The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 116 One, two, three, rabbit man!

It's next door!

Yu Liang realized this and his eyes instantly fell on the wall beside him.

Is it next door now?

He took out his blind stick and tapped on the wall, hoping to find out what was going on next door.

The blind cane's perspective range is about five meters. This apartment is not big, so if you tap on the wall a few times, you can almost get a general view of the room next door.

A semicircular perspective picture appeared in Yu Liang's mind.

The wardrobe is against the wall, next to the bed, the quilt is on the floor with drag marks, and the things on the table are scattered on the floor.

This is all the picture Yu Liang saw.

There are no people or strange creatures.

Has it taken the woman from the room?

Li Huachao asked, "Why don't you go next door and take a look?"

"Well, let's go take a look." Yu Liang nodded.

He is not a woman and is not its priority target, so he is not very scared.

Targeting women who live alone means that its strength may be very weak, perhaps not as strong as an adult male.

Of course, this may also be a limitation on it. It itself is a strange creature, perhaps based on the violent criminals in real life.

Yu Liang first released the money-sucking ghost. During this period of time together, he had become accustomed to having the money-sucking ghost by his side.

The Scrooge is a humanoid creature with sufficient intelligence and has always been in the universe. What is the difference between that and being in jail?

Moreover, its ability is somewhat coercive, and you might be able to force it to lie down and pick up money when you meet it.

"Where is this place?" The Scrooge looked around, and a confused voice came from the paper hood, "It looks very poor."

"You stay here and guard. No matter who breaks into this room, control it directly and call me." Yu Liang naturally ignored the money-slinging ghost's evaluation of this room. He suddenly thought of something.

Are there any gold and silver treasures in this ghost story world?

Although he already has a deep friendship with the money-grubbing ghost, he still needs "wealth" to better drive the money-grubbing ghost to do things. Money can make the ghost go around.

After giving instructions to the money-keeper, Yu Liang also took out the prison mirror. He planned to use this mirror to go to the next door of the Mirror World.

It doesn't matter if the strange creature he encounters in the mirror world attacks him. Yu Liang can slow down the flow of time, so he doesn't have to be afraid of it at all.


Forget it, if there is no exception, don’t set the flag randomly.

With the Scrooge guarding the mirror, Yu Liang didn't need to worry about other weird creatures running into the mirror world from reality, so he didn't bother to put the mirror in Room 225.

Yu Liang went into the mirror world and fell into room 4306 in the mirror.

Something is wrong with the mirror world here.

Yu Liang realized this the moment he stepped onto this ground.

The feeling of being watched doubled in him.

Now there are two rabbits pestering him?

Could it be that the rabbit in the mirror also noticed him?

Yu Liang glanced at the sheets. There was a pattern like a jade rabbit printed on the sheets. This pattern did not exist in the real world.

Forget it, don’t worry about the debt, let’s go out first.

He walked to the door and looked out at the corridor.

The corridor was quiet and nothing seemed to happen.

"Xiao Yi, go see if there is any danger outside." Yu Liang summoned a small paper man and handed it out through the crack in the door.

This is the safest way. If he uses a blind cane, he can only see the situation near the door by tapping, and cannot see the corridor further away.

It's a pity that the paper man has to hold his head to transmit the picture to him in the form of hallucination, and it cannot be directly transmitted wirelessly.

All we have to do is wait.

After a while, the little paper man came back from the corridor. It pointed outside and shook its head to indicate that no danger was found.

But Yu Liang was stunned when he looked at the paper man Xiao Yi.

At this time, the paper man had long snow-white rabbit ears on its head, and someone had drawn a line on its face with a red pen, outlining a sinister smile.

He quickly opened the universe and looked at Xiao Yi's character card.

Character Card: Paperman.

Gradient: T4.5

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Greedy, timid

Ability: Chaos

"There is no change. The character card does not show any abnormality in the paper man." Yu Liang thought. He tried to take back the paper man Xiao Yi, but he could still retract and retract it freely.

The paper figure in front of him is his Xiaoyi, and he has not been changed.

Yu Liang looked at the paper man Xiaoyi from head to toe. It looked the same as before, but it also discovered its rabbit ears, and was also a little surprised.

However, the paper man didn't have any unnecessary fear. He just thought his rabbit ears were funny, so he reached out and grabbed the rabbit ears and pulled them in front of his eyes to check.

Rabbits are polluting my life.

Rabbits are very enthusiastic.

The rabbit became inseparable from me.

These words popped into Yu Liang's mind, and he began to realize the horror of this rabbit story.

It can directly affect his alienated professional ability!

There had never been any strange stories that could contaminate professional abilities before, and this contamination could not be detected by his personal page.

There is no indication of abnormal status on the Paperman character card.

Wait a minute.

Yu Liang suddenly thought of something. He first asked the paper man Xiao Yi to stand still, then retreated one meter away and released all the strange creatures in the universe.

Thirty-six paper figures, four shadow attendants, mantis...

Even room 225 is the same.

There are no problems with the other ghostly creatures, except for the Paper Man Waiter among the Paper Man group, who also has rabbit ears on his head, and the red pen marks on his face represent a "fearful" expression.

In just an instant, all the paper figures around them retreated, leaving a circle in the crowd. The paper figures dispersed automatically, leaving the confused waiter in the center of the circle, keeping a safe distance from him.

Yu Liang reacted very quickly and kicked Xiao Er away, who had not yet figured out the situation, and let him stay with Xiao Yi.

There is a clear distinction between the two parties.

He looked this way, then that way, and told the paper crowd: "Once rabbit ears grow on someone's head, immediately keep your distance from it and let it go to the other side."

The paper people nodded in agreement, then looked at each other warily, gearing up.

When Yu Liang saw them like this, he knew what was going to happen and immediately stopped them: "No fighting is allowed."

The paper crowd suddenly let out a sigh of relief, as if they had lost some fun.

But Yu Liang is not as heartless as them. The waiter also grew rabbit ears, which shows that his guess is correct.

Rabbitism can be contagious throughout the universe.

Just now, in order to confirm whether the rabbit paper man Xiao Yi was real, he took Xiao Yi into the universe for judgment. Unexpectedly, this rabbit virus was indeed an infectious disease, and even if it was put into the universe, it would cause infection.

So he quickly separated the two sick paper figures from the remaining ghost creatures. He locked the two rabbit paper figures in the toilet and kept them at a distance and spread out for observation.

Among the character cards in the universe, the paper man Xiao Yi’s character card is ranked first, and Xiao Er’s character card is ranked second. In other words, only Xiao Er’s character card is in direct contact with it, so now only Xiao Er is Hit.

Judging from the speed of infection, it only took a few seconds for the waiter to be infected, which shows that the infection of rabbit disease takes effect very quickly.

At this time, Yu Liang had no time to worry about whether "it" was causing trouble next door. In comparison, it was better to control the rabbit disease virus first.

Nothing can go wrong with his weird universe.

Fortunately, the virus did not continue to spread. Yu Liang waited for about five minutes, and no more rabbit patients appeared among the remaining strange creatures, so he put the paper man Xiaosan into the universe to observe, and waited for a minute. Let the mistress out again to watch.

The paper mistress still looked the same and had not mutated into a rabbit paper man, which made Yu Liang feel a little relieved.

This is to confirm that there will be no residual rabbit disease virus in the universe. If these strange creatures are directly put in, if there are still residual viruses in the universe due to what just happened, the whole army may be annihilated.

After confirming, Yu Liang put away all the strange creatures, leaving only the paper figures Xiao Yi and Xiao Er in the mirror world.

He walked into the toilet and wanted to see how the two paper figures were doing.

The two paper men have mastered the method of manipulating the long rabbit ears. Now they are standing upright at a distance, using the two rabbit ears to box, trying to push each other to the ground.

They really don't care at all.

Yu Liang felt a little helpless.

Although it has not yet been shown what serious consequences this rabbit disease will cause, there is no need for you to be so careless, right?

Forget it, they are still in the mood to play with this, which at least shows that this rabbit disease has not put any burden on their bodies, so they can just carry it like this and not put it into the universe.

Of course, with the paper man in this state, Yu Liang did not dare to let the two of them hug his head again. He was a little worried that after the two paper men hugged his head, rabbit ears would grow on his head.


If he grows bunny ears, will the "zhi" in the character column now grow ears as well?

For example, the exclusive and unique character bar also has bunny ears, just like the personalized avatar frame in some games.

It seems interesting.

It's a pity that this rabbit doesn't seem to be the source of ghost stories, so it's still a bit unsightly in front of her. Even if it is infected, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.

But how is rabbit disease spread?

Is it just the close contact?

But he had just had close contact with Xiao Yi, and he didn't grow bunny ears.

Yu Liang touched his head and confirmed that there were no rabbit ears.

Forget it, since it is a strange story, it cannot be judged by common sense, and the way it is spread may also be strange.

Just like the previous ghost story in the zoo, if the ghost story is regarded as a disease, then it uses "cognition" as the transmission method, which is unimaginable in real life.

Yu Liang walked to the door of the room, opened it slowly, then quickly took a few steps back and looked out the door warily.

It was still calm.

He walked out of the door and looked out at the corridor.

It's late at night, and the corridor is empty. The window at the end of the corridor is open, and the night wind blows in from there, and the curtains are constantly being stirred by the wind.

A little chilly.

Yu Liang came to the door of room 4305. He noticed that the door was now open.

It was still closed when he went home before, and the mirror world is a reflection of reality...

"Have you ever moved this door?" Yu Liang asked Xiao Yi directly, who was standing on the ground in front.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

In other words, something came out of this room just now.

But it's not necessarily gone.

Yu Liang secretly became vigilant. He silently took out the chess pieces and hung them behind him. In this case, it was safer to maintain a 360-degree view.

The scene inside the room was similar to what he had seen with his blind stick before. The woman's clothes and sheets were scattered on the floor, and there were signs of rummaging around in the room. It was a mess.


There was neither a woman nor a monster, just wide open windows and curtains that were blown loudly.

The woman has been kidnapped?

No, it's not kidnapping, it should be disappearing.

When he was in his room before, he didn't hear any noise from the next door, and there were no traces of human movement in the corridor. Compared to her being kidnapped, Yu Liang preferred that she disappeared directly from the room.

Look at the window again. Because this is a low floor, there is a layer of anti-theft windows on the outside. Now the anti-theft windows are intact and it doesn't look like anyone can get in or out.

Is it in the toilet?

Yu Liang thought of some corpse dismemberment cases. The final destination of those corpses was usually the sewer of the toilet.

So he stood at the door again, stretched out his blind stick and poked open the toilet door. Through the mirror in the toilet, he could see the whole toilet.

It didn't look like he was hiding a corpse, and he hadn't heard the sound of flushing coming from this room before.

So the occupants of this room just disappeared out of thin air?

And he saw neither the perpetrator nor the tormentor.

This dungeon of ghost stories seems completely different from what I have experienced before.

Yu Conscience felt a little uneasy. If it was a copy of the previous physical monster, he could still rely on Li Huachao or various methods to counter the monster.

Li Huachao could even bully those strange creatures by relying on his abnormal physical fitness and abilities, but this copy seemed completely different.

Yu Liang has never seen a monster so far, but his surroundings are full of weirdness.

Are all these monsters similar to concepts, virtuality, and thinking?

That's really bad news.

He searched around and found nothing in the mirror world, so he had to return to reality through the mirror.

The Scrooge is still guarding the mirror, and he doesn't dare to stay too long in the mirror world.

Yu Liang took the Scrooge back to the universe first. He was still worried that the Scrooge would also grow rabbit ears on his head, and then he planned to go downstairs to have a look.

Anyway, there is no trace of "it" now, and Yu Liang doesn't intend to spend too much time on it.

It's after midnight and it's game time in the neighborhood.

The game is a way to obtain supplies on the surface, and it is also the basis of this dungeon. He can't escape, so he might as well face it as soon as possible.

After stepping into the corridor again, Yu Liang noticed something more at the end of the corridor.

Rabbit people.

A plastic dummy wearing a fluffy rabbit hood, with dull eyes and a bright red mouth, was standing in front of the window at the end of the corridor, about 20 meters away from Yu Liang.

When did it appear?

When I first entered the mirror world, there was no such thing.

Yu Liang froze in place, but after observing for a while, the bunny man did not move at all, just like a real dummy.

There doesn't seem to be any danger.

He turned around and walked towards the window on the other side. This was the third floor, and he always felt that the stairwells below the third floor were dangerous, so he decided to let Li Huachao climb down directly from the third-floor window.

It moves!

At this time, Yu Liang's eyes behind him saw the rabbit dummy shrinking its hands and putting them on its chest, walking slowly toward him with its legs raised high, looking sneaky.

It's a bit funny, but combined with the stiff expression on the hood, it becomes extremely weird.

Yu Liang turned around instantly, but he didn't see the bunny man walking around. He only saw the bunny mannequin standing upright, with the same stiff smile.

It was obvious that the Bunnyman was getting closer to him.

[Joined the game...]

[One, two, three, rabbit man! 】

[Rules: When you face it, it cannot move; when you turn your back to it, it will run towards you; every time you turn your back to it, the bunnyman's movement speed will be reset to a random and constant value. . 】

[Task: Send it back to where it belongs, take your time. 】

[Note: Don’t be caught up by it, don’t disappear from its sight, otherwise... you understand. 】

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