The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 137 Dreamland Defense Battle? Count me in!

Li Huachao stood there and stared for a while. The metal ball just glowed brightly and buzzed continuously, but there was no other abnormality.

The in-situ explosion that he was most looking forward to did not happen, and Li Huachao could only shrug, feeling bored.

"Kill. Kill. Kill." All the rabbit dummies in the underground cave seemed to have gone crazy at this moment. They stared with scarlet eyes, looking for intruders everywhere in the cave.

At this moment, their words reached unity, and they kept repeating the simple word "kill". Both their speed and agility were far better than what they had seen before.

Obviously, inserting the princess into the dream must have had a great impact on the rabbit-shaped god's dream.

However, these rabbit dummies will only search this underground cave like headless flies.

I don’t know whether it was because these rabbit dummies discovered it on their own or because of instructions from the rabbit-shaped god. These rabbit dummies stood in front of the extraordinarily slender tube and observed it, walking along the direction that the tube wanted Li Hua to go.

"It's time to go." Li Huachao instantly realized that he would be discovered here, so he quickly turned around and wanted to leave the tunnel. However, after turning around, he noticed that the tentacle from the princess had already been stuffed into his mouth with the first half of the tube. inside, chewing unconsciously at the same time, just like a sleeping child performing unconscious chewing movements.

Could it be that you were dreaming about eating something?

Li Huachao had some speculations in his mind.

However, the tentacle did not eat the tube. It seemed to know that this thing had no nutrition and could not be eaten, so it just sucked and played with it.

Now Li Huachao no longer has time to study why the princess likes to suck pipes. He looked around, checked the cave, removed all traces of human activities, and then returned to the surface from the tunnel to find the alley from before. The original tunnel quickly left the scene of the crime.

Don't panic when something happens, just go to the main force first.

Li Huachao knew this principle very well. As long as he found a large force, he could survive safely. With his strength, it was unlikely that he would become cannon fodder in the world of ghost stories.

As long as he goes back to that prison and falls asleep as soon as he is covered with blankets, who will know that he did it?


It seems that I have entered the paradise dream of the rabbit-shaped god before...

But it was Li Huachao's consciousness that entered. Yu Liang must have been awake when he came to the door, right?

What does the bad thing Li Huachao did have to do with me, Yu Liang?

It will probably turn out like this.

After walking for about five minutes, Li Huachao also felt a little tired, so he climbed on Zai Zi's back again, and Zai Zi led him to advance quickly.

In another fifteen minutes, Zaizi carried Li Huachao to the tunnel below the prison. However, Li Huachao made a "hush" gesture towards Zaizi and the money-ghost.

He seemed to hear some noise in the prison above.

what's the situation?

Li Huachao raised his rabbit ears and listened carefully to the sounds coming from above.

The sound of footsteps, the sound of words, the sound of gravel falling to the ground...

He couldn't hear exactly what was said, but it was clear that there were people all over the tunnel.

It can be heard from the voices that these are people, most likely players from the Kaitan World.

Li Huachao was suddenly confused.

Is this "awake" character so easy to make?

How come so many people wake up?

For a moment, Li Huachao didn't know whether he should go out. If he went out now, he would probably meet these players face to face. He didn't want to expose this tunnel yet.

The more people know about it, the less safe this tunnel is. Who knows if someone might be ambushing here secretly, trying to intercept and kill passers-by.

But don't go out. He is afraid that Lu Xing and the bartender will come into this tunnel. In this case, if they meet on a narrow road, he will be completely sure of defeat.

With so many people waking up outside, something must have happened. It was better to go to the surface through other exits of the tunnel and blend into the group of players before making any plans.

Li Huachao made a judgment in his mind, so he took out the tunnel map from his notes again, got out of a nearby exit, and came to the surface.

The exit of this tunnel is a private house. The room is not messy and everything is tidied up. However, the tables and chairs here are covered with a thin layer of dust. It can be seen that the owner of the room has not been there for a while. Came back.

"Come up here." Li Huachao looked into the tunnel and said to the money-keeper and the mantis cub. His eyes fell on a marker on the table and he immediately took it for later use.

After both the Scrooge and the bastard entered the room, Li Huachao also lifted up the floor tile, drew a lifelike skull on the bottom with a marker, and marked a no-entry sign.

Since then, it is estimated that no one dares to come up from this tunnel exit.

This room was probably prepared for this tunnel, not for people to live in, so Li Huachao simply walked around twice and gave up the search when he found nothing.

The whole house was very clean, there were no clothes or food, and there was nothing on the table either.

Li Huachao walked out of the room with his son and the money-keeper and looked in the direction of the sun.

At this moment, the sun was about to set, and darkness was about to envelope the city.

There is no doubt that darkness is always the best catalyst for all kinds of monsters and monsters, so Li Huachao did not hesitate and quickly walked towards the prison.

The streets were also a desolate scene. Only the dying buildings lined up to welcome Li Huachao's arrival. There was no sound or light in the buildings on both sides. Most of the glass facing the street was painted black, which seemed to be blocking something in the room. .

Li Huachao felt something strange here and immediately quickened his pace.

In a few minutes he was across the clearing and near the prison.

Probably because it was already dark at the moment, or because the players in the prison were in chaos at the moment, no one noticed Li Huachao when he sneaked over.

This prison was the only area he encountered along the way that still emitted light, and it was extremely conspicuous in the darkness.

It will probably attract some strange creatures.

Li Huachao made a judgment in his mind, but he was not worried. He just walked to the side of the prison and found a back door, instructing his son to violently break the lock of the small door, and then naturally blended into the group of players.

There are other players with rabbit heads like him, so his rabbit head does not arouse the hostility of other players, but someone is reminding him.

"Hey, brother, the other rabbit-headed... senior players have gathered on the second floor for a meeting to discuss issues. Why didn't you go?" A player in the crowd noticed the rabbit-headed Li Huachao and asked curiously.

These ordinary players also obeyed the instructions of the rabbit heads, doing simple cleaning on each floor and throwing the putrid corpses out from here.

Under the premise that no one understands the situation, the players are happy to have someone to lead them.

As long as the person giving the orders at this time is really a high-level player and will not infringe on the interests of ordinary players.

"I just went to the toilet." Li Huachao lied casually.

The person from before also noticed the Mantis cub and the Scrooge beside Li Huachao. The Scrooge was okay, since he was well-covered with clothes, but the cub was obviously not human.

It's a strange creature.

So he pointed at Li Huachao in shock: "Wait a minute, next to you is..."

"My profession is an animal tamer, and they are strange creatures that I have tamed." Li Huachao simply responded, "They are very safe. What, do you have any objections?"

His eyes swept across the group of players on this floor, and he carried the aura of a superior, as if he could decide the life and death of these players at will.

As a matter of fact, this is indeed the case.

Most of the people present didn't even have alienation professions, so they wouldn't have any chance of winning when facing a T3-level monster.

If they attack in groups and each person throws a damage character, Li Huachao may be killed directly, but obviously, it is impossible for the players present to do this.

"No, I just haven't seen such a profession before, sorry." The person who originally spoke also bowed his head respectfully.

Li Huachao just nodded without saying much, showing the demeanor of a master.

Judging from the current situation, the current prison is relatively harmonious and stable. On the premise that there is no life or death crisis, there are not many conflicts of interest and contradictions between players.

Li Huachao walked along the road and searched for the location of Lu Xing and the bartender among the players. However, those two people did not seem to be cleaning on this floor.

Neither Lu Xing nor the wine master is a rabbit head, but with their abilities, it is very easy to become a rabbit head. The only possibility is to hide their strength. They should know that they will be given rabbit heads after winning the rabbit game. , and they don’t want to turn into rabbit heads.

And Li Hua went up to the second floor. At the end of his sight, a group of rabbits were discussing something in a low voice in the distance.

For a moment, he felt like he rushed in and detonated the "thunder character" on himself.

It's just a competition to see whose body is stronger. If he can survive, wouldn't it be a great harvest?

Old guys, all give me gold coins!

It's a pity, this is just a thought, Li Huachao is not so crazy.

As he was about to become a capitalist, he decided to wash his hands and try to use as few violent methods as possible to plunder the characters of these high-level players.

You can obviously rely on blind box grass babies to cheat... and earn characters, so why do you have to use violent means?

Violence should be a weapon used to protect wealth and open markets.

Reasonable use of violent means to make money, it's natural for this kind of thing to happen to you.

"Another high-level player is here." Someone in the rabbit crowd said, "Judge, go and bring him here."

"Okay." Then a rabbit man walked out, "You are also the person who won the rabbit game. We don't have to call him by his name here. We call him by his professional name. This is more convenient. I It’s the judge, hello.”

The judge is a man wearing a black coat. Judging from his figure, he should be in his prime, in his thirties.

Likewise, his head is also that of a rabbit, so his specific face cannot be seen.

"Hello, I am a beast tamer." Li Huachao nodded and arranged a new identity for himself, "They are strange creatures that I have tamed. I believe in my professional ability. Don't worry, they will not attack players now. "

"Okay." The judge felt the aura of the woman in the red dress and long hair, and was secretly wary.

This strange creature has obviously reached the T3 level, but the dwarf wearing overalls next to her is a little confused.

Throwing "view" also got little feedback.

Is it possible that the gradient level can be higher than his?

But this little guy doesn't look evil at all...

The judge's thoughts were running in his mind, and he was not idle. He immediately stated the arrangements for the meeting: "My ability is to divide an area into a 'courtroom'. No one in the courtroom can attack others. , creatures outside the court cannot attack us inside."

He continued: "So our safety can be guaranteed, and please don't have any unnecessary thoughts. Before the results of the meeting are announced, people who enter the court cannot leave the court. Please forgive me."

"I know, I know. I saw your ability when I was a kid, Captain Dragonfly." Li Huachao immediately answered with a smile, and then vividly repeated Captain Dragonfly's lines, "First, never act out of emotion; second, never act out of emotion; No bad thing is missed; thirdly, the referee is absolutely fair and beautiful!"


He didn't know why, but he felt that there was probably something wrong with this advanced player who was late.

Li Huachao walked into the realm mentioned by the judge, then turned back to the mantis cub and the money-keeper, "Just stay outside. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The bastard and the money-hungry ghost also nodded and stayed outside consciously.

"Okay, since there is a new person here, let's go over what we just said again." Another rabbit man in the crowd said, "I am a construction engineer. Because of my special abilities, I am currently working in the prison. The leader.”

"Hello, architect." Li Huachao nodded, shook hands with this rabbit man, and looked at several other rabbit men at the same time.

There are seven rabbits in total including him, and this is the winning player in the rabbit game so far.

They should all be alienated professionals.

Li Huachao made a judgment in his heart and at the same time increased his vigilance.

Everyone present is the winning player, which means that if the Rabbit Game continues to be held, this week's game expert should be selected from these six people.

As long as you become a game master, you can safely escape this ghost story copy.

Li Huachao knew in his heart that everyone at this time obviously had their own agenda.

"First of all, I believe it is not the first time for some of you to come to this prison." The architect said, his eyes scanning the people present.

No one raised any doubts about this. The only one who had doubts was Li Huachao himself.

Do these people all have "woke" characters?

He didn't believe that these people knew Yu Liang's synthesis method, so the only possibility was that there was a slightly simpler way to obtain "stars" in the dream of this rabbit game.

"So you should know that the princess in the rabbit game is the one above the prison before." The architect said, "After it appeared, all the players were kicked out, so something must have happened in reality. .”

The others nodded silently, and Li Huachao also agreed.

The princess ran into the bunny game?

Didn't he throw it into the dream of heaven?

For a moment, Li Huachao's heart was filled with doubts.

The architect continued, his voice sonorous and powerful: "We must find the culprit as soon as possible and protect the rabbit-shaped god's dream."

Protect dreams?

Li Huachao's head was full of questions.

Are these people on a different mission than him?

But then he waved his fist and said with indignation: "Everyone has a responsibility to protect the dream, count me in!"

The judge glanced at Li Huachao and said nothing.

Now he was sure that there was indeed something wrong with this guy's brain.

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