The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 113 God in the Mirror

came back.

Yu Liang looked at the familiar small room and felt his whole body relax.

Finally home.

No matter how dangerous the ghost stories are, this home is always safe.

It's not because there are no ghost stories in the real world, it's just because the most terrifying ghost stories in the real world are right next to him.

Yu Liang looked at her in a black dress emerging from his shadow and said nothing.

She looked at Yu Liang in the same way, but lost interest without even looking twice, and turned to the sofa.

When she reached the fifth step, she looked back at Yu Liang again, the meaning in her eyes was obvious.

Follow me, or I'll go out of range and I'll be back in the damn character bar.

Yu Liang looked at the sofa just one step in front of her and said, "It's okay. I upgraded the character range. Now you can move within seven meters of me."

"Yeah." She nodded, then lay down on the sofa with confidence and turned on the TV skillfully.

"When I was in the Kaitan world, couldn't you follow my vision and see what was happening outside?" Yu Liang was also curious. If she could see it, wouldn't she not know that his character range had improved?

"Not interested." She replied shortly, and then grabbed the handle that had been on the coffee table.

"Okay." Yu Liang responded angrily, turned around, walked to the table in the living room, and looked at the mirror placed on the table.

He was already very familiar with this mirror. He stretched out his hand to touch the simple carvings on the mirror and used "View" on the mirror.


prison mirror

Name: Mirror

Texture: metal

Supernatural attribute: Through the mirror

[Through Mirror]: You can use this mirror to travel to the mirror world.

·The changes you cause in the mirror world will not be reflected in reality

·Any changes in the mirror world will be restored to the same reality after one hour.

·If the changes in the mirror world are too great, the mirror world will automatically cut off the connection with the real world.

Note: Do not change the mirror world at will! Don't change! Don't change!

"There is no mirror image of me?" Yu Liang was stunned when he couldn't see himself in the mirror.

He was ready for himself to behave strangely in the mirror, but he didn't expect that he wasn't there at all.

"Hasn't your mirror image been locked into the world of the copy?" She heard Yu Liang's muttering to himself, so she said, but she did not look at Yu Liang and was still operating the handle.

"The one who was imprisoned is my mirror image?" Yu Liang blinked when he heard this. According to the setting of the copy of Ghost Story, he is the Yu Liang in the mirror, but now this setting is reversed in reality?

"Just like what he said, those who come out alive are not mirror images, so the same goes for you." She replied lightly.

But then again, didn't she say she wasn't interested in seeing what happened in the copy?

What happened? Isn't she Du Menqing?

Of course, Yu Liang only complained a few words in his heart and had absolutely no intention of speaking out.

"That means that in the future, my appearance will no longer be reflected in the mirror?" Yu Liang turned to look at the glass surface of the cabinet beside him. Sure enough, he could not see his own figure in the reflection.

But she ignored him and just played her own game.

Yu Liang looked at the image in the mirror without himself, and couldn't help but marvel.

In this case, you have to stay away from places with mirrors in the future, otherwise won't you scare others?

Other than that, there was nothing else to pay attention to. Generally speaking, he thought this was good. After all, there was no "mirror spirit" in this mirror. If there was a guy who looked exactly like him in the mirror, he would Planning to replace him...

That's not a good thing either.

Yu Liang turned around and walked into his bedroom. Now the character's effective range has reached seven steps. In such a small apartment, Yu Liang basically does not have to worry that her activities will cause her to be forcibly taken back.

He sat in front of the computer, turned on the computer and looked at the time.

It's about three o'clock in the morning.

April 20th…

Wait, April 20th? !

Yu Liang's eyes suddenly widened and he couldn't believe the current date.

If I remember correctly, he seemed to have left in the early morning of April 18th?

It's been two days? !

It happened to be the time he spent in his third life in this copy of Ghost Story.

But doesn’t time in the ghost story stand still?

He came outside the bedroom in an instant and asked her quickly: "After entering the ghost story, doesn't time in the real world stand still?"

"Huh?" She raised her eyes and glanced at Yu Liang, as if she was dissatisfied with her game being interrupted again and again, so her tone was a little angry, "Who told you that it was still?"

"That was in your zoo before..." Yu Liang frowned slightly.

When he came out of the zoo, he paid attention to the passage of time and determined that the real time had not changed.

"Didn't you...didn't find it when you were exploring before?" She continued, "That copy evolved from a diary, referring to what happened from April 31st to April 37th. It’s outside the normal timeline, and seven days is a cycle, and everyone including me is trapped in those seven days that don’t exist.”

When she said this, she was also a little curious. Could Yu Liang solve the final puzzle, but he didn't even discover such a basic thing?

Yu Liang: "..."

Don't tell me, he really doesn't know this information.

Looking back on his journey to the zoo——

Entering the park, being chased by a crocodile, meeting Lao Du, becoming blind, getting the "key", fighting back, and creating the Li Hua Dynasty...

Just like the raiding party, he had almost no extra time to explore. He went all the way through the main line and then ended the copy, so he did not fully explore this setting.

But this didn't surprise him too much. He had also seen that person's diary. In it, April 31st to April 37th happened to be the beginning of the diary owner's alienation and the end of his life.

Wait a minute……


No updates for two days!

Yu Liang suddenly realized this, his expression suddenly changed, he hurriedly got into his bedroom and sat down in front of the computer.

In fact, his computer contains the manuscripts from the past two days, but he thought that entering the copy would not consume real time, so he was too lazy to set a scheduled release.

So now it's bad.

For an online article, it takes three days to publish the book and then immediately stop updating it for two days. What the hell is this?

He quickly opened his writer's assistant, and the first thing he saw was the comment area. In just two days of updating, he had already accumulated nearly a thousand inquiries.


"No more updates today?"

"Did the author run away?"

"I've only written ten chapters on Eunuch, so it doesn't have to be so short, right?"

"You didn't update it yesterday, and you won't update it today? Why don't you send a notice when you ask for leave?"

"Could it be that the dog author Piao Chang got in?"

Yu Liang quickly switched to the chapter publishing page and posted two days of updates before he began to think of a reasonable reason for his disappearance.

I disappeared for two days without a mobile phone, computer, or Internet, and I couldn't contact the outside world at all...

What better reason could there be?

His eyes fell on a certain comment, to be precise, on the word "Piao Chang".


Forget it, that's fifteen days of detention, so it's not suitable for use here. If you are locked up in a copy for fifteen days in the future, you can consider it.

Bah, no, of course I will save enough manuscripts from today on and publish them regularly and quantitatively every day!

Yu Liang secretly made up his mind, and he quickly thought of a persuasive reason and quickly added the details.


Sorry, no updates for two days

As the title indicates, in the past two days, I was suddenly asked by the company to go abroad to sign a contract for a joint project with the local government. This is a confidential contract, so it cannot be updated.

The incident happened suddenly, so I couldn’t explain the situation to everyone.

Three more chapters to express my apologies.

"It's okay, that's it." Yu Liang nodded with satisfaction. In fact, he didn't know how credible his statement was, but it was easier to convince than the reason "I went to Monster World to get a copy." Bar?

He then released his last three chapters of the manuscript, hoping that all readers would lose their memory and expose this matter.

After he finished writing the notice, a lot of comments came in from the chapters that had just been updated. Yu Liang looked at the time and confirmed that it was early morning.

Can anyone see the update at this time?



"Fake corpse?"

"Grandpa, the author you are following has been updated!"

"Okay, good grandson."

Yu Liang paid attention to the content of these comments. Fortunately, he used three additional chapters to apologize, so most readers did not embarrass him, but just said that he would not do it again.

However, Yu Liang knew very well that he still lacked many readers.

After all, it was updated suddenly after two days of interruption. Readers didn’t know what happened, and their attention to the book was reduced.

It is common to hate out of love.

After the update, Yu Liang finally remembered that he wanted his own editing dragon, so he opened the social software to take a look.

Sure enough, there were dozens of messages from editor Dalong.

"Author, there is no update today?"

"My dear author, if there is anything urgent, you can tell me first."

"My dear author, I'd like to move this week's recommendations back for you first, and wait until you resume updating. The operations department has regulations that books that are out of date cannot be recommended."


Yu Liang read it one by one, feeling inexplicably guilty in his heart.

Fortunately, it was already very late now. Editor Dalong was probably sleeping and hadn't noticed his sudden corpse update yet.

So he sent an explanation message to his editor and promised that he would not stop updating in the coming days.

No, updates will not be discontinued without reason.

After doing all this, Yu Liang came to the mirror again. He wanted to explore the mirror world again and test what the "all permissions unlocked" in the previous reward prompt box meant.

"Do you want to follow me?" Yu Liang turned around and looked at her who was playing games in front of the TV.

She just stared at Yu Liang calmly, "Do you think I have the right to choose?"

"Okay, how about you come with me?" Yu Liang said, "Aren't you worried that others will be mentally contaminated and become mentally ill when they see your appearance? It's okay to look at the world in the mirror, right? ?”

These words also made her a little moved. She looked at the TV in front of her and immediately decided to go to the mirror world to see it.

Yu Liang put his hand into the mirror, and then passed his whole body through the mirror and came to the mirror world.

There was no difference between the world in the mirror and reality. He walked out of his apartment and walked onto the street.

It's early in the morning, and this is a suburb, so there are almost no people on the streets outside, except for the 24-hour convenience store that is still open.

The night breeze is blowing, and the coolness is refreshing.

She looked at the world with some curiosity. For her, anything outside the zoo was novel.

But Yu Liang just glanced at her twice, and then entered his own page, wanting to study what was going on in the mirror world.

[You are now in the mirror world and have unlocked all permissions in the mirror world, please check in time]


prison mirror

·Creation: You have the ability to "create" in the mirror world. You can create objects of unit volume by paying real texture.

·Destruction: You have the ability to "destroy" in the mirror world. You can destroy objects per unit volume by paying the real texture.

·Modification: You have the ability to "modify" in the mirror world. By paying your lifespan, you can temporarily modify the basic attributes of the world, including time flow rate, light intensity, etc.

··Note that this modification only takes effect on native things in the mirror world.

·Shield: You have the ability to "shield". You can unilaterally cut off the connection between reality and the mirror world. When you're in the real world, you can set up a location so that its connection to reality cannot be severed. You can use [Prison Mirror] at a preset location to travel between the mirror world and reality.

··Note that when you are in the mirror world, you cannot restore the connection between reality and the mirror world.

"This is..." Yu Liang looked at each item one by one, feeling increasingly surprised.

This mirror has more permissions than he imagined!

Create, destroy, modify...

This is basically no different from God, right?

In other words, when he comes to the mirror world through this mirror, isn't he the God in the mirror?

But after thinking about it, Yu Liang's joy gradually disappeared.

Because the restrictions are quite large.

Creation and destruction will require payment of texture, and the texture must be real texture, which is not a serious price; modifying the basic properties of the world requires paying lifespan...

Yu Liang felt that he should not need this function under normal circumstances.

And when I checked the mirror before, the notes were clearly written.

[Note: Do not change the mirror world at will! Don't change! Don't change! 】

The official website of this strange world has marked it this way. Yu Liang felt that it would be better not to touch this bad luck casually.

If the world in the mirror is mutated, wouldn't it be over?

Yu Liang couldn't help but be speechless when he thought of the mist disaster that happened in the Kaidan dungeon.

But then again, if you throw the enemy into this mirror world, wouldn't you be able to knead it as much as you want?

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