The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 136 Yu Liang is sleeping peacefully at this moment

The princess at this moment is a hundred meters long, and her body is composed of two parts that are approximately ellipsoids, with an obvious waistline in the middle.

It looks like a peanut, except that this peanut has hundreds of eyes of different sizes growing all over its body. When all the eyes focus on the same person, it will cause a great sense of oppression to that person.

After being pulled down from the sky by Li Huachao's tentacles, the princess struggled on the ground in a state of embarrassment, twisting her body wildly and bulldozing some small buildings nearby.

"Hiss—" the princess roared again, and countless tentacles emerged from its body, thrusting towards Li Huachao from all directions. The tips of the tentacles were extremely sharp, with a large number of spirally distributed internal teeth.

There is no doubt that as long as these tentacles are pierced into the body, those fine internal teeth will instantly grind his muscles and bones, and then continuously suck his blood.

After all, this is a terrifying monster at the T1 level. Although the princess's physical fitness has been brought to the same level as Li Huachao, and although it cannot use the weird and unpredictable abilities, it still cannot be underestimated.

This is not a stupid fat man like Rouhai, but a peak-level monster of the blood type.

The body structure of the human form is not suitable for hand-to-hand combat with wild beasts in nature. Humans are too sensitive to pain. Their slender limbs and torso make their center of gravity too high and they are too fragile during combat.

Therefore, what hunters need to use when facing wild beasts is their brains.

Li Huachao looked at the thousands of tentacles that were stabbing him. Obviously, he couldn't let these tentacles stab his body, so he took a small step back to open a suitable distance.

You can't get away even if you run. This tentacle can be shot down from an altitude of more than a thousand meters and kill people on the ground. Its length is obviously very terrifying.

"Smash." Li Huachao opened the page and tried to use characters to attack the princess in front of him, but he was helpless to find that the casting range of the characters did not change at all...

It is still five meters. This distance is almost as close as the princess to use the characters.

So Li Huachao decisively gave up the idea of ​​using characters, and instead grabbed the pedestrian bridge on the street and broke it off as a weapon.

The human-shaped overpass is nearly thirty meters long, and it is easy to wield in your hand, just like a short sword.

He stretched out his right hand and used the bridge to continuously draw a large circle in front of him, blocking all the incoming tentacles. At the same time, he gathered these tentacles at the center of the large circle, forming a large bunch.

Li Huachao had quick eyes and quick hands. He saw the right moment and stretched out his left hand to grab the gathered tentacles.

Just like throwing a hammer on a sports field, Li Huachao let go of the bridge in his right hand, grabbed the tentacles of the bundle with both hands, stood firm, and began to rotate his body.

The princess who fell to the ground was pulled by her tentacles, and was gradually lifted up by Li Huachao, spinning around his body and spinning in the air with him.

With the help of this spinning force, Li Huachao used the hammer princess in his hand to knock down a nearby building, clearing out an open space of ruins.

For a moment, the earth shook and the buildings shook, as if the end was coming.

At this time, Li Huachao didn't care whether there were any survivors in Forget City in the surrounding buildings, but this area was the rabbit hole area of ​​the rabbit-shaped god, so there should be no survivors.

At least he paid attention to the knocked down buildings while spinning, and saw no trace of humans. Instead, many black shadows escaped.

Those are all kinds of weird and weird creatures.

Just like when you are cleaning your home, you push open a cupboard that has not been cleaned for a long time. The dark and damp part under the cupboard is exposed to the sun, and dense black cockroaches suddenly appear and run away in all directions, looking for other places to live. .

But now Li Huachao had no time to care about these little cockroaches. After gaining enough turning power, he adjusted his posture and jumped high, slamming the princess in his hand to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.


The dust spread like a shock wave, mixed with gravel and scraped fragments from the princess's body.

The rumble of the ground rumbled far away, and the Forgotten City under the setting sun was also disrupted by the loud noise. It was no longer peaceful as before. Countless monsters woke up from their comfort in horror, and looked towards the direction of the rumble in panic. .

Amid the thick smoke and dust, only a giant nearly a hundred meters tall stood.

Looking at the sky again, the monster that had been hanging over Wangcheng's head for a long time had disappeared. It was not difficult to guess who the giant was fighting.

And deeper in the darkness, the more powerful and weird ghost stories are also casting doubtful glances in that direction.

Since the area of ​​Forgotten City was divided by various strange stories, it has not been as lively as it is today for a long time.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, there was a large pit in the open space among the ruins. In the center of the pit was the princess writhing crazily.

Its outer shell seemed to have been damaged in the recent impact, revealing the light gray flesh inside.

The light gray flesh was exposed to the air and immediately hardened into a steel-like substance, covering the surface of the princess' body to form a layer of armor.

"Roar——" At this time, the princess no longer had the grace that she had just been floating in the sky. Her mind was completely filled with anger. She rushed towards Li Huachao without hesitation, opened the big mouth in front, and aimed at Li Huachao. Bite.

Both speed and strength have improved compared to just now.

Are there any talent skills that improve status?

It's just that this increase is not enough to pose any significant threat to him.

Li Hua dodged backwards, picked up the pedestrian bridge again, and stabbed at the princess's waistline.

The layer of stone outside the pedestrian bridge was scratched and fell off by the princess's outer armor, exposing the steel bars inside. The steel bars pierced the princess's body, causing her to scream again.

And Li Huachao found the right opportunity, grabbed the tentacles on the princess's body again, and smashed the ground left and right like a meteor hammer.

After a while, he felt that there was no more movement from the princess's tentacles in his hands, so he stopped beating the princess and turned to observe her appearance.

At this time, the princess closed her eyes tightly. The outer armor had been smashed in the past period, revealing the light gray to colorless flesh inside.

According to the concept that there is no red in the eyes of rabbits, he suspected that the princess's flesh should be pink.

This scene is a bit like the female knight of the kingdom fighting the goblin. Her armor was half destroyed, revealing her white and pink body. Then...

How strange.

Li Huachao stood beside him, looking at the princess who had been knocked unconscious on the ground, and suddenly felt a strange illusion in his heart.

After the fierce battle late at night, he quietly looked at the exhausted and sleeping princess next to him, and then looked at himself wearing only a pair of shorts...

Damn it, I really have become a goblin.

Li Huachao shook his head and gave up this unrealistic idea.

But there is one thing to say, this princess's fighting ability is indeed not very good. Is it because her life is too comfortable and she doesn't know how to fight at all?

It makes sense to think about it this way. This thing was born to be at the top of the food chain and doesn't need to practice its combat skills.

Calculating the time for this transformation, there is only about the last minute left. This princess is not as easy to deal with as imagined.

Li Huachao dragged the princess straight towards the rabbit hole.

Not long after, he walked to a clearing, and he knew that in the hollow below the clearing was the giant sphere where the rabbit-shaped god controlled dreams.

However, Li Huachao was not prepared to force himself. The rabbit-shaped god was a supernatural monster, and his abilities were not as simple as those of the princess. This was why he did not attack the giant sphere directly.

The 55-year-old ring is fine for taking care of blood-type monsters, but if it is used to deal with strange-type monsters, or source monsters like the rabbit-shaped god, which far exceeds the source monsters of T1, then it is obviously not enough.

No matter how strong his physical strength is, it doesn't mean anything. Maybe the rabbit-shaped god can drag him directly into the dream and do whatever he wants, breaking his body into pieces.

It's better to be a little more careful.

After all, we have to enter the rabbit game again tonight, and now is not the time to completely break up.

It's better to do things secretly like now.

This ability can only last for five minutes, and Li Huachao still has to consider what will happen after five minutes of super power.

In the next minute, Li Huachao used the tentacles on the princess to tie it up, and even challenged the legendary tortoise shell binding in an extremely artistic way.

It's a pity that the princess is a big peanut. If a peanut is bound by a turtle shell, it doesn't have much beauty.

After doing all this, there are only the last few dozen seconds left for transformation.

So Li Huachao placed the princess in the open space, then lay down on the ground with her ears against the ground.

There were no other sounds in the underground cave, and the rabbits and humans inside had not yet been awakened by the battle he had just fought.

They probably wouldn't wake up at all.

Li Huachao raised his hand and knocked on the ground, listening to the sound coming from the cavity to determine the position of the sphere in the cavity.

He quickly found the approximate location of the giant sphere, and then stretched out a finger to dig out a location on the edge of the underground cavity, poking out a tunnel.

This tunnel is the road they will take to sneak into the hollow again later.

After doing all this, Li Huachao also returned to his original size. He took out a set of clothes from the inventory and put them on himself.

This time he had made progress and knew to prepare clothes in advance. This set was the reward for completing the rabbit game before. When it was switched to him, he took it with him.

At this moment, it seems really prescient.

After all, Li Huachao was also worried that when Yu Liang woke up, he would be walking around in only a pair of shorts.

Wearing only shorts is not obscene in itself, but wearing only shorts and doing other things at the same time will look very obscene no matter what you are doing.

So what is obscene?

Could it be that it was Yu Liang's body that was obscene?

Li Huachao was thinking philosophically in his mind as he came to the tunnel he had just dug with his hands.

The Mantis cub and the Scrooge have been waiting at this location for a long time.

"You just...became so big!" The money-hungry ghost was shocked by Li Huachao's performance just now. Also shocked was the Zaizi next to him, who danced and gestured with the concept of "big".

"Aren't you handsome?" Li Huachao just smiled.

"Handsome!" The money-keeper praised him very much, but he was a little confused, "But why did you only wear a pair of underwear when you fought just now? Can this improve your combat effectiveness?"

"Of course, the presence of clothes affects my performance." Li Huachao started to talk nonsense.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he feels that his physical strength is much better now than before the transformation. Although he still hasn't returned to normal, ordinary walking is no longer a problem.

Is it because when he was 50/50 with the princess, some of his physical strength was given back to him?

Damn it, it's like practicing double cultivation.

The more Li Huachao thought about it, the weirder it became, and he had goosebumps all over his body, so he quickly picked up the tentacles on the princess and took her to the tunnel with Zaizi and the money-keeping ghost.

He glanced at the tentacles, which were made of flesh, and the big mouth at the end opened, revealing the dense teeth inside. It looked like a giggle.

The tentacles are as thick as a person and very long. You can extend them into the rabbit hole underground and connect the pipe to send the princess into the dreamland.

One person and two monsters began to work together, and after a while, they brought this tentacle to the underground cavity.

"There seem to be some extra tubes close to the metal ball. If you connect them all, you should be able to reach the tentacles here." Li Huachao looked at the giant sphere not far away and made a judgment in his mind.

That's good, so you don't have to find another unlucky guy.

Li Huachao felt his physical strength and decided to do it himself, asking Zaizi and Scrooge to stay where they were and guard the tentacle to prevent it from running away.

He didn't believe in the abilities of the bastard and the Scrooge, so he went to the scene himself and brought the metal pipe back.

The hollow was quiet and depressing, and Li Huachao walked carefully through it, avoiding the various Forgotten City people who were lying on the ground.

He avoided the patrol of rabbit dummies, passed through the group of suspended rabbits, and soon came to the metal ball.

When he walked to this huge sphere, he realized that this sphere actually had a unique sense of beauty.

It is not a complete sphere, but an ellipsoid. The silver metal shell emits weak fluorescence and shines in the gray.

Thousands of tubes are connected to the surface of the sphere. The ends of the tubes have the same connection points, so they can be connected to each other.

So Li Huachao pulled out a few of them, connected them head to tail, and soon got an extremely long tube.

He estimated the distance and felt it was almost enough, so he took the tube and returned along the original path.

"Help. Help. Help." A patrol of rabbit dummies passed by nearby, and Li Huachao immediately crouched on the ground to avoid it.

There were many near misses along the way, and finally we returned to the tentacles.

"Then now is the time to witness the miracle." Li Huachao swallowed, and then inserted the tube he brought back into the princess's tentacles.

The tentacles trembled all over, as if the connection was successful.

The giant metal ball in the cavity also shone with light, becoming extremely dazzling for a while.

At the same time, the metal ball was still trembling slightly and humming continuously, obviously looking like it was overloaded.

However, after waiting for a while, the scene he expected did not appear.

Logically speaking, if this paradise dream was overloaded, it would be normal for some rabbits and humans to be squeezed out of it. However, such a thing did not happen.

Wasn't the dream destroyed?

Li Huachao looked at all this and felt bored.

Sure enough, destroying dreams is not that simple.

Prison at the moment.

All the players opened their eyes at this moment, their eyes full of confusion and horror.

They saw a huge monster suddenly appeared in the sky in the apartment. The monster's body was covered with eyes, and its eyes were full of anger.

The monster was tied up by its own tentacles in the form of a tortoise shell, and it was constantly swimming in the air, as if it was looking for something.

Then in less than ten seconds, a warning came out on the page to force them to be kicked offline.

And then……

They showed up in this prison? !

what is happening? !

Putting aside these question-marked players, Yu Liang was still sleeping peacefully at this moment.

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