The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 155 (Two chapters in one) Now, it’s my turn.

At this moment, when Li Huachao appeared in the corridor, and when the first monster behind him rushed out of the stairwell, time seemed to stand still for a moment.

This is--

The hearts of Lu Xing and the other three people suddenly stopped for a moment at the same time, as if three big hands were holding their hearts tightly.


Shouldn't it?

Are these strange creatures really driven by their trainers?

Probably not?

Either to comfort themselves, or to instinctively resist the abnormal phenomenon, Lu Xing and others had such doubts in their hearts.

But Li Huachao's attention appeared in a very strange place, that is, the waist of the player not far away.

He saw that the ax on Daqiu's waist was indeed exactly the same as the one held by the clown paper man.

Li Huachao's eyes rolled up, thinking about it.

He directly stuffed the ax he had stolen from the paper man into his inventory, turned around and spread his hands towards the clown man who was following closely behind him, and pointed directly at the waist of the lone player not far away.

Guaitan Clown looked in the direction of Li Hua's finger. The player's ax was hanging on his waist. Being simple-minded, he didn't think too much, but just confirmed that it was his ax.


My axe!

These people are in the same group!

He immediately roared at the player in the distance:

"Die die die die die die die!!!"

The ghostly clown's eyes full of murderous intent were directed towards him, directly targeting the players at the end of the corridor.

"It's targeting me, it's targeting me!" Daqiu's face instantly became extremely ugly. He knew very well that the ugly male monster opposite was targeting him.

And this seems to be a real hammer, dispelling their doubts.

These strange creatures are controlled by the trainer!

Just now, I saw the beast trainer spreading his hands towards the monster behind him, which was at least T2 level, and then pointed at the big hill, and the monster came towards the big hill.

They are all alienated professions, why are you so perverted?

At this moment, this is the only thought in the minds of Lu Xing and the others.

The overwhelming number of strange creatures coming from the other end of the corridor all made people feel desperate.

If the beast tamer had only shown his personal force value before, then what he showed now was his professional ability.

Extremely terrifying professional ability.

Taming animals.

Taming animals? !

Why can such a large number of strange creatures be tamed?

If this kind of profession appears in the world of ghost stories, wouldn't it be considered random killing? !

In the world of ghost stories, written rules dominate. If the alienated professions are writers, writers, Chinese character researchers, etc., then he would admit that these people's professional abilities are abnormal. Why can a beast tamer become the darling of the world of ghost stories?

Who of those serious people are still studying? They will all be sent to zoos, circuses, etc. to be animal trainers!

Not to mention T2 or even T1, to be able to control such a large number of Kaidan creatures, only the source-level Kaidan himself can do this, right?

Lu Xing felt a little unbalanced.

After turning on his ability, he can be said to be the son of luck, but the beast tamer opposite is the GM game manager, right?

Are you going to bring a whole group of dozens of strange creatures to fight him?

How can he be a mere gambler?

"Hot!" Daqiu looked at the two oncoming beast trainers and the huge group of strange creatures behind him. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, and his drunken state was completely broken.

The impact of this scene directly wiped away all his drunkenness. Now his heart is full of regrets, regretting why he agreed to Lu Xing and made trouble for nothing.

But at this moment, there was only one way he could go, and that was to run quickly.

Can only run.

With his strength, he couldn't even deal with any one of those strange creatures, let alone so many of them together.

So he turned around without hesitation and was about to leave. Then he found that Lu Xing and the bartender who were supposed to be beside him had completely disappeared. He didn't know whether those two people were gone.

Damn it, Lu Xing and the others just abandoned me like this?

Daqiu was heartbroken. Looking at the two animal trainers who had already sprinted ten meters in front of him, Daqiu changed his mind again.

At the same time, Lu Xing did not make any extra moves and directly activated his professional abilities, then mobilized all available characters and seals, waiting for Li Huachao to enter his attack range.

Success or failure depends on this. He is still under the concealment effect of the "coward" seal, and the trainer probably doesn't know that he is here yet.

As long as Daqiu ran away according to the planned plan, he and the wine master would be able to sneak attack when Li Huachao came after him.

With the bonus of luck value, this sneak attack can easily hit a critical hit, or even kill it instantly.

This is also Lu Xing's plan B.

This rabbit game is actually beneficial to their side, because the rules of "hide and seek" restrict hiding in the mirror world or hiding in other strange stories.

Although Lu Xing prepared water and a mirror for nothing, it was obviously a good thing. At least he didn't have to worry about the animal trainer playing with the mirror here.

Yu Liang always paid attention to the player who seemed to be alone in front of him, but he did not relax his vigilance, but reminded: "Be careful, there should be no problem with my judgment, Lu Xing is probably nearby, and may be ambushing. "

"Oh." Li Huachao's steps did not change at all, and his expression remained the same, but he was wary in his heart.

No matter how big the difference in strength between the hunter and the prey is, he must be careful. No matter how strong his physical fitness is, if he is directly hit by a character that can kill him, it will be difficult to regain the lost life.

There is no "cancel" character on him now, so he cannot offset the effect of one character.

"I surrender!"

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

Daqiu stepped forward quickly, lowering his head deeply to avoid irritating Li Huachao with his gaze, just like a gangster throwing his gun to express surrender.

He spoke very quickly and expressed his surrender to Li Huachao: "I am just a helper brought by Lu Xing. I was fascinated by his reward. I have no intention of going against you. I will definitely take a detour when I see you in the future. I am willing to give up all the things I have on me." Leave all the characters to you!"

He was also determined and made what he thought was the right choice.

Judging from the current situation, he definitely couldn't outrun Li Huachao and the group of monsters behind him. Instead of being caught up and killed, it would be better to surrender directly.

Maybe the other party thought that he was not the main culprit and would not kill him. Plus, he was willing to hand over his character, which should give him a chance of survival.

But of course he won't actually hand over all the characters, he just needs to test the beast tamer's tone. If the beast tamer acquiesces to the surrender, then there will be no problem if he only enshrines half of the characters.


Lu Xing was shocked in his heart. He only felt that there were more surprises today than in the past year combined.

He has obviously activated his ability to increase his luck to an extremely high level at this moment, but why does this happen?

How could Daqiu suddenly switch sides at this time? It would only take a few seconds for Li Huachao to enter their ambush circle...

Can't this damn fate just come as he expected?


Why? !

At this time, Lu Xing's heart was also extremely unbalanced, and his professional ability that was unfailing in the past seemed so weak at this moment.

It seems that when a plug-in encounters another more buggy plug-in, it will become vulnerable. This sense of gap is enough to defeat any confident player.

"Quickly, change back." Yu Liang looked at the human player five meters in front of him and suddenly realized something.

He quickly switched back to his own body, and then released the mantis cub into the group of strange creatures behind him. Since everyone in the corridor was almost distributed in a straight line, his body became the cub's cover. Players on the opposite side He didn't notice that Zaizi had blended into the group of strange creatures.

The other strange creatures noticed Zai Zi and thought she was one of the same kind chasing the humans in front of them. They did not take the initiative to attack Zai Zi. Instead, they made room for her.

After doing this, Yu Liang also switched back to Li Huachao.

Li Huachao didn't want to understand the reason why Yu Liang did this, but he knew there must be a reason, so he didn't care, and just flashed past Daqiu: "Get out of the way!"

He has no time to accept this guy's surrender now. This clown man is chasing him behind him. Who has time to deal with this player?

Surrender but not surrender...

What do you care about me?

Daqiu was also delighted when he saw this. The animal trainer walked past him and headed straight towards Lu Xing and the wine master, seemingly not wanting to talk to him.

Does that mean you accept his surrender?

Only the first evil should be eliminated?

At this time, the clown man following Li Huachao also chased in front of Daqiu. He glanced at the human standing in front of him and was too lazy to think about why someone dared to stand in front of him like this.

And he was the guy who stole his own axe.

It directly stabbed its hand into Daqiu's chest, dug out the bloody heart alive and stuffed it into its mouth. This was the taste it liked.

Feeling his heart bursting in his mouth and blood flowing at the corners of his mouth, the clown's mood improved a lot.

He used the blood from his mouth to draw random strokes on his face, trying his best to imitate his original clown makeup. Now he looked a little more sinister and ferocious.

The clown pulled out the ax from Daqiu's waist, took it off, and then threw the body that was torn into two pieces directly into the strange creatures behind.

Why? !

Daqiu felt like he was being torn apart like a toy. In the gradually darkening vision, he finally recognized what the strange creature that killed him was.

It's the clown living downstairs!

It's not a strange creature tamed by a beast tamer at all!

It's just that the clown now doesn't have makeup or an ax, so he didn't recognize him before.

Of course, it was too late now. His body was constantly being bitten by the different mouthparts of various strange creatures, and it was soon broken into a pile of parts.



The strange creatures quickly devoured the corpse, and then followed the clown man in pursuit.

"Eh?" Zhuang Wu looked back and looked at the devoured corpse, his heart full of doubts. Now this situation made him confused again.

What's the meaning?

Why would anyone surrender to the guy in front of me?

With so many monsters coming, this fool didn't run away, but just stood there looking for death?

He deserves to die.

But he also had no time to think deeply, and now was not the time to ask, so he could only suppress the doubts in his heart and move on.

Lu Xing, who was hiding in the corner, also frowned. This change was completely beyond his expectation.

He did not see any subordinate relationship between the animal trainer and these strange creatures, and these strange creatures did not seem to obey the trainer's words very much.

This was not the case when trainers used to control shadow monsters...

Lu Xing was not stupid, and he quickly judged that the group of strange creatures were not following the beast tamer at all, but were also chasing the beast tamer!

Damn it, I was cheated!

Lu Xing made a judgment, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. This must be good news for him.

It turns out that the animal trainer is just a fox pretending to be a tiger!

He didn't tame so many T3 or even T2 monsters, but he angered so many monsters.

Lu Xing made a heavy decision in his heart. If this is the case, then this battle will still be fought.

This may be the result of the improvement in luck value. Fate is secretly pointing out a path for him.

The destruction of an insignificant consumable made him aware of the animal trainer's true identity.

To him, it was earned.

After thinking about this, Lu Xing turned his attention again to Li Huachao, who was running closer. Now the distance between them was only six or seven steps.


Lu Xing glanced at his fortune value, which was currently only 29.

In other words, at the current consumption rate, he only has twenty-nine seconds to gain luck.

But this is not enough.

Lu Xing raised his luck to a higher level, so that his luck value would only have ten seconds left.

But ten seconds is enough.

The entire corridor is similar to a straight closed environment. In this case, the animal trainer has no room to resist.

Luxing activated the stamp that he had prepared.

[Lamplighter]: Only once per day. Create a 3x7 fire field that will spread for 5 minutes. The special flame will cause a burning effect. (Body burn: Extensive burn, causing severe pain throughout the body every ten seconds. Movement will tear the burn wound.)

In an instant, large flames spurted out from Lu Xing's fingertips, covering a large area of ​​the corridor in front of him.


Since the beginning, Li Huachao had always been paying attention to the end of the corridor, so when the flames struck, he reacted quickly and quickly retreated to the area behind him, while not forgetting to pull Zhuang Wu beside him.

He punched the door lock of the room next to him and tried to pry the door open.

If this is the player's room, then he will definitely not be able to open it. The player's room is protected by the Kaitan World, and other players cannot break in by force. But if this is the room of the Kaitan Creature, then naturally it will be fine.

Fortunately, Li Huachao successfully opened the door. However, before he could relax, something hanging inside the wooden door shocked him.


He did not see the strange creature. What appeared in front of him was a bomb with a cartoon skull pattern. The fuse on the bomb was about to burn to the last part and it would explode in the next second.

In a flash of lightning, Li Huachao forcibly turned around to the corridor and crashed into the group of strange creatures.


A violent explosion resounded through the building. Li Huachao could feel that his back was also affected by the explosion. The wooden thorns on some wooden doors dug deeply into his back. It hurt when he moved, but he didn't care about this right now. When there is a minor injury.

He was careless just now. Since he could think of hiding in the room when the fire spread, Na Luxing obviously could also think of it, so he set up prop bombs in the room in advance.

"It's been bombed." The bartender's eyes passed through the flames and fell on Li Huachao, who was escaping in a hurry. He vaguely saw someone injured by the bomb, so there was some excitement in his tone.

In this case, it was not in vain that they consumed a precious supernatural prop.

Lu Xing did not speak, but made a "6" gesture to the bartender.

He obviously didn’t mean to praise the winemaker for “666”, but to ask the winemaker to use the sixth base wine.

At the same time, he injected a "force" character and a "royal" character into his body.

Along with the characters, a ball of light flew out from the bartender's side.

[You have received the amplification effect of the base liquor "Brandy": the upper limit of the character bar is +3, the character usage range is increased to 15 steps, and the character release interval is greatly reduced, lasting 15 minutes]

[The player "Wine Master" transfers characters to you, please check in time. 】

There were no unnecessary words, the two of them already had enough tacit understanding.

The effect of the base liquor "Brandy" is to strengthen. When someone uses an enhanced character, "Brandy" can provide a special increase to the target of the character.

The content of the increase is mainly to improve the target's ability to use characters, which is why the characters were transferred to Luxing immediately.

Now, Lu Xing will catch up through the fire field and give the trainer a more critical blow.

As for why it was Lu Xing who chased through the fire field, it was naturally because Lu Xing had a matching special stamp to assist him in combat.

[Eternal Fire]: When you are in flames, the flames will not harm you, but will slowly restore your injuries.


Lu Xing's eyes passed through the flames and landed on several black shadows behind the fire scene. With just one look, more than ten "broken" characters were fired at them.

After the character's release range increased to 15 steps, he was able to directly attack Li Huachao.

It's just that he couldn't see who was who in the flames, so he could only use the character "break" to cast a wide net and attack in a large area.

With the blessing of luck value, these "broken" characters are bound to hit.

At this moment, Li Huachao just escaped the direct impact of the bomb, turned around and rushed into the group of strange creatures. It was so great to lure the monsters just now, but now it is so uncomfortable to be blocked by the monsters.

Fortunately, he was Li Huachao, and he was knocked down and knocked out of the way. After all, those strange creatures did not expect that Li Huachao would charge back at them, and he was immediately knocked into pieces.

In the chaos, a "broken" character was also hit on Li Huachao's back.

Just like a crack in a ripe pomegranate, a hideous wound burst out on Li Huachao's back, and severe pain shot through his mind.


Lu Xing could feel the hit of the character, and at the same time, the next stamp prepared for this also began to take effect.

[Vicious]: When your attack hits the target, a random curse will be applied.

After this hit, he felt a little relieved.

There are many curse effects attached to the evil seal, no fewer than fifty, but when he uses the evil seal while consuming his fortune points, the curse effects that come randomly are often the most disgusting ones.

After the curse was successfully applied, Lu Xing also stopped his professional ability. His fortune value was only enough to last for another three seconds, and he needed to use it in more critical places.

He walked into the flames without letting down any of his vigilance. He clearly understood that a trapped beast still fights.

The bartender also quickly left from the stairs behind him. He wanted to go through the corridor upstairs, and then went to the other end to block the way of the animal trainer.

"Why is his character attack range so far away?" Li Huachao gritted his teeth tightly due to the pain. He did not expect that one of his subconscious choices would cause such a serious chain reaction.

Misfortunes never come singly, and the content in the prompt box made him even more upset.

[You have been cursed. When you attack, a character will be dropped randomly].

The series of blows made him a little confused. He could see himself falling into the trap step by step, but he was unable to save himself.

The combination of Lu Xing's stamp lineup and abilities far exceeded his imagination. This was unmatched by any opponent in the past.

Bloody monsters don't use so many stamps and characters to fight, and ordinary players don't have so many stamps, so this is the first time he has experienced such a battle.

I was caught off guard and fell into a big fall.

Now it's like he borrowed his biological father's account to play ranked, and then achieved a 0/9 record, was reported, and even faced the threat of having his account banned.

"Do I need to leave now?" He asked Yu Liang. At this moment, Li Huachao didn't know what to do.

"No, if you escape, you will really fall into his trap." Yu Liang realized that there was a slight change in Li Huachao's mentality, "Let me do it first."

He switched back to himself, then used the last "Pawn" piece to synthesize the "Quenching" character, and hit it towards his body to gain resistance to the flames in front. Then he took back the paper man, released the Shadow Warrior, and followed him Rush into the fire together.

Luxing now has a longer character attack range, so he definitely can't escape by running, otherwise he will turn around and give it a try.

The fire spread, and the whole corridor was filled with red light, making it difficult to see the surrounding things clearly.

He applied skin care lotion to his body while running into the flames. The hot fire light danced on his face, but it could not cause any harm to him.

The monsters stood hesitant in front of the flames. Only a few monsters who were not afraid of the flames rushed in with him, while the remaining monsters turned their attention to the other person present.

Zhuang Wu: "^_^"

Yu Liang didn't have any psychological gap. After all, in his opinion, the situation was still an advantage.

Lu Xing spent so much of his seal's ability but ultimately failed to kill him directly. This in itself was the beginning of falling into a disadvantage.

All preparations are for attack, and the purpose of attack is only one - to kill the target.

Obviously Lu Xing has not done the last step well and has not yet found a way to kill the target.

So now, it's his turn.

It’s still a big chapter, so I’ll stop here first. It’s not long enough for me to finish it in one go. I should be able to finish the plot here tomorrow and create new characters.

One thing to say, the combination of Lu Xing and Sommelier is really strong and has a deep enough background.

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