The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 154 (Two chapters in one) Is this the beast tamer? !

The paper man made a fuss for a while and then left again.

Therefore, the first floor fell into silence again, and the strange creatures hiding on the first floor were too lazy to pay attention to these little things.

After all, it's useless even if you catch up with these little paper people. The paper people don't have what the monsters want.

Then the paper figures came back.

The commotion was even more violent than before. Their bad behavior was not limited to stealing things and setting fires. They rushed directly into the room, smashed, smashed and looted. It was so lively that the monsters couldn't stop it.

Each paper man holds a standard metal spoon, as if it is some kind of gang totem. While shouting "Waikira", they use the metal spoon to knock on various objects, making a harsh and unpleasant noise.

From the first sight, it seemed as if several naughty children had broken into the room.

After a brief silence and confusion, the strange creatures woke up one after another, and a different kind of anger surged into their hearts.

How dare you act so wantonly? !

It's shameless, right? !

All of a sudden, the doors of several rooms where strange creatures were hidden in the corridor on the first floor opened with a bang, and three or two paper figures escaped from them holding metal spoons high, followed closely by strange creatures with inexplicable shapes.

"Wow wow wow wow-"

The paper man kept tapping his mouth with a metal spoon, and at the same time, he made a sharp sound from his mouth. The sound waves spread wider due to the diffusion of the metal spoon.

Yu Liang stood at the end of the corridor and was fortunate enough to see such a spectacular and magnificent scene.

With the nine-headed humanoid centipede as the vanguard on the first floor, the group of strange creatures on the first floor instantly exploded and ran out chasing the paper people. The paper people also simply identified the direction and ran towards Yu Liang.

A nine-headed centipede, a wet long-haired female ghost in white, a masked dwarf with a green face and fangs, a group of bats with human eyeballs on their long tails...

A vast swarm of monsters rushed towards Yu Liang. Yu Liang felt his scalp numb at the first glance. He accepted these paper figures, then reincarnated and ran upstairs, switching to Li Huachao at the same time.

Li Huachao is better at running away.

The situation on the second floor is similar. The paper people who came to this floor did not give any face to the local monsters. They made trouble when they should. No matter what kind of monster was in the room, they had to be beaten first, just like a paper bully. appearance.

These paper figures skillfully aroused the hatred and anger of the strange creatures, and then ran away quickly without any regrets.

Yu Liang looked at their appearance, and then he thought of what "she" in the zoo's strange stories had said before. When he first saw these paper figures, they seemed to be being chased by a group of bucket monsters?

With their current despicable appearance, it wouldn't be a big surprise to be chased and beaten by other monsters...

Li Huachao caught these paper figures, put them into his pocket, and then ran ahead, followed by nearly ten strange creatures.

And this is obviously not the end. When Yu Liang gave the order before, only about half of the paper people entered the first and second floors, and the rest all ran upstairs. This means that these paper people will at least toss to the fourth or fifth floor. building.

Li Huachao walked through the corridor on the third floor, catching up with the paper people who fled in panic. At this time, the door of a room in the corridor suddenly opened, and a big bald head with a sullen face poked out.

Ten minutes ago, the bald player returned to his room after speed-clearing the Rabbit game. He was going to catch up on his sleep and wait until the next day to continue studying the strange stories in the next building.

After being here for so many days, he also discovered a pattern.

During the rabbit game at night, the activities of monsters other than rabbit dummies will decrease. Even if these monsters come out to move around, they will only cause trouble for those players who have not completed the rabbit game.

This is also a very valuable discovery. As long as he speeds through the daily rabbit game within twenty minutes, he can get nearly seven hours of peaceful rest.

Sleeping is something that a lone ranger needs to put some thought into, and this short period of time to catch up on sleep is relatively safe, as there is no need to worry about the intrusion of strange creatures.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes, he realized that this building seemed to be going crazy tonight. The sound of metal hitting each other and heavy running sounds were constantly coming from downstairs, mixed with the faint roars of some monsters.

Since it was rabbit play time, he rightly ignored the connection between the monster's roar and the knocking sound.

It's not surprising that the monster screams every night; but the noise of deliberate knocking and running in the corridor are obviously human noises.

Damn it, what on earth are you going to do with all the noise?

Since it was most likely a human being, he had nothing to be afraid of. After finally being unable to bear it any longer, he walked straight to the door, opened it without hesitation, and looked out into the corridor.

Of course, he was not afraid even of strange creatures. There was nothing in this building that could make him feel fearful and desperate, so he didn't even bother to look at the situation outside through the peephole.


The door to the room was pushed open, and he poked out his bright, shiny head and looked toward the corridor with wide eyes.

There was only one man in the corridor on the third floor, and he happened to run past the door of the bald room. This man ran wildly along the wall with an unreasonable expression on his face.

His shoulders were covered with white paper figures, his pockets were filled with white paper figures, and there were a few panicking little paper figures running around his feet.

These little paper figures are holding metal spoons in their hands and are constantly hitting the tiles on the wall, making crisp and continuous sounds.

Needless to say, this must be the guy who has been making noise in this building in the hallway.

So he shouted angrily at Li Huachao without hesitation: "What the hell are you making such a fuss about?!"

After he finished yelling, the bald man noticed something was wrong with the guy running over. He looked very abnormal.

He looked like he was haunted by strange stories.

"Ah, sorry." Li Huachao rushed past him and responded subconsciously.

When the bald man saw this, he didn't bother to pay attention, and turned around to return to the room.

Life and death are determined by destiny. As a player, it is natural to be haunted by ghost stories, and he doesn't want to worry about it.

After Li Huachao rushed through the room, his steps gradually slowed down.

He suddenly felt that the tone of the bald man's words just now was so fierce. Thinking about it carefully, he actually felt a little aggrieved.

No, we can't just leave, otherwise we will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

The more he thought about it, the more he became angry, so Li Huachao returned to the original route without thinking.

When he turned back, Li Huachao happened to see the front head of the nine-headed centipede sticking out from the stairwell at the end of the corridor.

Those weird creatures are coming.

However, Li Huachao was a little surprised. Why were there no paper figures causing trouble on the third floor?

Have all these little paper figures gone to the fourth floor?


But now he didn't have time to think deeply, and Yu Liang didn't explain it either.

In just a few seconds, the tide of strange creatures attracted by the paper people completely squeezed out of the stairwell and rushed towards Li Huachao in a mighty mass.

"What?" The bald man was about to return to the room when he heard the movement at the other end of the corridor and turned around to look over again. The huge mass of monsters made his scalp numb instantly.

It is true that he is not afraid of most of the strange creatures in this apartment building, but this does not mean that he can drive most of the strange creatures in front of him.


Run quickly!

His mind exploded with thoughts and he made quick decisions.

These monsters were definitely not coming for him, so he just had to jump downstairs from the window of his room.

The bald man was about to close the door and go back to the room, but suddenly found that his door was blocked again, and the man just now left and returned.

"Huh?" The bald man was stunned and turned to look at the man with some confusion.

"Ah~ there's a monster coming, run!" Li Huachao had a bright smile on his face, and his tone was particularly artificial. Then he grabbed the bald head's arm and pulled the bald head out of the room with a strong force.

The bald head only felt a blur in front of his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared outside the room. He did not expect that this tall and thin man would have such terrifying power. At that moment, he had completely suppressed his power. live.

However, now was definitely not the time to talk about this. He glanced at the wave of monsters that had reached more than ten meters in front of him, and hurriedly moved forward to get back into his room to escape.


Li Huachao closed the door of the room smoothly.

There was a crisp sound, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the bald man's heart.

He looked at the closed door of the room, despairing for a moment.


He didn't even bring out the keys!

How the hell do you go back?

Can't go back? !

"Brothers, run with me, the monsters are catching up with me." Li Huachao tugged the bald man's arm again, staggering him, and then pulled him to run forward.

The bald man shook off Li Huachao's hand and started sprinting as well.

Now he was not sure whether this guy was doing it on purpose or if he was really burned out by the strange talk, so he didn't want to pay attention to it. He just kept accelerating and wanted to run ahead, looking for opportunities to get rid of this guy who didn't look very smart.

But after just one sprint, he discovered something even more incredible.

No matter how he ran, he could not outrun the guy in front of him. There was always a distance of nearly one meter between them, no more, no less. No matter whether he accelerated or decelerated, he could not change this constant distance.

Combined with the fact that he was dragged out of the room by this man before, the bald man suddenly realized that it was not because he had just woken up and had no strength, but because the guy in front of him was very strong.

Unexpectedly, humble and powerful!

Although his brain is not very smart, his physical fitness is definitely top-notch.

This also made Bald Head wary in his heart.

This guy's physical fitness is actually far superior to him, which shows that the opponent is also an alienated professional, and his professional characteristics and abilities are also biased towards combat.

This is very scary, and it is enough to threaten his safety.

The two of them quickly came to the stairs at this end of the corridor. The stairwell was completely dark, but neither of them hesitated and went straight in.

Behind him are dozens of strange creatures in Wuyangyang, nearly half of which are close to the T2 gradient level, and many of them are supernatural monsters. If they are entangled, they will definitely be full of various negative statuses.

Run, you still have to run fast!

The bald man followed Li Huachao. Seeing that Li Huachao wanted to go upstairs, he did not hesitate to go downstairs and separate from Li Huachao.

As a result, the guy in front of him suddenly reached back and grabbed the bald man's arm, as if he had eyes behind his butt, and lifted him completely in front of him.

Some strange feelings arose in the bald man's heart. He was obviously 1.85 meters tall and weighed nearly 190, but why did he look like a little chicken in the hands of this thin man?

Just carry it away?

What the hell kind of monster is this?

"Don't go downstairs. There are people downstairs too. I escaped up from downstairs." Li Huachao said seriously. Now he just wants to keep this guy in the dark for as long as he can.

Who made this bald boy so fierce just now?

But Li Huachao also knew it well. Firstly, he felt that his strength could cover the bald head in the monster wave. Secondly, when he pulled the bald head just now, he discovered that the bald head's muscles were very strong.

It's higher than a normal person.

Therefore, the bald boy should also be an alienated profession, and it is an alienated profession that favors combat, but the gradient should not be as high as that of his T2 hunter.

If Lu Xing were to escape with the bald head like this, if Lu Xing was really on the floor above, after seeing the bald head, Lu Xing would definitely regard the bald head as his ally, and would definitely attack the bald head together.

Wouldn't this just help him share the firepower then?

Maybe he could tie the bald head to his chariot. After all, the bald head didn't look weak, and he could actually keep up with him when he ran with him.

Although this is only 75% of his physical strength level, he can still be considered a little master among players.

"Are there really monsters down there?" Baldhead expressed doubts. He looked down from the gap between the stair railings and happened to see several rabbit dummies. One of the rabbit dummies was even covered in scales and knotted muscles. It doesn't look easy to mess with.

The rabbit dummy seemed to have sensed something. It raised its head and looked at the bald head, its scarlet eyes full of murderous intent.

The bald man immediately shrank his head. The aura of this rabbit dummy was terrifying, and he couldn't resist it at first glance.

This also dispelled his doubts, and there was initial trust in Li Huachao's eyes.


Is there a reason why Li Huachao deliberately made such a big fuss just now?

In order to lure out the residents who are still in this apartment building so that you can escape with other players?

Thinking of this, Li Huachao's back suddenly became majestic and upright.

At this moment, the bald man had no time to think about why the rabbit dummy at this time could move or even evolve. He only knew that it might indeed be Li Huachao who saved him this time.

After all, no one knows what these rabbit dummies are crazy about. In this case, it is obviously easier to get safe by running away with Li Huachao than hiding in the room and sleeping.

"Brother, thank you." Thinking of this, the bald man thanked him in a deep voice.

Li Huachao was also stunned when he heard this, and turned around to look at the bald head in disbelief.

The bald man put his big hand on Li Huachao's shoulder, then held Li Huachao's hand, and said sincerely: "I will never thank you for your kindness. I will definitely help you in any way I can."

Li Huachao: "???"

Do you have Stockholm Syndrome?

Li Huachao was confused by the bald boy's inexplicable thanks. He looked down at the hand in his head, which was holding his hand tightly. Li Huachao suddenly got goosebumps all over his body and shook the guy's hand away. hand.

"Stay away from me, I'm not this kind of person."

Li Huachao expressed his refusal with an indifferent expression, and then walked quickly upstairs.

The bald boy was stunned for a while, then realized what was going on, and immediately followed him and explained: "I'm not that kind of person, I was just a little excited just now. My name is Zhuang Wu..."

"Shhh--" Li Huachao quickly turned around and shushed at him, then took out two of his dinner knives.

He heard an angry roar upstairs, which seemed to be a new strange creature.

"There are monsters upstairs." Bald boy Zhuang Wu also heard the noise upstairs, so he took out his weapon.

Li Huachao glanced at it and turned away, but after thinking about it, he felt that Zhuang Wu's weapon looked strange, so he turned back and took a closer look.

What Zhuang Wu had in his hands were two iron bars about 1.2 meters long. One end of the iron bars was sharpened, and a short horizontal blade was welded about a foot below the tip. The connection was made with wire or something. things to wrap around and secure.

It can be seen that these are two self-made weapons by Zhuang Wu. Although they are ugly, they are still tightly wrapped in a cold and chilling aura.

"My family runs a martial arts school, and the weapon I practice is relatively unpopular, the two-handed halberd." Seeing Li Huachao's confusion, Zhuang Wu explained, "I can't bring the weapons I have in hand, so I can only make two simple two-handed halberds for use. .”

Then he saw the two table knives in Li Huachao's hands, and asked curiously: "Why are you holding the table knives?"

"No, this is a dagger." Li Huachao shook his head calmly.

"How can this be a dagger without a sharp edge?!" Zhuang Wu was a little shocked, but also felt a little familiar. He seemed to have seen these two table knives elsewhere.

"I said they are what they are. Aren't those halberds of yours also daggers welded with iron rods?" Li Huachao ran ahead and counterattacked in a calm tone.

"No, no, no." Zhuang Wu also had his own insistence. He rushed up and showed the "halberd" in his hand to Li Huachao, "Look at the pointed end, which is the part of the halberd used to thrust. This is called 'thorn'. Look at this The sideways blade is used for hooking and killing, and is called 'aid'."

Li Huachao understood what he meant, turned around and looked at the short halberds Zhuang Wu was holding in each hand and the words "thorn" and "aid" on them, and said in surprise: "What the hell, two stabs to help?!"

Zhuang Wu: "..."


How come such an excellent ancient weapon becomes so strange when it comes into your mouth?

However, after being choked like this, Zhuang Wu stopped arguing with Li Huachao about weapons, and just followed Li Huachao upstairs.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Li Huachao stretched out his head and looked towards the corridor when he saw a large paper man half a man tall running towards him, and this large paper man was holding a big ax in his hand. A small paper figure standing on the shoulder is holding a bottle of liquid similar to water.

The face of this large paper man is also colorful, painted with the patterns and patterns of the "clown" in the circus.

Li Huachao recognized at a glance that this was Yu Liang's paper figurine. To be precise, it was Yu Liang's paper figurine.

A long time ago, my sister taught these paper people the art of fusion. They have the ability to combine into large paper people, and now it comes in handy.

No wonder he didn't see a single paper man on the third floor. I bet half of the remaining paper men came here.

To put it simply, a large clown paper man was running toward Li Huachao with an ax in his hand, and Li Huachao also noticed that more than ten meters behind the clown paper man was the real Guaitan clown.

It's just that there is no ax in the hand of Guaitan Clown at this moment, and the clown makeup on his face has been stained by something. He doesn't look ferocious at all, only indescribably funny.

The fourth floor, yes, this is where the clown I saw in Building 4 hangs out before.

Li Huachao reacted.

When the little paper man holding a bottle of liquid saw Li Huachao coming, he jumped up happily, yelling something, and explaining to Li Huachao what had just happened on his hands and knees.

But Li Huachao could only understand roughly.

The paper figures stole the clown's ax and then threw something in his face.

Li Huachao took the bottle and took a look.


Makeup remover

Name: water

Texture: None

Remarks: This makeup remover has an amazing effect. After application, your face will be restored to your bare face in a very short time.

"Makeup remover... 6." Li Huachao looked at the clown's face again. Now the clown's face was completely gone from the scary makeup, leaving only an ugly face with bumps.

He held a moment of silence for the Joker in his heart.

Although it seems that no real harm was caused, such a heavy blow to the heart and spirit is certainly unavoidable.

The dignified elite mini-boss now has neither an ax nor clown makeup. He no longer has any characteristics except that he is taller. He is no different from the mobs that can be seen everywhere in the dungeon.

These little paper people have really bad intentions.

Li Huachao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have done this before.

That's okay.

"Ahhhhhh!" The weird clown saw the paper man crawling into the stairwell. This feeling of "loss" made him particularly angry.

"What do you mean, you can't see people without makeup?" Li Huachao shouted to the clown, then turned around and ran upstairs.

There was no trace of the target on the first four floors, so he could only continue going up, while calling Zhuang Wu behind him, "Quick, second assassin, come with me!"

Zhuang Wu looked back at the monster wave. The leading nine-headed centipede had already arrived on the stairs of the third floor. It was only one floor away from them. He immediately followed Li Huachao's footsteps.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the fifth floor. Li Huachao took the lead and rushed into the fifth floor. He stood still and took a few breaths. Then he said to the player Daqiu at the other end of the corridor on the fifth floor, "You are really here, kid." "A friendly smile.

Fortunately, this guy was really here, so he didn't make his trip in vain.

But I didn't see Lu Xing and the bartender. Are they not here or hiding?

Now Li Huachao didn't have time to think too much, he just ran towards Daqiu quickly.

The bald boy Zhuang Wu was puzzled, but he had followed Li Huachao for so long and there were monsters chasing him, so he followed him without hesitation.

Daqiu looked at the animal trainer who was rushing over. He was slightly tipsy and had no fear in his heart. Instead, he faced Li Huachao directly.

Luxing and the wine master lurking in the dark are also ready to attack. Just waiting for the animal tamer to enter the attack range, their sudden appearance will definitely give the animal tamer a surprise.

Without any unnecessary words, the battle between the two sides was about to break out.

At this time, Li Huachao suddenly shouted: "All monsters, follow me - kill!"

The large paper man next to him waved the ax in his hand, seemingly echoing Li Huachao's call.

The next second——

In the unbelievable eyes of Daqiu Luxing's three sommeliers, the mighty army of strange creatures squeezed out of the stairwell and charged forward with Li Huachao accompanied by roars.

Is this an animal tamer? ? ! !

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