The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 170 I'm sorry, I was wrong... Where did I go wrong? !

"I think I've gotten my first glimpse into the secrets of money."

In front of the golden throne, the money-keeper said slowly.

The words floated between heaven and earth, as if they were a declaration or an oath.

When it said this, it really had the aura of a T2-level monster.

It seemed like a sense of oppression from another dimension.

Li Huachao knew that this money-keeping ghost was stunted.

This was the case as early as in the prison mirror copy. Because the Money Keeper adheres to the strange way and resolutely refuses to eat human flesh, its degree of mutation is much lighter than that of the other sins. It has not turned into a dozen-story-high flesh. The sea has not become a female body wall that is easily banned.

But now, Li Huachao suddenly felt that this guy seemed to have realized something, and he felt like he was blessed with good luck.

So he stepped forward without hesitation and punched twice, which made the money-slinger hold his head and cry.

The money-keeper also knew the current affairs, and immediately made a "please" gesture towards his throne, nodded and bowed and said: "Brother, please sit down, please sit down."

"Good." Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction, reached out to touch the money-keeper's head, and then jumped up onto the golden throne.

Sure enough, capital is servile and will succumb to the iron fist without hesitation once power is on its side.

The army continued to march, and the little episode just now did not cause any disturbance to these strange creatures. When the fist was smashed, none of these strange creatures came to defend the money-slinger. For them, the one sitting on the throne It doesn't seem to matter who you are, what matters is doing your own thing.

However, the Snake Snake lying on the throne suddenly woke up, and it instantly recognized that the man standing in front of the golden throne was the man who had caught it in prison before.

Not only did he keep it locked up for so long, he also poked it with a stick!

Snake Eater's IQ is not very high, but it still holds a grudge. It suddenly became furious and ejected directly from the throne, rushing towards Li Huachao.

"Hey, isn't this the little Snake-Eating Snake?" Li Huachao dodged to avoid the Snake-Eating Snake, then stretched out his hand to grab the seven-inch position of the Snake-Eating Snake. Panba and Panba tied two knots, pinched it in his hand and observed carefully, "It's actually been so long."

So he grew so big because he ate the dreams here?

"Hiss--" The biting snake struggled desperately and opened its mouth to bite Li Huachao, but Li Huachao's hands were like iron pliers, easily restraining the black snake.

"It's a bit troublesome. It looks like it needs to be trained properly." Li Huachao frowned and decided to spend a little time to tame the little broken snake, so he smiled brightly at the money-grubber, showing his white teeth, "It and I I have some personal matters to deal with. You go in first, turn left and right and then go straight until you find the small square, Lu Baoshen will tell you what to do."

"Huh?" The money-sucking ghost blinked, but before it could react, Li Huachao shot the word "wake up" at the snake-eating snake, and then shot it at himself.

The man and the snake disappeared in an instant before the eyes of the Scrooge. The Scrooge stood there and thought for a moment, looking at the golden throne and the road under his feet. He decided to walk on his own and walked into the underground mall.

Whoever wants to sit on this throne can sit on it. It is no longer needed anyway, and it is better for it to be more honest.

There's no telling when the iron fist will fall.


The confident "Yu Liang" is loved by everyone, and the confident Gui Gui gets punched.

The money-keeper led this army into the underground mall and headed towards the store according to Li Huachao's instructions.

On the other side, Li Huachao, who returned to the real prison, looked at the Snake that was huddled in the corner in front of him, and said hello politely: "Good evening, little snake."

Biting Snake stared at Li Huachao alertly, not daring to move at will.

It knew that it was no match for the guy in front of it, so it didn't bother to run anymore.

What makes it even more concerning now is something else.

Snake Eater didn't know what happened to him, but in just a short while, he returned to reality from the honey jar just now.


What about edible dreams that big?

"You've discovered it. This is reality. There is no food here for you to eat like crazy." Li Huachao bowed first and then attacked, explaining the reason to it.

The previous Snake Eater lived in an office and lived alone for a period of time, which shows that in reality it can also eat dreams and not starve to death, but in reality it only takes so long to grow to only twenty or thirty centimeters, entering After the dream, it grew to more than ten meters in such a short period of time, which shows that it can still eat enough and grow quickly in the dream.

It's just that the authority to enter the dreamland is now in Li Huachao's hands, and what Li Huachao has to do now is to let him understand this.

Who can let it eat dreams freely?

Biting Snake raised his head, and there was doubt in his huge snake eyes.

So what exactly is going on?

However, it didn't think deeply about the reason, because it subconsciously gave up thinking, and then began to regret why it didn't eat more when it was in the dream.

Isn’t it just that my belly is so round that I can’t eat anymore?

Maybe you can get one more bite.

When Snake Eater thought about never opening his mouth again to eat that delicious dream, he immediately twisted in pain, retracted his head into the thread made by his body, and rolled into a ball in the corner. Rolling away, he kept making painful screams of "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch," from his mouth.

At the same time, it was twitching, just like the involuntary twitching of a little girl's body when she cries.

A little girl sobbing?

Li Huachao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly found the cuteness of the little snake, which pricked the weird quirk in his heart, so he stepped forward more gently and patted the body of the snake.

Although he didn't know what the snake was going crazy about, he still explained: "Don't worry, I can still send you into the dream just now."

The snake-eating mass rolled for a while, and then an oval-shaped snake head emerged from it, with a pair of snake eyes filled with confusion.

It had grown up with those rabbits and humans. The words spoken by those rabbits and humans were the same as the words spoken by the man in front of it, so it could barely understand them.

Can you let me enter dreamland again?

That place just now?

"Huh?" Snake Eater seemed to be confirming whether what Li Huachao said was true, so he made a confused sound in his throat.

"Well, that's right. If you are willing to follow me in the future, you can have as many dreams as this." Li Huachao was surprised that this broken snake could make so many different sounds, while giving a thumbs up to Snake Eater.

Anyway, it's not him, Li Huachao, who will make the big pie then, so let Yu Liang do the headache.

Didn't Yu Liang just learn rabbit language?

I don’t expect him to be able to create such a big dream like the rabbit-shaped god, but there shouldn’t be any problem feeding this little snake, right?

Li Huachao lowered his head and glanced at the biting snake. It was only fifteen or six meters tall, and it wasn't a big snake.

"Hmm!" It screamed in surprise, its ball-shaped body was quickly untied, and then it rushed towards Li Huachao.

Snake Eater's mind is very simple. It doesn't care if Li Huachao is using it to trick it. Anyway, it will follow whoever can make it eat well.

Li Huachao kicked the biting snake away with an expressionless expression.

Just now he was rolling in the corner, all dirty, stay away from me.

"Okay, wait for me at the underground escalator later, and I'll pick you up." Li Huachao patted Snake Eater's head again, then typed the character "sleep" at Snake Eater, and waited quietly for Snake Eater Go to sleep.

However, this time Snake Snake fell asleep much slower. It seemed that it had just regained some energy in its sleep, so it was still a little noisy. It was not until Li Huachao punched it twice that it finally calmed down and fell asleep.

When Li Huachao saw it finally falling asleep, she also followed closely behind and entered the dreamland together.

[You have entered the scene - underground mall (trial operation)]

He opened his eyes and found himself in a store in an underground mall.

There were hundreds of players lining up outside the store, but inside the store there were only him and a few grass babies.

When Cao Ying saw him appearing, she turned her head and stared at him blankly.

There was a bit of noise outside the store, and Li Huachao even smelled a faint smell of blood.

what's the situation?

He opened the door and walked out of the store, looking at Lu Baoshen who stood up from the table at the recharge desk.

In front of Lu Baoshen was a corpse. There was a blood hole in the chest of the corpse. The blood flowing out of the hole dyed the open space in front of the shop red. There were many onlookers with solemn or curious expressions gathered near the pool of blood.

Someone actually died?

Li Huachao was surprised. He walked up to the corpse. He had no taboos and didn't respect the corpse much, so he kicked it with his feet to confirm that it was dead.

"What happened?" He turned to look at Lu Baoshen.

"Lu Baoshen" picked up the coin in his hand and turned around suddenly, with a pair of teasing eyes. He looked at Li Huachao and said unceremoniously: "Oh? You're here too, why don't you come with us?"

With just one sentence, Li Huachao judged that this was not Lu Baoshen at all, but Lu Mingzhe.

So what happened?

Why did he only leave for such a short time, and whether it was Money Shou Gui or Lu Baoshen, everything could be sorted out?


Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

After Li Huachao left, Lu Baoshen also began to recharge the players according to Li Huachao's instructions.

The accident also happened when the player was recharging.

"You made a mistake. I just gave you a total of fifteen characters. The total should be 50 Cao Ying coins." The man standing in front of Lu Baoshen slapped his hand on the table, venting his anger. dissatisfaction.

There was a small snake tattooed on the tiger's mouth on the back of his hand. At this time, the tattooed snake also lit up its eyes and stared at Lu Baosheng vividly.

As the slap fell, Lu Baoshen also trembled, as if he was frightened by the sound.

He checked his character column again, then looked at his accounting book, and shook his head stubbornly: "No, you only transferred me 10 characters, only 26 Cao Ying coins."

"Impossible, my character column is missing 15 characters. You must have read it wrong." The tattooed man insisted that he had transferred 15 characters. He knew that there would be no answer to this argument.

No one except him and this kid saw the process of transferring characters, and no one else knew what was going on. And there were so many people queuing up behind him. As long as it dragged on, the first one to give in would definitely be This little devil.

Even if the animal trainer comes, the result will be the same.

The trainer didn't know how many characters he had transferred. Even if he found out in the end, he could say he had forgotten it and just apologized. What else could he do in front of everyone?

You can't delay the progress of all players just for him, right?

Is the business still open?

He often uses this trick in reality. As long as he takes the opportunity to stir things up, he can always reap a lot of benefits.

When doing business, of course, it is better to do less than to do more. Most of the store owners will be afraid of his rough appearance. If something really happens, the store owner will still suffer.

And now if you can get some benefits here, that would probably be a good thing.

"But...but I really..." Lu Baoshen checked the account book repeatedly to confirm that he had not made any calculation errors.

At this time, the players behind the tattooed man also began to urge: "No, there are so many people behind you, little boss, can you hurry up?"

Then he leaned out of the queue and said to the players behind him: "Don't you think so? It's so slow, so many people are still waiting."

This sentence also aroused the echo of some players, after all, the tattooed man has been stuck here for several minutes.

This player is the man with the tattoo looking for someone to stir up emotions and create pressure.

Seeing the dissatisfaction of other players, Lu Baoshen immediately began to sweat from his forehead. He had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, so he was a little flustered and completely at a loss for a moment.

"Hey, you're just wrong if you read it wrong. Just admit it honestly. We won't blame you." The tattooed man continued, "There are so many people recharging, but you still wrote it by hand. It's not normal for you to make one or two mistakes." Something about that?”

At the same time, the tattoo on his tiger's mouth began to take effect.

[Coercion]: Make the target feel oppressed.

At the same time, the tattooed man also started to attack Lu Baoshen. His hand slapped Lu Baoshen's forehead, and it seemed that he accidentally squeezed Lu Baoshen's shoulder hard. He said in an impatient tone: "My time is precious. Yeah, don’t talk nonsense with me, either recharge me or give me back my fifteen characters!”

"Yeah, let's just give it back to him first, the people behind us are still waiting." The player started to help again.

Lu Baoshen's head bowed deeply. He was not sure whether he had seen it wrong.

He is inherently stupid and not very clever, so it is normal for him to misread one or two numbers, right?

If it delays Brother Yu Liang's affairs and makes other players angry and leave, wouldn't it get worse?

Forget it, let’s give him the character first.

If there is really a vacancy, he can also go to work for Brother Yu Liang to repay these characters.

But don’t let him do this kind of thing next time. He is really stupid and can easily mess things up.


Worry and inexplicable fear pressed into his mind, and Lu Baoshen's stubbornness began to slowly loosen.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong..." He lowered his head and apologized.

At this moment, Lu Baoshen heard a voice in his mind: "Didn't I say that? Use your abilities when encountering problems. Why are you standing there?!"

Frightened by the sound, Lu Baoshen subconsciously activated his abilities and then "fell asleep".

The next moment, "Lu Baoshen" put on an arrogant mask. He stood up from his position and slapped the tattooed man who was very close to him, imitating Lu Baoshen's words in an eccentric manner: "I'm sorry, I was wrong... "

Then his tone suddenly changed and a hideous smile appeared on his face: "Where did I go wrong?"

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