The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 120 Your wife eloped with someone

"Hello, Bunny Head."

This is the only sentence on this flyer.

Such a sentence was written in dark red split fonts, which almost blended into the black background. Yu Liang squinted his eyes and stared intently before he could distinguish the words.

Rabbit head?

Referring to me?

Yu Liang touched his face. He didn't have that fluffy rabbit hood on his head.

He's not a rabbit head, at least his head hasn't turned into a "rabbit head" yet.

So could this "rabbit head" mean...

Is he the leader of the rabbits?

Judging from the game just now, he is indeed the leader of the Rabbit Team, and the game seems to be intending to make him and the Rabbits become a whole.

No one can be left behind.

Do not abandon, do not give up.

Or maybe the game just now didn't take place in real space?

Yu Liang knew clearly that he had no memory of eating dirt or having his hands stained with blood. These two things should have been done by the rabbit people.

He now felt that the muscles in his body were a little sore and his whole body was tired, as if he had woken up from a big dream and his soul had returned to his body.

However, when he opened the universe, the more than twenty character cards of Cao Ying inside were silently telling him——

Everything I experienced in the previous game is real.

So the "grass" character cards I saw just now should refer to these grass babies, right?

Fortunately, he didn't really eat it, otherwise Yu Liang estimated that he might really be assimilated into a "rabbit syndrome" patient, and he would definitely not be a patient with mild symptoms like the paper man.

Apart from growing cute bunny ears, the paper man seems to have no other symptoms.

But Yu Liang was on the verge of completely losing mental control just now. If Li Huachao hadn't suddenly woken him up, he didn't know what he would have become.

As for the brave man's seal, Yu Liang suddenly felt that it was a bit useless.

It would be okay if it was normal mental pollution. When this kind of rabbit syndrome occurs, his mind is full of grass and he can't think of using it at all.

Only when you regain some consciousness can you use the stamp to purify your brain.

And this thing can only be used once a day, and he knows very well that this is definitely not enough.

Although the effect of this stamp was indeed good, Yu Liang had never felt so awake before. It was like pouring two tubes of mint powder into his nose, and there was always a chill in his brain.

He estimated that he would not be mentally disturbed by this rabbit disease in the next period of time.

"Aren't you going to go back?" Li Huachao asked, "The game is over. If you don't go back, aren't you afraid that it will steal your home?"

"Since we're already here, let's explore first and see if we can discover any secrets." Yu Liang said.

Of course, what Li Huachao said made sense. The disembodied monster next door was also a headache.

When you get home, give the apartment a good inspection.

But for now, let’s explore the underground mall first. After all, he has a short-term “awakening” buff that cannot be wasted.

As the end point of the rabbit dummy, there should be many secrets hidden here.

"Okay, but are there no other players here?" Li Huachao asked, with a bit of fighting spirit in his voice, "I want to find someone to fight with. You haven't created a character for this dungeon yet, have you?"

He chuckled: "I'm quite looking forward to having new characters join in,"

"If you can avoid conflicts with others, it's better to be more conservative." Yu Liang is not competitive.

Li Huachao's professional abilities include "rules" abilities, which allow him to force faster shooting speed. Around this ability, Li Huachao also developed gameplay methods such as "Blade Storm" and "Alpha Assault".

In the same way, other alienated professional players can also have rules-based abilities, and rules-based abilities are not weak, and capsizing in the gutter is very likely to happen.

"Okay." Li Huachao was not in a hurry. He knew very well that sooner or later some unsighted players would come to his door.

There are a lot of good things in Yu Liang. As long as they are exposed in front of outsiders, they will inevitably attract the covetousness of others.

As long as there are players, fights are inevitable, and then it will be the time for Li Huachao to become powerful in the world.

And Li Huachao's words also reminded Yu Liang.

Walking deep into the underground mall, he really didn't see any other players.

The underground shopping mall should be the top priority in exploring the area, but it is extremely clean, and the flyers scattered on the ground look like new.

This place is like the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang buried deep underground, everything has never been explored.

He stretched out his hand towards the dummy model in front of him and tried to press the dummy.

It feels similar to the models I've seen in supermarkets in the past, and is made of hard plastic.

Yu Liang knocked on the dummy model again. Judging from the sound coming from inside, the dummy was hollow.


He suddenly wanted to take one apart and take a look.

Yu Liang felt that he might not be able to find anything in the body of the dummy model, but he seemed to be able to determine whether it was alive.

In an abandoned underground shopping mall, abandoned mannequins can move independently like ghosts. Is this quite reasonable?

Yu Liang found the buckles connecting the limbs of the dummy, and removed all the limbs of the dummy with a slight twist. Then he looked into the inside of the dummy's body through the break in the dummy's arm.

There was nothing inside, just emptiness.

There doesn't seem to be anything supernatural about it.

Yu Liang glanced at the dummy on the ground. At this time, the dummy looked like a human pig. His hands and legs were disassembled and placed beside him, leaving only the torso part of the body.

The face of the dummy model still had that stiff smile.

It's better to help it put its hands and feet back on.

If the dummy is not reassembled after being dismantled and the dummy is born with intelligence, he will definitely resent him and have many consequences.

Yu Liang has rich experience in horror stories, so naturally he doesn’t want to be tricked in such an inexplicable place.

So he started to install the dummy's hands and feet one by one. The hands and feet of these dummies were all standard. He only needed to align and tighten them, and finally buckle the top buckles.

As the last buckle on the arm was assembled tightly, Yu Liang also reinstalled the limbs of the dummy.

"An extra hand?" Suddenly, Yu Liang saw another prosthetic hand at the feet of the dummy, and he was immediately stunned.

How come there is an extra hand?


He noticed that the left hand on the dummy was not white like hard plastic, but flesh-colored, and there were obvious calluses on the knuckles.

Yu Liang knew that they were calluses from holding the controller and playing games for a long time.

It's the calluses on his hands.

my hand?

How did my hand end up on the dummy? !

Looking at his left hand again, I don't know when the sleeve of the clothes was empty.

Looking carefully, he could still see several white buckles at the break of his left arm.

This is not a prosthetic hand. Yu Liang can clearly see some blood vessels, muscles and skin from the cross section of his left arm.

But there was no blood flowing out, it looked like jelly being cut open.

When did your hand run to it?

Yu Liang knew that he had not done any wrong steps just now. He even used both hands to install the limbs of the dummy. Why did it end up like this after installation?


However, before Yu Liang stretched out his hand to grab the dummy, the dummy made a crisp sound, and it seemed to suddenly come to life and fled crazily towards the depths of the underground shopping mall.

This dummy's escaping posture is extremely strange. It puts its left hand on the ground and stands upright in a one-handed handstand. Its five fingers move quickly like spider legs. From time to time, it turns back and raises its middle finger to straighten it with the pads of its fingers. Facing Yu Liang, he seemed to be observing Yu Liang's movements.

It seems like this hand is the main body of the dummy, right?

Li Huachao clicked his tongue and said in surprise: "Yu Liang, you may not believe me if I tell you. Your wife has eloped with someone else."

Yu Liang: "..."

Then why the hell are you chasing me!

He instantly chose to "play" Li Huachao, and then desperately urged Li Huachao to catch up.

If other things were robbed, it would be fine, but the entire left arm was robbed. What is this?

Is this underground shopping mall poisonous? !

Probably because "Yu Liang" is now a one-armed man and his body balance is not easy to control, so Li Huachao climbed up with a crooked step and leaned to one side.

Balance, the balance of the body is completely broken.

Li Huachao's body's overall physical bonus is extremely high, which undoubtedly exacerbates this imbalance.

Even though Li Huachao was extremely physically gifted, it took him a while to get used to his current body.

From the beginning, the dummy was always more than ten meters in front of him. In this range, Li Huachao could not use characters or use hunting marks to mark the dummy.

Therefore, it was still difficult to catch up. Li Huachao's running speed was affected by the missing left arm, and he could only keep following closely behind the dummy.

Apart from anything else, the dummy controlled by his left hand was very fast, and the five fingers were almost twisted together, and there were even afterimages.

"Why, Yu Liang? Why can your hand run faster than you?" Li Huachao chased after him. He could neither catch up nor be thrown away. He just hung behind that hand so far away, "You From now on, let’s run upside down with our left hand. After the Blind Man Driving, the Mist Giant, and the Peaceful Night Running Group, there will be another strange story spread in the world.”

"Shut up." Yu Liang was too lazy to talk to Li Huachao. He was not in the mood to tease at this time, "Try and see if you can rush within seven steps behind it. I will trap it with characters."

Looking at it now, using characters should be the most worry-free method.

He could directly stop the dummy with a crossbow. He still believed in Li Huachao's archery skills, but he was afraid that the dummy would use his hands to block the arrows...

Nothing could happen to his hands here.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Li Huachao took a deep breath and sprinted forward.

The distance between him and the dummy was also constantly shrinking, and the dummy also realized that the situation was not good, and also began to accelerate and make turns in the underground shopping mall.

Li Huachao just chased and didn't care where the dummy took him. He was not responsible for anything that happened anyway. After all, it was Yu Liangrang who did this.

Finally, Li Huachao approached the prosthetic hand in a small alley. Just when Yu Liang was about to take back control of his body, the dummy suddenly turned to the right and disappeared from sight.

Li Huachao chased after him without hesitation. When he turned the corner and looked there, he couldn't help but stop and shrink his neck, and then silently stepped back.

He saw a square, not big, only a few hundred square meters.

There are many dummies in the square, arranged neatly like chess pieces on a chessboard.

Their postures are also uniform. The left hand is supporting the ground with one hand, and the right hand is naturally drooping. The entire dummy is in an inverted posture.

The body is upside down, but the head is upright, as if someone has forced their head to twist 180 degrees.

He had a stiff fake smile on his face and his eyes were closed, appearing to be resting.

There are hundreds of such dummies, they are gathered here, and the dark color is deposited on the face, making it even more supernatural.

It was like performing some kind of evil ritual. Anyone who saw this scene would be shocked by the majestic and strange scene.

Li Huachao is no exception.

He is better at dealing with strange creatures, but when it comes to dealing with hundreds of them at the same time...

This is not a quantity he can handle at will.

The previous dummy has blended into these dummies and blended into this group, making it impossible to tell them apart for a while.

"With so many hands, does it mean that hundreds of people have had their limbs snatched away by this dummy?" Li Huachao asked in surprise.

"Maybe," Yu Liang replied, "They seem to be sleeping. Change it back and go into the mirror to find it."

"Okay." Li Huachao responded.

Yu Liang stuck his head out from behind the corner and looked at the square. The dummies standing on one hand were still standing upright.

They certainly looked like they were resting.

He released Room 225 directly, and there was an extra door on the wall of the underground mall corridor, with a house number hanging on the door.


Yu Liang opened the door and walked in, then took out the prison mirror from the inventory and hung it on the wall.

He passed through the prison mirror and headed to the mirror world, and what appeared in front of him the next second was dirt.


"This is..." Yu Liang looked around, and the scene here was very strange to him.

He did not appear in the underground shopping mall. This is an underground cave. It is a cave made of excavated soil. It does not look small. The corridors are intricate and connected to each other.

But the height here is only about one and a half meters, so he needs to bend down to stand here.

Where is this?

Didn't he enter the Mirror World from an underground shopping mall?

How did you end up in a cave?

The world in the mirror is a reflection of reality, and this is unmistakable.

In other words, he has been in such a cave just now? !

Underground shopping malls don’t exist at all? !

Only this cave is real!

Then my own hands...

He looked at his left arm. It was indeed missing, and the buckle on the left arm was still in place.

Everything in the mirror world is illusory, but now he actually has to rely on this illusory thing to confirm whether reality is real.

Yu Liang turned the corner and looked towards the place where the square used to be.

It's an empty lot now.

In the dark cave, hundreds of ropes hung from the top wall. At the end of each rope was a rabbit. The rabbits had their eyes closed, as if they were already dead.

There are hundreds of rabbits hanging here, with ropes wrapped around their right legs. Under the natural influence of gravity, these rabbits are in an inverted posture, with their left forearms hanging down.

However, the rabbit's head was turned around one by one, facing Yu Liang.

This is……

Yu Liang realized that this scene was somewhat familiar.

The posture of these rabbits is exactly the same as that of the previous dummies who stood on their left arm.

In reality, he still didn't seem to wake up.

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