The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 130 Bartender’s Professional Abilities

Li Huachao smiled contemptuously at Lu Xing and the bartender opposite him, and then switched back to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang quickly released Room 225 to the wall next to him, quickly opened the door and got in.

Before completely entering the room, Yu Liang threw out the four shadow attendants and moved quickly towards Lu Xing and the wine master, disrupting their pursuit.

"Go over there and ignore the shadows on the ground." Lu Xing saw Yu Liang getting into the room that appeared out of thin air on the side and strode forward, "Chase!"

However, this room only appeared for a moment. Before they could take a few steps, the room disappeared just as it appeared suddenly.

"Gone?" The bartender's expression changed. An enemy like Yu Liang was the one they least wanted to face.

Not only are their methods weird, but their personal physical fitness is also terrible. Just one person can defeat their four-man team.

So why haven't I heard of this guy before?

They obviously pay attention to the list of game masters every week, and at the same time write down the characteristics of those alienated professionals. If there are advanced players wearing rabbit hoods, they will also note down the "rabbit appearance" of these people in real life.

And now this guy, they thought he was a lucky guy who happened to win the rabbit game, because they didn't know him at all, but they didn't expect that his strength was so terrifying.

"He took the mirror away, and it should be in the mirror now." Lu Xing's words were extremely brief. He glanced at the four shadow attendants entangled in his shadow on the ground, and tried hard to break free from their restraints.

This kind of shadow attendant can only interfere with his movements, but cannot completely prevent his movements, but even this is very disgusting.

Add to this the eerie room and the ability to enter mirrors...

What is this guy's profession?

Why are abilities so complex?

The most important thing now is to find his location and attack this guy. It's not possible to be passively beaten all the time.

And without Yu Liang's position, they couldn't use characters or abilities.

Lu Xing's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding objects, and then landed on a bucket beside the corridor.

"Come on!" he said to the bartender behind him, while he took the lead and rushed ahead.

Unlike the other two consumables, the wine master has been with him since very early. To a certain extent, their abilities are compatible with each other, and they are companions who cannot be easily abandoned.

At the same time, four shadow attendants also entangled Lu Xing's shadow, hindering his actions.

"Bartender." Lu Xing turned his head and said to the bartender who was three or four steps behind him.

"Drunk sin." The bartender reacted quickly and realized that he should help him, so he took out a character and discarded it, then waved the white light turned into Lu Xing.

This is his ability, which allows a player to gain a "tippy" state by simply discarding any character, reducing fear and improving physical fitness.

The bartender got into a good state for himself and rushed forward after Lu Xing.

Lu Xing did not hesitate to lift the bucket and dump the water on the ground.

The water flooded the corridor and instantly spread a mirror on the ground.

With the help of this improvised mirror, Lu Xing also successfully found Yu Liang's location.

"Here." Lu Xing glanced around and saw the bunny man on one side of the corridor.

At this time, Yu Liang was running quickly from where he disappeared before, as if he wanted to get close to them.

Just as he guessed, Yu Liang indeed entered the mirror world.

Lu Xing picked up the characters in his hand and aimed at Yu Liang in the mirror.

Yu Liang in the mirror was also surprised by Lu Xing's adaptability. He did not expect that Lu Xing could think of a way to deal with it in just a moment.

But this is not enough. Lu Xing in the real world can hurt him in the mirror with his characters, and vice versa.

Moreover, the casting range of his characters is longer, so you can use the characters to counter Lu Xing before he releases the characters.

Yu Liang opened the page and found the suitable character, then controlled the distance to seven steps and typed directly towards Nalu Star.

"Dazzle" character.

First control these two people directly, and then switch to Li Huachao to take action.

Yu Liang said.

He doesn't have many lethal characters anymore. Using broken characters to directly kill the enemy or using characters to control the enemy and then let Li Hua face down to die, the result of both is the same, so there is no need to use up the last pawn here. .

And just as he threw out the "dazzled" character, Lu Xing also made a new move.

"Vodka!" Lu Xing shouted coldly, this was the moment he was waiting for.

The ability of a bartender is very simple. As the name suggests, it is to mix drinks.

When a character plays a character, the brewmaster can use a base wine to fuse it to produce new effects.

This new effect can be targeted at the character, or the user of the character itself.

So just now he was the first to pick up the character book to lure Yu Liang to take action first. As long as Yu Liang can use the characters, the bartender's ability can have an impact on Yu Liang.

Things developed just as Lu Xing imagined.

It is impossible for normal players to know the conditions for activating the sommelier's professional ability, and they often have to suffer several losses in a row before they can make a guess.

If it was the first time I met a bartender, I would definitely be tricked like this.

"Go!" The bartender immediately activated his ability after hearing this, and the colorless and translucent light group surrounding him disappeared in an instant.

When the light ball appeared again, it had already reached Yu Liang's hand and penetrated directly into his body.

[You have entered the "heavy drunkenness" state, and all physical strength will gradually be lost within three minutes, and will slowly return to normal within 24 hours. 】

The purification effect of the Brave Seal is still cooling down, and it is completely unusable now.

The pop-up prompt box stopped Yu Liang in place. In just a second, he felt an insurmountable sense of fatigue on his body, and his physical strength was constantly being lost at a terrifying speed.

After confirming that the white light group entered Yu Liang's body, Lu Xing stepped on the water without hesitation, stirring the water and splashing water in the corridor.

At the same time, the "Dazzling" character thrown by Yu Liang in the mirror world just arrived in front of the water surface, but now the water surface was destroyed by Lu Xing, so the "Dazzling" character lost its target position and suddenly stood in place. dissipate.

"Let's go." Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao. He couldn't do anything in this physical state.

According to the content of the prompt box, this state will reach its peak within three minutes. It is obviously stupid to fight these two people at this time.

Among his monster creatures, only the Mantis and the Lucky Ghost have the ability to fight head-on, and Nalu Xing has not even used his professional ability, so the risk of continuing to fight is too great.

Judging from the fight just now, the light group appeared directly next to him and penetrated into his body the moment he used the character. Therefore, there must be certain conditions for the use of the light group, otherwise the wine master would not take advantage of it. He uses this light group when typing characters.

If you want to use it, the best time is obviously to use it at the moment when you meet in reality.

That is to say...

That light group can only be activated when other players use characters?

Yu Liang quickly came up with a guess in his mind.

"Give me a minute." Li Huachao quickly replied, and then took advantage of this time to get into room 225.

The current water surface is disturbed by Lu Xing, so Lu Xing cannot see what is happening in the mirror world.

This is the only chance for a sneak attack. Don't hesitate. The sooner the better.

"Only one minute, leave immediately after one minute." Yu Liang said, "Don't type characters. The bartender can limit the use of characters."

Li Huachao quickly entered the prison mirror from room 225. He placed the prison mirror on the ground in the corridor, and then suddenly reached into the mirror.

The entity of the prison mirror also appeared out of thin air in the corridor of the real world, and then a hand stretched out from the mirror.

"Look at me..." Li Huachao selected the "Thunder" character and held it in his hand, but did not choose any attack target, so the thunder character with special effects condensed in his hand, blooming with blue-purple thunder light. .

He pushed out with one palm and hit the bartender with the trick he had studied first.


The thunder character was pressed on the bartender's thigh. Due to the paralysis effect of the thunder character, the bartender suddenly became weak and was about to collapse to the ground.

Li Huachao did not select a target when he used this thunder character, so he did not count as playing the character, so he would not trigger the conditions for using the wine master's ability, nor would he explode on the spot to complete a suicide attack.

"Bring it here!" Li Huachao took advantage of the moment when the bartender went limp, snatched the woven bag from the bartender's hand, and then ran away.

The whole set of actions took less than half a minute. It could be said to be extremely smooth and fast. It was Li Huachao who was forcing his exhausted body to fight.

However, the effect was also very significant. Neither Lu Xing nor the wine master expected that the characters could be used in this way, nor did they expect that Li Huachao actually dared to come back and attack.

"Got it." Li Huachao said happily, then quickly ran to the other side dragging his tired body. He needed to get rid of these two people within a minute.

"Hide in the darkness. Even if there is a mirror in the darkness, it will not show the mirror image. If they can't see us, they can't use characters to call in." Yu Liang continued to order, "But don't hide in the nearby darkness, go A little further away, they will light it in reality.”

Li Huachao nodded and staggered away.

His professional ability has a bonus to his physical fitness, so Shang can still run for a while, but at the same time, his physical strength loss is also greater.

In reality, Lu Xing did not choose to follow. He watched the turbid water gradually return to calm, and watched the mud and dust in the water settle again.

The corridor on the first floor of the prison was calm again. If it weren't for the corpses, blood stains and water on the ground, it would look like nothing happened.

In the mirror formed by the water surface, Yu Liang's figure was no longer there.

"Aren't we going to chase him?" The bartender stood behind Lu Xing, feeling unwilling to do so.

Now there are only four light groups left around him.

There are only four kinds of base wines that can be used.

Although the bartender's professional ability base wine has a very abnormal effect, each base wine can only be used once in each round of dungeon, and each base wine is precious.

Vodka, this base liquor has already been used, so it cannot be used again in this round of copies.

If we don't catch up now and eliminate future troubles, I always feel a bit short-changed.

"It's meaningless." Lu Xing shook his head, "He is hiding in the mirror. Even if he catches up, it will be useless. To kill him completely, you need a lot of mirrors and water, but you can't find these things in this prison. .”

He said faintly: "Although the effect of vodka is to restore physical strength after three minutes, this recovery process lasts for twenty-four hours. In other words, he still cannot return to his normal state in the next rabbit game. We can It’s time to attack again. But before that, we still need to find two new teammates.”

"Okay." Seeing Lu Xing say this, the bartender nodded.

After all, Lu Xing's combat IQ is much higher than him. Naturally, Lu Xing has the final say in combat matters.

But there was one thing Lu Xing didn't say, and that was that his professional ability had not yet been restored.

Catching the snake consumed too many of his resources, and it would take some time for him to recover before he could use his professional abilities again. Judging from this level of consumption, the snake had a profound impact on this copy, so he had to recapture the snake. .

Lu Xing lowered his eyes, silently thinking about further plans.

What he has to do now is to recover the previous consumption. As long as he has professional ability, he doesn't have to worry about anything else.

Destiny will help him arrange the process leading to everything.

Never late.

In the mirror world, Li Huachao also completely lost his strength and fell to the ground unable to hold up.

Before he collapsed completely, Yu Liang also told Li Huachao: "Throw the bag into room 225 and lock up the snake."

He was quite worried that the snake would attack him while he was weak. Even if it didn't attack, it would still be troublesome if it ran around in the mirror world.

"Why do you always like to put weird things into 225's body? Fortunately, it's not an eel, but it's not bad either." Li Huachao complained over and over again, and immediately followed the instructions and threw the woven bag in his hand into room 225. , and at the same time complained about the injustice of Room 225, "The 225 Protection Association solemnly protested!"

He opened the door of Room 225 by himself, received the woven bag and the snake in the bag, and squeaked to express his agreement with Li Huachao's words.

"Shut up 225." Li Huachao glanced at the door of the room next to him. Room 225 immediately closed the door tightly without saying a word.

It still remembers everything that happened in the small building in the zoo.

"This is just a snake, not a dead person. It can bear it." Yu Liang replied.

Three minutes have passed now, and he can feel his physical strength slowly recovering, but the recovery speed is too slow, and he can still only collapse on the ground, unable to move.

He remembered the battle that had just happened and began to analyze it in his mind.

In general, this time it was the result of not understanding the opponent's skills. I didn't expect that they actually had a way to forcibly weaken their physical strength. The trigger condition was still "using characters", which can be said to be impossible to guard against.

He heard Lu Xing say "vodka" before, which should be the name of the colorless translucent light group just now.



Plus those light groups surrounding the bartender.

Yu Liang also had some guesses in his mind.

If you are a bartender instead of a winemaker, your professional ability should be related to bartending, then the meaning of those light groups should be...

Base wine?

So in addition to vodka, there should be five types: brandy, whiskey, rum, gin and tequila.

Can each base wine trigger the corresponding effect when the player releases the character?

Thinking about it this way, it sounds a bit like bartending.

Yu Liang also began to think deeply, thinking about his next plan.

Since these two people have become enemies, they cannot stay together.

The battles in this book are probably a competition of the abilities of many alienated professions. Each profession has its own fighting method. I tried to make the battles more interesting and not just a simple battle of skills.

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