Vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, gin.

These are the six base wines used in bartending, and they should also correspond to the professional abilities of the bartender.

These are probably those light groups around the wine master.

It's just that there were only five light groups around the sommelier just now, and after using up the vodka, there were only four light groups left. The number of six base liquors Yu Liang estimated did not match.

Is it difficult to replenish this kind of base wine? Do I need to use one less?

Judging from the effect of the vodka just now, it is quite possible. After all, the effect of this vodka is too overbearing.

He completely lost his ability to fight in three minutes, and the debuff lasted for twenty-four hours.

The abilities of other base liquors are probably not that bad, and there may even be more perverted effects than this vodka.

If this is the case, it is normal that you can only use it once in a round of dungeons. Otherwise, you will drink vodka when you meet others, and other players will not need to play.

Vodka is a colorless and transparent liquor with a strong taste and extremely high alcohol content, so its effect is so overbearing and fierce.

It's a pity that Yu Liang only knows the names of the six base wines and does not have a deep understanding of these wines. Otherwise, he might be able to speculate on their respective effects.

Now he obviously can't leave the mirror world to fight with those two people. He can only wait for the "heavy drunkenness" state to end before looking for those two guys.

After the drunkenness is over, it is almost the time when the next rabbit game begins.

If we can use the rabbit game to get rid of these two people, that would be the best thing.


Lu Xing.

Although the sommelier's ability may be complicated, it can still be prevented, as long as you use as few characters as possible.

Countermeasures can also be achieved by relying on Li Huachao's professional abilities and the strange creatures in the universe.

However, Lu Xing's professional ability may be related to something as mysterious as luck...

This left him wondering how to prepare.

There is some trouble, and it will become more and more troublesome.

Forget it, there's still a while, I'd better have a good sleep now. After all, I haven't had any time to rest since yesterday. I was already asleep, but I didn't expect it to come to my door, so I had to use the wake character to escape to reality, and then Experienced so many things.

Yu Liang was already tired, and he couldn't move at all anyway, so he might as well take a nap first.

At this time, it was Li Huachao who was controlling this body, and Yu Liang could rest assured and sleep for a while.

I just don’t know if I will enter the dream created by the rabbit-shaped god if I fall asleep in the corridor of the prison.

But Yu Liang guessed that it would not be the case, because this was just him falling asleep, and Li Huachao also maintained consciousness. This body was still controlled by someone, and he did not fall asleep on the bed in the prison.

If you really return to the dreamland of the rabbit-shaped god, you can only use the "wake" character to come back.

"I'll take a nap, I'll leave this place to you." Yu Liang said to Li Hua, and then closed his perception of the outside world.

"Wait, wait." Li Huachao quickly stopped him, "Don't you think it's a little dangerous to leave me alone here? Release the Money Skull and Mantis quickly. I can rest assured if they are watching over me."

"Okay." Yu Liang agreed. What Li Huachao said made sense. He had not used other strange creatures before, mainly because he was worried about the spread of the rabbit disease virus. But he had just used Shadow Warrior, and it seems that it is not used in the real world. Worry.

Or maybe the strange creatures with high gradient levels have a certain degree of resistance to the rabbit disease virus.

This mirror world is safe most of the time, unless someone, like Lu Xing, creates a mirror where he is, so that he can attack him in the mirror world through the mirror. But to be on the safe side, summon two It's okay if a weird creature comes out to protect it.

As for Li Huachao...

He can't even move his body now, and Li Huachao relies more on his physical fitness to do things, so Li Huachao in this state shouldn't be able to run around.

So he switched back and released the Mantis and the Scrooge. Together with the two rabbit-eared paper figures who had been staying outside, it was a good lineup.

After explaining the matter, Yu Liang also chose to fall asleep. Under the dual effects of mental fatigue and physical weakness, he quickly fell into a drowsy sleep.

Li Huachao lay on the ground and waited for a while. After about five minutes, he cautiously called out twice: "Yu Liang? Yu Liang?"

When there was no response, he moved in the corridor like a big maggot, then sat down and leaned against the wall.

Since Yu Liang fell asleep like this and did not use the wake-up symbol to wake up, it means that when he fell asleep in this state, he was just sleeping and would not enter the dreamland of the rabbit-shaped god.

Li Huachao felt his physical strength. Just as Yu Liang expected, his current body did need a rest before he could continue to act, but this rest period was much shorter than Yu Liang had imagined.

Because he released the Mantis cub.

"Here, Scrooge, this is what I told you. My little pet is called Zai Zi. Come and say hello." Li Huachao smiled and called Scrooge and Zai Zi over.

The bastard screamed twice, but the money-slinging ghost looked frightened and hid beside Li Huachao.

Small pets?

Isn't this a monster?

Caught in the fog?

The mantis girl was also confused when she saw this. Her simple mind couldn't understand why the money-sucking ghost was hiding behind Li Huachao, and she immediately bared her teeth at the money-sucking ghost with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid." Li Huachao saw the worry of the money-keeping ghost, so he waved to the bastard, "Come on, come on."

The kid trotted over slowly and let Li Huachao pat his head.

Immediately afterwards, Li Huachao stood up and climbed onto Mantis's back: "From now on, when you carry me on your back, you are my legs."

The mantis girl turned her head and saw Li Huachao's face behind her.

She identifies other people by their breath, and Li Huachao's breath is completely different from Yu Liang's, so she clearly knows that the person she is carrying is the hunter in the zoo.

The incident of him carrying her on his back suddenly came to mind, and for a moment, the strange man couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at the appearance of Li Huachao and Zai Zi, the money-keeping ghost gradually let go of the fear in his heart and followed the mantis girl Zai Zi.

"Let's go, let's first look for the location of those two people in the mirror world, as well as the location of the tunnel." Li Huachao patted Zai Zi on the back and drove Zai Zi forward.

Zaizi is a T3-level monster, and its attribute points are focused on combat ability, so it is naturally not a problem to carry Li Huachao, and you can carry it for as long as you want.

As for Li Huachao, who was sitting on Zai Zi's back, he suddenly felt that his field of vision was superior to others and so wide. He also had the illusion of being a dragon knight.

Of course, it may not be accurate to say that he is a dragon knight. He should be regarded as a female knight.

Well, female knight, it just sounds weird.

"By the way, Scrooge, what do weird creatures like you usually eat?" Li Huachao asked the Scrooge next to him while being carried by Mantis, "Speaking of which, I have never seen you eat anything. thing."

He thought for a while and added: "You don't have to be polite to me. Just tell me what you want to eat. By the way, it's best to tell the other me. You should understand what I mean."

"Yeah." The money-slinging ghost nodded immediately, it had already felt it.

The man in front of him would change his personality from time to time, like he had a dual personality, one was calm and easy-going, the other was arrogant and arbitrary.

"Just tell him what you want to eat, and then say that if you don't have to eat, your abilities will become weaker." Li Huachao said cheerfully, and then patted the kid under him, "The same goes for you, what's the matter? If you want something to eat, just ask that guy."

"Ouch." Zaizi responded.

"Is anything possible?" The money-gunning ghost's eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes were full of energy.

"No precious metals." Li Huachao glanced at it.

What a joke, Yu Liang can only buy ten grams of gold with all his wealth now. It would be nice if he doesn't care about the gold in your jar.

But that kind of mirror gold...

It seems like it can’t be used in reality, right?

"Okay." The Scrooge could only hug its piggy jar tightly and sighed.

"Ghost, it's time for you to grow up." Li Huachao remembered something and said, "People's vision should not just be these gold and silver treasures. There are many valuable things in this world."

"Something valuable?" The Scrooge blinked. It likes valuable things.

"Yes, you have to find exactly what is valuable." Li Huachao said, "Look, in that foggy town before, why was no one interested in gold and silver?"

He continued: "Gold and silver at that time had lost their purchasing power, do you understand? So gold and silver at that time were worthless things."

The money-keeper mused.

"So you have to find what is truly valuable, what are the things that these people value as much as life. Find it and collect it, and when you accumulate the original capital, you will start to move towards a high level. One step." Li Huachao followed suit.

"Things as heavy as life..." The money-sucking ghost repeated Li Huachao's words, then raised his head, "Then can't I just collect their lives?"

Li Huachao: "..."

Good guy, I want to train you to be a capitalist, but you told me that you want to be the living king of hell.

"No, no, no, life is priceless and worthless." Li Huachao shook his head in rejection.

The Scrooge continued to think and said: "Is life worthless? I think many people will buy it, right?"

Li Huachao: "..."

As expected, he is a good prospect for capitalists. You also want to learn triangular trade, right?

"Forget it, life is noble, don't even think about this path." Li Huachao quickly stopped the money-keeping ghost from having this terrible thought.

If Yu Liang wakes up and finds that the money-grubber has become a human trafficker, hey, guess who will be unlucky?

"What if other creatures similar to her are being sold?" The money-hungry ghost pointed at the mantis cub sitting under Li Huachao, "There should be more people willing to buy such little pets, right?"

So far, Scrooge still doesn't think he is a monster, he is just a human being who looks a little strange and has been resurrected.

"This should be like this." Li Huachao also nodded in agreement, "In short, you have to find this thing that people generally think is valuable, and then collect it as much as possible to complete primitive accumulation."

A smile appeared on his face, "It's not too big to watch the excitement", "Then use the method I taught you to defraud those people...get as many valuable things as possible from those people's hands. , such as lending, savings, investment and other means.”

"I understand." The money-keeping ghost bowed solemnly to Li Huachao.

This bow is a bow to respect the teacher.

In the past, Li Huachao was just his beloved relatives and friends, but now Li Huachao has an additional identity, that is, his life mentor.

Li Huachao stretched out his hand and stroked his non-existent long beard, saying that a child can teach and carve good wood.

"As a teacher, I can also teach you how to accumulate the first bucket of original capital in your life." Li Huachao expressed his long-standing thoughts, "There are a group of strange creatures in my other body. I have noticed them before. They are They have primary sexual characteristics and therefore should be able to reproduce.”

He chuckled: "So we can definitely find an opportunity to open a ranch and start by breeding and selling this kind of monster."

Li Huachao was obviously talking about the Cao Ying. As early as when he conquered the Cao Ying, he had said that he would open a ranch. In addition to the lively and cute Cao Ying, he could also breed some other strange creatures.

As for what to buy, characters are clearly the hard currency in this weird world.

It is estimated that the Scrooge will soon find out about this, so there is no need for him to tell the Scrooge in advance.

As a teacher, you should be good at inducing students to think independently instead of indoctrinating them.

"Okay." The money-sucking ghost said with hope, "Let's get rich together."

"Yes, common prosperity." Li Huachao also nodded with satisfaction, but he still felt a little confused.

Now he has dragged the money-grubber into the water, but he doesn't know if he can convince Yu Liang this way.

To some extent, does helping a miserly man accumulate wealth help him develop a greater greed?

What if it evolves again...

Gee, should it become "My name is Yu Liang, I can become a god by hanging up"?

The development of capital is based on giant ships and cannons, and it is still the same now. Therefore, Li Huachao plans to train the combat effectiveness of the money-keeping ghost. If he cannot keep his wealth, then everything will be empty talk.

As for himself...

Please, is there really a player in this world who can steal something that belongs to Li Huachao?

Well, if Yu Liang is controlling the body, let's not talk about it for now.

At this moment, Zaizi carried Li Huachao around the four-story prison, looking for traces of Na Luxing and the sommelier from before.

We searched all four floors up and down, but still found no trace of the two people.

In the end, Li Huachao thought of something and found the short Lu Xing and the bartender next door on the beds in the two cells on the third floor.

Did you just wake up and fall asleep again?

Are you preparing something in the dreamland?

Li Huachao made a quick judgment.

He glanced at the two people in the cell. The players in the rabbit-shaped god's dream were protected and would not be hurt by changes in reality.

Li Huachao took out a metal spoon.

If you can't hurt, don't hurt. You can always make me feel sick, right?

After a moment, he ran from the mirror left by Yu Liang to reality, placed a dozen animal traps at the door of the two men's cells, and then headed to the first floor.

These people have said before that there is a tunnel on the first floor.

Since they chose to wake up during the day, the tunnel on this floor could obviously lead to the outside. Otherwise, Lu Xing and his party would not be able to pass through the open space at the prison gate, and there would be a princess watching eagerly in the sky.

Wait, princess?

The five-five-open ring!

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