The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 202 Funeral Bathhouse


Taken from To the Tiger.

Judging from what Yu Liang did just now, he can indeed be regarded as a conspiracy.

So the stamp has a similar effect.

As a "ghost", Yu Liang sacrificed something that the evil tiger liked, attracting the evil tiger to come to help.

For players in the Kaidan world, perhaps only the root Kaidan can truly be regarded as an evil tiger that chooses and devours people.

Li Huachao can defeat several T2-level monsters. When encountering T1 flesh-and-blood monsters, he can rely on Lu Jie to hammer them hard. When encountering T1-level supernatural monsters, he can run away. However, if he is targeted by the source monster, he can basically just wait to die.

The gap between Roots Monster and T1T2 is latitude, and neither quality nor quantity can make up for this gap.

In this case, Yu Liang should carefully consider the side effects of this.

You need to communicate with the source monster in advance, which is similar to brushing up your favorability first. If your favorability is not enough, you will be in danger.

He obviously will not choose "faith" as his evil tiger. No matter from which angle, he should choose the "it" character in himself.

Yu Liang thought about the time he spent with "Zhi" for more than a month. He had always been wary of this root cause.

It was a strange story about the origins of people who would only find it interesting to sit back and watch countless people die because of him. It was definitely not the kind of otaku who is sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Zhi" treats humans as humans treat animals.

There is no obvious right or wrong, only differences in stance.

After "Zhi" successfully transformed into a human, her personality changed a bit, at least she looked like a normal person. I don't know if she learned human kindness or learned human hypocrisy.

Yu Liang still remembers "Zhi" once saying that if possible, she would kill Yu Liang in the dungeon to escape the restrictions of the character bar and become another "king" in the new dungeon.

Generally speaking, it is unlikely because this community is too small, much smaller than the zoo.

With "Zhi"'s character, it is estimated that she would not be satisfied with staying in this dungeon, so she would not choose to kill Yu Liang to enter this slightly larger cage.

Yu Liang read the annotation of [Assistant] again.

After using [Assistant] to summon "it", the breath of the same root will definitely be noticed by the original roots in the copy, and most of these original roots have territorial awareness, so they will definitely kill Yu Liang without hesitation. .

There is no room for relaxation.

Therefore, this [Conspirator] can only be used face-to-face in a decisive battle with the source of the dungeon. If you cannot completely solve the source of the ghost talk and leave the dungeon after using it, then Yu Liang will definitely die.

It can only be used once per round of dungeon, and it can only briefly summon the projection of Root Kaidan.

Yu Liang estimated that even if "Zhi" came in person, he might not be able to solve these two moons, let alone just projections.

"The restrictions are much greater than imagined." He thought silently.

It can't be used at ordinary times. At most, it can only be released at critical moments to help him delay time.

If you want to uncover the truth about this copy, you still have to rely on Lu Baoshen.

He sighed in his heart and prepared to leave this role-playing game.

It took a lot of time to get there, but overall it was quite profitable. I got two pretty good stamps in one mini-game.

Yu Liang chose to leave this role-playing game and returned his consciousness to his body.


During the time he entered the roleplayer game...

Is this body controlled by someone?

Did he just enter the game with consciousness?

Yu Liang discovered this the moment his consciousness returned to his body. He was a little surprised, but chose to remain calm.

Judging from the state of the universe, it should be Lu Baoshen who chooses to control the body.

He did not take over control of the body, but hid in the universe to secretly watch what the person controlling the body was doing.

Lu Baoshen?

It could be him?

Yu Liang also became interested. This was a created character that he had high hopes for in this dungeon.

If Li Huachao was controlling it, Yu Liang felt that his vision might go dark.

After all, none of the several times I woke up were normal.

But now it's Lu Baoshen.

Yu Liang recalled Lu Baoshen's character and felt that Lu Baoshen would not do anything outrageous.

At most, I just bumped into the dungeon, and then I was scared by all kinds of weird creatures and fled all over the map.

With Lu Mingzhe and the others here, there was no need to worry about what danger Lu Baoshen would encounter.

With this thought, Yu Liang "opened" his eyes and looked at what was happening in the outside world.

A hall.

Immerse yourself in the dimly lit halls.

In the center of the hall is the word "Dian" in black and white capital letters, surrounded by a circle of wreaths.

funeral parlor?

Yu Liang recognized the situation here.

At this moment, the hall was flashing with red or green lights. These colorful lights were shaking constantly, and magical music was playing from the speakers somewhere.

"Crying, crying, crying to death,"

"I cried all the way to the first seven levels,"

"The first seven passes are Wangxiang Pass."

"Little girl looks back at home~"

"Yo, hey, ha!"

The more Yu Liang listened, the more outrageous he felt, because he had heard the toad sing this song in the zoo.

It is obviously a funeral song, but in its interpretation at this moment, it has a bit of a rock or rap flavor.

"Crying for Seven Passes" was sung with the feeling of "it's not a sin for a man to cry".

It's a bit like forcing a speaker that only plays sad music to play hard dance music in the cabaret style.

The combination of this light, this sadness and music creates a rustic atmosphere to the extreme.

Look at the center of the hall again.

In a neat row, from left to right, there are more than ten women wearing Chinese wedding clothes.

Their heads were covered with Chinese wedding hijabs, but the color was not the same red, but the same color as their wedding clothes.

These wedding clothes are either white or black, and are embroidered with different patterns, most of which are auspicious, such as phoenixes, mandarin ducks, or various unrecognizable flowers.

And the bodies of these women are also very different.

There were thin little girls less than 1.5 meters tall, and plump women as tall as eight-foot-long adults. They came in a row and looked different, but their faces were hidden under the hijab, so they couldn't see their faces.

In the flickering lights, these women in wedding clothes look even more eerie.

Li Huachao's voice came from the universe: "Bao Shen, do you have anything you like? Take your pick, and you, Brother Li, will pay for it."

Lu Mingzhe nodded with satisfaction: "I think the 1.7 meter tall sister is very good."

The ghost bride standing next to her also stretched out her finger and pointed at the woman in a white Chinese wedding dress in the center of the hall. It was that woman who was as tall as an eight-foot-long adult, even taller than the ghost bride herself. Some.

Lu Baoshen didn't reply, as if he was thinking about something.

Soon after, he gave his answer: "Is there bigamy in the underworld?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Well, he admitted, he still underestimated these guys.

You've only been away for a while, what the hell are you doing?

Visiting a club?

Who the hell is holding a meeting in a funeral home?

Also, why is the Ghost Bride involved?


Time goes back to before Yu Liang entered the player game.

Lu Baoshen walked out of the room and began to wander around the building aimlessly.

Just as Lu Mingzhe analyzed before, all the windows in the building where they were located faced the east.

This building is the territory of "Suspicion", and the minced meat on the fifth floor is also the residue produced by "Suspicion" after eating.

Lu Baoshen quickly arrived at the first floor. According to the instructions on the map, this was the supermarket.

"Let's go, Lu Baoshen, go in and take a look." Li Huachao saw "1F" written on the door of the stairwell, and his mood suddenly became a little eager.

The previous advertisement on "Tian Tian Ji Li" revealed one thing.

The masked man's grocery store is on this floor.

As an old friend, how could Li Huachao not visit his old friend?

So he did not hesitate to instigate Lu Baoshen to go in and take a look.

Lu Baoshen had never had any opinions, so he followed Li Huachao's words and walked into the supermarket.

It is said to be a supermarket, but in fact it is just a larger canteen.

It was late at night and the canteen was pitch dark.

Lu Baoshen could walk into the canteen, but the glass cabinets where the goods were placed were locked, probably to prevent anyone from coming in and stealing things in the middle of the night.

It's probably not business hours now.

There is a statue of the God of Wealth placed in the cabinet near the front desk. Different from the normal God of Wealth, this statue of the God of Wealth is wearing white mourning clothes. His head also seems to have been bumped on the ground, so there is a small gap.

The gap stretched all the way to the corner of his mouth, and the face that was supposed to be smiling suddenly turned into a sinister smile.

There is something installed in the God of Wealth's eyes, which is emitting a faint red light, which illuminates the small area around the front desk, making the canteen here look even weirder.

"!" Lu Baoshen was shocked, but then he covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any noise.

He saw a lucky cat beside the statue of the God of Wealth.

The face of the Lucky Cat has a very human and treacherous look, and the hands that are constantly waving are not cat paws at all, but living human hands, with dark brown blood stains on the snow-white human hands.

Lu Baoshen was a little scared when he suddenly saw this scene in the dark environment.

"The Lucky Cat and the God of Wealth?" Li Huachao was helpless, "Why is this copy full of supernatural ghosts?"

He is not good at dealing with this kind of thing. If it is a flesh-and-blood Western-style horror monster, he can make the monster understand who the monster is.


I always feel that the hunter profession is about to retire from the environment.

One generation after another, one generation after another.

Li Huachao sighed quietly in his heart.

But then I thought about it, he was actually an animal tamer.

The last update opened the monster bar system, so this is a "pet version". The beast tamer has not been cut, but has been greatly enhanced.

Well, that's right.

"Touch the cabinet." Lu Mingzhe reminded Lu Baoshen.

Lu Baoshen did as he was told, and then looked at his fingers. There was no obvious dust on the cabinet.

Lu Mingzhe also saw this scene and thought about it silently.

This shows that this canteen is cleaned by someone and is not always resting.

But there are no other players in this building.

So who is going to come over and buy something?

Other apartment building players?

This is possible.

If this is the case, it means that only this building has such a canteen.

"Touch the God of Wealth." Li Huachao saw Lu Baoshen being so obedient, so he encouraged him in Lu Mingzhe's tone.

"No." Lu Baoshen naturally refused to do it. The two fortune-seeking things looked very strange at first glance, and he did not want to satisfy Li Huachao's strange curiosity.

It's just that he still doesn't have a clear understanding of his own physique.

The passive skill "Don't Believe in Evil" quietly took effect. The Lucky Cat's hand shook faster and faster, gradually creating an afterimage, then shook it off and flew towards the landing to protect itself.

"!!" Lu Baoshen was startled again and hurriedly tried to escape, but in this dark environment, he couldn't see clearly the flight path of the human hand, so he was hit directly in the chest by the human hand.

He subconsciously grabbed the hand, and then panicked again, trying to shake it away.

However, at this time, the man's hand was intertwined with his, and the squeeze was so tight that he couldn't shake it off at all.

"Give me my hand!" In the darkness, the Lucky Cat's eyes glowed red, directly covering Lu Baoshen.

“Give me back, give me back, give me back, give me back, give me back—”

The Lucky Cat's mouth kept ringing with the same words, but they became more and more urgent, like a small hammer hitting Lu Baoshen's heart, making him more and more frightened.

"Go, give your hand back to him." Li Huachao said, with the intention of watching the excitement.

This Lucky Cat is just a T2 level psychic.

It's scary for ordinary players, but for them who now have three souls in one body...

Not a problem at all.

As for Lu Mingzhe, he also agreed that he didn't want to watch the fun, but wanted to train Lu Baoshen.

From now on, I am afraid that I will be the only person to take charge of the Kaitan world. It will not work if I am afraid of any random Kaitan creature.

Not only Li Huachao, but also Lu Mingzhe had the same idea. None of the strange creatures under the root had anything to be afraid of. The gap between them and the players was not that scary.

"Okay." Seeing that the two people in the universe were unwilling to take the initiative to help him, Lu Baoshen could only sigh and slowly walked towards the lucky cat.

He stood still at the front desk, then took off the hand holding his own and placed it on the glass counter. He said politely: "Give it back to you."

"This is not my hand, this is not it!" Lucky Cat shook his head quickly and gradually laughed sinisterly, "What I want is another hand, and the hand I want is without blood stains!"

Its voice was thick, and it sounded completely different from that cute image.

"Uh." Lu Mingzhe realized that the Lucky Cat wanted his hand, and suddenly felt a chill in his back. He kept shaking his head, "No, I can't give this to you."

"Then I'll get it myself!" the Lucky Cat said sternly, the red light in its eyes getting even brighter.

Lu Baoshen also felt a sharp pain in his remaining hand, as if a saw was rubbing back and forth on his wrist, trying to saw off his hand.

This scene also made Li Huachao in the universe angry: "I'm so embarrassed."

Yu Liang only has one hand left, what else can he do if he loses another one?

He directly drove Lu Baoshen back to the universe and took charge himself.

"Hehe." Li Huachao looked at the lucky cat at the front desk with a smile, and said in a strange tone: "Dear little kitty——"

He placed the ghost bride's white hands wrapped in sinister energy and Tuyou's big white legs on the counter together: "Is it this ghost hand you lost, this white leg, or this ordinary human hand? "

"!!!" The Lucky Cat was surprised. It felt that Li Huachao had a completely different temperament than before.

Looking at the origin of the ghost hand, there is no doubt that the ghost bride is a T1 level terrifying monster, and the white leg also contains a T1 level aura.

Lucky Cat:"……"

Why do you suddenly feel like you've hit a brick wall?

It pointed honestly at the hand on the far side, which was also the hand it had just thrown out.

"Hey, I won't give it to you." Li Huachao put Tuyou's legs and the human hand into the inventory, "If I pick it up, it's mine."

"You!" The Lucky Cat suddenly became anxious.

"Huh?" Li Huachao raised his eyebrows.

Lucky Cat: "Meow~"

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