The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 117 This monster cannot be kept. It is better to pack it up and take it away.

One Two Three Bunny Man?

Is this a replica of the 123 wooden man?

Yu Liang quickly understood the meaning of the rules of this game, but one of the rules was different from what he thought.

When facing the Rabbit Man, the Rabbit Man will not move. When his back is turned to the Rabbit Man, the Rabbit Man will approach him.

It's not about looking at each other, but having to face each other or turn away from each other. This also prevents Yu Liang from using chess pieces to block bugs.

It seems that the people who made the rules of this game are very cunning.

However, his chess pieces are not useless, because the rules also state that when the rabbit's back is turned, the speed of the rabbit is a random and constant value.

If he didn't use the chess piece to monitor the rabbit man all the time, he wouldn't know how fast the rabbit man would run. If he couldn't control the distance, he would be caught directly by the rabbit man.

But what does the goal of this mission mean?

Send Bunnyman back to where he belongs?

where is that?

Yu Liang frowned slightly, but then he thought of the correct answer.

There was a sentence in that letter that said, "There is a bunny man standing in the mall downstairs."

So you want to send this bunny man back to the mall downstairs?

The Rabbit Man will follow him, but should he control the rhythm of turning back and let the Rabbit Man follow him until the Rabbit Man reaches the destination mall?

And he also needs to always appear in the Rabbit Man's field of vision, otherwise the game will fail.

This is a test of level.

The distance between him and the Rabbit Man must be strictly controlled, otherwise the Rabbit Man will lose his vision when passing some corners.

Yu Liang kept looking at the rabbit man in the distance. While slowly retreating towards the window at the back, he used the chess piece tied to his waist to observe the situation behind him.

He was currently on the third floor. If he went downstairs from the stairwell, he would have to go through two full flights of stairs. In a small space that required constant turning, Yu Liang could not guarantee that he would always be seen by the rabbit man.

Moreover, it is difficult to control the close distance on the stairs. If you make a slight mistake, you will be caught by the rabbit man, not to mention that other strange creatures may appear to interfere with him when passing through those two floors...

It was impossible to take the stairs, it was too difficult, and he didn't feel confident taking the elevator, so he decided to lead the rabbit man to the window sill, and then he jumped directly from the window sill.

A person's upper and lower field of view is about 120 degrees, and the third floor is not that high, so as long as he jumps far enough, he should be able to ensure that the entire process is in the eyes of the rabbit man.

The only difficulty is to attract the rabbit man to the window sill before jumping down, so that he can get as close to the window sill as possible.

After making a plan in his mind, Yu Liang walked backwards to the window. He always kept facing the rabbit man, which also kept the rabbit man still in place and unable to move.

He leaned against the wall of the window sill, then took down the chess piece and stretched it out the window to look down.

There was an open space downstairs, and a lawn beyond that. There was an edge outside the window sill, enough for him to stand firm.

So Yu Liang slowly climbed up the window backwards, stood on the edge of the window outside the window sill, and then slowly exhaled.

Now it was time to turn around and get the Rabbit Man to quickly approach him to this ledge so that he could still be in the Rabbit Man's field of vision as he jumped down.

Yu Liang took the chess piece from behind, pointed it straight at the rabbit man, and then quickly turned around.

The rabbit man's figure instantly disappeared from his sight, and Yu Liang's heart skipped a beat.



Rabbit people…

No, it didn’t disappear, it just randomly reset too fast!

Yu Liang reacted very quickly. He suppressed the fear in his heart and turned his head desperately.

A huge rabbit hood was stuck to the tip of his nose.

The scarlet rabbit eyes were still staring at him dully, and the slightly curved rabbit lips seemed to be a little regretful. The two protruding front teeth were ground to a sharp point, and there were yellow stains on them.

The Rabbit Man's hand had already reached Yu Liang's mouth, and it froze up and down in mid-air, as if he was going to tear Yu Liang's mouth to pieces in the next second.

Yu Liang's heart was beating wildly. He felt that his body was a little cold, and his legs and feet were unconsciously weak, so he grabbed the window sill with his hands and held it tightly.

Obviously, if he hesitated for a second, he would be caught by the bunny man, and his head would be torn apart without giving him any chance.

As long as he is caught, as long as he leaves the sight of the rabbit man, even he will die directly.

This is something written in the rules of the game, not something he can change with his physical strength or professional abilities.

At this moment, Yu Liang suddenly felt a sense of vulnerability that he had not seen for a long time.

All power is useless. In the face of the weirdness of the rules, the damned are damned and unable to struggle.

You need to be more careful to detect the secrets of the rules, find a suitable way to complete the game, and explore the secrets. Only in this way can you survive.

He always felt that the difficulty of this dungeon had suddenly increased. Just a small game made him feel the threat of death. Could this be an adjustment made in the dungeon of Kaitan?

He completed the first dungeon 100% and received all the rewards, and then the second dungeon was replaced by a single-player dungeon.

In the single-player dungeon, he also completed it easily with the help he received from the first dungeon. He has the "key", the "broken" character that can penetrate the mirror and directly kill the opposite creature, and Li Huachao. Strong physical fitness and fighting skills, bulldozing all the way.

Of course, you also need to use your brain to solve the puzzles of the dungeon.

The next third dungeon was a purely weird dungeon that could not rely on physical fitness, which made Yu Liang feel like he was suddenly targeted.

Could it be that the previous single-person prison mirror copy was a test of his personal strength, but fortunately, the third copy threw him into a strange story that matched his rank?

So the overall quality of the other players in this dungeon won’t be too bad, right?

There must be at least several players of Lao Du's level.

Thinking about it carefully, Yu Liang suddenly felt like he had been cheated by the system.

In this kind of multiplayer copy, other players may be more terrifying than the ghost story itself. After all, in the zoo ghost story, the biggest life and death crisis that Yu Liang encountered was Lao Du.

He is just a newcomer who has experienced two copies.

"Li Huachao, come out and do the long jump." Yu Liang called out to Li Huachao, but there was no response for a long time.

"Okay." Li Huachao's voice came from the bottom of his heart. This was the first time Yu Liang heard his voice sound so serious.

Obviously, even Li Huachao felt how scary this rabbit man was.

Li Huachao didn't talk too much. He put his hands on the window sill, leaned back, and at the same time kicked hard against the wall with both feet.

His body drew an arc in the air. During this period, Li Huachao always looked at the rabbit man, making sure that he was within the rabbit man's field of vision.

He landed lightly. It was not difficult for him to jump from the height of the third floor. With a little buffer, nothing happened.

Then Li Huachao turned around and used his chess pieces to observe the rabbit behind him.

The bunnyman also jumped off the ledge and started running towards him.

However, this time its running posture was not sneaky, but the Hokage running with his hands behind his back, and the random speed of the rabbit man was not as fast as before, which was roughly equivalent to the normal running speed of ordinary people.

"You also run." Yu Liang made a quick judgment and rushed towards Li Hua.

Since the rabbit man can't run as fast as Li Huachao, but his speed is still constant, doesn't this become a catch-up problem?

As long as the person in front runs faster than the Rabbit behind, the Rabbit will never be able to catch up with him.

"Yes, why is this not mentioned in the rules?" Li Huachao was also stunned, and then became confused.

"I don't know, maybe it's a hidden rule." Yu Liang naturally didn't know the answer, but this method did exploit a loophole in the rules.

Of course, it is also possible that such rules are designed just for people to play like this.

Next, Li Huachao followed Yu Liang's instructions and started jogging, asking the rabbit man to follow him. At the same time, he looked in all directions and listened in all directions, looking for the surrounding shopping malls.

The letter said that the shopping mall is downstairs. Why is there no shopping mall nearby?

Isn't this just an ordinary apartment complex?

Li Huachao was surprised. He wanted to look back and see what was going on behind him. Maybe the shopping mall was behind the original apartment building, but he didn't dare to look back.

Once he turns around again, the rabbit man's speed will be refreshed, and it may not be as easy as now.

Forget it, let’s go around this neighborhood first.

There were no street lights in this peaceful community, and the roads were lined with dense trees. As he ran, he looked up from under the dense shade of the trees. Even the moonlight could not shine through, making the roads even more claustrophobic.

But what surprised him was that after passing several buildings, he still didn't see any other players playing games, let alone games, not even players.

Is it too late now, most players have already finished the game?

Li Huachao was thinking, and then he saw three familiar figures in front of him.

Standing in the middle of the road, bathed in large shadows, the most conspicuous thing in the darkness is their three pairs of scarlet eyes.

Bunny people!

And the bunny people!

Li Huachao was shocked. He could feel that these three rabbits were also involved in this game!

Now what?

There are them in the front, and there are them in the back.

They also block the road ahead.

Run past the bunny while it's still?

Li Huachao thought of an idea, but was stopped by Yu Liang just as he was about to implement it.

"Run to the right and cross the lawn to the road over there." Yu Liang quickly gave Li Hua downward instructions, "Don't pass them."

"Why?" Li Huachao asked subconsciously.

"Those three rabbits are not standing side by side. They are in front and behind. You can't always face them three at the same time." Yu Liang replied, "And they are different from the rabbit following behind. They have weapons on their hands. Although they are still standing in the same place, they are not moving at all, they are secretly moving their wrists."

Hearing this, Li Huachao also noticed something different about the three rabbits. He looked closely and found that there were blood stains on the bodies of the three rabbits.

Just as Yu Liang said, the three rabbits were holding hammers and fruit knives in their hands. Blood was constantly dripping from the hammer heads and knife tips, and their hands were shaking intermittently, as if they were restraining their wrists. activity.

Li Huachao realized instantly that these bunny people were pretending.

Their legs couldn't move, but their upper bodies were definitely movable, just waiting for him to foolishly move forward, and then suddenly hit them with a hammer.

"Okay." Li Huachao also listened to Yu Liang's words, turned and ran towards the lawn, but he did not run directly forward, but moved sideways like a crab, trying to keep himself facing the three rabbits.

He had to distance himself from these three rabbits first. There was not enough distance as a buffer. If he turned his back directly to them, their reset speed values ​​would be outrageous, and he might be caught up directly.

The only good thing is that there is nothing weird on this lawn. If there are traps or other things in the ground to hinder him, it would be too hellish.

And through the chess pieces behind him, Li Huachao was always observing what the rabbit man who had been following him was doing.

After following the lawn, the rabbit in the initial state slowed down, then suddenly grabbed a handful of grass from the lawn and pulled out the things under the lawn in one go.

It was a creature with grass growing on its head, humanoid, like a baby, thin and short, less than half a meter tall.

This petite size did not make this grass baby look cute. It was born with a ferocious evil ghost appearance. After being taken out by the bunny man, its short limbs kept struggling, and its big mouth full of sharp teeth also went crazy. Gnawing the air around you.

The rabbit man bit it without hesitation. The rabbit's lip split into three parts, the rabbit's mouth suddenly enlarged, and he bit off the grass baby's lower body.

The bright red blood sputtered out like explosive liquid, soaking the bunnyman's hood into a bloody appearance.

Are there monsters in the grass? !

Li Huachao suddenly felt a coolness creeping up from the bottom of his feet. He took out the blind stick he had been holding on to and pressed it hard on the ground to raise his entire body.

Sure enough, in the next second, a grass baby jumped out of the lawn and bit Li Huachao at his original position. But at this time, Li Huachao had already climbed to the top of the blind stick and narrowly avoided the grass baby.


its not right.

Li Huachao, who was hiding in the treetops like a monkey, suddenly felt that something was wrong. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the grass baby that was falling in the air, and then kicked it away with a back kick.

"You are not protected by the rules of the game. If I can't cure the bunny man, I can't cure you?!" Li Huachao suddenly put on a mask of arrogance.

The kicked-off grass baby fell into the hands of the rabbit man with great accuracy, and became the rabbit man's second meal.

After eating two grass babies, the rabbit man's body was covered in blood, and his speed increased sharply.

"They can evolve from eating monsters in the grass, so don't feed them anymore." Yu Liang also noticed this and immediately stopped Li Huachao.

"Understood." Li Huachao nodded, "Since you can't feed them, you can't keep them either. Why don't you pack them all and take them away."

Yu Liang: "?"

What the hell do you want to do?

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