The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 169 My son...has the qualities of a great emperor!

"Ah sneeze!"

Li Huachao sneezed for no reason.

He suddenly felt as if someone was thinking about him.

I hope it’s the perfumer who misses him.

It doesn’t matter as long as it’s not a man.

Li Huachao thought sincerely in his heart.

Now he has led all the players to the door of the store. He stands at the door and his eyes are quickly searching among the players.

There is no sommelier.

I haven't seen the sommelier since the beginning.

He probably sneaked away a long time ago.

This underground mall is so big, and Li Huachao still has business to do, but he is too lazy to look for traces of the sommelier.

So he set his sights on architects among the player community.

The architect and his team also followed. They also came to see the fun. After all, they didn't trigger any additional ghost story tasks when they came to this underground mall. They didn't have anything to do. They might as well follow Li Huachao and see what he said. What exactly is the low-priced monster?

Li Huachao repeated his old trick and pointed at his feet again.

So the architect smiled again and built an earth platform under Li Huachao's feet, allowing Li Huachao to occupy a high position.

Now the beast tamer appears in front of the player group again, but Lu Xing has disappeared. The architect knows what happened without having to think about it.

But he didn't have any ill feelings towards the beast tamer. He had already said when Lu Xing found him that it was not recommended for the two to have a conflict.

From that moment on, he had stood on an absolutely neutral point of view. He asked the strong men in the team to protect the judge just because he did not want the judge to be involved inexplicably.

Therefore, now the architect only feels a little sad about Lu Xing's death.

No matter how good your gambling skills are, you cannot avoid losing.

In the world of ghost stories, the price of losing a bet is often life.

"I am an animal trainer. As I said yesterday, I opened a shop here. I can sell some strange creatures or other props, such as some characters or small props." Li Hua said, and he looked at the people in the audience. Those players were very satisfied with the players' attention. While turning his head, he also noticed that the door of the store next to him also quietly opened.

Meet the grocery store.

The masked man stood calmly at the door of the store, pretending to be unintentional and eavesdropping on Li Huachao's words.

He had never seen such a large group of players before, and these people were all gathered by Li Huachao, and he became curious for a while.

Does this guy actually have such a high reputation among the player community?

Li Huachao didn't care about the sneaky masked man. He continued to speak loudly on the platform: "As agreed before, the products in our store are definitely within the acceptable range of normal players, and there will be no sky-high prices for three or four stamps. Props.”

"Huh?" The masked man frowned for a moment. He could tell that Li Huachao was sarcastic about him, so he immediately turned around and returned to the store, slamming the door shut.

"So what exactly is that weird creature? How do we use it?" a player asked in the audience.

"This is what I want to show you now." Li Huachao responded, then turned to Lu Baoshen and said, "Go and grab a grass baby from the shop."

"Oh, okay!" Lu Baoshen nodded, trotted into the store, and took out a grass baby from its breeding box.

Li Huachao picked up the grass leaves from Cao Ying's head and displayed them in front of the audience.

The ferocious face of Cao Ying also made the audience exclaim in surprise. Most players have not carefully observed the monsters like this, and most monsters will not let them observe them like this.

And this grass baby didn't care about showing its body in front of everyone. It scratched its bare butt and blew its nose. It didn't seem to be in any discomfort.

"This is a grass baby, a T5 level monster creature. It is gentle in nature and relatively timid. After my simple taming, its aggressiveness has been greatly reduced." Li Huachao introduced the grass baby to the players, and then the advantages of the grass baby. , “Their senses of smell and hearing are very sensitive, and they can detect the scent of other strange creatures from a long distance and warn their owners in advance. However, their movement speed is very slow. Of course, this is not critical, because they weigh about the same as a baby. They can be carried around by their masters. All grass babies come with a racial ability - Ling Ren."

He continued: "The target will be intimidated when it appears for the first time. The intimidated target will reduce the desire to attack the units near Cao Ying in a short period of time. The degree of this reduction is also related to the gradient level of the target itself. The higher the gradient level, the more likely it will be. The time that the strange creatures are affected will also be shortened."

Li Huachao also smiled when he said this, as if he thought of something interesting: "The area around this grass baby is very small. Basically, it can only reduce the possibility of being attacked by its owner, and the intimidated monsters can also Other players are often chosen as the next target of attack. You should know that for monsters, 'who you kill' is not important, but 'killing' is important."

At this point, some quick-reacting players in the audience realized a very crucial thing, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Yes, it doesn't matter who you kill. Killing is important. This is for monsters. But for players, it's just the opposite. Who you kill is the most important thing. In short, it can't be you.

Wouldn't it be possible to bring such a little straw baby with you to save lives at critical moments?

As for others...

When you are attacked by strange creatures, you have no time to take care of yourself. Do you have time to take care of others?

For a moment, the players who had figured this out became jealous and looked eagerly at Li Huachao on the stage, or to be precise, at the humble little Cao Ying.

Although it is very weak, every ability is tailor-made for escaping, which is the most effective.

For most players, turning around and fighting back is because they are forced to do so and they do so as a last resort. Of course, they should give priority to running away if they can.

But the sturdy man standing next to the architect curled his lips and whispered with some disappointment: "That's it. I thought it could be some kind of excellent pet, but it turned out that it was just to make it easier to escape. In this case, the substitute is also a bit There are so many.”

"No, it's not that simple." The seal carver shook his head. He was thinking of something deeper, "The animal trainer just said that this kind of grass baby seems to be inexpensive, so many players may buy it. So imagine that when you are with other players, you suddenly meet a powerful monster. Everyone else takes out grass babies one after another, which reduces the monster's desire to attack you, but among the people present, you are the only one who has no grass. Ying, then who will the monster attack first?"

The strong man's expression changed.

His fighting ability is strong, but that doesn't mean that he wants to directly confront the Kaitan creature every time.

When he met the flesh-and-blood monsters in T2, his choice was to run, not because he couldn't beat them, but because he didn't want to get hurt.

Once he is injured in the battle, the variables are gone. It is better to escape early. Anyway, he can run much faster than ordinary players.

"Don't I have to buy it?" The strong man said helplessly, "But this thing is not of much use to me. I only buy it as a decoration."

The seal engraver sighed: "Yes, this is the disgusting thing about this thing. It seems to consider the players, but in fact it is a disguised form of forcing all players to buy Cao Ying. If you buy it, you will stand with others. Starting from the same starting point, if you buy it, it will be in vain; if you don’t buy it, you will be the one who suffers from it, and you may lose your life."

He couldn't help but marveled: "This guy looks careless and not good at planning, but in fact he is very shady."

"Does the animal trainer really have so many grass babies that can be provided to the players?" The architect frowned slightly. He also quickly figured out the final twists and turns, but there were still things he hadn't figured out.

How could there be so many grass babies?

Where did this guy get his stuff from?

On the stage, Li Huachao put on a pair of thin rubber gloves and showed the players the healthy body and neat teeth of the grass baby in his hand, and added a more detailed introduction: "The grass babies like ours are very good. They are healthy. They have little body odor and like to be quiet. They have the same ability to photosynthesize as plants, so they can be easily maintained by just watering them every day. If possible, you can also feed them some metal products, which can make them healthy. The hair and blades of grass are brighter."

"To sum up, Cao Ying is a kind of pet that is extremely suitable for ordinary players to keep. It can be said that apart from being a little uglier, they have no obvious flaws." Li Huachao defined it.

At this time, another player in the audience asked: "How much is the price of this strange creature? If it is too expensive, we can't afford it."

"Very good, that's what I want to say now." Li Huachao nodded, "Our transactions are essentially barter, but in order to make the price clearly visible, my store adopts a recharge system. You can use characters or It’s props and other valuable things that can be recharged into Cao Ying coins, and then used to make purchases using Cao Ying coins.”

He found a wooden board with regular recharge methods written in advance, using different types of characters to recharge.

When players use props to recharge, this is also divided into two situations:

If the props presented by the player were obtained from their own exploration, then the value of the props needs to be judged by Yu Liang himself, but Li Huachao estimates that truly valuable props will not be used to recharge.

The props that can be used to recharge are probably only small objects with some supernatural properties. Such things are worth at most a dozen Cao Ying coins.

Another situation is that the item was exchanged at the grocery store next door, or there was an item with the same name and model in the grocery store.

I met an item selling 1 stamp in the grocery store, and it was worth 20 Cao Ying coins in his shop.

And here he also wants to specifically explain that if you first exchange the stamps for props in the Yumei grocery store and then take them to him to recharge, the recharge will be discounted. For example, the goblin bomb is worth two stamps in the Yumei grocery store. , Normally it is 40 Cao Ying coins, but now Li Huachao can charge 45 Cao Ying coins.

Of course, due to the special nature of this store, Li Huachao does not recommend that players recharge too much. It is best to finish the consumption in the store. If they cannot finish the consumption, he will directly exchange these Cao Ying coins for character cashback.

"And our store is not the only one with this kind of grass babies." Li Huachao changed the topic and started to make a real move, "After being poured with demon blood, the grass babies will also gain a random new ability. For example, the one I have in my hand also has the ability 'Alertness', which can make it easier to spot enemies in the distance."

He concluded: "These grass babies are also strong and weak, and the prices vary. A grass baby with the best characteristics is even harder to find at a price."

Li Huachao wrote the probability of watering the demon blood on the wooden board together with the prices of various grass babies. After all, the probability must be disclosed in the lottery, which is a national regulation.

This statement also caused an uproar among the players in the audience. They did not expect that a simple grass baby could be played well by Li Huachao, but this new gameplay was unexpectedly good because the price of grass baby was indeed not high.

Compared with the value, the price of these grass babies is even considered cheap.

The lowest grade Cao Ying only requires eight Cao Ying coins, which can be exchanged for four simple characters.

Rounding it all off, wouldn’t it cost no money?

Not to mention the very interesting Cao Ying blind box. Each Cao Ying blind box has a 20% probability of opening up excellent characteristics, and a Cao Ying with excellent characteristics can buy 50 Cao Ying coins. You can resell it to the store to get blood back...

I just don’t know what the beast trainer said about the grass baby with the best characteristics. If I could draw one, wouldn’t I make a lot of money?

"Okay, I've basically finished what I want to say. Now I want to leave for a while." Li Huachao looked back and saw that there were only these ten grass babies in his shop, and he immediately made a decision: "All players, please recharge first. , and conduct unified transactions later.”

After saying this, he simply gave Lu Baoshen a few instructions and asked him to use a pen and paper to record the players' recharge amounts. As for the characters that were recharged, they were first stored in Lu Baoshen's place.

If there is something that cannot be solved, let his brother handle it. During this period of time, Lu Baoshen has also accumulated some luck points. If he does not set his luck points very high, Lu Mingzhe should be able to appear for a long time.

After doing all this, Li Huachao quickly left here and walked along the previous road to Heping Community.

He wants to see if he can bring over the grass babies in the apartment. There are only ten of them now. How can he stimulate players to spend?

Soon, Li Huachao ran to the escalator of the underground mall. He got on the escalator and was stunned when he looked at the surface.

The first scene that comes into view is truly shocking——

There was a mighty army coming towards him.

Hundreds of grass infant soldiers were arranged neatly, surrounding the tall figure in the center.

Under its seat is a gorgeous throne made of gold and silver. The throne, wrapped in gold and silver jewelry, has four legs and is sliding forward slowly and smoothly.

It was leaning on the throne, with a long black snake of more than ten meters hanging behind its neck. The head and tail of the black snake were entangled on both sides of the throne. The snake's body was like the armrest of the throne. Let its hands rest on the cold snake body armrest. superior.

One hand slowly stroked the snake's body, and the other held a jar.

There were bats hovering above its head. They were like scouts. They spotted Li Huachao from a distance, spun around, landed on its fingertips, and reported the situation to it.

It is followed by mourning-faced figures, who are respectful and like servants.

The army soon arrived in front of Li Huachao.

The figure on the golden throne also slowly stood up, but the legs of the throne seemed a bit high, and it could not step down directly due to its height, so it opened the jar and sprinkled a handful of gold sand.

The three mourning-faced figures on the side immediately knelt down, lowered their heads and knelt on the ground, picking out golden sand from the sand.

Whenever they pick out the gold sand, the gold sand will disappear into the air and turn into a stream of light and sink into the jar in its hand.

Although I gained nothing, I never tired of it.

While the mourning-faced humanoid was selecting the golden sand, it also landed on their swollen backs in front of the throne and slowly walked down the stairs made of "people".


Li Huachao recognized this figure as a matter of course.

It raised its head slightly, looked at Li Huachao, and then slowly said: "I think I have had my first glimpse of the mystery of money."

My son, a money-keeper, has the qualities of a great emperor!

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