The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 114 (Interesting chapter, must read) The Bizarre Adventure of Li Huachao

"Shield." Yu Liang's focus is still on this last one, because this is the only ability without any consumption.

Like the mirror spirit in the Kaidan copy, he has the ability to cut off the connection between the mirror world and the real world, which means that he can hide in the mirror when he encounters danger.

Wait, if you use a mirror in a Kaitan dungeon, will you encounter the mirror images of those Kaitan creatures in the mirror?

I just don’t know if mirror image monsters are “wood monsters”. If they can be influenced and instilled with concepts like the person in the mirror, wouldn’t it be possible to use them in reverse?

You can try it in the next copy.

However, Yu Liang also remembered that after he entered the mirror world, the mirror in the real world would be forced to remain and could not be stored in his inventory.

He is in a low-level world, and there is no "ruler" in the high-level real world, so monsters can follow him into the mirror world, and he cannot escape the pursuit of strange creatures.

This just seems a bit silly.

Moreover, he in the mirror cannot change the position of the mirror. In other words, his teleportation point is fixed. If the monster guards the mirror and does not leave, he will be trapped and die in the mirror world.

Guard my corpse, right?

"It seems like it can't be used to avoid monsters." Yu Liang sighed in his heart and gave up the idea.

I thought there was a perfect way to escape pursuit.

Looking at the following rules, only in the real world can he set up a place in advance that cannot be "shielded", and only in the real world can he restore the connection between the mirror world and reality.

In other words, if he does not set up a safe zone in the real world, then after entering the mirror world and blocking contact, he will not be able to return to reality.

Trapped in this mirror forever.

Yu Liang realized the importance of this matter and immediately kept it in mind. If he was trapped in the mirror world due to an operational error...

That would be stupid.

A safe zone must be set up, but it depends on where it is set. If it is not set up well, other strange creatures can enter the mirror world from the mirror in the real safe zone.

Although the strange creature entering the mirror world may give Yu Liang a chance to destroy it. After all, Yu Liang is now the God in the mirror, but if you think about it carefully, the cost of destroying it may be lifespan...

Yu Liang does not want to become a short-lived God.

In the following time, Yu Liang also accompanied her for a casual walk in this mirror world.

She spoke very little and only focused on herself and watching herself play.

Yu Liang was also very happy. He was constructing the main line of the novel in his mind, and his task was quite heavy.

It’s time to save some manuscripts.

After wandering around until five or six in the morning when the sky was dark, she finally noticed that Yu Liang who was following her was already drowsy and walking like a zombie, so she thoughtfully chose to go home.

After traveling back from the mirror again, Yu Liang put the mirror into his inventory and fell asleep. It seemed that he had not rested for a long time. He had been alone in a small room with Xiao Ran from the double mirror world. I've been up all night, and now I'm even more sleepy.

Of course, before falling asleep, he naturally threw Li Huachao into the scene of the zoo copy.

——Don’t sleep, you are so energetic, go and clear the dungeon for me.


After receiving a positive reply, Yu Liang allowed the Sand Demon to invade and slept until noon.


When he opened his eyes again, Yu Liang stretched out on the bed, then turned over and turned on his phone skillfully.

Play with your phone first.

He opened KouKou, and sure enough, editor Dalong had already sent him a message back.

Editor Dalong: It's okay, it's okay, everyone has emergencies, as long as they are not eunuchs.

Yu Liang: I will try my best to update in the future. Last time, things happened suddenly, so I’m sorry.

Editor Dalong: OK, I will help you apply for next week’s recommendation again, and try to keep it updated during the promotion period.

Yu Liang: Okay.

"Okay, luckily the editor is pretty easy to talk to." Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. This is normal. After all, the book's initial results were good.

After doing this, he turned over again and started to watch short videos.

After finally returning to reality, it is better to enjoy a better life.

In the world of ghost stories every day, the people around him are not normal. Living in such a place with overwhelming negative emotions for a long time, either killing monsters or killing people, Yu Liang is a little unable to bear it.

Until now, Yu Liang had only used characters or summons to deal with enemies. If he really had to kill enemies with his own hands, he would still feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, in reality he is just an ordinary author of ghost stories.

An hour later, driven by hunger, Yu Liang finally got out of bed, ordered a takeaway and started to wash up.

As a writer, his life is actually very simple. He basically stays at home and writes.

The day passed quickly, and it was not until dusk fell that Yu Liang stood up from his seat, moved briefly, and then opened the page.

If I remember correctly, this copy of Prison Mirror seemed to come with an enhancement coupon.

Just like last time, Yu Liang directly opened the enhanced page, and then examined the character cards in his universe.

[Strengthening Target: Character Card·Paper Man]

[Strengthening method 1: Strengthen a single individual, increase the weight of weird characteristics and monsters, and make the individual break through to a T3.5 monster creature]

[Strengthening method 2: Strengthen the target group and upgrade all monster creatures with the same name to T4 level monster creatures]

The enhancements of the first few character cards are similar to those seen before, but the character card in room 225 is different from them.

[Strengthening target: Character card·Room 225]

[The target is a T3 level monster creature, and you can choose any of two strengthening directions. 】

[Strength direction 1: Increase the shadow range from 10 meters to 30 meters. 】

[Strengthening direction 2: Increase the "accommodation" attribute. You can store up to three items or strange creatures (including supernatural items) in room 225. If the gradient level of the items or monsters placed in the room does not exceed Room 225, you can forcibly invalidate its supernatural properties for 10 minutes. Note: Room 225 does not have high tolerance, and an overly sensitive constitution may cause it to expel strange creatures in advance. 】

[Strengthening direction 3: Increase defense power. 】

[Strengthening direction 4: Obtain primary attack means. 】

"If I use enhancement coupons for T3's monster creatures, can I choose the direction of enhancement?" Yu Liang read it one by one. He didn't pay attention to this information before, because he decided to strengthen the paper man group after reading it halfway.

The first strengthening direction is to increase the shadow range from 10 meters to 30 meters.

[Shadow Detention]: If a living person enters this room, his shadow can be detained; the person who has lost his shadow cannot leave the 10-meter radius of this room.

Judging from this alone, the restraint range has changed from 10 meters to 30 meters. This does not seem to be a good thing. Strengthening seems to have become weakening, but Yu Liang knows that room 225 originally appeared with Shadow Warrior. In other words, their abilities are linked.

After someone enters Room 225, Juying can take away their shadow, and the shadow will be replaced by the Shadow Attendant.

The target will move with its own shadow, which means that the target's movements will be controlled by the shadow attendant at its feet.

When there is a shadow, Shadow Attendant can only affect the target by interfering with the shadow. When Shadow Attendant becomes the target's shadow, the target captured by the shadow becomes Shadow Attendant's puppet.

Then let's look at the scope of Juying. This is actually not the scope of restraint, but the scope of controlling the puppet.

Originally, the puppet could only be controlled within a 10-meter range, but now it can be controlled within a 30-meter range. This is obviously an enhancement.

The next dungeon should no longer be a single-player dungeon, and you will encounter many players. This enhancement seems to be quite useful.

Controlling players or something...

Quite interesting.

Yu Liang chuckled, and then suddenly stopped smiling.

No, how could this damn desire for control be so strong? I am not the "Yu Liang" in the copy of Guitan.

As for the second way to strengthen...

Add a holding attribute that can hold up to three items or strange creatures?

This accommodation does not refer to simply placing it inside, but refers to whether the things in Room 225 are still placed in the room after Yu Liang took it back into the universe.

If it were like before, after Room 225 is taken into the universe, the things in it that don't belong to it will be forcibly vomited out.

If you strengthen this one, you don't have to worry about this, and it can also seal and suppress the strange creatures that enter it.

Looks pretty good.

However, compared to continuing to strengthen the paper people group, Yu Liang still prefers to strengthen the paper people. Once the strengthening of the paper people group starts, don’t stop, otherwise all the efforts will be wasted...


Can supernatural objects be placed?

So can the prison mirror be put in?

If you release Room 225 first, then hang a mirror in the room, enter the mirror world through the mirror, and then take Room 225 into the universe...

Wouldn’t the mirror (teleportation point) of the real world disappear?

Not only can monsters not be able to chase him into the mirror world, they can't even guard corpses. After all, the exit is stored in his universe.

What's even more outrageous is that he can rush through the mirror world, reach his destination in a safer way, release Room 225, and then go through the mirror to the corresponding location in reality.

For example, Yu Liang is currently in Haicheng, which is two days' walk from Hangzhou.

He could put the mirror into Room 225, enter the mirror world, and slow down the time in the mirror world by twice, which is equivalent to doubling his speed.

Taking advantage of the increased speed, it only takes him one day to reach Hangzhou, then release Room 225 in the mirror world, and reach the real Hangzhou through the mirror.

What was originally a two-day journey now only takes one day, and that may not be obvious yet.

What if the flow of time is slowed down ten times?

What if Yu Liang chooses to drive?


It seems that you can't use cars in the mirror world, because things in the mirror world will be affected by the slowed down time flow, but wouldn't it be fine if you just drive a car in the real world?

Well, the size of the mirror is still a bit difficult to fit into a car, but it is still no problem to fit in a folding bicycle.

Or simply disassemble the car, the parts enter the mirror world in batches, and then assemble them again.

In this way, he can have a "real" car from reality in the mirror world!

Of course, Yu Liang doesn't really need to go that far, he just needs to maintain such a "high movement speed" in the world of ghost stories.

For example, I was in this room one second and appeared in another building the next second.

It will definitely make those evil spirits confused.

To outsiders, he also has the ability to teleport.

If he thinks of Room 225 as his home, then his family can be considered a move.

This technique is very useful just thinking about it in my head. The only thing that needs to be considered is...

How much life does it take to change the time flow rate in the mirror world?

If the life span consumed is only measured in seconds and minutes, he can use it as a standing method.

If the unit is years, Yu Liang can only sacrifice "high movement speed", and it is also possible to use this method to appear invisible.

Of course, driving or riding a bicycle to a designated location in the mirror world can barely be considered "high speed". If there is no transportation, you can use Li Huachao instead.

Since strengthening room 225 can create more linkages between your skills, it is better to strengthen this character card first.

Yu Liang happily used the enhancement coupon on the character card in room 225, and then selected the first and second enhancement directions.


Means of attack?

Does it matter?

Room 225 is not a combat-type monster, so what’s the use of adding defense and new attack methods?

There is a specialization in the art industry, and if you are an assistant, just be a support. What's the point of having to compete with the C position for output?

Then Yu Liang also put the idea into practice and nodded with satisfaction after mastering it flexibly.

This time, the main body has one more means of escape.

As a weak and alienated professional writer, there is no problem in maxing out the escape attribute, right?

Yu Liang thought happily, and then continued to devote himself to the coding work.

The number of words in the new book has reached 40,000, and the collection has reached over 8,000. As a new book by a newcomer, it has achieved such results before it was published, which is enough to make any new author jealous.

I'm going to be on fire.

With such a beautiful vision, Yu Liang started a life of three points and one line.

Bed, computer, dining table.

In addition, I just take her out for a simple walk every night to let her feel that there are real things in the world besides games.

Just like walking your dog regularly.

Ahem, shush——

And Yu Liang also started a life without mirrors. This didn't sound like a problem, but after there was no mirror, Yu Liang realized that this seemed to be quite troublesome.

Every time he looks in the mirror to see if he has washed his face or is neatly dressed, he can only see the wall behind him. There is no doubt that this has a great impact on his life.

Fortunately, he still has chess pieces.

Pointing the word "eye" on the chess piece to his face, he can still see what he looks like. If there is no eye piece, he may not recognize his face in a few years.

This time, his stay in reality was much longer than he imagined. For half a month, he did not receive any express mail from the world of ghost stories, and there were no flyers, tickets, or anything like that.

If she hadn't been in the living room playing video games in front of the TV day and night, Yu Liang would even feel that his life was no different from before entering the world of ghost stories.

Looking at Li Huachao, his exploration in the zoo scene also achieved staged success.

First, he helped the "elephant" with the power of transformation successfully regain his strength, and once again transformed into a natural disaster in the zoo, killing everyone.

Under the guidance of Li Huachao, the "indescribable phenomenon" transformed into Toad's deceased sister-in-law in the dormitory building, and then performed a pole dance in front of Toad...

Yu Liang didn't know why Li Huachao was so keen on watching the weird creatures pole dancing, let alone why he could always successfully control the weird creatures that didn't seem to talk very well.

The furious toad chased Xiang and Li Huachao for a whole day and night. When passing by Lao Du's grave, Li Huachao successfully dug up Lao Du's grave with a light-speed dog plane, obtained the metal spoon string from Lao Du's inheritance, and then made a A large number of bear traps trapped the elephant behind him...

The result was that the elephant was caught by a toad and beaten violently. The scene made those who heard it cry and those who saw it were sad.

It is worth mentioning that Lao Du's tomb was repaired by Li Huachao. He built Lao Du's tomb before meeting Yu Liang. In addition to Yu Liang's burned corpse, the coffin contained Lao Du's huge travel bag. .

As for why he didn't take away Lao Du's inheritance at that time...

Li Huachao said that things belonging to the dead cannot go smoothly and are unlucky.

In short, the final outcome is that Toad left the dormitory building, and after venting his anger, he was too lazy to go back.

Now that you have broken the shackles you have set, you can simply liberate yourself completely.

And Toad also seemed to have a personality reversal, changing from dull and silent overnight to——

The laughing toad.

This change also won the favor of Li Huachao, so after the elephant, he had another fox friend, and even completed the "zoo sworn bond" under the towering ancient tree where the tree keeper stayed, and became three brothers.

Li Huachao was extremely illiterate and came to pledge his blood as an ally. Well, he pledged his blood to the keeper of the tree.

The tree keeper protested on the spot, and the tree was stolen the next day, and he was successfully promoted to become a Zhu keeper.

Big brother, Li Huachao.

God knows why Li Huachao, a super giant baby who was only one month old, became the eldest brother.

Second brother, Toad.

The third brother is Xiang.

Here we became brothers with the same surname.

Toad and Xiang originally had no surnames, but at Li Huachao's suggestion, they changed their surnames to Li. One was named Li Erchan and the other was named Li Sanxiang.

The eldest brother is cheap, the second brother is crazy, and the third brother is stupid.

In short, they are causing trouble in this zoo. Fortunately, the carnivorous monsters each have terrifying magical powers, otherwise they would have been destroyed by the three Li brothers.

Even with magical powers, the life of the carnivorous monsters is not easy. The territory they control is only 60% of the original. Some weaker monsters are defeated one by one, and they can only continue to shrink their defenses.

The defeat has been revealed.

The most obvious point is that some herbivores or omnivores have slipped away from the carnivorous camp and returned to the herbivore camp. They already have a relatively flexible bottom line of feeding habits. It is not surprising that the person who is in charge of current affairs decides to be a talented person.

In order to continue to attract these former betrayers to betray again, Tuyou also generously expressed his innocence and issued a notice.

In eradicating evil, only the first evil will be eliminated, and those who surrender and repent will not be killed.

This also directly leads to the fact that every time a hunt is about to succeed, the prey will always surrender and beg for mercy.

Under Tuyou's repeated instructions, Li Huachao could only stop angrily.

The male is dancing, the female is pole dancing.

Li's reputation as a pervert spread far and wide.

However, for these strange creatures with extremely strong regeneration capabilities, even paying them is no problem.

Of course, there are also those who discover a new world because of this and then choose not to grow back.

These monsters claim that there should be a third gender, and God has given monsters the right to freedom. They already have the right to choose their own gender. This is the so-called natural monster right.

They claim to be "rainbow animals". For example, the leader among them, a muscular monster horse, calls itself a "rainbow pony".

My Little Pony also respected Li Huachao as the "Father of Transgender People". As soon as this statement came out, all parties responded, and Li Huachao was so angry that he hunted down the Rainbow Pony for three days and three nights.

Thanks to the fact that it was a horse and had excellent escape speed, it escaped a tragic fate.

In this regard, Li Huachao claimed that he fully supports the natural power of monsters, but he is God, so he can take back the power of monsters whenever he wants. These rainbow animals had better be careful, shente or shente. OK.

Since the surrender order was issued, the difficulty of a successful hunt has gradually increased.

Li Huachao found that no matter where he went now, strange creatures would immediately recognize him. If an enemy animal recognized him, he would immediately raise his hands and surrender, handing him over without giving him any time to kill him.

Therefore, Li Huachao also developed the habit of "covering his mouth first when fighting" during this period to prevent these prey from making a sound to surrender, and even formed muscle memory.

As for the actual impact, this is a topic for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

Half a month passed quickly. When Yu Liang woke up this morning, in addition to adding more than 300 collections and 50 to 60 rewards, he also found that he had another courier with pay on delivery.

That's a letter.

From the world of ghost stories.

It’s two chapters in one, I’m too lazy to separate chapters.

Then let’s make up for half the chapter that the alliance leader owes ^_^

Open a new volume tomorrow

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