage is increased by 10%.

Skunk's cooldown is shortened by one hour.

Huwei just adds the effect of "making the opponent more prone to mistakes".

Look at it this way...


Li Huachao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he chose to strengthen the tauren without hesitation.

"Huh?" This choice also puzzled Lu Mingzhe, "Tauren? Why?"

"Hehe." Li Hua smiled at the monster, "Do you think we have a ghost bride?"

"Yeah." Lu Mingzhe felt that Li Huachao had bad intentions, but he still couldn't help but listen.

"There is no rule that ghost marriage can only be with one person, right?" Li Huachao continued, "Then as long as the ghost bride marries all the males, and then finds a ghost groom to marry all the females, then everyone will be married. I have a companion of the opposite sex. I’m a tauren, so don’t I get critical hits on everyone I hit?”

The picture of him killing indiscriminately appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but get excited.

"Huh?" Lu Mingzhe was stunned. This was really a path he had never thought of, and it was feasible. After all, a secret marriage did not seem to require the consent of both parties, but after thinking for a moment, he calmly said: " You will definitely be beaten to death by Yu Liang."

"Eh?" Li Huachao blinked and asked, "What are you thinking? No one can be better than Yu Liang? I will protect the ghost bride to the death, and the brackets will be correct."

He said matter-of-factly: "Of course I need to find some more ghost brides, um, and ghost grooms. I want to open a banknote...well, I think I will be beaten to death, so I'd better open a wedding company."

Li Huachao sighed leisurely and said earnestly: "Xiao Lu, you have to know that I did all this to protect Yu Liang and the little hamster. I am among thousands of lovers, walking on the border between law and morality, and becoming a A tauren warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, all this is to protect pure love."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

There are so many flaws that I don’t know what to say for a while.

Okay, okay, you are noble, you are a tauren just for pure love.

Speaking of this, Li Huachao also asked Lu Mingzhe: "What do you think of the subject matter of such a novel? If Yu Liang wrote it, would you like to read it? It is full of philosophical speculation and reversal, and can give people a profound understanding of love and desire. The conflict has even more grand and epic silver... scenes.”

"I want to see it." Before Lu Mingzhe could answer, Lu Baoshen said thoughtfully, his voice gradually revealing a sense of expectation, "It would be better if I could participate. If I want to be a hero, I will behead the bull." The man dismounted from the horse.”

Li Huachao: "..."

Although it feels like the tauren I'm talking about are not the same thing as you...

But it can also make you feel very involved, I said.

Li Huachao began to make arrangements in his mind. He would first prepare a ghost bride for Lu Baoshen. There were quite a lot of corpses outside the funeral home before, and they were both male and female.

"As mentioned last time, where are the grass babies that need to be sold?" The masked man looked at Li Huachao.

"Oh, I'll bring it to you later. There are a lot of things. Let's come over and check the situation first this time." Li Huachao casually made up a credible reason.

Anyway, Cao Ying is staying in Yu Liang's universe, and he can't take it out, so he can only wait until next time.

Some details are also better if Yu Liang and the masked man discuss it.


Mainly because at this time Li Huachao was only thinking about his own subsidiary.

A "pie in the sky" company, a "tauren wedding" company.

These are all things that need to be put on the agenda, and the level of trouble...

Its importance is no less than that of Cao Ying's plan.

At least this is the case for Li Huachao.

To restore the glory of the tauren, we should start with us!

The grand plan in Li Huachao's heart has been completely unfolded inadvertently.

As for execution…

Well, if executed.

Everyone should help him, right?


The first version was not interesting enough, so I re-wrote it, a little late, sorry QAQ

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