The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 158 The appearance of gamblers and opportunities

In the vast whiteness, the created characters slowly emerged.

Judging from the height of the back, it seemed that he was not an adult, but a child.

He is about twelve or thirteen years old, with short hair, and he should be a little boy.

He stood in front of the turnstile in a daze for a while, continuing to look at the turnstile. Then he sat down on the spot and continued to be in a daze.

sit down?

Yu Liang was also stunned when he saw this creation scene.

There was an entrance animation when Li Huachao was created before, but why is the character created this time a bit weird?

But the little boy just sat there, and time passed by minute by second.

I don’t know how long he sat there, but the gate that symbolized entering the Kaidan dungeon seemed to have finally gotten impatient. He stretched out two mechanical arms to grab the little boy’s shoulders and threw them into the white light at the entrance. .

"Get lost." The electronic voice in the turnstile shouted angrily.

Since then, the entry animation of the created character has completely ended.

After watching the entrance animation, Yu Liang and Li Huachao fell silent at the same time.

"Why do I feel like this guy is a little weird?"'

This is Yu Liang's doubt.

"Is this gate so high? Don't let me catch you next time."

This is Li Huachao's thinking.

"One thing to say, this guy seems to be a bit stupid." Li Huachao thought about it and gave a fair evaluation, "Isn't he afraid that he is hiding in there and doesn't dare to come out?"

"It's possible." Yu Liang nodded, then changed his tone, "But I'm more inclined to believe that he is there to accumulate luck."

He continued: "Obviously, there will not be any danger in the space just now, so it does not matter even if you reduce your luck value during this period, but you can accumulate some luck value before entering the dungeon. for better copy exploration.”

"Is that so?" Li Huachao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this dull-looking guy had ulterior motives.

Would normal people think of using the novice entry animation to hoard the first wave of resources?

Most likely not. From the looks of it, this guy is likely to be a resourceful character.


The setting of a highly intelligent gambler child is not uncommon in some mystery novels, but Yu Liang does not dislike such a setting.

This means that as long as he can conquer this character, he will have teammates with more reliable brains to help him decipher the secret of the root ghost story.

Of course, this is also very troublesome.

Characters with high IQs also mean greater difficulty in conquering them. Generally, guys with high IQs and self-awareness of their high IQs have their own ideas and will not rush to see Yu Liang just for a fight like Li Huachao did. .

Hope this guy can be found soon.

Yu Liangang thought, his eyes falling on Lu Xing's body.

After Lu Xing died, the characters and items on his body also exploded.

Unexpectedly, there are not many characters on Lu Xing.

Among them, there are fifteen characters for "breaking", fifteen characters for "burning", ten characters for "awakening", ten characters for "sleeping", five characters for "power", five characters for "imperial", and five characters for "resistant". Five.

The number of each character was so neat that Yu Liang suspected that Lu Xing had prepared it in advance, rather than using the leftovers after the battle.

If you think about it carefully, maybe the other characters were transferred to the bartender before this. After all, the bartender has followed him for so long, and Lu Xing will definitely feel a debt in his heart.

But this choice still surprised Yu Liang.

Judging from what just happened in the cell, Lu Xing must have wanted to trade his own life for a chance for the bartender to escape, so in this case, transfer the character to the bartender...

Aren't you afraid that Yu Liang will get greedy and find the bartender and deal with it?

Yu Liang couldn't help but touch his heart. Does his heart seem so kind?

Does Lu Xing really believe that he will let the bartender go?


He focused his attention on the items that exploded next to Lu Xing's body.

Since Lu Xing transferred the characters, the reason is probably that Lu Xing believed that the items he had on him were enough to satisfy Yu Liangliang and not care about the characters.

There are two cartoon versions of bombs, some of which are similar to the small bombs in Bomberman that I played when I was a child. There is also a cartoon version of a skull painted on the bomb, which looks a bit cute.

But they are not the same as the bombs that exploded Li Huachao before. They are probably not the same thing. They look more delicate and cute.


chain goblin bomb

Name: Bomb

Texture: Bow

Quantifier: pieces

[Shock Wave]: Each bomb has an explosion range of 2x2. If there is a hard object (such as a wall) blocking the explosion range, the shock wave during the explosion will rebound, causing 100% rebound damage.

[Chain Reaction]: When a bomb is ignited, if the explosion range of the bomb contains another bomb with the same name, the second bomb will be detonated. The explosion range will still be a 2x2 block, and the power will be increased to that of the first one. Twice as many bombs.

Note: Let's - blow up the sky!

(Unit: m)

"This thing looks very interesting." Li Huachao's voice suddenly became excited when he saw the two bombs.

"Indeed, this goblin bomb is really perverted." Yu Liang understood the effect description of the goblin bomb and was surprised by it.

As an item, they actually have exclusive skills and terminology, and their effects are far better than bombs in the real world.

The first is the shock wave. The shock wave during the explosion will rebound from the wall, causing 100% rebound damage.

The rebounding shock wave does not reduce any damage, and there is no upper limit on the number of rebounds.

This completely violates the conservation of energy.

If a goblin bomb exploded within a minute, wouldn't the shock wave bounce back infinitely?

If there is a person in the clock, the infinitely rebounding bomb shock wave will definitely kill him directly.

Used on specific terrain, this goblin bomb can exert extremely terrifying effects.

Yu Liang couldn't help but think of the architect. If the bomb and the architect worked together, first throwing the bomb in front of the enemy, and then the architect creating an earthen wall to surround the enemy and the bomb, the rebounding shock wave would definitely be enough to kill him.

If you cannot break through the earth wall in time and run out, it is normal for you to be directly rebounded to death by the shock wave.

Fortunately, Lu Xing did not win over the architect.

Yu Liang couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, the basic power of this goblin bomb should not be too high, otherwise Luxing at that time should have used the goblin bomb as a trap.

The lack of power of the bomb can also be made up for by the second ability.

chain reaction.

Goblin bombs will detonate other goblin bombs within range, and the power of the detonated goblin bomb is doubled.

This doubling of power increases exponentially. The second one does double damage, the third one does four times, and the fourth one does eight times...

When the number of bombs is small, it may not be obvious. Once the number of bombs exceeds ten, the power of the tenth bomb will be devastating.

Oh, no, it can only destroy everything within a 2x2 range. Increasing power cannot change the explosion range.

Even so, these goblin bombs are too abnormal. You can imagine what a terrifying scene it will be when they appear in groups.

So why is it that humans are not ruling the earth now, instead of goblins?

Yu Liang complained in his heart, and then looked at the object beside him. It seemed to be a long gun with a metal hook on the head and a large bundle of metal ropes coiled behind it.


Goblin grappling gun

Name: Gun

Texture: Wood

Quantifier: put

Note: Please do not launch randomly. After all, no one knows what you will catch.

The remarks about this hook gun are also interesting. It seems like this thing can catch unexpected things?

Yu Liangliang thought, but Lu Xing did not use it in combat at that time, which showed that the hook gun was not suitable for catching people.

Is it used to catch monsters and talk about creatures?

This is in line with their professional abilities.

The hunter attracts monsters and catches them, and the writer draws them into the universe. It’s really an assembly line operation.

So Yu Liang threw the hook gun to Li Huachao, and turned to look at the things below. They were two oversized tubes, about the thickness of a forearm, and the ends were covered with blurry and thick glass pieces, so they could not see Clear the internal structure.


Goblin Flashlight

Name: tube

Texture: Bamboo

Quantifier: one

Note: Have you ever seen a disposable sun?

Note: Are you excited? What if I told you that the sun will explode?

"Disposable?" Li Huachao asked in surprise, "Is this a flashlight? The description looks a bit like a flash bomb. Let me play with it."

"Okay." Yu Liang did not refuse. This was a prop used to assist fighting.

The use of characters requires eyesight, and flash bombs are undoubtedly props that can clear away all eyesight, and to a certain extent have the effect of clearing the scene.

If this kind of flashlight explodes, it will definitely hurt the user's eyes, but Yu Liang is different. He not only has physical eyes, but also conceptual eyes like chess pieces, so there is no need to worry about actually hurting himself. Eye.


Goblin Fishing Rod

Name: Rod

Texture: Bamboo

Quantifier: root

Note: Throw it into a body of water with a volume larger than 1x1x1. What you catch depends entirely on luck.

Note: It is best to only use it once a day. If you use it frequently, you may be targeted by some boring creature. If you're lucky, you'll catch Kyogre, or maybe a Deep One and Dagon.

"Goblin fishing rod..." Yu Liang glanced at the introduction. This fishing rod seemed to have the ability to break the limitations of time and space, and could catch some creatures that did not exist in normal water bodies out of thin air.

Of course, catching Kyogre might just be the comment of Kai Tan World being naughty. After all, it is not a thing with the same style of painting, but it is very possible for the Deep Diver.

It is a creature with a fish head and human body in the Cthulhu Mythology, and it is also the prototype of the murlocs in World of Warcraft. It is a race of high intelligence with an endless lifespan.

As for Dagon, he is the father of the Deep Ones.

Obviously, no matter what kind of Cthulhu monster you catch, it's not going to be a good thing.

It can only be used once a day. This kind of daily lottery is very suitable for the gambler's ability. Maybe he can catch something useful.

But why are these things all goblin technology?

It can't be from the current copy of Rabbit Game, right?

It should be the prop that Lu Xing brought from his previous copy, which also made Yu Liang envious.

It seems that this kind of dungeon is full of black technology props. If you can enter this kind of dungeon, you can probably get a lot of useful props.

Apart from these things, there seems to be nothing particularly useful on Lu Xing's body.

There is a booklet, which, judging from the handwriting, should be Lu Xing's own record. It records the entire process of Lu Xing's exploration of the copy of Rabbit Game.

Judging from the timeline, Lu Xing has been in this dungeon for three months, but he did not choose to become a "game master" to escape the Rabbit Game, but wanted to directly solve the root cause of the strange story here.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Xing has a lot of first-hand information about the origin of ghost stories.

About the third day after entering the rabbit game, Lu Xing discovered that the rabbit game was actually in a dream, so he synthesized the awakening character in a similar way to Yu Liang and went to explore the real prison.

He discovered the tunnels extending in all directions under the prison, went to the rabbit hole in reality, and saw metal balls.

But the metal ball is immune to most attacks, and Lu Xing doesn't know how to destroy it, so he can only return to the dreamland to explore again.

According to the results of the exploration, Lu Xing has discovered that the entire rabbit game dream is related to a mathematical conjecture, and discovered that there is an existing but invisible building between Building 3 and Building 4.

If he was given a little more time, he would be able to get a way into the building and see the core of the source of the ghost story.

The rabbit-shaped god is the source of this dungeon, and it is the cause of this dungeon.

In addition, Lu Xing also used his professional ability of "not believing in evil" to frequently encounter strange incidents, and solved some of them, and obtained many useful stamps. This is why he was able to cause so much trouble to Yu Liang. s reason.

Judging from the current progress of exploration, Lu Xing has not found as much truth as Yu Liang's exploration, and the progress is slower than Yu Liang's. However, in terms of the comprehensiveness of the information, Lu Xing has more trivial details. .

For example, he entered the underground shopping mall in advance through a special method and found the office of the Rabbit-shaped God inside. In that office was the Rabbit-shaped God's schedule.

Most of the time, the rabbit-shaped god is immersed alone in the dream of heaven or the depths of the rabbit game to prevent rabbit people from secretly modifying the dream.

But in the early morning of tomorrow, the rabbit-shaped god will go to the underground shopping mall to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. At that time, some powerful figures in the paradise dream will also come to the Peace Community.

The development of an underground shopping mall is not just about opening a store and doing business like a house, but about expanding the dreamland.

The new dream system needs to be built with "scene" as the core. After the dream is expanded, more players will flock to this dungeon, using the death and fear in dreams to add nutrients to the development of the paradise dream.

Therefore, the opening of the underground shopping mall is definitely a big event for this copy of Rabbit Game.

In this case, if you want to create a beam of light in the four-dimensional world, the best opportunity is to cut the ribbon in the underground shopping mall?

Is it only that day that the rabbit-shaped god will definitely not be waiting at the bottom of the dream?

Yu Liang closed Lu Xing's booklet and had a plan in mind.

And when he walked out of Lu Xing's cell again, he suddenly saw a strange and familiar figure.

A boy was sitting on the stairs at the end of the corridor, with his hands on his knees and his face, waiting boredly for something.


Yu Liang recognized the silhouette instantly.

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