The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 121 You are in the rabbit’s dream

Rabbits hang on the rope, staying in mid-air.

In the darkness, still.

Yu Liang walked into this open space. This was the mirror world, a mirror world under his control, so he didn't have to worry too much about the threat from the mirror monster.

At worst, you can just turn on a time-speed adjustment plug-in and just escape back to reality.

The entire cave was extremely quiet, with only the quiet sound of some water droplets coming from the depths of the passages.

This open space seems to be located in the center of this cave group. Small caves extending in all directions lead here, and the wind from nowhere brings a slight coolness.

"The people who hang these rabbits are pretty good at it." Li Huachao took a deep breath and made a smacking sound, "The air-dried rabbit meat is really good."

He suggested: "How about I hang Tuyou's leg here and age it? This will make it more delicious. When this copy comes back, let me make a meal for you... Well, this can be called a female body Banquet?"

"Shut up." Yu Liang was too lazy to answer him.

This guy doesn't have much inventory. Didn't he bring Lao Du's legacy with him?

Why is there still room for that rabbit leg?

Yu Liang didn't know this, so he approached the hanging rabbits, then stretched out his hand to gently touch one of them.

Rabbit fur is not long and feels a little hard.

Yu Liang could feel the body temperature transmitted from the rabbit.

Do even mirror rabbits have this kind of body temperature?

These rabbits are alive.

So what are they doing here?

Yu Liang frowned slightly, but after walking around for a while, he found nothing special.

He wanted to find the special one among these hanging rabbits. Maybe that was the dummy that had stolen his hand.

But nothing was found. The rabbits looked exactly the same, with no difference at all.

The mirror world will not lie, it will only dutifully reproduce a complete real world.

So, underground shopping malls don’t exist at all now?

Is the only real thing that exists is this rabbit hole?

When Yu Liang returned to reality from the mirror, the real underground shopping mall did not break the illusion. What he saw was still this underground shopping mall.

But he saw a little more.

There was one dummy missing from the small square. Yu Liang could see a gap inside, and a sneaky inverted dummy was slowly slipping out of the crowd of dummies.

It seems that because Yu Liang disappeared just now, it stopped pretending.

Yu Liang stepped forward, and the trapped character came out of his hand, successfully hitting the dummy.

The dummy struggled in place, but with its ability it was completely impossible to break away from the effect of the characters. It couldn't even move the slightest bit, and it couldn't speak. It could only watch Yu Liang walking over.

He glanced at the dummies around him, and the closer he got, the more human-like he could feel them.

No other dummies were disturbed.

Yu Liang squatted down and unhooked the buckle on the left arm of the dummy model, and then carefully checked his hand.

Finger shape, nail length, callus location.

These features all indicated that this hand belonged to him, so he felt confident installing this hand on his body.

After the hand was installed, the buckle on the left arm disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

He moved his arms, but there was nothing serious and no strange feeling.

Yu Liang put his left hand on the dummy's side, and then stopped caring about the trapped dummy and turned to look at the small square.

Apart from these weird fake people in the square, there seems to be nothing particularly noteworthy about this square.

It is similar to the small square in the real shopping mall, except that there is always a children's paradise such as "Ocean Ball Park" arranged in the small square in reality for the children in the shopping mall to play.

The experience of the mirror world caused doubts in Yu Liang's heart.

He originally thought that this underground shopping mall was abandoned by humans in the past after using it, but now he doesn't think so.

This shopping mall does not seem to exist in the realm of reality, so why should it be abandoned?

So those opening flyers…

Maybe it's not something that was left when the mall opened, but something that was scattered on the ground before the mall opened.

The flyers were brand new, the floors were clean, and the shops looked undecorated.

Yu Liang frowned slightly.

Maybe he got the situation wrong before.

This underground shopping mall has not yet opened, and those empty shops may not necessarily mean that the merchants have left, but it may mean that they have not yet welcomed the merchants.

What he saw in the mirror world were rabbit holes. The entire rabbit hole was made of soil, and there was no sign of modern human activity.

In other words, this underground shopping mall is about to open?

Is this a shopping mall for these bunny people or dummies?

Yu Liang stopped and looked at the mailbox on the wall.

This seems to be no longer the commercial area of ​​the mall, but an office area for some work managers.

At the entrance to the office area, letter boxes are arranged in rows on the wall, with numbers on them, and each letter box has a corresponding owner.

At this time, following his gaze, I saw several newspapers stuffed in the delivery port of one of the mailboxes, and there seemed to be letters mixed in.

"Newspaper?" Yu Liang was also stunned. He did not expect the appearance of such a thing.

He had only seen the dummy and bunny man in this underground shopping mall. Apart from that, he didn't even see a single intelligent monster. How would anyone read a newspaper in a place like this?

Yu Liang took the newspapers out of the mailbox and shined a flashlight on them.

This flashlight was taken from Lao Jiang's security room. He has not used it a few times. As long as you have a blind stick, you don't need to use a flashlight in most dark situations, unless you need to "read" like now. when.

Now it finally comes in handy.

March 21st, March 25th, April 15th, April 28th.

The dates of these newspapers are all separated by a certain distance. Yu Liang arranged them in chronological order while paying attention to the dates.

There was no outrageous date above April 31st like before, and the newspaper still looked normal.

Yu Liang did not read page by page, but first read the front page news of these newspapers in sequence.

"The Heping Times Underground Mall in ██ City is planned to be launched in Heping Community. It is currently attracting investment. Please call the hotline for details..."

“Our city has designated the Heping Times Underground Mall as a key construction project to create a new era of Heping business district, and the commercial housing in Heping Community is booming in pre-sales...”

"A major construction accident occurred at the Heping underground mall construction site. It was suspected that a new mausoleum site was discovered. The city archaeological team went to the site overnight to explore... It's not a site, it's a nest! So many rabbits!"

"Rabbit...rabbit...don't wake up the sweet dream of will all end...if you want to wake up rabbit...if you want to wake up...if you want...if's better Play games! Play games with Rabbit! There are rewards for winning! There are no penalties for losing!”

"All rabbits'...dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams"



Yu Liang looked carefully, and the titles of the last two newspapers made him instinctively stunned.

This is definitely not a headline written by a normal newspaper.

Look at the large homepage picture again.

Black and white lines create a huge pit with interconnected passages, and in the center of the pit stands a huge rabbit statue.

Rabbit head and human body.

One rabbit's ears stand up, and the other rabbit's ears droop on the shoulder.

This was the front page of the city's newspaper when a rabbit nest was discovered.

The next homepage was filled with a huge rabbit head, which seemed to be holding a human in its mouth, while showing an evil smile.

The front page of the last newspaper showed rabbits and people holding hands in a big circle, laughing, singing and dancing under the rabbit statue, a scene of happy reunion.

From this point of view, as soon as a big hole was dug in this underground shopping mall, it encountered a large-scale strange incident with rabbits as its core, so that the entire area was affected?

So it turns out that Rabbit is the master of this dungeon, and there is no other team besides Rabbit?

So come on, that bunny team from before...

Let the rabbit come on and kill all the humans, right?

Sometimes Yu Liang really doesn't understand which side this monster world is on. On the one hand, it traps the source ghost story in the dungeon and restricts it from going out to do evil. On the other hand, it returns to curse the player, never falling behind once.

Forget it, just think that you are setting the reverse flag.

But is the Rabbit Nest incident based on a real-life ghost story?

So why has he never heard of it?

Wait a minute.

Yu Liang looked at the city name displayed on the title of the first newspaper.


is blocked.

So is it possible that this is the city where Changhong Zoo is located?

Yu Liang quickly searched these newspapers, not missing any small column.

Economy, international news, entertainment, sports…

"Changhong Zoo recruits heavily. The salary for ordinary employees starts at 8,000, and the salary for security guards starts at 15,000. There is a lot of physical work, so men are given priority. The salary issue can be discussed..."

Li Huachao clicked her tongue and said, "As soon as I opened the newspaper, I saw that the director was trying to trick people."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Someone has to take care of that person in the zoo." Yu Liang didn't expect to see such an Easter egg in a place like this.

Then he noticed that the "Zhi" in his character column shook twice again, as if in protest against his teasing.

Yu Liang naturally ignored it and pretended not to see it.

When he went out, she probably forgot that Li Huachao called her "sister" before, but nothing happened in the end, which made Yu Liang feel a little regretful.

But also, Li Huachao and she could never appear in the same place. Even if she wanted to take revenge, she had to wait until Li Huachao could get out of the universe.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it would be dangerous for him to tease her.

Yu Liang shut his mouth and continued reading the newspaper.

However, apart from this information, the newspapers did not record anything more, except that what was published in the last newspaper was more or less strange.

[Rabbit Game Column]

"The winner of the game today is ███. He got a high score of 6700 in the handkerchief throwing game. He was given a rabbit hood and 50,000 yuan in cash as encouragement!"

"The rabbit game has been launched in the Heping Community. In the future, we will consider holding games in many places in ██ City. All citizens and friends, please participate actively and don't be disrespectful."

Bonus bunny hood?

The one the Bunnyman wears on his head?

Is this also called a reward?

Yu Liangliang felt weird, and what was even more surprising was that the official newspapers had fallen into this state.

The strength of ordinary people is completely worthless in front of these strange creatures, and they are completely unable to fight against them.

Not to mention those strange stories about concepts spread through memetic infection, the fog monster alone is not something ordinary people can face.

So, that city was really in trouble. Not only was there the Changhong Zoo, but also this peaceful community, plus the "bucket" she had vaguely mentioned before and the paper people of unknown origin...

The people living in this city are really happy, well, just living is very happy.

Yu Liang couldn't help but pray in his heart for the people who had suffered from such strange stories.

There was another keyword in these newspapers that caught Yu Liang's attention.


The following newspapers almost all mentioned the word "dream" with high frequency. It seems that all this weirdness started when the rabbits were awakened from their dreams.

And before in the mirror world, he did see those rabbits being hung up.

The rabbits are still not dead, they remain "alive", but they don't move.

If it wasn't a plant rabbit, it could only be a dream.

Yu Liang opened another letter in the mailbox while thinking. He felt that he seemed to have some ideas about this copy of the ghost story.

If you just want to leave this dungeon, you only need to win the rabbit game every week; but if you want to complete the source of this dungeon, you obviously need to explore something deeper.

How did this strange story come about?

How to solve this strange story?

Yu Liang felt that there must be a connection, and scientific methods could be used to solve the root cause of the strange rumors.

The writing rules of this copy of Guaitan are very unscientific, so the science Yu Liang talks about is not science in ordinary semantics, but a way of thinking.

Even if it is a strange story, it can be analyzed in a relatively logical way, the relationship between it can be found, and finally solved.

If it is completely illogical, then you can only shout long live Cthulhu and wait to be assimilated.

Yu Liang opened the envelope, took out the letter paper inside, and read the text on it.

"Are you happy? Dear Rabbit Head."

After just reading one line of words, Yu Liang recognized the handwriting, which was exactly the same as the handwriting on the previous letter.

He put down the letter.

Do you want to continue reading?

This guy had just tricked him in a letter last time, which made Yu Liang a little reluctant to step into the trap again.

However, thinking about it carefully, Yu Liang gritted his teeth and couldn't help but read on.

Anyway, you still have to watch it.


happy? Dear bunny head.

I am writing this letter right next to you.


Don't look back, because I'm not there. I'm writing at a time far enough away from you that we are in the same place and you can't see me.

Being able to read this letter means that you are strong enough, lucky enough and smart enough. To make a long story short.

You are dreaming now, and the rabbit is dreaming too, and you are in the rabbit's dream.


wake up!

The premise of everything is to wake up!

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