The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 159 Natural stupidity and irritable brother


Sure enough, it came.

The appearance of the young gambler did not surprise Yu Liang. It would be better to say that he had been prepared to see the gambler character in a short time.

The profession of gambler is similar to that of writer, and is a relatively typical developmental alienation profession.

This kind of profession is almost useless in the early stage. Before accumulating enough fortune points, it is even a squishie with its own negative skills.

A smart person should have a clear enough understanding of his own abilities. If he can't do it, he just can't do it. It's normal to come to him directly.

The created characters will appear in the world view where Yu Liang is currently located, so the little gambler is created directly in the real world, not in a rabbit game.

This point has already been referenced in the previous prison mirror copy. Yu Liang created it after entering the first mirror world. The writer profession created in this way will also appear directly in that mirror town instead of the second mirror world. The mirror world or the real world.

In reality, it is the Forgotten City. In this Forgotten City, even the source of ghost stories such as the rabbit-shaped god only occupies one area.

To use the word "zhi" to describe it, the current Forgotten City is a ghost.

With the gambler's current personal ability, the possibility of surviving in this forgotten city is very low, and the possibility of surviving and developing to pose a threat to Yu Liang is even lower.

The little gambler can see Lu Xing's entire life experience, including Lu Xing's death and the scenes before Lu Xing's death.

Lu Xing committed suicide for his own last dignity, and also for Yu Liang to give the bartender a way out.

For Yu Liang, Lu Xing is the top priority and the real threatening opponent.

As for the bartender who has hidden himself in the rabbit game, if Yu Liang happens to meet him in a dream and is not in a good mood, he will kill him easily. If the bartender hides well and never misses his head, then Yu Liang will not bother to look for it.

Although Heping Community is not big, there are several apartment buildings. If the bartender really wants to hide, Yu Liang won't have that much time to spend time with him.

The opportunity to create this copy has been exhausted. Yu Liang will not get much benefit if he wastes time killing the wine master.

Because what he lacks most now is time.

Tomorrow's early morning is the opening time of the underground mall, and the rabbit-shaped god will also appear at that time. This is the best time for "it" to wake up, but Yu Liang's current level of rabbit language does not allow him to create in a dream A beam of light.

In the tight time of less than a day, Yu Liang was already considering whether to enter the mirror world and slow down the flow of time to assist learning. Naturally, he did not want to waste it on the unimportant sommelier.

You might as well be a favor, and maybe the little gambler you create will build up an initial favorability.

Of course, if after falling asleep for a certain time, Li Huachao, who was determined to retaliate, went to find the bartender and deal with it...

Naturally, Yu Liang would not stop him in any way.

Everything depends on the sommelier's own destiny. At least now Lu Xing has given his destiny a good start.

"what's your name?"

Yu Liang walked up to the man who could only be called a boy and asked.

"Excuse me, where can I see my name?" The boy turned his head and asked politely and seriously.

"Huh?" Such a response also stunned Yu Liang. He looked at the boy carefully again, and saw that the expression on the boy's face didn't look like he was joking. Then he replied, "You should be able to see a virtual page. Open the page. It has your name on it."

"Oh." The boy sat motionless, seemingly operating on the so-called page. After a while, he looked up at Yu Liang again, "My name is Lu Baoshen."

"Bao Shen? The one who Mingzhe Bao Shen is?" Yu Liang then asked, seeing Lu Baoshen nodding, he felt a little weird in his heart.

There used to be a man named Zhao Mingzhe in the prison, and now you have Lu Baoshen. Although the name sounds a bit confusing, Mingzhe is better than Baoshen anyway.

This name seems to have been chosen randomly from the world of ghost stories. In comparison, the name Li Huachao sounds much better.

"Okay, Lu Baoshen, you should know who I am." When Yu Liang actually saw the boy, his previous guesses were instantly dismissed.

This doesn't look like someone with a high IQ, but rather a bit naturally stupid.

"I know you are the one who created me." Lu Baoshen stood up and bowed sincerely at ninety degrees, "Please take me in."

He stayed there for a long time, seeming to organize his words. After sorting out the logic, he continued: "I have seen it all. The man named Lu Xing kills people casually. He is not a good person, and you killed him, so you are a good person. , so I am willing to identify with you and join your universe."

Yu Liang: "..."

what's the situation?

The gambler's luck value was added to him?

I identified with his creative character from the very beginning. This was really the first time I met him.

It's just that judging from the child's words and deeds, he really doesn't look like a smart person, which is somewhat different from Yu Liang's expectation.

These creations are based on the prototype in reverse, right?

Lao Du is calm, Li Huachao is happy; Lu Xing is smart, but Lu Baoshen is dull.

Forget it, at least his professional ability is still very strong.

"But how did you find me?" Yu Liang asked, "Is your random birth point in this prison?"

Lu Baoshen shook his head: "No, it was in a big room at first, and then I used the ability to become lucky. As a result, I fell asleep and appeared here when I woke up."

"Asleep?" Yu Liang noticed something was wrong.

Didn't this guy find this place while sleepwalking?

But I haven’t seen Lu Xing fall asleep and sleepwalk when using his abilities.

"Yeah." Lu Baoshen nodded affirmatively.

"So where does your fortune come from?" Yu Liang thought of his previous guess.

"I was accumulating in front of that machine. There was a voice in my head telling me to do it, so I did it." Lu Baoshen replied.

Li Huachao was also bluffing at this moment: "Is there a voice in my head? Doesn't this guy have a dual personality? Then you have made a lot of money this time, one person is worth two."

"Perhaps, I have some doubts about it. Maybe that personality will only appear after Lu Baoshen activates his ability." Yu Liang replied to Li Huachao from the bottom of his heart, "I will let him use his ability again."

"Then do you still have luck value now? If you still have it, try activating your ability." Yu Liang planned to verify his conjecture.

According to the theory of relativity, since Lu Baoshen is a bit dull under normal conditions, Lu Baoshen with his abilities turned on should be smarter, right?

How else could you be a gambler?

Is gambling purely based on luck?

"Two seconds left." Lu Baoshen nodded mechanically, and then followed Yu Liang's instructions to activate his ability.

Yu Liang naturally felt a completely different aura on Lu Baoshen's body. Not only his luck, but also Lu Baoshen's eyes were different from before.

It turned out that Lu Baoshen's eyes were a little dull, and he would always drift to other places unconsciously. It often took Yu Liang to emphasize his tone before he could come back from his wandering state.

At this moment, "Lu Baoshen" also widened his eyes in shock. He first looked at his surroundings, then at his own body, and spoke very quickly: "Why did I come out again? I didn't tell this stupid bird that he was in danger." Do you want to use your abilities again? All the luck he earned through labor and labor will be ruined by me! Zhuo, I’m really fed up..."

The voice of "Lu Baoshen" stopped suddenly, because the two seconds of luck blessing had ended, and was replaced by Lu Baoshen's eyes like a dull animal, with confusion in his eyes: "I feel like I fell asleep again just now. Sleep."

Yu Liang: "..."

If you guessed correctly, the one who just came out should be called Lu Mingzhe, right?

If Kaitan World hasn't given him a name yet, then he might as well call him Lu Mingzhe.

The natural idiot and the irritable old man stay in the same body, and they have dual personalities...

Although this setting is really inexplicably interesting, the new characters created are really unreliable.

"Just lower your luck first and accumulate some luck. It'll be okay, I'll protect you." At this point, Yu Liang could only do this.

Let Lu Baoshen accumulate more fortune points, so that Lu Mingzhe can be free for a while.

Although Lu Mingzhe seems to be very irritable, at least he has a good brain.

From what he said just two seconds ago, we can also know that it was Lu Mingzhe who asked Lu Baoshen to delay in the entrance animation to accumulate fortune points.

Yu Liang walked through the corridor and went down the stairs.

He wanted to go back to the rabbit-human's office and take back the little unfortunate guy's room 225. He couldn't take it back when he was in the dream before.

When he was in the office before, Snake Eater did not come out, but after Lu Xing walked into the office, Snake Eater jumped out and attacked.

Obviously, this is because of the gambler's professional ability - not believing in evil.

It is easier for Kaidan events and Kaitan creatures to find him.

Then with this little gambler, you might be able to trigger some strange stories in the office.

Yu Liang first went to the corridor on the first floor, took out the prison mirror, entered the mirror world, and found room 225.

At this time, the door frame of Room 225 had been slightly deformed. If you look closely, it seemed to be shaking. However, as Yu Liang's trusted helper, it stuck to its bottom line and did not open the door.

Didn't release the biting snake from the room.

"Ugh!" After seeing Yu Liang's figure, Room 225 suddenly let out a scream, as if complaining to Yu Liang, crying about the grievances he had received during this period.

Yu Liang also patted the door frame of Room 225, and then opened the door.

The scene inside the room was unbearable to look at. It was as if it had been demolished by two huskies. Everything was in a position that Yu Liang had not expected.

The table is built into the wall, the quilt is hung from the electric fan on the ceiling, and the bed is spread neatly on the floor.

There is no one living in room 225, so there was originally no garbage, but now at a glance, the floor is full of fragmented garbage...

At this moment, a black shadow was still running around the room, constantly hitting the wall, knocking out small craters in the originally white wall. The wall skin peeled off, revealing the gray concrete inside.

"There is no fart smell in this room." Yu Liang took a few sniffs to confirm that there was no strange smell here.

In other words, this snake is probably the one that swallowed the dream.

"Ah? I kinda want a snake that can fart and eat farts." Li Huachao's voice also sounded a little disappointed, "It's super cool."

The black shadow stopped in the air, turned around and looked at the open door and the two people standing at the door.

Its whole body shone with black light, and the scales on its torso opened slightly, and then it slowly spat out pink snakes, and its vertical pupils were full of malice.

Lu Bao realized what he was doing and stood silently behind Yu Liang.

Yu Liang switched out of Li Huachao, then closed the door. After some struggling, he finally caught the biting snake and put it in the bag again.

He could feel that Snake Eater was still struggling, but Yu Liang didn't bother to care about it.

It would be better to leave the taming of strange creatures to Li Huachao.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry.

Yu Liang took back room 225, turned around and walked through the prison mirror to reality, then opened the Rabbit Human's office and walked in.

This time when I came in, the situation in the office was very different from before.

It could be said that there was order in chaos before, but this time it was pure chaos.

It can be clearly seen that this office has been rummaged through, almost turned upside down.

Yu Liang walked over and picked up a few books with rabbit language written on them, and put them into the bag in his hand. He could use them as translation homework when he went back to improve the efficiency of learning rabbit language.

After he opened the door of this room to search and left, Lu Xing came in again, but it seemed that it was not locked after Lu Xing left. Therefore, after all the previous prison players woke up, this office seemed to have been thoroughly searched by them.

This also exposed a small TV buried under a mountain of documents.

The players in the prison placed it in the corner and connected it to the wires, but for some reason, the TV still couldn't be turned on.

The moment Lu Baoshen walked into the room, the TV with a black screen suddenly turned on. After a burst of snowflakes accompanied by noisy sounds, pictures and sounds appeared on the TV screen.

"Okay, then the time has come to the second half. The Red Team Rabbit team took the lead and the ball was passed to the feet of No. 10. No. 10 received the ball and kicked it out. It was passed far to... No. 15 received the ball and shot! Beautiful! Clean. Stop the ball and shoot, the arc and angle of the ball are very tricky."

There seemed to be a football match being broadcast on the TV. The two teams on the green field were wearing red and blue jerseys. They were playing very anxiously, and the commentator was also talking very excitedly, making the people listening to the game immersive.

Yu Liang noticed that there was a logo on the TV.

The red square's symbol is a rabbit head, while the blue square is a human head.

If you look closely, you will see that the two parties on the court are the rabbits and humans playing football.

The Rabbit Man just scored a point, so the score is now 2:2.

"It seems that the No. 15 player's feet are hot. The Rabbits have another victory. The score is now 2:2. Serve. Okay. It can be seen that both sides are fighting fiercely for the ball. It's the same as the first half. The playing style is completely different, maybe the coach gave new instructions..." The TV was still explaining, "How will both sides perform? Let's wait and see."

At this time, Lu Baoshen nodded silently. He seemed to understand something, then raised his head and asked Yu Liang:

"Which team is 2?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Li Huachao: "..."

Commentary: "..."

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